Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1414

Immortal Elder Nanguo sneaked up and appeared in the Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain like a rabbit, but this Old Rabbit was blocked by Jiang Nan before he could escape in the future.

Immortal Elder Nanguo hides and is forced to a corner.

"Immortal Elder, you went to the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone a hundred years ago and never return."

Jiang Nan complexion is not good, saying: "I have been to the Uninhabited Zone these years Many times, I visited Primeval Dao Monarch, but I didn’t find you. Where did you hide?"

Immortal Elder Nanguo has disappeared mysteriously from time to time, especially in the last two thousand years. The number of disappearances has become more and more frequent recently. One time is just one hundred years away.

Even Jiang Nan can’t help being curious. This Old Rabbit has always been invaluable. Where there is treasure, it must be immediately slipped over to compete for treasure. Now Immortal Realm Nine Great Voids has started such big things one by one, he Unexpectedly not present, it is really weird!

Immortal Elder Nanguo stood at the root of the wall, with walls on three sides. The only way out was blocked by Jiang Nan. There was no way to escape. Then he stomped again and again, saying: "I have suffered from the plague all these years. While the Nine Great Voids has not yet been opened, first go to the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone to get some benefits. Who wants to be spotted for no reason, block me there, and finally ran out! Cult Master, you... Hey, you are going to die! !"

"You are dying!"

Jiang Nan furiously said: "When I come back, I will curse me to death, Immortal Elder, you said something nice!"


Immortal Elder Nanguo was a little absent-minded, and sighed: "I am also bad luck on the top of my head, bad luck has contaminated destiny imperial canopy, good destiny, and the result is blocked by others and almost never came back... Cult Master, you are better than me It’s worse, your bad luck has contaminated the imperial canopy, the Primordial Spirit is filled with Death Energy, and the fated tribulation is heavy. Human Tribulation Heavenly Tribulation is coming. Isn’t it dying?"

Jiang Nan blinked his eyes , Turning anger into joy, said with a smile: "Since Immortal Elder can see it, then he must know the way to resolve it, right?"

"Where do I know the way to resolve it?"

Immortal Elder Nanguo stroked his white beard and blinked his eyes, saying with a smile: "Immortal Realm wants to kill you, and I can't do anything. There used to be big men like Myriad Curses Dao Monarch and Asceticism Heavenly Venerate. Immortal Realm has no time to deal with you. Now Myriad Curses and Asceticism have gone from Immortal Dao, so you become a big man. I don’t know anything about it. How about you cut your own cultivation base? No, if you cut your own cultivation base, it’s too much. No Human Tribulation that 1-pass."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Immortal Dy The nasty is shattered and the destiny is dissipated. I use Three Realms as the destiny, so that my destiny cannot be completely destroyed. Immortal Elder, what do you think of this move? Can you survive this tribulation? "

Immortal Elder Nanguo shook his head and said, "Three Realms, how big can destiny be?" The destiny of Three Realms can't protect you. If you count on the destiny of Three Realms, you will definitely die! "

Jiang Nan heart shivered with cold, he also has worries in this regard, and continued: "If I was abandoned the Divinity to become Immortal, can I survive this tribulation? "

Immortal Elder Nanguo glanced at him and said with a smile: "If you are abandoned the Divinity to become Immortal, immediately Dao Heart will be defeated, Dao Heart will be defeated, and you can't even pass Human Tribulation and you will die. undoubtedly! "

Jiang Nan was shocked and admired in his heart. Empyrean Origin, Profound Metropolis and the others were unable to see this point. He thought Jiang Nan would be safe and sound as long as he abandoned the Divinity to become Immortal, instead of Immortal Elder. Nanguo can see this old but still lecherous clearly!

