Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1409

Compared with the gnashing one's teeth of Heavenly Monarch and Primeval Dao Monarch, Jiang Nan is also quite helpless. He originally planned to give up his life and not accept this Primordial Beginning Energy. Those who get far away can be taken by others. Unexpectedly, this Primordial Beginning Energy actually depended on him and entangled him, no matter how far he was thrown, no matter who was robbed, he would always be able to return to his hands without incident. Drop!

"Everyone, it’s not that I want to play with you, but this Primordial Beginning Energy is dependent on me."

Jiang Nan is helpless, that Primordial Beginning Energy is behind his head Make a big circle and put it on the Divine Wheel. It contrasts with the Divine Wheel, adding a bit of sacred to him, saying: "Look, I want to throw it away. Or, I lose it again, you grab a gun and watch it?"

Dayan, Maha, Sacred Demon, Titan and other giants have complexion ashens, and some have expressionless faces, all silent, and the atmosphere is terrifying and solemn.

Just now they took the Primordial Beginning Energy, this Primordial Beginning Energy has repeatedly returned to Jiang Nan's hands. This scene is like losing a bone and letting a dog take it. However, Jiang Nan is stuck on the bone. I took a thread and dragged the bone back. All the dogs didn't grab it, so I was happy.

Jiang Nan can also see that he is afraid that no one will fight if he throws it out, so he has to sighed and whispered: "You can't believe me, I am sincere..."

In the Emperor Palace, the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor almost fell off the throne of Emperor with a smile, and said with a smile: "Zichuan brat is too damaged, too bad, I like it! Look, he made these guys angry... …"

Purple Blossoming Lotus Immortal Empress also couldn't help but laughed, but some worriedly said: "But he has completely offended these guys, I am afraid the death tribulation is heavier."

Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor shook his head and said with a smile: "Since he received this Primordial Beginning Energy, it indicated that he was abandoned the Divinity to become Immortal. Since he abandoned the Divinity to become Immortal, then this fatal tribulation would instead let He is almost alive, and he won't really die."

Meng Xun suddenly said: "If he doesn't abandoned the Divinity to become Immortal?"

Empyrean Origin The Immortal Emperor also complexion dignified, and said: "Then his fated tribulation is big, I'm afraid no one can save him!"

Jiang Nan seems to have resigned, let this Primordial Beginning Energy drift. Behind my head, the rays of light are dazzling and sacred, as if showing off to the heroes.

Rama, Maha, Sacred Demon, Heavenly Desolate and the others thought he was showing off one's military strength. Which one is not so hateful that he can't wait to pull this brat out and cut it a thousand times.

It’s just that they don’t know, Jiang Nan is also worrying about what to do with Primordial Beginning Energy.

The Immortal Beast of 1st Void has also been captured. There are still countless Immortal Beasts breaking into the major Immortal Prefectures of Immortal Realm. Some have already recognized the Master, and some are still wild.

The 3rd Void is also gradually turning on at this time, illuminated by the energy transmitted from the Immortal Realm 9th Void, turning on one after another fellow!

The 3rd Void is different from the previous two Great Voids. What is hidden in this 1-layer Void is the Three Thousand Immortal Mountains. The meaning of the Three Thousand Immortal Mountains is very different. It symbolizes the Three Thousand Great Daos!

Immortal Realm Three Thousand Great Daos, not many people know, not all Great Dao have been studied, and the Three Thousand Immortal Mountains have the function of gathering the Three Thousand Great Daos!

Three Thousand Great Daos, with one of them, is enough to aspire to Heavenly Monarch and become the master of Great Dao!

Three Thousand Great Daos, but Proving Immortal Dao Monarch can become the controller of Great Dao!

The energy of the Three Thousand Immortal Mountains is not trivial. Building a Cave Mansion in the mountains and cultivating in the Cave Mansion will give you a better exposure to Immortal Dao, which is beneficial to a person’s cultivation base growth and comprehension Dao. , Are immeasurable!

At this moment, all eyes are on the three thousand Immortal Mountains. These Immortal Mountains can't help but make people's heart moving. These Immortal Mountains, whether they are their own comprehension Dao or their cultivated descendants, are Sacred Land of Supreme!

