Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1397

Mystic Prefecture, Xi Yingqing, Dao King, Old Ancestor Dark-Bright and other Mystic Prefecture leaders are discussing matters. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother rushed in and hurriedly said: "Cult Master I went to Two Great Dao Palaces just now, and went with Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch?"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright nodded, said: "It's been a while."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother stomped her feet again and again, her big breasts trembling like waves, and said, "Oh, this time! Jade Capital is already Heavenly Monarch, and it's in a place like Two Great Dao Palaces. I'm afraid that Cult Master will have to A big loss!"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Ice Lotus don't be impatient. Although Heavenly Monarch is tyrannical boundless, Cult Master is not without method, just him I have already fought Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate. Regardless of victory or defeat, can Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch be stronger than Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate? Even if Cult Master is not as good as Jade Capital, it will not be far away."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "What is Heavenly Monarch? Heavenly Monarch is the driver of the Great Dao in the world, Dao Monarch is the Ruler and Creator of the Great Dao in the world! My past life is Heavenly Monarch, for Heavenly Monarch Knowing his ability, Heavenly Monarch, as the driver of Great Dao, has fection Boundary, you can even mobilize the Great Dao in the universe to bless yourself! Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate and Cult Master are fighting in the starry sky. The starry sky is too wide and Great Dao is scarce. Moreover, my Immortal Realm is not in peak state yet. There are not many Great Dao that he can mobilize. But among the two palaces, how much Immortal Dao is contained in the Two Great Dao Palaces? "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright and Xi Yingqing and the others could not help but shuddered. Two Great Dao Palaces is the Sacred Land of Immortal Realm Supreme. It was once the residence of Emperor and Exalted, which contains The number and strength of the Great Dao are beyond imagination!

Moreover, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is a discíple of Immortal Exalted, and it must be extremely compatible with the Great Dao contained in the Two Great Dao Palaces. Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate is easier to mobilize the Great Dao there!

There, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is the home ground for combat, mobilizing the strength of Two Great Dao Palaces, then how much will his strength reach? A terrifying situation?

Dao King said solemnly: "Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch has just Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch, and it is still not full of a thousand years. If you want to mobilize the strength of Two Great Dao Palaces, I am afraid that his ability is also difficult to handle. Come on? "

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother shook her head and said: "It is naturally difficult for him to fully mobilize the strength of Two Great Dao Palaces, but not much, just mobilize twice his own strength to defeat Cult Master!" When you are those reincarnation Dao Monarchs, why have you not entered the Two Great Dao Palaces? It is precisely because the Jade Capital, Profound Metropolis, Supreme Oneness and Empyrean Origin Four Great Heavenly Monarchs that live there have the ability to mobilize the power of Dao Palace! The most abnormal thing is that Heavenly Monarch is blessed by Great Dao in places such as Two Great Dao Palaces, so there is no consumption of itself, and the battle can go on forever! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright suddenly said: "You don't need to worry too much. Even if Cult Master is not an opponent of Jade Capital, it is impossible for Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch to threaten the life of Cult Master. After all, in Two Great Dao Palaces, Jade Capital is not the only one, Heavenly Monarch. "

Xi Yingqing, Dao King and the others were nodded one after another, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother shook his head and said: "I'm afraid Profound Metropolis and Empyrean Origin will be stopped by Supreme Oneness." The strength of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch is definitely the first of Four Great Heavenly Monarchs. How could he let go of this opportunity? Even if you invite Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, I'm afraid someone will stop Myriad Curses Dao Monarch! Just delay for a while, Jade Capital can kill Cult Master! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright frowned: "When present life, there are too many people who want the life of Cult Master. Indeed, someone might take the opportunity to kill the Cult Master and block Profound Metropolis and Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor! "

Others are also worried.

Heavenly Eye stepped forward and bowed and said: "For this plan, please everyone help me to urge Supervising Heaven Mirror, see Look at the 7th Void! "

Everyone was nodded, and immediately joined forces to urge Supervising Heaven Mirror to search for the location of Jiang Nan.

At this time, Immortal Realm 7th Void, in the depths of Two Great Dao Palaces, Jiang Nan and Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch have already started. As soon as they met, Jiang Nan felt unprecedented pressure.

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch mobilized the Great Dao of Two Great Dao Palaces, and took the power of Two Great Dao Palaces. Come, the strength is the only powerhouse he has seen before. The horror of strength is two or three times more formidable than Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate!

These terrifying battle strengths can be transformed in an instant All his offensive was shattered!


Jiang Nan flew high and was hit hard by Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch and fell into a grand mountain!


The strength of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is too formidable. With just one blow, he collapsed on the first encounter!

If it weren’t for Jiang Nan refining successfully Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, Fleshly Body is already tyrannical more amazing than Heavenly Monarch such as Jade Capital and Sacred Demon. I am afraid that this blow can crush him!

"Mystic Heaven, how would you know that these Two Great Dao Palaces are right? How formidable are I waiting for Heavenly Monarch's plus? "

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch's body flew slowly, flew slowly to the Jiang Nan where it fell, and said leisurely: "Among the Two Great Dao Palaces, Heavenly Monarch can sway Divine Ability and feel unprecedented. Energy and strength. In this vast Space, I am invincible! "

"You went to the Immortal Emperor Palace to find me, it was a mistake, that is, walking right into a trap! "

He pointed to the place where Jiang Nan fell, and saw the sky trembling, and an extremely thick, round, and terrifying finger fell from the sky, like a pure fine jade cast with incomparable splendor. immortal light, the power that exterminates everything, fiercely smashed it down!

hong long!

The earth trembled violently, and the mountains where Jiang Nan fell fell one after another, collapsed, and Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch pierced a big hole with one finger, and thick smoke came out!

