Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1382

Empyrean Origin Heavenly Monarch ascends the Immortal Emperor!

Almost beyond everyone's expectations!

This is simply the most impossible thing to happen, but it happened strangely. What is Empyrean Origin? The crane tail in the Emperor and Exalted discíple that year, Immortal Realm more than 800 million years’ strongest and most powerful shit-stirring stick, scourge Immortal Realm more than 800 million years, up to the Immortal Monarch down to the Immortal King, which is not affected by this Guy harassed?

Even Uninhabited Forbidden Zone failed to escape his demonic palm and was infested by him from time to time. The leader of Primal Chaos Heaven Country almost all survived his sap, Jade Capital, Profound Metropolis, Dense Light, and the discíple of Emperor and Exalted, and the Immortal Monarch of aloof and remote, which one has not been slapped by him?

He wreaked havoc on the entire Immortal Realm, Uninhabited Zone and Primal Chaos Heaven Country, the enemy is full of people, and now, such a character is actually going to be on the title of Emperor under the recommendation of the two Heavenly Monarchs!

This news is a little bit eye-catching and gives people a sense of confusion of right and wrong!

However, astonished, the two Heavenly Monarchs summoned the Immortal King Immortal Monarch, entered the two palaces, gave audience Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, so many Immortal King Immortal Monarchs still dare not disobey, they can only follow . In Immortal Realm today, there are more than two thousand Immortal King Levels, half of which are cultivation. The new Immortal Dao and the new Demon Dao started. There are nearly fifty characters in the Immortal Monarch Level. Among them are the discíple 27 of Immortal Emperor Immortal Exalted. Immortal Monarch, then New Generation such as Heavenly Mineral, Purple Firmament, Profound Maiden, North Star, etc., then Myriad Curses, Sacred Demon, Purple Blossoming Lotus, Heavenly Desolate, Evilless, Asceticism, Carnation Rarein, Ice Dare, etc. Monarch.

In addition to them, there are the five Ancestral Masters of the new Immortal Dao and the new Demon Dao, Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Empress Other Shore, Ji Du, and Rahula, and the five Dao Ancestors of the Immortal Monarch Level. exist.

There are many other existences that are close to Immortal Monarch, such as Dao King, Jiang Xue, Xi Yingqing, Ti Xuanwei, Deficient Emptiness, Hao Shaojun, Ren Xiantian, Hua Qingyan, Feng Yi, etc., the number is very large , Mystic Prefecture alone accounted for 30%!

This flourishing period, Mystic Prefecture shines, five Dao Ancestors, plus Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, six Immortal Monarch Levels, plus nearly a hundred Immortal King Level characters, and Among the five Dao Ancestor subordinates, many of them are of Immortal King Level, and they are so powerful!

What’s even more surprising is that Dao Monarch Myriad Curses Dao Monarch of reincarnation is also in the queue of Mystic Prefecture. You must know that this Dao Monarch is the existence of Peak in Immortal Monarch, and was recognized by Ancestor. Stream, Grand Origin and Grand Revered three Great Perfection Immortal Monarchs have been chased and killed many times, and they can always escape from the dead, which shows their strength!

What everyone did not expect was that he actually joined Mystic Prefecture!

There are so many strange facts these years, which is dazzling.

Jiang Nan personally led the group into the Two Great Dao Palaces. This Immortal Emperor ascend the throne great codex is extremely grand. Heavenly Monarch, Immortal Monarch, and Immortal King are almost all gathered here, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor The palace is located in the depths of the Two Great Dao Palaces, majestic and majestic, Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch Commander Immortal Exalted Palace, Profound Metropolis Jade Capital Commander Immortal Emperor Palace, together guarding the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor.

Immortals pay tribute, give audience Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, the momentum is huge, even the Ancient Divinity Dayan of Primal Chaos Heaven Country, also sent envoy to congratulate.

It’s just that, except for Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, no one came to the reincarnation Dao Monarch. This is because the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor is the Emperor of Immortal Realm. I want to command Immortal Realm, all the creatures of Immortal Realm. All of them are their subjects, and the reincarnation Dao Monarch is self-reliant. If you come to pay respects to, you will be the weaker, so you didn't come.

In the event, Immortal Realm Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures appeared one after another, Innate Five Colored Lotus, Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, Good Fortune Gate, Innate Spirit Root, Innate Divine Lantern, Innate Detestation Demon Spear and Innate Plague Emperor Coffin have appeared one after another, permeating the power of overflowing heaven, suppressing the present world!

Eight Great Magical Treasures rays of light shine, penetrate the Nine Layers Void, shine Great Thousand Worlds, shine the Emperor Palace sacred brilliantly!

