Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1390

"Primal Chaos Plague Emperor?"

Rahula could not help but shuddered, Primal Chaos Plague Emperor is the first Primal Chaos Dao Monarch of Ancient Divinity Era, Very formidable, even in the Ancient Divinity Era, there was a battle and an intersection with Daoist Annihilation!

Although the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor was surrendered by Daoist Annihilation and became the official of Daoist Annihilation, his formidable is beyond doubt!

Because the Plague Emperor was so cruel that the Doaist Null-Void rebelled and united with many formidable ancient Divine Generals. He was hit hard, suppressed in the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, and slowly refining him with the help of the Plague Emperor Coffin!

Innate Plague Emperor Coffin This Innate Magical Treasure, more than a billion years has never beaten him to death, you can imagine the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor's ability!

Heavenly Monarch Maha unexpectedly released this demon personifying pestilence and let the plague prevail in Immortal Realm. It is really a bloody and insidious scheme!

If this Plague Emperor gets out of trouble, I am afraid that no one can resist him in Immortal Realm today!

"Heavenly Monarch, Innate Plague Emperor Coffin is Innate Magical Treasure. No one knows where this Innate Magical Treasure is hidden in Immortal Realm."

Rahula said solemnly:" And, with my strength, where can I open this Innate Magical Treasure to release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor?"

"Hehe, I naturally have a method to find the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin. As for how to open the Plague Emperor Coffin and release it Plague Emperor needs another chance. You wait patiently and lurking beside Mystic Heaven, and this opportunity will come soon. Besides Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, I also need you to kill one person for me."

Heavenly Monarch Maha said with a smile: "I can’t tell you this name for the time being, so as not to be noticed by her. Cult Master Mystic Heaven is most afraid of me. You should know my method. It is enough for me to advise you. Ensure your safety!"

Rahula don't worry, he has long heard about the ability of Heavenly Monarch Maha, it is the almost invincible existence in Divine Prediction, and entering and leaving the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone is like entering no one!

Having such an existence to communicate with himself and make suggestions can indeed make himself like a fish back in water by Immortal Realm and even Cult Master Mystic Heaven!

"Null-Void Dao Fruit, it's really difficult to refining."

Outside the Immortal Realm, in the depths of Primal Chaos, a faint voice suddenly sounded, I saw that this place was abandoned. In the Primal Chaos Divine City, the war has left indelible trauma to this Divine City, which is the trace of the war between the immortal and Ancient Divinity.

There is no one here, desolate and silent, only one or two strange creatures in Primal Chaos will pass by here and stay here for a while.

At this time, Ancient Divinity Maha has already occupied this place. The news that he got the Null-Void Dao Fruit has spread. Even he dare not return to Primal Chaos Heaven Country because there are Dayan and Primordial Heaven has two Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarchs, and he is also worried that these two Heavenly Monarchs will take away Primal Chaos Dao Fruit.

"Mystic Heaven, you are so destined. You have three sons, and all three of them hope to become Dao Monarch."

Ancient Divinity Maha sighed with emotion and whispered:" Others, even Dao Monarch can't see through the strategy of you and Empyrean Origin, but you can't hide it from me. Hehe, you use Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty as bait to keep Immortal Realm's Dao Monarch in the future, this method is not It’s also brilliant. It’s a pity that I can’t return to Immortal Realm. Otherwise, I can add some trouble to you and make you unable to relax..."

"However, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor’s reappearance in the world is enough for you I have a headache. Hehe, the Plague Emperor, was the second only to Daoist Annihilation back then. Doaist Null-Void was a plot against him before he suppressed him. I don’t know how much strength this Plague Emperor has left after so many years?"

In Mystic Prefecture, Heavenly Eye Immortal Palace, Jiang Nan quietly looked towards the front, only to see a strange and terrifying crystal spinning in front of him.

The crystal has three thousand mirrors, each of which is the size of a galaxy. The mirror shines and displays a picture, shining through the Great Thousands Space-Time of Immortal Realm.