"You are too arrogant, thinking you can punish me, you think you can beat me, but I don’t know if I look at you, just like watching Clown, I'm tired of seeing it, I can kill you easily! "

His palm was photographed suddenly, in midair, a jade palm was like a mark, fiercely pressed against the fallen mountains, the earth cracked, fire beacon was everywhere, everything was smoothed out, leaving only one A huge palm seal, a huge palm seal like a vast sea!

"Jade Capital, you are the arrogant person! "

Suddenly, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch complexion slightly changed, and suddenly felt a terrifying power bloom under the palm seal, and a voice rang, shaking the heaven and earth clouds!

"I went deep into the Uninhabited Zone, entered the forbidden zone, and discussed with Primeval’s old monsters for many years. Do you think I would not know that Heavenly Monarch can mobilize the Great Dao of Two Great Dao Palaces? "

The ground splits, the underground springs out of golden springs, and turns into a square pond of one hundred acres. The golden waves of the pond are rippling, and a lotus flower blooms, holding up Jiang Nan, lotus flower overflowing with colored rays of light!


"Why do I know that you are stronger in a place like Two Great Dao Palaces, but still dare to go deep into this place alone? "

Jiang Nan raised his head and smiled, he looked a little embarrassed, the corner of the mouth was bleeding, his clothes were tattered, his whole body was wounded up and down, and his injuries were not light. Said with a smile: "Haven't you thought about it, What is my capital? "

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is coldly snorted, with five round fingers, rolling down the next time, calmly said: "How about the ability of Heavenly Monarch? I want to kill you, only between flipping hands! ”

Jiang Nan leaped up to the sky and screamed, his hands leaped up ten fingers for the first time, his fingertips jumped, sliding across the graceful arc of one after another, just like two Five Colored Lotus Flowers blooming from between his fingers and greeted them. The five fingers of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch!

Innate Five Colored Lotus!

He uses Fleshly Body to make Magical Treasure, Fleshly Body builds Innate Five Colored Lotus, just like the real Five Colored Lotus. Imitations, so remarkably true to life, there is even a hint of Inextinguishable Great Dao air overflowing!

However, compared to the five finger's prestige of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch, his Innate Five Colored Lotus is extremely weak.

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is Heavenly Monarch after all. After mobilizing the Great Dao blessing of Two Great Dao Palaces, the strength has soared. Judging from the current performance of both parties, he is almost an overwhelming advantage over Jiang Nan!

And at this moment, from the depths of Two Great Dao Palaces, suddenly heard one after another strange Great Dao Dao Sound, but seeing the rays of light overflowing from the depths of the two palaces, a huge Five Colored flower Suddenly, the Lotus Flower appeared, with endless inextinguishable power blooming outward!

The real Innate Five Colored Lotus, Innate Magical Treasure, unexpectedly appeared at this time!

Innate Five Colored Lotus and The lotus flower of Jiang Nan's hands resonates, resonates, and Dao Sound is in harmony. The Innate Five Colored Lotus between Jiang Nan's fingers and palms suddenly shines and is formidable. Power surged two or three times in an instant!

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is just one hand, but he is both hands. The snapping sound of bones bursting, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch's five fingers are twisted and broken one after another, and the right hand is suddenly drenched. with blood!

The blood flowing out of his palm is not red, but like a milk-white jade broth. The sacred is extremely sacred and contains the Great Dao of Heavenly Monarch!

Jiang Nan’s five fingers close together, like a dragon head, with his arms crossed forward. At this moment, on his hands and arms, densely packed dragon scales chi chi chi drilled out of the skin, as if it was no longer Arms, but two Golden Dragons!

Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword!

"I said come and beat you, and then beat your ability! If you don't agree, I will beat you!"

Jiang Nan coldly snorted, Two Great Dao Palaces deep There, a loud dragon roar came, and the real Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword was inspired by his this style Divine Ability, jumped out abruptly, resonating with his arms!


Jiang Nan's arms are turned into two Golden Dragons, and they drew two beautiful colors in midair, and cut the fins, and snorted Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch cut it into two pieces!

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch two pieces of Fleshly Body close together, close together, fly back, stretch the distance, suddenly the Great Dao of Two Great Dao Palaces boils, one shot rushes towards him, turning into a longbow, Bent the bow and shoot!

Jiang Nan immediately felt the danger. The black hair soared into the sky and turned into a Divine Tree that was remarkably true to life. It was the Innate Spirit Root. The Two Great Dao Palaces shook again, and the real Innate Spirit Root emerged. Resonate in pairs!


one after another divine light brush forward, bang bang and arrow light collide, and finally annihilated in pairs.

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, just now he succeeded in two consecutive blows, but just taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, Jade Capital did not have much defense, and this was able to damage Jade Capital.

However, the strength of Jade Capital is beyond his expectations. At this moment, he will make an all-out effort. It is not yet known which will win or lose!

"Senior Brother Jade Capital, I said I will convince you, so I will convince you!"

Jiang Nan roared and rushed towards Jade Capital at this moment. He is like a giant with thousands of arms and countless changes with both hands. He exhibited all kinds of Innate Great Divine Ability, and saw Two Great Dao Palaces constantly shaking, Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, Innate Detestation Demon Spear, Good Fortune Gate, Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, Innate Divine Lantern, unexpectedly all emerge!

The Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures hidden in the Two Great Dao Palaces, unexpectedly appear at the same time!

————Not long after Zhaizhu got home, Demon Dao said to Zhaizhu that the brother in the post bar had collected some money and made a starting account "Baidu Exalted-Emperor post bar", The book friends gathered together and rewarded an Alliance Leader. It makes the pig feel embarrassed, and the eye circles are almost red, brothers, thank you.

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