Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1357

It didn’t take long for Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin, and Grand Revered Three Emperors to arrive at Immortal Realm. After the three imposing Immortal Monarchs entered Immortal Realm, they set off an uproar and conquered several big ones in a row. Immortal Prefecture, to subdue a statue of Immortal King, claiming to be Three Emperors, its prestige shocked the world.

It’s just that these Immortal Kings each have the support of Immortal Monarch. The Immortal Monarch of two palaces has come. They competed with Grand Revered, Grand Origin and Ancestor Stream. They lost one after another. Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch was almost lost. Beheaded, even the most ancient Immortal Monarch among Immortal Monarch, Immortal Monarch Xu'a was almost beheaded, making the reputation of their three people even more shocking.

Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin, and Grand Revered sailed into the Immortal Realm 7th Void and announced that Two Great Dao Palaces would be changed hands. Immortal Realm was officially in charge of them, which changed the situation. It's even bigger.

However, when these three superb powerhouses entered the 7th Void, they encountered a mysterious masked man and knocked three sticks. They were a little embarrassed. After reaching the 7th Void, they met the white clothed youngster and set stars in the Void. , Invited the three of them to play a unique game of Go.

Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin, and Grand Revered three challenged. The two sides played for a long time. After fighting for half a year with planet as chess pieces, they couldn't beat the white clothed youngster. Instead, chess pieces were killed. Throwing away the helmet and armor is almost pale.

Grand Origin Great Emperor waved his sleeves and shattered countless chess pieces, coldly said: "The whole world is just a small road, and there are too many variables in the world. Why not open and aboveboard a fight and use martial strength to determine the winner? "

The three Great Emperors are violent, and are about to kill the killer. The white clothed youngster haha ​​smiled, and disappeared.

The three of Grand Origin finally came outside of the Two Great Dao Palaces. They saw the Immortal Forest lush green and full of life. The trees covered the sky. There was a pavilion outside the forest, and there was a yellow- in the pavilion. robed youngster, subordinate a big person with horns, a beautiful Immortal Monstress, and a man with a yellow face, sitting in the pavilion, listening to the yellow-robed youngster.

"Three Fellow Daoists have come from afar, why not come and listen?" the yellow-robed youngster invited.

Ancestor Stream Great Emperor laughed heartily: "Listen to the lecture? Okay, I'd like to see if your truth can beat the truth of the three of us from Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void!"

The three Great Emperors did not enter the pavilion, but instead sat on the treasure ship and talked with the yellow-robed youngster for decades.

The three of them argued with the yellow-robed youngster, saying that achieving the Dao was justified and indisputable. Dumbstruck, Grand Revered Great Emperor stood up, cupped the hands and said: "Happy meeting."

Grand Origin's face was a little stiff, and he arched his hands and said: "I have learned."

Ancestor Stream Great Emperor coughed and said: "See you again later."

Three People know it’s hard to retreat, knowing that the three people encountered on their three people must be Peak in the Immortal Realm two palaces, no matter who is the Overlord in the Immortal Monarch, the three of them are really not those of the three. The opponents immediately got up and sailed away and returned to the Immortal Realm Great Prefecture, each occupying an Empire, calling themselves the Immortal Emperor.

And the yellow-robed youngster also got up and brought a few weird Dao Child virgin females back to Dao Palace Immortal City.

Not long after, news came that the three superb Immortal Monarchs Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin and Grand Revered were chasing and killing Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, which caused a lot of trouble in Immortal Prefecture.

Among the Primal Chaos Heaven Country, the Heaven Country Spirit vibrated, and I saw that on the majestic altar where the Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit was located, a Primordial Chaos purple light soared into the sky. It was so big that it shook all the Ancient Divinity. .

On this day, there is a great character in Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Heavenly Monarch in Primal Chaos, one of the most ancient existence, Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor.

Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor rebelled against Doaist Null-Void and was suppressed by Doaist Null-Void. It has disappeared for more than a billion years, and Primal Chaos has no way to find the original path. I don't know where this Heavenly Monarch was suppressed.

didn't expect more than a billion years in the past, this ancient incomparable existence unexpectedly came to Primal Chaos Heaven Country!

Many ancient Divine Metropolis in Primal Chaos Heaven Country cheered and celebrated this big happy occasion, but there were also many people who were secretly worried. Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor was the fiercest opposition back then, against Doaist Null-Void, opposed to Null-Void and the Emperor, Exalted alliance, and even assassinated Null-Void!

Furthermore, this person has wild ambition and even has the idea of ​​replacing Null-Void. He has great ambitions for power. If not, he would not be suppressed!

This person returns, Primal Chaos Heaven Country will inevitably usher in a big shock!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor to force many prestigious Ancient Divinity to surrender to him, and gradually control the power of Heaven Country, and even personally capture the Ancient Divinity Rama. Although Ancient Divinity Rama is a headless body, it is one of the three leaders of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity. It is also the main god of formatíon, the master of the Null-Void era. Formatíon's accomplishments matchless in the world, naturally will not be subdued.

The battle between the two sides almost smashed Primal Chaos Heaven Country to pieces. In the end, Ancient Divinity Rama was defeated and retreated away from the altar where Heaven Country Spirit was located.

"Do you think the spirit can protect you? Rama, I will refining the spirit today!"

Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor broke through and boarded the ancient altar. Seeing the rays of light released in the altar, the spirit turned into a Divine Maiden and walked out of the purple light, waved the staff to force the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor back, and let the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor come home.