Every Immortal Mountain can be regarded as a Great Sacred Cult base, Headquarters, and cult. Owning an Immortal Mountain is the face of a Great Cult!

"Primal Chaos Heaven Country, all armies are dispatched!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan ordered, with a deep voice: "Heavenly Monarch Rama, you control the formatíon of all armies far away!"

Heavenly Monarch Rama should claim to be. When he shakes his body, he sees a flag flying into the sky behind him, unfolding with a scream, and countless flags are as brilliant as Peacock spreads its tail!

"Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils, Nuxi, Hexu, Fuxian, Leyi, Heidi, Roto! Take the lead!"

And the Immortal Realm Heavenly Monarch also ordered each Respective troops cult members marched out to compete for Immortal Mountain!

Other Immortal Monarchs, such as Spontaneity, Grand Truth, Reverence Hall and the others, personally compete for Immortal Mountain, and even those who have not yet obtained the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation Dao Monarch, also personally enter the battle.

Suddenly, Crown Prince Meng Xun led many golden armor warriors, flew out of the Emperor Palace, stood at the 7th Void and shouted down: "Your Majesty has a purpose, please let the five cult members of the Imperial Tutor Jiang subordinate, take full action. Capture Immortal Mountain!"

Tens of thousands of golden armor warriors shouted in unison: "Imperial Tutor, please do your best to capture Immortal Mountain!"

"Comply with Your Majesty Law Decree. "

Jiang Nan got up, his body became extremely imposing in an instant, and the divine light turned into Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven. Jiang Nan stood on the Great Overarching Heaven, overlooking Mystic Prefecture, said solemnly: "I Where are the various parts of Mystic Prefecture?"

Countless flags are swaying, carts and horses are noisy, Immortal City is floating in the sky, Decked ship is moving, a statue of Immortal is standing, Magical Treasure is celebrated, and the great flag is hunting.

"Interior Seats of the Five Emperors, Five Emperors Five Divisions, Five War Chariots Military Department, assembled!"

"Interior Flags of the Four Advisors, Left Flag, Right Flag , River Drum, Heavenly Flag Four Great Flags Department, the assembly is complete!"

"The Second Left Imperial Guard, The First Left Imperial Guard, The Second Right Imperial Guard, The First Right Imperial Guard are assembled!"

"Big Dipper Star Department, Little Dipper Star Department, Heavenly Strength Star Department, Earthly Malignant Star Department, Small Heavenly Revolution Star Department, Big Heavenly Revolution Star Department, the assembly is complete!"

"Armed Escort Army, Ramparts Formation Army, Northern Gate of the Military Camp, Heavenly River Naval Division, Heavenly Prison Army, assembled!"

"Three Palaces Battle Department, Three Steps Formation Department, Heavenly Spring Demon Department, Heaven Realm Battle Department, Innate Battle Department, Netherworld Ghost Department, Western Heaven Battle Department, the assembly is complete! "

"Heavenly Emperor Stars Depatment, the assembly is complete! "

"White Tiger Palace Stars Department, the assembly is complete! "

"Black Tortoise Palace Stars Department, the assembly is complete! "


"Under the Great Overarching Heaven Imperial Carriage Seat, Great Overarching Heaven Army, the assembly is complete! "

There was a shouted voice, Commander’s immortal generals galloped, inspected the team, and then returned to the front of the army, touched the ground on one knee, and said to Jiang Nan: "Your Majesty Emperor Mystic , The army is assembled, please review it with Your Majesty Emperor Mystic! "


Countless immortals touched the ground on one knee and said in unison: "Please check it out, Your Majesty Emperor Mystic!" ”

Mystic Prefecture from the Immortal of Lesser Realm ascension, 14 million people, plus the development of the last few thousand years, absorbed the powerhouse of Immortal Realm and other various prefectures to join Mystic Prefecture and merged into the Great Military Department, There are now 20 million people!

20 million Immortal Soldiers, Immortal Generals shouted together. What kind of heaven shaking earth shattering, what overbearing, and how bold and unrestrained is it?

This drink, the drink scattered the clouds in the sky, the sound of the drink disperse the stars, shake the sun and the moon!

