Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1386

How powerful is the Annihilation Blood Needle? If it weren't for Jiang Nan refining successfully Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, it would be impossible to prevent such cloudy and evil attacks!

Even though these blood needles were made by Ancestor Stream, the injection of these blood needles into his head also made him unbearable!

Soon, the head of Ancestor Stream was corroded clean, and then a Dao Blood color radiance flew out and disappeared into the Void, disappeared!

This is the Annihilation Blood Needle that has sensed the Dao Fruit position of Ancestor Stream and penetrated the Void to shoot its Dao Fruit Divine Soul!

If no one stops him, he will definitely die!

At this time, Grand Origin’s attack came. Fiercely slapped Jiang Nan on the back. Jiang Nan’s back flesh exploded. Although his Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit were powerful, Grand Origin Cultivation is the Doaist Null-Void half-queen cultivation technique, Fleshly Body tyrannical is incomparable, and it is the route of Fleshly Body attack. Training a Primordial Chaos Great Dao is enough to break his Fleshly Body defense!

However, this palm hit Jiang Nan, but Grand Origin was surprised. He originally thought that his palm fell and Jiang Nan undying would be seriously injured, but now it seems that Jiang Nan's body just swayed slightly , The formidable power of his palm was completely resolved!

Not only that, the flesh and blood on Jiang Nan's back is rapidly recovering, and all the Dao Wound brought by his palm is quickly removed and restored to its original state!

Jiang Nan punched it, Primordial Beginning Energy was vast and vast, all his strengths were condense as one, this fist showed the vast atmosphere, there is a kind of vast and mighty that traverses the ancient and ancient sky, unhindered and invincible. sense!

this fist contains everything Jiang Nan has learned, martial Dao of the giant Lingdao, the curse of Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, the Null-Void Great Dao of Doaist Null-Void, and the Sacred Dao of Heavenly Harmonious Saint , Wait for Primeval Absolute Art to be fully integrated into a punch, bursting through time, smashing Space, unmatched!

Grand Origin's complexion changed drastically, suddenly aura changed, like Divinity-Demon standing in Primal Chaos, unbreakable and inextinguishable undying, with both hands sealed to Jiang Nan this fist!

"Only I Am Null-Void!"

"Null-Void Great Dao?"

Jiang Nan's face was cold: "Doaist Null-Void's Absolute Art may be able to prevent me from this fist, but you can’t, because you only learned the Null-Void inheritance!"

hong long!

The two attacks collided, Grand The Concept of Origin Only I Am Null-Void was suddenly shattered, his arms were broken, bones pierced and flesh and blood were exposed, and the pain made him cry up to the sky.

"Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!"

Jiang Nan palm covers and evolves Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven, hiding Great Overarching Heaven in the palm. When the five fingers are spread apart, Primordial Beginning The Great Overarching Heaven emerges, submerging Grand Origin!

Grand Origin looked around and saw countless Divinity-Demons standing in the Great Overarching Heaven, layer upon layer heaven, palaces, and ancient Divine King. Those Divine King faces let Grand Origin couldn't help but hit a few shuddered!

I saw that the face in one of the Divine Palaces was Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, exactly the same, and there was another Demon-Divinity in the great palace, which described it as Doaist Null-Void!

Grand Origin swept around, and my heart became more and more shocked, I saw that in these great palaces, it is an illusory shadow of Primeval Dao Monarch!

Divine Mother, Asceticism, Heavenly Harmonious, Departed Mother, Peaceful Manifestation, Giant Infant, etc. Primeval Dao Monarch's illusory shadow, unexpectedly became the Lord of a Hall in his Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven, and even Even the illusory shadow of Immortal Emperor Immortal Exalted!

"Mystic Heaven, you can't hold me down!"

Grand Origin is stunned, with countless Primordial Chaos Great Dao flying out all over the body, like a dragon like a python, stirring around, be sure to Break the Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!

He knows the greatness of Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven, this style Divine Ability is Jiang Nan’s strongest Divine Ability, covering the heaven with one hand, falling into his this move Great Divine Ability, I'm afraid I bode ill rather than well!

When he moved, countless Divinity-Demons and countless Great Dao lasses, like Overarching Heaven great net, like he snares!

Outside, Grand Revered urged the treasure ship to come and rescue him and crashed into Jiang Nan. Before he got close, he saw a treasure ship suddenly soaring into the sky and rammed him!