He pondered for a long time, and slowly said: "Immortal Elder, if I use the method of steal the sky and change the day, grafting flowers onto tree, let others If I was robbed on my behalf, can I get through the fated tribulation? My Heavenly Tribulation is not tolerated by Immortal Dao. If someone else is robbed on my behalf, I can escape the fated tribulation, right? "

Immortal Elder Nanguo shook his head and said: "Waiting for you to be robbed?" This person must have the same cultivation technique and the same cultivation base boundary as your cultivation before grafting flowers onto tree steal the sky and change the day. Where can you find such a person? "

Jiang Nan hand grasps the Primordial Beginning Energy in the Divine Wheel, and his mind moves slightly, I saw this Primordial Beginning Energy turned into Immortal Dao Jiang Nan standing in front of them , Bowed and said: "Zichuan has met two Fellow Daoists. "

Immortal Elder Nanguo rounded his eyes, looked up and down Immortal Dao Jiang Nan, clicking one's tongue in wonder, and exclaimed: "Primordial Beginning Energy! Where did you get this treasure? If there is such a treasure, you can use the method of grafting flowers onto tree steal the sky and change the day to let you spend the fated tribulation! "

Jiang Nan blinked and said with a smile: "Immortal Elder has seen Primordial Beginning Energy? "

Immortal Elder Nanguo shook his head quickly and said: "Where have I met?" I just heard people say that there are such treasures, and I was fortunate to see it today..."

"Here again! "

Jiang Nan secretly said in one's heart: "If you haven't seen it, how can you recognize it as Primordial Beginning Energy at a glance?" "

He told the origin of this Primordial Beginning Energy again, Immortal Elder Nanguo couldn't help but frown, and sighed: "If it's the treasure given to you by Emperor and Exalted, then you won't be able to save it. Over fated tribulation. Immortal Realm is the arrangement of Emperor and Exalted. In front of their arrangement, you are unable to steal the sky and change the day, unable to grafting flowers onto a tree, and there is no doubt that you will die. "

Jiang Nan is slumped, this road will not work.

Immortal Elder Nanguo makes a haha, said with a smile: "I tell you an idea, you go to Dao Monarch Palace, most people in Dao Monarch Palace can do it. "

Jiang Nan spirit shakes, then shook his head: "I don't know Dao Monarch Palace well, how can they help me?" "

Immortal Elder Nanguo hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "I can't help it either." But I have heard people say...well, I met an Old Guy and gave me a faith token, which is said to be the token of Dao Monarch Palace. With this token, you can ask Dao Monarch Palace to do something for you. Now, this token..."

The muscles in the corners of his eyes jumped wildly, gnashing one's teeth, and looked like flesh pain, and said: "I'll sell it to you! "

Jiang Nan was shocked when he saw his flesh pain with a hideous face, said with a smile: "Immortal Elder, just a token, as for such flesh pain? "

"This is the token of Dao Monarch Palace! "

Immortal Elder Nanguo's muscles in the corners of his eyes jumped, took out a jade token, and said with a heartache: "This token old man will sell you...in the future you will also do one for me...two Pieces, um, three things! "

Jiang Nan couldn't help being speechless, and took the token from him, whispered: "Three things? You are really blackhearted. "

"Repay me if you don't want it! ”

Jiang Nan hurriedly held the token tightly and looked at it carefully, only to see the word "Palace" engraved on the token, the endless prestige does not look like a fake immortal Elder Nanguo. Goods, when the token is about to be put away, the pressure on my heart is suddenly lighter, said with a smile: "Immortal Elder, you came just right, and I have one more thing to please. Spirit Maiden of Primal Chaos Heaven Country invites me to be a guest and also invites Immortal Elder to accompany me. "

"Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit? "

Immortal Elder Nanguo hesitantly said: "I will not go. With my strength, this small body and bones, entering the Primal Chaos Heaven Country is not enough to stuff the teeth between the ancient Divinities. You have to go by yourself. The old man still stays here and waits for the 4th Void to grab treasure. The old man has been blocked by people these years, many treasures have fallen into the hands of others, and the heart is dripping blood..."

Jiang Nan looked at him suspiciously, for some reason this Old Rabbit was unwilling to go to Primal Chaos Heaven Country. But since Immortal Elder Nanguo didn’t want to, he couldn’t force it, so he immediately walked towards the Great Dragon.

This Great Dragon was delighted. Before Jiang Nan could persuade him, he agreed and agreed with Jiang Nan. Let’s go to Primal Chaos Heaven Country together.

Jiang Nan relaxed, with this unbelievably strong Great Dragon, even if Spirit Maiden wants to deal with him, he can do everything he can.