At the time of Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor ascend the throne, Two Great Innate Spirit Treasures, Primordial Cauldron, Primordial Tower also appeared one after another, command Eight Great Magical Treasures, suppress Emperor Palace destiny, Two Great Spirit Treasures Eight Great The majestic and grandiose of Magical Treasures make people convinced!

The imposing manner of this generation Immortal Emperor is nothing at all!

Although many people are dissatisfied with the Immortal Emperor of this generation and want to make trouble, they also dismissed this idea after seeing Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower.

After the event, Empyrean Origin ruled the world and the world was peaceful.

Not long after, Mystic Prefecture Cult Master Mystic Heaven listed the Emperor Palace Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor and invited the officials of the world to forge the Emperor War Chariot and the Immortal Emperor Scepter for the Immortal Emperor to show the authority of the Immortal Emperor.

As soon as this table came out, there was an uproar in the world. Cult Master Mystic Heaven was called a courtier, a traitor, and a clown by the heroes. Cult Master Mystic Heaven was therefore hated by people.

However, this proposal was still approved by the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor. The heroes did not dare to violate them. They gathered in the Emperor Palace and searched the world for Immortal Metal and Primal Chaos Metal to create the Emperor War Chariot and Immortal for the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor. The Emperor Scepter, two thousand Immortal Kings, fifty Immortal Monarchs, and Three Great Heavenly Monarchs, each with their own Great Dao Mark in the Emperor War Chariot and the Immortal Emperor Scepter, took more than three hundred years to combine the Emperor War Chariot and the Immortal Emperor Scepter is built.

Emperor War Chariot and Immortal Emperor Scepter were successfully built, and the power is overwhelming. It is known as the most outstanding Magical Treasure in the Heavenly Monarch Treasure, and it catches up with Dao Monarch Treasure!

Mystic Prefecture Cult Master Mystic Heaven is on the table again, please Immortal Monarch Heavenly Monarch, urge Innate Magical Treasure, Innate Spirit Treasure, mark Emperor War Chariot and Immortal Emperor Scepter, and arouse many powerhouse curses. Absolutely, someone called Great Treacherous Minister Jiang face to face.

Recognized by the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, the heroes had to enter the two palaces again, urging the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures Two Great Innate Spirit Treasures, and using a hundred years of time, the power of Innate Magical Treasure Innate Spirit Treasure was marked on the Emperor. Above War Chariot and Immortal Emperor Scepter.

From then on, the Great Dao Mark of the world outstanding heroes has been in the hands of the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, gathered the Great Dao insights of the world outstanding heroes, and the power of the Emperor War Chariot and the Immortal Emperor Scepter has overwhelmed the world, second only to Innate Magical Treasure, called Immortal Emperor Symbol.

Originally, many people who were dissatisfied with Empyrean Origin, saw these two treasures refining successfully, and they both lost their minds.

Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor sits on the Emperor War Chariot and travels around the world, no one dares to rebel.

Empyrean Origin 500 years ago, Immortal Emperor conquered Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate, crushed Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch, suppressed Evilless Dao Monarch, and Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor fought in the outskirts of Dragon Boundary and married Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother, Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother is revered as Immortal Empress.

Immortal Emperor put down the Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch rebellion, see Asceticism Heavenly Venerate, level the world, and then enter the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, see the forbidden zone ancient existence, the imposing manner is the same for a moment.

This move laid the foundation for Immortal Realm's peace, and there will be no war in the next five hundred years.

Empyrean Origin six hundred years ago, Emperor Child came to the world and named Meng Xun.

Empyrean Origin 700 years ago, the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone shrank, Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation was established, and the Five Great Immortal Prefectures was separated. It was seized and occupied by Cult Master Mystic Heaven. The Immortal Emperor repeatedly appeared on the table and impeached Cult. Master Mystic Heaven, requesting to punish Mystic Heaven, clear Monarch's entourage, and return Immortal Realm to justice, was suppressed by Immortal Emperor.

In the eight hundred years of Empyrean Origin, Dao King, Feng Yi, and East Pole have obtained Immortal Monarch, son of Jade Capital Immortal Monarch Yu Lin has obtained Immortal Monarch, Dense Light has come back to achieve Great Perfection Immortal Monarch, and The Beginning Source Land opened again, and the Immortal Kings of the world entered the Beginning Source Land one after another. The Cult Master Mystic Heaven spoiled the rogue and sent all the subordinate Immortal King Level battle strengths to the Beginning Source Land, causing dissatisfaction among other Immortal Monarchs.

The heroes conquered Cult Master Mystic Heaven and were knocked to the ground by Cult Master Mystic Heaven. Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor came forward to resolve them, and the heroes were indignant.