Until the arrival of Ancient Divinity Dayan, there was a fierce battle with the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor, and the two sides were indifferent. Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor then stopped, there was no exaggeration.

In Immortal Realm Abandoned Land, a big ship suddenly stopped and escaped from the Tribulation Light, then the Tribulation Light hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed past, wherever it went, everything was destroyed .

"So many years have passed, why is the Master still seclusion?"

Dao Child Linglong looked back at Jiang who was struggling to find sacred medicine treasure tree medicinal power on the treasure ship Nan, muttered: "Father, we have been walking for so long, and we haven't even seen a silhouette. Do you think we are the only ones left in this Abandoned Land?"

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch looked around , I saw the Abandoned Land empty, only Tribulation Light Demon Eye floating, I couldn't hear a sound, I couldn't see a silhouette, desolate silence, I couldn't help frowning.

They have been wandering in Abandoned Land for decades. Not only did they not encounter Ancient Divinity Dayan and the others, but they didn't even see the native creatures here, which is very weird.

Not only that, Skyscraping Immortal Monarch also sailed to the place where they entered Abandoned Land. The Annihilation Demon Eye where the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor is located has disappeared, and 99 Primal Chaos Planet chains have also been broken. Go, apparently Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor has escaped the suppression.

The most critical point is that the vortex to Abandoned Land created by Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor also disappeared, and only the aftermath of Annihilation Tribulation is left here. Skyscraping Immortal Monarch can tell that this is someone who borrowed the Power of Destruction from Annihilation Tribulation's fated tribulation with the method of heaven shaking earth shattering to obliterate the suppression of the Doaist Null-Void and help the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor escape.

"Who is this person? Such methods are really rare..." He couldn't help being muttered.

Jiang Nan is still trying his best to refining the medicinal power of the sacred medicine treasure tree, sometimes the whole body Magic Power bursts, sometimes the Magic Power is like a sea, deep and unmeasurable, sometimes he is conscious, and is with Skyscraping father And son said a few words, and sometimes fell into the void again, and he didn't wake up no matter what.

"It seems that the medicinal power of the sacred medicine treasure tree is really amazing. Cult Master Mystic Heaven will not be out for a while."

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch looks at Jiang Nan carefully, the more you look The more frightened, Jiang Nan Magic Power surpassed his cultivation base during the peak period, and every time Magic Power reached its heyday, he was hitting the Immortal Monarch Boundary. It’s just that Jiang Nan’s foundation is solid and the boundary barrier is also solid. Very sturdy, more difficult to break through than others!

Although he struggled to hit the boundary barrier of Immortal Monarch Level, and even though he had the huge medical power support of Primeval Sacred Medicine, he still couldn't break through this barrier and could only loosen the barrier.

"If the Cult Master is Proving Dao Immortal Monarch, his achievements are much greater than me. However, he wants to break through, and it is much more difficult than me."

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch sighed with emotion. He has never dealt with Jiang Nan. He once played one game, but he felt sorry for each other. Seeing Jiang Nan's achievements are so amazing, he was both happy and worried for Jiang Nan.

He can see that Jiang Nan’s path is not Immortal Dao, nor is it an ancient path of Divinity, but a brand-new path. There is no one to follow on this path. People can communicate with him. It is conceivable that Jiang Nan can only bear the difficulties and obstacles along the way.

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch is also asking Dao Child Linglong for the training technique of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. Dao Child Linglong has already obtained the complete Dragon Ancestor Supreme Breath Great Law. Naturally, he will not hide his own personalities. Professor, father and son studied this cultivation technique called Dao Monarch Level, and the harvest is unimaginable.

"Linglong, your cultivation base has improved too fast, and you will soon become Immortal Monarch in just a few hundred years. I am afraid it will be bad for you."

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch said solemnly: "You can't breakthrough, you must suppress the boundary, re-consolidate the boundary, and polish each boundary for hundreds of thousands of years, before you can consolidate the foundation."

Dao Child Linglong doubted: "father , Isn’t it that the stronger the cultivation base, the higher the boundary, the better?"

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch shook his head and said: "You are now equivalent to building a building on the sand. You can’t stand the wind and waves. You can still maintain it now. No, but if you go further in the future, you will collapse and collapse, either by your own hands or by external forces. A meet tribulation is necessary."

Dao Child Linglong is horrified.

Not long after, Jiang Nan regained consciousness and released the Old Ancestor Dark-Bright couple. Their husband and wife two people have also obtained many benefits over the past few decades. Jiang Nan took the sacred medicine treasure tree. The medicinal power floods the Purple Mansion Space, and the husband and wife two people are busy day and night with the purest medicinal power, and the cultivation base strengths are advanced greatly.

Jiang Nan took out the Dao Fruit Fragment of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor and said: "Although most of the essence of Dao Fruit Fragment has been turned into Primeval Sacred Medicine, the rest is not trivial. You take it to refine There is also this treasure ship, the half-defect Great Dao Mark of Immortal Emperor. You will also participate in the study one or two. When I wake up next time, let's find the way to leave." After that, he fell asleep again.

The four looked at each other in blank dismay, so they had to sit down, participate in the research of two treasure ships, and absorb Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor Dao Fruit Fragment.

"Cult Master seclusion this time, I don’t know when I will wake up."

Thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye. All four of them have gained a lot, and their strength is advanced greatly, Other Shore said with a smile: "Not equal to me. Let's take a stroll everywhere. When our couple were officials at Ancestor Stream, we heard that there are many hidden places in this Abandoned Land that have not been destroyed by Annihilation Tribulation."

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