Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1403

Demon Gate Great Cult, Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate with majestic face, glanced at many cult members, the sound vibrated: "Monarchs, Immortal Realm 2nd Void will open, you are ready to attack and win Magical Treasure !"

Immortal Exalted Palace, Supreme Oneness Divine Cult Headquarters, Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch are also instructing cult members, said solemnly: "Among the Magical Treasures of my two Teachers refining, there is no lack of outstanding quality. , Not inferior to the great treasure of Heavenly Monarch Treasure, you go and collect your own opportunities."

Monk Great Cult, Asceticism Heavenly Venerate instructed Three Deficiencies and the others, saying: "Three Virtues, you want to Planing the Ancestral Master grave is nothing more than obtaining various treasures. My Monk Era has been annihilated, and no grave can be used for you to plan. But today the Magical Treasure treasury left by Emperor and Exalted is opened. You lead the cult members to go and collect the opportunity. It must be plentiful harvest."

Divine Mother Sacred Cult, Divine Mother Dao Monarch does not need to order cult members, just thoughts move, you can see North Star Deep Earth and the others leading millions of cults Members flew out one after another.

"Monster Gate Cult, my Monster Race is regarded as a mount by Immortal Realm Immortals, as a foot force, as a livestock that can be slaughtered. Today, my two Great Cult Masters give you power!"

Monster Gate Great Cult Headquarters, Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch and Evilless Dao Monarch sit on the throne of Headquarters Cult Master, the complexion prestige is deep, shouted in unison: "Kill out, kill all those who dare to attack you, compete for Magical Treasure, and fight for opportunity , Step down all the fanatics of Immortal Realm, and return to the position I should have in Monster Race!"

"Kill!" Countless Monster Immortal was so excited, they raised their Magical Treasures and showed up. In its original form, one after another monster light immortal light soared into the sky.


"Kill him a sky and the earth turning upside down!"


Immortal Realm 2nd The Void is illuminated by countless immortal lights illuminated from the 9th Void, like a transparent Onerous Membrane. I saw that the Secret Realm looked like bright bubbles, each bubble burst, and suddenly there was a piece of power heaven. The treasure of shaking earth shattering is shot out from the Void!

These Magical Treasures are made by Emperor and Exalted. They borrowed Immortal Realm's Great Dao to moisturize more than 800 million years. At this moment, the overwhelming majority has matured, and they are immediately ejected from the Void. Magical Treasure sensed their respective fated persons and flew away one after another!

At this moment, Immortal Realm is like igniting countless fireworks. All kinds of Laws are grotesquely shaped. There are many kinds of them. Some are bead flowers, some are weapons, some are decked ships, and some are palaces. There are zither, Go, calligraphy, painting, pavilions and kiosks, Ding Urns and Seal Seals, Xiao Yin Dan arrays, countless!

Among them, the Great Dao of all kinds of Laws treasures are also different, not only Immortal Dao, Primordial Chaos Great Dao, and even various immortal Primeval Great Dao, and even Annihilation Great Dao!

Magical Treasure gushes, forming a one after another torrent. This magnificent scene is the first time since ancient times. It is more than a hundred times more magnificent than Thunder Sea Immortal Beast when it gushes out!

Furthermore, in the depths of 2nd Void, there are huge bubbles Secret Realm that have not burst yet, and the Magical Treasure is not yet mature!

The emergence of Immortal Beast is not enough to make Immortal Realm's many Immortal Monarchs tempted, but at this moment countless Magical Treasures fly out, these Immortal Monarchs are also hard to hold back, and they fly out, exuding the palpitations of overflowing heaven. Move, compete for all kinds of Laws treasure!

At this time, Immortal Realm suddenly violently oscillated, as if the Immortal Realm barrier was hit fiercely by something, the barrier of Immortal Realm cracked and set off one after another hurricane, blowing in all directions, even The starry sky of Immortal Realm has been blown out of a big chunk!

Countless Immortal Thunder erupted from the place of impact. The trillion thunderclap exploded in an instant, and the lightning tilted to illuminate the Immortal Realm starry sky.