A young Great Principle Golden Immortal with big eyes is standing beside him. This person is the Heavenly Eye Divine Venerable in Three Realms, but has now been cultivated to the boundary of Great Principle Golden Immortal 5-layers Heaven. , Comparable to the characters of Immortal King Peak.

The strange crystal in front of Jiang Nan is Supervising Heaven Mirror. Supervising Heaven Mirror itself is Heavenly Eye’s Magical Treasure, used to monitor Three Realms All Heavens.

After arriving at Immortal Realm, Heavenly Eye’s cultivation base has advanced greatly, and Supervising Heaven Mirror has also been refining.

Not only that, after the return of Old Ancestor Dark-Bright, he attached great importance to Supervising Heaven Mirror. One of the first things he did was to find Heavenly Eye and borrow his Supervising Heaven Mirror, please Jiang Nan, Dao King, Xi Yingqing, Luo Huayin, Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, Lady Sacred Mother of the Floating Dawn and other powerhouses refining this treasure together.

After Empyrean Origin ascend the throne became the emperor, Dark-Bright took this treasure to see Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor and Profound Metropolis Heavenly Monarch. Please two Heavenly Monarchs to support Supervising Heaven Mirror and let Heavenly Eye this The marvelous of treasures has increased!

"Rahula, still betrayed me..."

Jiang Nan stopped going to see Supervising Heaven Mirror and sighed: "If I don't give him this chance, maybe he will pay Will not betray..."

The big-eyed youngster always smiles, said with a smile: "Cult Master, Rahula was originally a wolf ambition. If you don’t betray this time, you will betray next time, and the future will be even worse. Great. Therefore, this time Cult Master gave him the opportunity to betray, but it is a chance to minimize the harm of his betrayal, and even a rewarding opportunity!"

Jiang Nan couldn't help feeling, Heavenly Eye Controlling the Supervising Heaven Mirror is just the huge iceberg horn of the Emperor Mystic Divine Dynasty he built, and his subordinate has countless talents like Heavenly Eye!

Whether it is Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty or Primal Chaos Heaven Country, it looks terrifying on the surface, but these huge monsters are simple in structure and uneven.

But only the Emperor Mystic Divine Dynasty established by Jiang Nan in Three Realms is an extremely large and magnificent Divine Dynasty system, which not only supervises the Heavenly Eye of the world, but also exists in charge of different functions , Extremely complicated.

Among them are Ramparts Formation, Infantry Military Camp, Capture Formation Camp, Formation Flag Camp, Heavenly Soldiers Camp, Armed Escort Army, Heavenly River Naval Division, Nether Sea Naval Division, Innate Division , Restraining Soul Camp, there are hundreds of large and small armies, with clear classifications and different functions!

Not only that, he also has a huge Imperial Court Ruling System, his subordinate powerhouse, Commander-in-Chief tens of millions of Immortal Army, which can be dictated by an arm, and can be transformed into a giant at any time The battle machine can be transformed into a huge ruling system at any time, and all kinds of talents can be selected at any time!

This system, regardless of strength, efficiency and completeness alone, exceeds Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty and Primal Chaos Heaven Country one can't tell how many!

This is the scariest place in Mystic Prefecture!

It can be said that if Jiang Nan rules Immortal Realm, he can create an unbreakable Empire in the shortest time. In a short time, he can keep the world in order. Even if there is a rebellion, he can The suppression will soon be calmed down!

This is the formidable place of the Emperor Mystic Divine Dynasty who once ruled Three Realms!

"If the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor comes back, it is indeed possible to cause great chaos to my Immortal Realm. After all, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor has been suppressed for so long and is old and weak."

Jiang Nan blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "I already know when he will get out of trouble, maybe he just got out of trouble and then died."

Heavenly Eye also blinked big Eyes, said with a smile: "I used to be the existence of Dao Monarch, how could he die after getting out of trouble?"