With this drink, the crowd was shocked, and they all seemed to be even more shocked in their hearts. All the troops in Mystic Prefecture showed their fullness. The horror of an Imperial Court battle machine!

This Imperial Court is the Imperial Court of Emperor Mystic. It used to be the Three Realms, but now it has disappeared, the Imperial Court of Divinity!

Back then The divinities of Three Realms, the immortal of Immortal Realm, has never been buried!

"This influence is too terrifying..."

In the 7th Void Emperor Palace, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor couldn’t help changing color and muttered: "Zichuan brat, if he wants to rebel and become Immortal Emperor after Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch, I can only abdicate and give way to him. ......"

Soldiers in Mystic Prefecture chanted the name Your Majesty Emperor Mystic. Today's Immortal Realm Immortal Emperor is still Emptyre An Origin, this is somewhat disrespectful, but the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor knows how long he is impossible, and he will surely be driven down. Moreover, he is an Immortal Emperor in name only. He drove ducks to the shelves, and he did not have much nostalgia for the Immortal Emperor. Therefore, there is no grudge in my heart.

What's more, Jiang Nan has done a great job of standing firm for two thousand years.

Jiang Nan stood on the Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven and looked at the various armies, gently nodded, and said: "Strengthen my prestige. Strike!"

"Pass Your Majesty order, strengthen me Prestige!"

"The whole army strikes!"

"The soldiers of Divine Dynasty, the whole army strikes!"



Immortal Realm 3rd Void, the heroes change color, and the battle machine of Emperor Mystic Divine Dynasty is launched. How large and terrifying is the scale? The 20 million Immortal Army is well-trained and methodical. Each Military Department is an entire body and a part of a huge battle machine. They cooperate with each other. Thousands of decked ships are in the sky, and thousands of Immortal cities are floating. Empty, great flag fluttering, Magical Treasure hiding the sky and covering the earth!

The heavy sound of a drum, the dong dong makes people qi and blood boil, murderous-looking, there is a giant thunder drum, a giant that is able to support both Heaven and Earth is in the army The big drum covered with immortal dragon skin is struck in it, the big drum is as tall as a mountain, and the army is crushed in the sound of a drum like a black cloud!

Wherever they passed, all the powerhouses that were obstructed were pushed, smashed, and crushed!

This is the strength of Mystic Prefecture, the strength of Emperor Mystic, the foundation of Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty, and the invincible barrier created by Jiang Nan Imperial Tutor Jiang for the Immortal Dynasty of Immortal Emperor!

The Great Overarching Heaven Army is a blade. The Great Overarching Heaven Army with Jiang Nan’s 50% battle strength flattens other influences and collides with the Primal Chaos Divine Race. Jiang Nan’s 50% battle strength is How horrible?

The Great Overarching Heaven Army, like a sharp knife, cuts open the great formation of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, allowing Heavenly Monarch Rama to remotely manipulate the formatíon, and it can't stop it!

Then the two armies of the two wings, Interior Seats of the Five Emperors and Five Emperors Five Divisions, pushed past like a flood, flooding the army of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, which was divided into two halves. Reap your lives!

It's just that the army of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity can contend with the army of Mystic Prefecture. With a smaller influence, it can't make many waves at all. It is easily flattened and even annihilated!

Even the army of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity dare not easily touch the edge of the army of Mystic Prefecture, otherwise the heavy casualties will make Primal Chaos Heaven Country unacceptable.

This is a bitter Heavenly Monarch Rama. As the Formatíon Leader of Heaven Country, he can only do his best to change the formatíon of a large army in the face of such disadvantages, so as not to be surrounded and compete for Immortal. Mountain.

Other great influences are also under the overwhelming offensive of the Mystic Prefecture army, giving up the fight against each other, and fighting against the attack of the Mystic Prefecture army!

There are even many influences entrenched on the Immortal Mountain, with the help of Immortal Mountain power to resist.

In this battle, the Titan Divinity was wiped out, and the giant Lingdao was defeated and fled!

Supreme Oneness Divine Cult’s cult members were beaten down and the entire army was wiped out. Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch offered a copy of Primordial Cauldron to take away all the remaining cult members!

Other influences rob Immortal Mountain and leave, and will never collide with the Mystic Prefecture army. The benefits are the same!

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