This treasure ship is impressively the Immortal Emperor Treasure Ship that Jiang Nan snatched from Ancestor Stream. Jiang Nan got this treasure ship. In the last ages, he is also studying the cultivation technique contained in the treasure ship. Profound Mystery, at this moment the treasure ship power is released, and half of the World Tree is seen in the ship. Holding up the trillion Space-Time, it also inspired the power of the Immortal Emperor Treasure Ship!

Immortal Emperor Treasure Ship Immortal Exalted Treasure Ship crashed, Grand Revered qi and blood churned, heart startled, Jiang Nan was Primordial Beginning Divine Monarch Middle-Stage Boundary, but he was Immortal Monarch Great Perfection Boundary, It’s only half a step away from Heavenly Monarch. Didn’t expect Jiang Nan to punish Ancestor Stream and suppress Grand Origin. He even fell into a disadvantage in the frontal conflict!

Suddenly, Jiang Nan’s other palm overturned, and another treasure ship appeared. This was a Null-Void Treasure Ship. It became bigger and bigger, wider and wider as soon as the wind swayed. The Immortal Exalted Treasure Ship where the Grand Revered is located hits!

Grand Revered suffered two consecutive impacts, wow vomiting a mouthful of blood, dare not to neglect, immediately turned around and left!

"This guy got the Immortal Emperor Treasure Ship and the Null-Void Treasure Ship. I am afraid that these two treasure ships have been thoroughly comprehended over the years. I only got half the fault Immortal Exalted inheritance, not his opponent! ”

Immortal Emperor Treasure Ship and Null-Void Treasure Ship chased across the air, repeatedly hitting, the Grand Revered on the ship was shaken to the whole body qi and blood, and the whole body exploded one after another Great Dao, and the shawl spread out. , Covered in blood, fear in my heart.

"Mystic Heaven combines the cultivation technique of Immortal Emperor and Null-Void. Its cultivation technique is stronger than me. One can't tell how many. This time Supreme Oneness lets us deal with him, only I'm afraid that I can be kind!"

He was terrified. He didn't know that the Grand Origin in Jiang Nan's palm was more terrifying than his heart. The Jiang Nan cultivation technique guessed by Grand Revered possessed the subtleties of Immortal Emperor Null-Void. In fact, it is just the iceberg horn of Jiang Nan's complete cultivation technique!

And Grand Origin is the real horror of Jiang Nan cultivation technique!

In his Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven, an illusory shadow of Primeval Dao Monarch represents a variety of cultivation techniques merged by Jiang Nan. The essence of these Primeval Dao Monarch’s cultivation techniques has become unexpectedly Part of his Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Scripture!

This is the scariest place!


On the one hand, the Immortal Seal fell from the sky, and it was the Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch that raised the Immortal Seal from the Immortal Realm 7th Void and smashed it at Jiang Nan!

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch was quick to shoot, but Grand Revered, Grand Origin and Ancestor Stream failed faster. When the Immortal Seal fell, Ancestor Stream was already turned into pus by Annihilation Blood Needle, and Grand Revered and Grand Origin got caught in Jiang Nan's palm and the other suffered heavy losses!

The three Great Perfection Immortal Monarch, unexpectedly are not Jiang Nan's opponents!

Immortal Seal is down. This Immortal Seal is the Magical Treasure made by Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch. The power tyrannical is extremely extreme. It crushes Immortal Realm Void Layers. The power is so powerful that Jiang Nan Shattered with one blow!

But at this moment, I saw another big cauldron lasting for ages in the Immortal Realm 7th Void flying out, intercepting the Immortal Seal from the oblique thorn, Immortal Cauldron colliding with the Immortal Seal, and sending out a stirring and melodious snapping sound.

Void zheng zheng zheng cracked and was shaken by the two Magical Treasures.

Suddenly, another scepter flew out of the Void, and a loud noise fiercely struck the Immortal Seal. The Immortal Seal was struck so that one after another crack appeared.

But at this moment, the Immortal Seal suddenly split, and two more treasures flew out from the seal, one turned into the shape of Primordial Cauldron, one turned into the shape of Primordial Tower, and one against it. Immortal Cauldron, one against the scepter.

Immortal Seal took the opportunity to merge and smashed down!

