Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1352

In the corpse of the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, unexpectedly there is also a corpse, and it is the corpse of Dao Monarch!

What makes them have one's hair stand on end the most is that this Dao Monarch unexpectedly was also swallowed up, and only human skin is left, because this kind of existence is really very powerful, even if only left A human skin always keeps its original appearance, exactly the same as before, lifelike.

Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor and this Dao Monarch are rare figures in the same era. In any era, existences like these are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, breaking their fingers. Counting, I can鈥檛 count my hands, and such a character, unexpectedly, two of them died at once!

Moreover, they unexpectedly were all devoured by people and Great Dao, only the skin is left!

This scene is too terrifying. There is a Dao Monarch hidden in the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. Both of them are swallowed by some monster. This is simply impossible. It happened in front of them, and it has been Become a fact!

"What the hell is made of..." Skyscraping Immortal Monarch muttered.

Jiang Nan drove the treasure ship and approached them, Skyscraping and Linglong paid respect, Jiang Nan and Dark-Bright couple returned the gift, Jiang Nan asked briefly, it turns out that Skyscraping and Linglong father and son are following the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor Bloodline felt into the Annihilation Danger Domain. The two felt that they did not have enough strength to pass through the Annihilation Danger Domain. When they were worried, they saw a sole-shaped big ship in the Danger Domain flying over and landing in front of them. .

Father and son boarded this big ship, and saw that the ship passed through the Danger Domain again, carrying them through Space-Time, and came here.

Jiang Nan couldn't help feeling that their lives were good. Skyscraping and Dao Child Linglong got here with a smooth wind. There was no surprises and dangers along the way. On the other hand, Jiang Nan and the others nearly died on the road several times.

"Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor mostly expected that his descendants would find here. When you sense his bloodline, you will touch the layout he left behind and let this ship take the initiative to look for you. "

Jiang Nan's eyes flickered, said with a smile: "Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor will definitely not leave this arrangement without aim, Senior Brother Skyscraping, Linglong, you can find it if you feel it carefully. Dragon Ancestor gives you a chance!"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright nodded and said: "Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is indeed extraordinary. I'm afraid he expected that his time of death is approaching, so he should stay Next inheritance. It is estimated that if you want to get his inheritance, you can only get it with his bloodline! Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is close to Dao Monarch, and the inheritance and opportunity he left behind is very scary!"

Skyscraping Thanks to Linglong, said with a smile: "Cult Master, let鈥檚 search for it."

Father and son immediately sat down and felt each other, Jiang Nan looked all around, Suddenly flew up and landed on that Dao Monarch's eyebrows. This Dao Monarch Fleshly Body was very large. The great cave that broke through his eyebrows was the size of a planet.

Jiang Nan looked carefully, took a measurement along the wound, and was silent.

"What's the matter?" Dark-Bright and Other Shore asked as they flew over.

"I have seen a planet once, among them is the baby Giant conceived by Primal Chaos Heavenly Fire, which is a parasitic of Primeval Dao Monarch. It is extremely formidable. It has grown to be comparable to Heavenly Monarch before being born. Circumstances, and Body, Magic, Dao Trinity, if he is born, he will practice Dao Fruit, I am afraid that he can achieve Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, formidable boundless!"

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, He whispered: "That planet is the same size as the wound in the eyebrows of this Dao Monarch."

"You mean, that Infant Giant might have swallowed the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor and this one. The culprit of Dao Monarch?"

Other Shore Female Emperor blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Cult Master, what kind of strength exists, can the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor be as good as Dao Monarch? The powerhouse even surrendered a Dao Monarch, suppressing them, so that they did not even have the strength to resist, so they had to let him parasitize?"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright slightly frowned, said: "If it is The parasitic person is Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor or that Dao Monarch, then it is possible."

Jiang Nan's body quaked slightly, said solemnly: "Trusted Advisor is reasonable. Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is in The downfall should be suppressed by that Dao Monarch, but this Dao Monarch is also vicious and merciless. It actually uses its own Great Dao and flesh and blood, plus the Great Dao and flesh and blood of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor to cultivate its own Reincarnation Body ! His plot is really terrible! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said: "Not only that. Zichuan, let me ask you, is there any particularity in this Annihilation Heavenly Fire that bred Reincarnation Body? "

Jiang Nan was surprised, nodded and said: "He is very particular. Annihilation Heavenly Fire is the Heavenly Fire that destroyed one era, and the Heavenly Fire that gave birth to the next era. Destruction and birth coexist. If a creature is conceived from Heavenly Fire, he can become the Great Dao Lord of the next era, and he is born sacred and is destined to become the Dao Lord! "

He took a long breath and whispered: "Furthermore, this Abandoned Land is formed after the three Universe Destructions developed by Emperor, Exalted and Doaist Null-Void, Emperor, Exalted and Null- Void They originally planned to develop Immortal Realm. They didn鈥檛 open the sky and formed Annihilation Heavenly Fire. Annihilation Heavenly Fire gave birth to this Infant Giant. Infant Giant was parasitized by this Dao Monarch..."

Old Ancestor Dark- Bright continued: "Immortal Realm has overturned the new era formed by Ancient Divinity Era, and Ancient Divinity is the New Era that has not yet formed after the capture of Curse Dao Era. In this way, this parasitic Dao Monarch, together with Ancient Divinity, Immortal Realm, Emperor and Exalted, Null-Void, and even the era of Curse Dao that was crushed before it was formed, formed a huge karma network, which will bring the Curse All the creatures after Dao Era, including Ancient Divinity, including all Immortals, including Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void, including you and me, are all covered in this great net! "

Jiang Nan took a breath, hoarsely said: "And he is the collector of this great net of karma, the end of Immortal Dao Era, the beginning of another era!" "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright couldn't help but get excited, a little trembling with excitement, said with a smile: "Such a powerful character, I have only seen it before, if I can compete with this and the others. , Fighting wits and fighting, can you live up to what you have learned in your life..."