Empyrean Origin 900 years ago, Immortal Realm saw many New Generation Immortal Monarchs, Uninhabited Forbidden Zone shrank again, Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation, and seven Immortal Prefecture lands. Cult Master Mystic Heaven swallowed these lands with a dead skin. , Once again caused dissatisfaction among the heroes.

Immortal Emperor issued an edict and ordered Cult Master Mystic Heaven to cede a part of the land. Cult Master Mystic Heaven was ordered to cede the land to establish Nine Great Immortal Prefectures, Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Empress Other Shore, East Pole Lady, Lady Sacred Mother of the Floating Dawn, Demon Ancestor Ji Du, Ancestral Master Rahula, Dao King Immortal Monarch and Son of Heaven Meng Xun each get an Immortal Prefecture.

The heroes even scolded shameless people.

Empyrean Origin for a thousand years, the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone contracted again, Cult Master Mystic Heaven once again sent troops to invade the land, screamed again, and the heroes came up for impeachment. Immortal Emperor ordered Cult Master Mystic Heaven to cede the land. Cult Master Mystic Heaven refused to comply. Immortal Emperor laughed and scolded the miser.

This year, Primal Chaos Heaven Country Ancient Divinity Maha came back and became Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch.

This year will be troubled. Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate cultivated successfully Heavenly Monarch was born and established Demon Gate Great Cult, known as Sacred Demon Cult Master. It is opposed to Ji Du and Rahula Demon Ancestor, Asceticism Heavenly Venerate cultivate successfully Heavenly Monarch was born and established Monk Great Cult, known as Cult Master Asceticism, Heavenly Desolate, Evilless cultivate successfully Heavenly Monarch, and established Monster Gate Great Cult, known as Heavenly Desolate Cult Master, Evilless Cult Master, Myriad Manifestation Heavens Ancestral Master Heavensly Ancestral Master cultivate successfully , Established Myriad Manifestations Great Cult, known as Cult Master Myriad Manifestations, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch cultivated successfully Heavenly Monarch, and established Cursed Gate Great Cult, known as Myriad Curses Cult Master.

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch established Supreme Oneness Divine Cult, known as Supreme Oneness Cult Master, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch established Jade Capital Sacred Cult, Profound Metropolis discíple Xi Yingqing was ordered to establish Profound Metropolis Sacred Cult.

In this year, more than ten young Immortal Monarchs were born, suspected of being Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation.

In this year, the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor summoned the world's First Great Treacherous Minister Cult Master Mystic Heaven to meet in the palace. Emperor and Mystic Heaven talked for a long time before releasing the Great Treacherous Minister back.

Mystic Heaven Great Treacherous Minister returned to Mystic Prefecture, Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Empress Other Shore, Ji Du and Rahula Dao Ancestor each established Great Cult, each calling itself Ancestral Master, sharing Mystic Heaven as Cult Master.

"Cult Master, chaos has appeared in the world. After a thousand years of peace, there will be great chaos in the world."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said to Jiang Nan: "Today many Primeval Dao Monarchs They each established Great Cult and promoted their respective doctrines. In fact, they promoted the Great Dao of Primeval Era, seeking for their own interests, and waiting for the opportunity to overthrow the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor."

Jiang Nan nodded, said:" Senior Brother Empyrean Origin has a hunch. This time I set up Five Great Dao Lineages. I am Cult Master. I want to take advantage of the huge scale of the new Immortal Dao and the new Demon Dao to limit the expansion of the Great Cult of the Great Dao. Split Immortal Realm. Trusted Advisor Hidden Dragon, do you know when there will be a chaos? What caused this chaos?"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright's eyes flickered, and he shook his head: I don’t know. Maybe Heavenly Monarch Maha knows, if Heavenly Monarch Maha knows, Heavenly Ghost Grandma will know too. Your Majesty, why not take Heavenly Ghost Grandma to Upper Realm?"

Jiang Nan categorically rejected: "I I owe Ghost Grandma too much, and if I take her to Upper Realm, it will kill her. She will inevitably attract Heavenly Monarch Maha's full blow. Trusted Advisor, this matter will not be mentioned again."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright sighed, suddenly said with a smile: "Cult Master, Five Great Cults under your name, controls most of the population of Immortal Realm, and other Primeval Dao Monarchs will inevitably attack you! I wonder how powerful Cult Master is now? Can stop it? The other party is Heavenly Monarch, Cult Master Just Divine Monarch! "

Jiang Nan put his hands on his back and said leisurely: "Although I have not made much progress in recent years, I am not necessarily weaker than them." But as for stronger and weaker, there is always a fight and a fight before you know! "

————brothers, the last 12 hours at the end of the month, again sincerely ask for the monthly pass in the hands of Fellow Daoist!!! Please firepower for support!!!

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