Explosive sound of crack crack keeps coming, and the Void cracks in the place that was hit. Each crack is as long as quadrillions miles, which is amazing!

Countless powerhouses got up one after another and looked at the place of impact, with incredible colors in their eyes.

But I saw a Universe fiercely the size of three or four Immortal Prefectures hitting the barrier of Immortal Realm, like a purple pearl embedded there!

The Universe is full of Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos Energy. From a distance, I can see the ancient and vicissitudes of Divine City towering, while the great flag is flying above the city, and the ancient Divinity stands!

"Primal Chaos Heaven Country!"

"It's crazy! The Ancient Divinity of Primal Chaos Heaven Country unexpectedly urged Heaven Country to hit the Immortal Realm!"

"Ancient Divinity Dayan is crazy! He hits Immortal Realm like this, only Immortal Realm Barrier and Heaven Country Onerous Membrane will disappear, and Primal Chaos Heaven Country will be completely integrated into Immortal Realm and become a part of Immortal Realm, and from then on Primal Chaos Heaven Country Will no longer exist!"

"He is not crazy, but bold, stake all on one throw! He wants to integrate Primal Chaos Heaven Country into Immortal Realm and let the ancient of Primal Chaos Heaven Country Divinity fights for opportunities, enhances the strength of Ancient Divinity, and seizes the orthodoxy of Immortal Realm! He wants to be the Ruler of Immortal Realm!"

"If he fails, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity is afraid to exterminate an entire The race is not far away..."


The collision of Primal Chaos Heaven Country with Immortal Realm is naturally striking a stone with an egg. After all, Primal Chaos Heaven Country is just Spirit The country built by Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity after the destruction of World cannot be compared with Immortal Realm.

Now the Universe Onerous Membrane of Primal Chaos Heaven Country has been smashed to pieces, Heaven Country Spirit, the Divine Maiden raised his hands high, but seeing countless Primordial Chaos Great Dao emerge from Heaven Country, all the Great Dao Dao penetrated the Void and suppressed the storm formed by the impact, so that the impact did not cause much damage to Primal Chaos Heaven Country.

This Spirit Maiden was originally the Heavenly Dao of Spirit World. It was smashed to pieces. Later, it was recast by Doaist Null-Void. He added his own blood line and forged became Spirit. It was called Divine Maiden, Sacred. Maiden.

So Spirit Maiden's identity is extremely weird. It is both a Heavenly Dao Incarnation and a creature, between the creature and the Heavenly Dao.

Her strength is also extremely formidable, and is respected by Ancient Divinity Dayan Heavenly Monarch Rama and the others.


Beside Ancient Divinity Dayan, Heavenly Monarch Maha complexion slightly changed, and whispered: "Leader Dayan, Ancient Divinity Bahu failed to kill Luo Huayin, but was instead Luo Huayin got the Magical Treasure left to her by Emperor and Exalted, and captured the Ancient Divinity Bahu! Now Luo Huayin has arranged a destiny offering great sacrifice to heaven for avoiding calamity in Three Realms!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan glanced at him, the mental state relaxed slightly, and said: "It seems that Maha, you can't do it without any measures. You can't calculate the arrangement of Emperor and Exalted."

Heavenly Monarch Maha nodded, The complexion dignified said: "This time the Beginning Source Land opened, the Great Void of Immortal Realm split, and the treasures were exhausted. The chances of Emperor and Exalted have interfered with my Divine Prediction. I am afraid that my Divine Prediction will fail. Now I can only send people to punish Luo Huayin!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan shook his head and said: "My Primal Chaos Heaven Country has a lot less manpower than Immortal Realm, and I will send out an expert. I am afraid that no one will be available at the time of the war. Silver Pupils, you go to Two Great Dao Palaces and tell Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch about this. Supreme Oneness and Mystic Heaven have a face-to-face feud. They will definitely be unable to bear it and send powerhouse Lesser Realm to kill. Luo Huayin!"

Silver Pupils Ancient Divinity collar Ming, immediately transformed into a silver moon, shuttled away in the Void.