Jiang Nan haha ​​said with a smile: "If he is undying, someone will naturally help him , Send him to die! Not only him, even the Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch, he must be thrown into my snare!"

He did not say the name of Heavenly Monarch Maha, but was worried because of the mention. As well as Maha's name and surname, he will feel that something unfavorable to him is about to happen, avoiding his plot against.

Heavenly Eye's heart moved slightly, and suddenly only heard the crash bang, the huge crystals spread out and turned into countless bright mirrors, and he took a breath and said: "This treasure level is too high. I can't bear it for a while."

Jiang Nan stepped out and said with a smile: "If the grade is not high, how can you avoid the Great Wisdom Ancient by monitoring Rahula? Divinity’s Divine Prediction? This set of Supervising Heaven Mirror includes me and Empyrean Origin and Profound Metropolis, two Tempering of Heavenly Monarch. In Immortal Realm, there are really not many treasures with higher grades than this set of Magical Treasure."

His voice came, saying: "Heavenly Eye, I calculated with Profound Metropolis, Empyrean Origin and other Heavenly Monarchs. Soon, Beginning Source Land will be opened again. This time Beginning Source Land is not the most important The most important thing is another great opportunity. This opportunity is that Immortal Realm's Nine Great Voids will be opened. I am afraid that many treasures trained by Exalted-Emperor will be sprayed out. These treasures will fall into the fated person. Hand, but the opportunity is something you can fight for, so you can prepare for it."

Heavenly Eye heart startled, just about to ask in detail, Jiang Nan has already gone.

"Nine Great Voids is turned on, and the Magical Treasure of Exalted-Emperor refining is sprayed?"

Heavenly Eye was shocked and hurried to prepare.

Jiang Nan came to the Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain and gathered several Commanders from Mystic Prefecture. Dao King, Xi Yingqing, Jiang Xue, Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun and the others came.

Jiang Nan told everyone about this and asked everyone to gather their subordinate Immortals and prepare quietly. Everyone couldn't help but be surprised and happy.

Emperor and Exalted have hidden treasures in the Nine Great Voids of Immortal Realm. Among them, the 1st-layer Void is Thunder Sea. Among them, there are many horrible Immortal Beasts and Immortal King Level Immortal Beasts. Not in the minority!

Last time Jiang Nan led Immortals Upper Realm, many Immortals from Three Realms conquered many powerful and formidable Immortal Beasts and formed an army of beasts, Commander-in-Chief of Líchǒu!

Immortal Realm 2nd-layer Void has countless Secret Realms, and every Secret Realm has a Magical Treasure formed in tempering, absorbing the power of Thunder Sea, and constantly growing!

3rd-layer has Three Thousand Immortal Mountains, Immortal Energy in Immortal Mountain is very rich, and Dao Sound is thought-provoking!

The 4th-layer has Three Hundred Immortal Ponds. It is rumored that someone accidentally fell into one of the Immortal Ponds. When they came out, the aptitude was greatly improved.

The 5th-layer is 30 Innate Immortal Domains, the complete Innate Immortal Domain, and the Immortal Domain that gave birth to the Innate Divine Spirit. There are more Innate Divine Spirits than the Innate Primordial Water Immortal Domain. !

The 6th floor is Dao Preaching Cliff and Twelve Continents. Twelve Continents can form a huge roulette and become an extremely amazing Magical Treasure!

As for the 7th-layer is the Two Great Dao Palaces, the secrets in the Two Great Dao Palaces are endless. Today Immortal Monarch has not fully unearthed its secrets. The 8th floor is the buried Daoist Annihilation, the 9th floor It is Beginning Source Land!

"Cult Master, how many treasures will the Nine Great Voids spray this time?" Hua Qingyan asked quickly.

————Zhaizhu is currently in Beijing. I will review it for my daughter. I will have an MRI tomorrow. If the update is unstable in the near future, please forgive me. Zhaizhu tries his best to guarantee two changes a day, by the way, with a wailing, I want a monthly pass, I want to subscribe! ! !

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