Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1399

The Cult Master was beaten, the Headquarters was dismantled, and almost equivalent to annihilation of the cult, this kind of extraordinary shame and humiliation, I am afraid that no one can bear it.

But Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch just endured it and continued to rebuild the cult in the Immortal Emperor Palace, re-establish the Headquarters, search for Immortal Metal, Immortal Stuff everywhere, and rebuild the Jade Capital Immortal City as if there was nothing to do.

His scheming is deep, and his emotions are invisible, but it makes people feel horrible.

But what makes people feel more terrifying is Cult Master Mystic Heaven, Imperial Tutor Jiang enters the Immortal Emperor Palace, fights Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch in Two Great Dao Palaces, in Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch For several years in World War I, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch dare not show up!

This kind of courage has made Immortal Realm secretly sighed in my heart. Imperial Tutor Jiang cult has the title of Leader, I am afraid it is worthy of the name.

Control Five Great Cults and rule other cults established by Heavenly Monarch, Imperial Tutor Jiang aura overpowering, power overpowering!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the good days of the Imperial Tutor Jiang this guy are coming to an end.

Although Immortal Realm is generally peaceful, Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty is unstable and dangerous and may collapse at any time. As the overpowering Imperial Tutor Jiang of the Immortal Dynasty, I am afraid it will be the first of other wild ambition generations. Object to be eradicated!

To eradicate this Imperial Tutor, Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty can be subverted!

"Imperial Tutor Jiang is so dazzling with rays of light, I don't know that I am destined to fall!" Someone said with emotion.

In the vast boundless Uninhabited Zone, a loud Dao Sound sounded, Jiang Nan sat alone in a forbidden zone, Dao Sound bursts, and the deepest part of the forbidden zone, the ancient sound sounded, Great Dao churned, two Dao Sounds collided and argued against each other.

This is the Departed Mother Forbidden Zone. Jiang Nan has been in this forbidden zone for more than 40 years and has discussed with Departed Mother for more than 40 years!

Since the last battle with Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch, Jiang Nan has left Mystic Prefecture and entered the Uninhabited Zone to find these Primeval Dao Monarch arguments.

Although Primeval Dao Monarch has body dies and Dao disappears, but encountering his and the others physical challenges, they are often challenged. Their status, status and boldness cannot be avoided.

"Hey, Cult Master Mystic Heaven, you are dying, you are dying, you know?"

In the deepest part of the forbidden zone, Departed Mother’s laughter suddenly came. Said with a smile: "I have been arguing with you for forty-three years, seeing that your destiny has been declining, and now it is overwhelmed by bad luck. I unexpectedly argued with a dying person. It was really useless."

Jiang Nan's expression moved slightly, said with a smile: "Why did the Departed Mother say this?"

In the deepest part of the forbidden zone, the black mist is rolling, and the thick Death Energy spreads over , Turned into a black clothed beauty, said with a smile: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven, although your Divine Ability is amazing and you have good abilities, you still can’t count your own fate, which is inferior to our existence. Far away. I see your destiny, qi is like imperial canopy covering the sky, but your destiny imperial canopy is now filthy. This is the sign of Heaven and Human Five Wanings. People are not declining, qi decays first, and is about to fall."

Jiang Nan looked up, but saw nothing, said with a smile: "Departed Mother said and laughed."

Departed Mother dispersed Death Energy with a lazy voice It came, saying: "You are a dying person, I will not talk to you, so as not to stick to your bad luck, go!"

Jiang Nan slightly frowned, Departed Mother closes the forbidden zone, Move him out.

It didn’t take long before he came to another forbidden zone. This forbidden zone was the Clear Void Dao Monarch forbidden zone. Before Jiang Nan entered, he heard a voice in the forbidden zone. Calmly said: "Cult Master death tribulation is entangled, and there is a sign of fall, so I won't discuss it with Cult Master today."

Jiang Nan bowed and said: "Dare to ask Daoist Brother, why do you see it?"