"ehhh ? "

We are getting closer and closer to Primal Chaos Heaven Country. Suddenly, this Great Dragon stopped, with a gloomy and uncertain face. He didn't go away. He scratched his head and said, "Cult Master, I feel something familiar. Aura, the one who beat me is hiding in this Heaven Country, I won’t go..."

This Great Dragon turned around and walked away, and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye, Jiang Nan I was shocked, but at this moment, I saw the Ancient Divinity Dayan flying out of Primal Chaos Heaven Country, laughing heartily: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven is really extraordinary. Unexpectedly, I came to the meeting alone. This courage impressed Brother. ! Cult Master, please! "

Jiang Nan was speechless, shaking his sleeves, walking away, laughed heartily: "Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit personally issued the invitation, how can I not come?" Daoist Brother Dayan no need to be so polite, please! "

The two walked side by side, Ancient Divinity Dayan showed admiration, said with a smile: "Frankly, this time I invite Cult Master to come, I have prepared some swordsmen and axemen, as long as Spirit and Cult When the Master couldn't agree, he hacked Cult Master to death. However, Cult Master came here alone, bright and breezy, with a cool breeze in his sleeves, and did not even bring Magical Treasure, but it seemed that Brother was a bit insidious. "

Jiang Nan's forehead is covered with black lines, put on a fake smile and said: "Daoist Brother Dayan is really quick to say something, but you have explained the layout, so I am not afraid that I will be prepared ? "

"It doesn't matter, even if Cult Master is prepared, it won't last long. "

Ancient Divinity Dayan led him to the depths of Heaven Country, raised his hand pointed finger towards, said with a smile: "Cult Master, please look, that is Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow! "

Jiang Nan stared at it and saw that on top of a Primal Chaos Altar, a big bow was ups and downs in the Primal Chaos, filled with Inextinguishable Dao Prestige.

"This one Heavenly Bow is good at shooting kill Dao Fruit. I have fought more than ten battles between Primal Chaos Heaven Country and Immortal Realm. Among Emperor and Exalted seventy two discíples, most of them died under this Heavenly Bow. "

Ancient Divinity Dayan said with a smile: "Cult Master, I let Golden Pupils lead three thousand Ancient Divinity to lay a great formation, as long as the Cult Master does not follow, I will shoot the Cult Master. "

Jiang Nan is amazed.

Ancient Divinity Dayan points to another Primal Chaos Altar, said with a smile: "Cult Master, please look there. There is Primordial Bell, and Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower The eponymous Innate Spirit Treasure. This bell, I let the Silver Pupils lead eight thousand Ancient Divinity to ambush in the vicinity. If the Cult Master escapes Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow's shooting, the Silver Pupils will activate this bell and smash the Cult Master into dregs. "

Jiang Nan is still full of admiration, said with a smile: "Good bow, good clock. "

Ancient Divinity Dayan was a little surprised to see him confident, said with a smile: "Cult Master can actually laugh. I wonder if Cult Master has any arrangements to deal with my two major killing moves? "

Jiang Nan obediently and honestly said: "There is no arrangement. When I heard Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit invited me to the meeting, I came to the meeting with joy, no doubt about him. "

Ancient Divinity Dayan naturally didn't believe it in his heart, and said haha, "Cult Master joked. If you were such an easy person to deal with, you would have died a thousand times a long time ago. Since you don't say it, I don't force it. "

He led Jiang Nan to the altar in the center of Primal Chaos Heaven Country, and saw the altar soaring into the sky, but on the top of the altar was a great palace for worship. Ancient Divinity Dayan sent him to the outside of the temple, saying: "My Heaven Country Spirit is already waiting for Cult Master. Please Cult Master. Brother is waiting here. After the Cult Master comes out, if the spirit gives an order, the brother will kill the killer so that the Cult Master can't escape. "

"Daoist Brother is so kind. "Jiang Nan stepped into the great palace to worship.

Ancient Divinity Dayan watched him approach the great palace, frowned: "He was a little too calm, and he certainly wouldn't dare to come to my Primal Chaos Heaven without precautions. Country going to the meeting...... Cult Master Mystic Heaven, there must be a killing move! Maha, do you see his arrangement? "

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