Suddenly another yellow cloud flew in the Void, hunting and hunting, it was a yellow-robed, yellow-robed toward the Immortal Seal, and I wanted to hold the Immortal Seal at first sight. I saw Immortal. Another silhouette in the Seal stood up and slapped its head, but saw Emperor Qi rushing into the sky, and a World Tree in Emperor Qi stood tall.

That silhouette is the Immortal Emperor avatar of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch, supporting the yellow cloud with the World Tree, so that this yellow cloud cannot fall.

In midair, another car bell rang, crisp and sweet, an Emperor War Chariot whizzed out, and there was no one on the Emperor War Chariot, and no animals to pull the cart, but aura overflowing heaven, the Emperor Prestige surpassed the world, Immortal Seal rolled away!

Immortal Seal vibrated violently again, and I saw another silhouette standing up from the Immortal Seal, and an Azure Lotus emerged from the top of the head. It rose in the wind, blocking the crushing of the Emperor War Chariot.

Two great avatars of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch appeared. Although they lost to yellow-robed and Emperor War Chariot, they could be blocked for a period of time!

At this time, the Immortal Seal finally came to Jiang Nan's head!

Jiang Nan raised his hand to welcome the above Immortal seal!

An extremely terrifying throbbing erupted, Jiang Nan’s Great Overarching Heaven broke and shattered, and Grand Origin was shattered by the two extremely terrifying powers of Immortal Seal and Great Overarching Heaven without a grunt. !

His cultivation is the inheritance of Doaist Null-Void and the ancient path of Divinity of Primal Chaos. Dao Fruit can only be placed in itself. This death, Dao Fruit smashes, Divine Soul All were beaten to annihilation, soul flies away and scatters!

Jiang Nan was shaken to qi and blood, a trace of blood gushing from the corner of the mouth, but laughed heartily, raised his hand to grab two treasure ships, and took turns to pump the Immortal Exalted Treasure Ship and the Grand Revered fiercely under!

Immortal Seal rises again and hit him fiercely!

bang bang!

The three treasure ships collided, and the Grand Revered on the treasure ship had already been severely damaged. At this moment, Jiang Nan shot with all his strength and was beaten to pieces on the spot!

Immortal Seal also hit Jiang Nan at this time. Jiang Nan was staggered and his head was almost shattered!

In the Immortal Exalted Palace, Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch's complexion suddenly turned blue, raised his arms, raised his hand to grab the Void, and grabbed a few Annihilation Blood Needles, said with a smile: "Empyrean Origin and Profound Metropolis, you are too broad-minded! Today I want to kill Mystic Heaven, but I want to see who of you can stop me?"

He stepped out of Immortal Exalted Palace, but at this moment, only See Profound Metropolis stepping out of the Immortal Emperor Palace, and deep in the Emperor Palace, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor stepping out.

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch complexion sank, but see Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor and Profound Metropolis Heavenly Monarch blocking his way.

"Supreme Oneness, you have done it." Profound Metropolis Heavenly Monarch shook his head.

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch sneered, and said: "Two Junior Brothers, but each other, see the truth! Please!"

Suddenly, the Void shook, Jiang Nan murderous-looking , Stepped onto the 7th Void and rushed to Immortal Exalted Palace.

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch's face changed drastically, and he said sharply: "Mystic Heaven, what are you doing?"


Jiang Nan strode in Immortal Exalted Palace, Aura sensed, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it. Dao Fruit entrusted by Ancestor Stream in Immortal Exalted Palace was grabbed from the Void. Then he shouted and shattered pieces of Void. Grand Revered Dao Fruit also emerged. come out.

"Supreme Oneness, if you don’t come to mess with me, I had to stand up, suppress the evildoer, since you come to mess with me, then don’t blame me for being ruthless, let’s fall to you Face!"

Jiang Nan's sleeves shook, and the two Great Perfection Immortal Monarch Dao Fruits were shattered by the shock and turned into fine powder and fell from between his sleeves.

Jiang Nan vibrated his sleeves, turned and walked out of the Immortal Exalted Palace, jumped to the Lesser Realm, leaving only the Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch of the complexion ashen.

————brothers, what about the monthly pass? Where is the monthly pass? Will you give me a monthly pass if you want to roll around? That house pig is so shameless?

Get a monthly pass! ! !

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