In the forbidden zone, the voice of Clear Void Dao Monarch came, saying: "I watch fate well. Back then, Heavenly Harmonious Saint and the others and I were entertaining you in the forbidden zone. Seeing your fate is long and knowing you It is not a premature death. In the future, Immortal Dao will be shattered. It is impossible to say that there is still a place for you in this forbidden zone, so there is no block. But today I look at your fate, but it is already like a broken lotus root, like a gossamer, I'm afraid it will be broken within a thousand years! Your life is approaching, death tribulation will kill you. You go, I won’t see you."

Jiang Nan frowned and walked towards the next forbidden zone, which is the forbidden zone of Madam Clouded Sun, Madam Clouded Sun was polite and opened the forbidden zone gate and asked Jiang Nan to enter, saying: "this one body dies and Dao disappears, a dead bone, no face to see Cult Master. Cult Master why not deal with the death tribulation, but still Wandering in my forbidden zone?"

Jiang Nan's heart sinks slightly, and he said: "Why does Madam Clouded Sun say that I have death tribulation?"

"This one is proficient in died tribulation, As long as you look at it, you will know the fated tribulation. Now the Cult Master fated tribulation is entangled, such as black cloud and black energy. There is blood light in it, and there is a sign of Primordial Spirit being cut and falling. "

Jiang Nan left and returned to Mystic Prefecture. He was thinking about it. Myriad Curses Dao Monarch came to visit and met Jiang Nan and said: "Cult Master, you and I are united, and six cults are united , In the destiny battle after 800 years, you have to pay back Curse Dao Heavenly Altar...Huh? "

He looked at Jiang Nan, his face changed drastically, and returned to normal, hehe said with a smile: "Cult Master, now you return me Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, I will do my best to help you get the most benefit!" "

Jiang Nan slightly smiled and said: "Daoist Brother Myriad Curses, you see the omen of my death, worry about my death in 800 years, you can't get Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, right? "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch hoarsely said: "You know? "

His face is gloomy and uncertain, whispered: "Good people don't live long, scourge lives for a thousand years. You this guy actually knows that he will die soon, I'm afraid you might survive 800 years later... But , Your death tribulation definitely has no vitality, impossible to make you survive..."

Jiang Nan scolded with a smile: "What does it mean that a good person does not live a long scourge for a thousand years? My name is Immortal Dynasty Imperial Tutor. I have been able to build the community and maintain Immortal Realm for more than a thousand years. My two sons opened up a new Immortal Dao, gave the world and introduced Immortal Realm into a whole New Era. I am a good person, but Daoist Brother, it's scourge! "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch haha ​​said with a smile: "Cult Master, I refined Curse Dao, good at slashing human and divinity soul Primordial Spirit, good at slashing Primordial Spirit, must be good at viewing Primordial Spirit! Now that I am Heavenly Monarch, my former ability has been restored. Although your Primordial Spirit Divine Soul has grown, Death Energy is already pervading the Primordial Spirit Divine Soul. I am afraid that the great opportunity 800 years later will be your death date! "

Jiang Nan's heart sank again. Departed Mother Dao Monarch is good at observing people's destiny, saying that his destiny imperial canopy is already filthy, and Clear Void Dao Monarch is good at observing people's fate, saying that his fate has been broken. Madam Clouded Sun is good at observing the fated tribulation, and he also said that his fated tribulation is imminent.

Jiang Nan was originally dubious, but now Myriad Curses Dao Monarch is good at observing the Primordial Spirit, and he also says that his Primordial Spirit pervades Death Energy.

There was a reason for it, and now he can’t help but believe it.

Not long after, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch left. Jiang Nan frowned and calculated his fated tribulation. This calculation was not trivial. Jiang Nan suddenly The heart was throbbing, and the blood light in front of him collapsed!

He secretly thought that he made a bad sound, and immediately took a meal, split the Immortal Realm Barrier, and Lesser Realm went away!