"Trusted Advisor is moved? "

Jiang Nan glanced at him, said with a smile: "I am here to find you this time, just to pick you up from here and go to Immortal Realm. Trusted Advisor, Three Realms is too small to allow Hidden Dragon to fly into the air and change in flight. Only Immortal Realm can make Hidden Dragon out of the abyss and use what he has learned throughout his life! "

He said leisurely: "Being an official under Ancestor Stream, being a small courtier, just insulting you. Abandoned Land is too small to accommodate Hidden Dragon. Only Immortal Realm, many Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation, conspirators lay out the world, control common people, lofty aspirants laugh and stand proud in the whole world, heroes competing for the orthodoxy of this era, and Heaven and Earth can make Hidden Dragon No more low diving, soaring into the sky! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright's eyes lit up, said with a smile: "Zichuan, are you soliciting me and letting me fight the world for you?" Although my beloved wife and I live in this dangerous land, they are very peaceful, and..."

He looked at the woman next to him, with tenderness in his eyes, and said: "I plan to live in seclusion. Escape from the world, bring his lovable wife to the mountains and forests, and no longer go out of the mountains. Disputes in the world have nothing to do with us. "

Jiang Nan frowned slightly, and suddenly said with a smile: "I have an old relationship with Senior Brother Profound Metropolis, and I can break this karma with you." "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright shook his head and said: "Other Shore and I left All Heavens Myriad Worlds and went to another country. We have already broken Karma with him." Zichuan, you don't need to persuade us anymore to fight for the world. It is true that you can live up to what you have learned in your life by fighting against the wise, but living quietly with your lovable wife is the great satisfaction of life. "

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Trusted Advisor knows something, Dao King, Profound-Yellow, Heaven's Will, and Teacher Heavenly Vessel. They are all in Immortal Realm at the moment. Don't you want to be with old friends? Reunion? "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said with a smile: "If I have time, I will go with Madam to find them and drink. "

Jiang Nan frowned and said: "The madam sister-in-law is now one of the three Great Dao Ancestors of Immortal Realm's new Immortal Dao. It opened up the Golden Core Great Dao. If you go to Immortal Realm, you must be ascending. To the skies with a single leap, aspiring to Immortal Monarch, and even Heavenly Monarch in the future, Dao Monarch is not impossible! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright hesitated, looking towards Other Shore Female Emperor, Other Shore Female Emperor puchi said with a smile: "Is Imortal Realm Dao Ancestor expensive?" No matter how precious you are, it鈥檚 not as precious as you, this Dao Ancestor, don鈥檛 worry. "

The two lovebird atmosphere, holding both hands together.

Jiang Nan sighed, raising his hand to suppress the two, the mind moved slightly, Primordial Beginning Great Dao turned into a rope, Bundling the couple on the treasure ship, Old Ancestor Dark-Bright struggled and said angrily: "Zichuan, what are you doing? Have something to say! "

"Trusted Advisor Hidden Dragon, of course I intend to tie the two of you back to Immortal Realm. "Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Other Shore Female Emperor persuaded: "Twisted melons are not sweet. "

"Pack sweet, pack sweet. "Jiang Nan hehe said with a smile.

"scoundrel brat, let me down! If you tie me back, I won't give you any tactics, and it will ruin your plans! "

Jiang Nan shook his head and said: "Trusted Advisor, when the nest is upset no egg is left intact, this Infant Giant will be born in the future. If you want to destroy the Immortal Realm, can your husband and wife survive alone? Trusted Advisor, madam sister-in-law, you don鈥檛 think about you, but also for your upcoming son. This Abandoned Land is not a good land. Does Trusted Advisor want your esteemed son to grow up here? "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright startled, hurriedly looked towards Other Shore Female Emperor and said: "When did it happen?" "

Other Shore Female Emperor looked shy and bowed her head and said: "It's been a while, but in places like Abandoned Land, I didn't dare to give birth, so I didn't tell you..."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright laughed and cried. After a long time of trouble, he looked towards Jiang Nan and said: "Zichuan, we can go back to Immortal Realm, but I will not participate in this dispute. "

Jiang Nan waved his husband and wife together with the treasure ship into the Purple Mansion, whispered: "Then what use is there for me to tie you?" One is tied, just tie it to the end, lest you slip away again..."

"Let us down, you scoundrel! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright exclaimed: "Your sister-in-law is pregnant, if you have a fetal gas. "

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, and the shackles on the two of them were untied. Old Ancestor Dark-Bright tried to rush out of his Purple Mansion, but he could not charge ahead. He hated his teeth, Other Shore Female Emperor. comforted: "Zichuan this brat escapes, but it is not a bad person, and I am still his Madam Master, he will not do bad things to us. "

"I am not worried about this, I am worried that he will involve us in disputes. "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright sighed, said: "Profound Metropolis is almost fallen, and it has set off 54 million years of turmoil in Lesser Realm. This Immortal Realm is really not a good place. There are many talents in Immortal Realm, if there is a mistake..."

Other Shore said with a smile: "When the husband is in the Divine Emperor Boundary, he can gather the power of everyone to fight against Profound Metropolis. Suppress him and divide him. Now he is the Immortal King. Will he still be afraid of future disputes? You are with me. Although you don鈥檛 say happily all day long, I know that you have a fire in your heart. You want to show off your ambitions and compete with the existence of wisdom connecting the heavens. This is your long-cherished wish..."

"My long-cherished wish..." Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said in a low voice.

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