"This time the 2nd Void is on, I also have a great chance for Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity. There is a Magical Treasure prepared by Emperor and Exalted for my Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan looked around for a week and said solemnly: "Who led the crowd with me to win the treasure?"

Heavenly Monarch Rama laughed heartily and said: "Now I need me to appear, although I am in Divine Prediction It’s inferior to Senior Brother Maha by vast distance, but on the formatíon, no one can go beyond my right. He will definitely be able to kill the ground beetle of Immortal Realm!"

He is about to kill the crowds. Going to Immortal Realm 2nd Void, Ancient Divinity Dayan suddenly shook his head and said: "Rama, you are Heavenly Monarch, why do you need to play in person? Let the children go. Heavenly Monarch is the most formidable battle strength in present life, so it should be used naturally. The battle for destiny."

Rama stopped, Ancient Divinity Dayan looked towards the other four Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, said solemnly: "Leyi, Nuxi, Hexu, Fuxian, you lead the children to fight for Magical Treasure. Four of you, you have been bitter cultivation for several hundred million years in the altar. Today is the time when the four are able to show their glory and strengthen our ancient divine prestige!"

Leyi, Nuxi, Hexu and Fuxian four Ancient Divinity bowed and said yes, and immediately led an army of Ancient Divinity to enter the Immortal Realm 2nd Void!

There are many Magical Treasures in 2nd Void, and many Magical Treasures are about to mature. The Secret Realm is exploding like a bubble. The Magical Treasure that flew out of 2nd Void has been mature for many years. , The grade is relatively low, and now the Magical Treasure that has flown out has experienced more than 800 million years of smelting and casting, and the formidable power is also inconceivable!

Among them, the Immortal King Level Magical Treasure is dazzling, and a Magical Treasure Immortal Monarch Level flashes from time to time, causing a scramble!

Suddenly, the Void shook violently, and in the depths of the 2nd Void, a Secret Realm was suddenly annihilated, and then billions of myriad golden lights shua~ shua~ shua~ shot out, one after another golden light miles long, glorious Immortal Realm various prefectures, amazing!

I only saw those golden light passing by, and many Magical Treasures flying out of the 2nd Void all disappeared, even the cult members of Immortal and various Sects in the golden light envelope. At this moment, they also stood there stupidly. The Magical Treasure they had just collected, including their own refining Magical Treasure, were unexpectedly taken away by those golden lights!

Even, many Immortals are refining treasure clothes. At this moment, they are unexpectedly stripped clean by those golden lights, without any strands, standing naked in the air.

There are also a lot of Female Immortals in it, just listen to the endless screams and screams, which attracted everyone's attention.

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright's eyes immediately lit up, and he scratched his head in a hurry, and he couldn't sit still.

Suddenly, the golden light disappeared all over the sky, and an enormous golden ship slowly sailed out from the depths of the 2nd Void. On top of the golden ship, there are golden dragons coiling the masts, pavilions and kiosks, and red lanterns. .

And between the cabin of the golden ship and the pavilion, I saw a piece of Magical Treasure bumping left and right. It was the Magical Treasure that was taken away by the golden light just now, and it was received by this golden ship. In the cabin!

Thousands of Magical Treasures collided, and suddenly thousands of Magical Treasures smashed into windows and gates, shuaa~ flew out, all directions went, and Heavenly Metropolis was a trace of Magical Treasure.

But at this moment, I saw the red lanterns hanging on the golden ship with numerous rays of light released, one after another golden light shot out, shua~ shua~ shua~ and captured the Magical Treasure Come here, stuff into the cabin and pavilion.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the gate was opened, countless Magical Treasures took the opportunity to fly out and escape.

If the golden ship has spirituality, the lanterns will be thrown out rays of light, and it will catch all kinds of Laws. Those Magical Treasures keep escaping, forming a huge Magical Treasure circle around the golden ship. Come and go, very lively!

The eyes of Empress Other Shore in Five Great Dao Ancestors suddenly lit up, and they looked at Old Ancestor Dark-Bright, and said with a smile to Jiang Nan: "Cult Master, this treasure ship It should be owned by my husband and wife, and my husband and wife will go and return!"

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