"Your Majesty saw it! The disaster of blood light? Those Dao Monarch also said that Your Majesty must die? "

In Three Realms, Jiang Nan and Heavenly Ghost Grandma sat face to face, Heavenly Ghost Grandma served a plate of leek dumplings, grinning said with a smile: "Your Majesty does have a fatal tribulation, and it shows everywhere. Catastrophe aura, I am afraid that there will be a mortal calamity after 800 years. "

Jiang Nan took a long breath and asked, "Where did the robbery come from?" "

" Eight hundred years later, the Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty collapsed, Your Majesty was Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty destiny, Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty destiny was destroyed, Immortal Dynasty destiny was destroyed, and Your Majesty destiny was extreme. , There is a sign of fall. "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma used the Blood Eye to look at it. The Blood Eye between the eyebrows was opened, and it turned slowly and steadily. It was very weird, and said: "This is only one of the reasons, not even Your Majesty Emperor Mystic Life. But 800 years later, there was a great change, and this great change made Your Majesty fated tribulation proliferate! The enemy of Your Majesty will take the opportunity to kill the killer and shivered Your Majesty ********* south, saying: "Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty will also be destroyed by this? Is this a chance or a catastrophe? Me and Profound Metropolis and Empyrean Origin worked together to calculate that this was a great opportunity. Where did the robbery come from?"

"Catastrophe is always accompanied by chance."

Heavenly Ghost Grandma chuckle and said: "Your Majesty, old body can see that your destiny is declining. In this great luck, the Immortal Dynasty's aura has ended. The fate of life robbed. In that big within tribulation, it will inevitably be difficult to save your life. From then on body dies and Dao disappears, breathe one's last!"

Jiang Nan angrily said: "You can still laugh! Grandma, is there a way to crack it?"


Heavenly Ghost Grandma was very straightforward, saying: "Your Majesty is Cults Leader, Crown Prince Imperial Tutor, and is an Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty destiny. If you give up the Cults Leader and Crown Prince Imperial Tutor to others, your own No longer maintaining the Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty, you can keep your destiny. The one who dies will be someone else. This is grafting flowers onto tree."

Jiang Nan frowned and sighed: "My body It is Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty destiny, not to protect Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty, but to protect Hong'er Jun'er and draw the attention of world outstanding heroes to me, thereby ignoring them."

Heavenly Ghost Grand Ma also frowned, and said in a low voice: "Then it will be difficult. Although I am proficient in Divine Prediction, there is no way to change my life by heaven defying... Not as good as this. Eight hundred years later, before the arrival of the fated tribulation, Your Majesty let Three Realms creature, held the law of avoiding calamity sacrifice to heaven, gathered Three Realms destiny on Your Majesty. At that time, the Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty destiny was shattered, and Your Majesty can also rely on Three Realms to destiny, maybe there is a glimmer of survival. "

Jiang Nan's heart shaken, said with a smile: "How sure is Grandma?" "

"Your Majesty, I'm talking about a glimmer of survival! "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma emphasized: "How can a place as small as Three Realms compare with Immortal Dynasty destiny?" At most, Your Majesty can have a glimmer of survival. As for whether Your Majesty can survive, it is not what the old body can know. "

Jiang Nan mental state is heavy, after a long time, suddenly laughed heartily said: "The number of days! Fate! fated tribulation! Want my life! But how can heaven take my life? How can it be taken? "

"My life is in my hands, I can't help it, I can't help it! "

He strode away and said loudly with a smile: "I want to see if this dispute 800 years later is a chance or a catastrophe of my hit!" "

"catastrophe is accompanied by chance, only the fearless brave will move forward! "

"Whoever will destroy me, I will destroy whoever!" "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma hurried to catch up and shouted: "Your Majesty, don't forget, 800 years later, send someone down to gather the power of Three Realms to hold the law of avoiding calamity sacrifice to heaven, otherwise if Your Majesty destiny is cut off, then there is really no life! "

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