Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1329

Jiang Nan stepped forward and said with a smile: "I have already comprehend the way to go in the future, breaking through the biggest obstacles, and it is useless to continue the separation bitter cultivation, naturally. Go out and relax. Elder Sister, Fellow Daoist Feng Yi, aren’t you in Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, when did you come out?"

Ti Xuanwei gave him a white look and said with a smile: "Two Elder Sister has worked hard these days and spent three full years in the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, leading me to the Immortal expedition in Mystic Prefecture. It is really hard. Master, you don’t know how to pity women. Elder Sister Xue and Elder Sister Feng Yi have been in the past few years. I worked hard for you for Mystic Prefecture. It hurts people to say this as soon as you left the customs."

Immortal King Feng Yi said with a smile: "Younger Sister Xuanwei, what are you saying?"

Immortal King Feng Yi said with a smile I was wrong. Cult Master knew that Dao Heart hurts women."

These words had a bit of an unpleasant smell, Jiang Nan wanted to get cold sweat on his forehead again.

Ti Xuanwei is obviously aware of something, such as why Elder Sister Jiang Xue and Immortal King Feng Yi are both proficient in Curse Dao, Curse Dao Heavenly Altar has arrived in Mystic Prefecture, Jiang Nan asked these two women to control Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, escorting everyone into the Heavenly Altar experience, it must be a bit tricky.

Jiang Xue was quite calm, smiling and not speaking.

Ti Xuanwei said with a smile: "Many thanks to the two Elder Sisters taking care of Zichuan for me these years."

Immortal King Feng Yi said with a smile: "This is what it should be Why do you need to say thank you?"

Jiang Xue still laughed and said nothing.

Jiang Nan has a big head. He has nothing to do with Immortal King Feng Yi, but didn't expect Immortal King Feng Yi to confront Ti Xuanwei first, but Jiang Xue stood by and watched the excitement.

Jiang Nan hit a haha, said with a smile: "Madam, Fellow Daoist Feng Yi and Elder Sister Jiang Xue have been working hard these days. I don’t want to say thank you. It’s rare for us to meet, or to get together. A few days."

The three women were nodded, Jiang Nan patted and called several Immortal Maidens from the Primordial Water Immortal Domain, and ordered them to pick the Immortal Treasure in the Immortal Domain, and the four were in the cool. The platform is seated.

However, for a long time, a few Immortal Maiden presented a few plates of immortal fruit and poured above Immortal tea. The clouds rolling and spreading under the pavilion, the changeable situation, the three Fairy in the pavilion, each with its own beauty The charm of alone is magnificent, contending for the odds and the beauty.

immortal fruit is also sweet, Immortal Tea also has a lingering fragrance in the throat, Jiang Nan's tea is trembling with fear, pressing down from time to time to produce cold sweats.

Jiang Xue didn’t say anything, he just smiled and said nothing, but Immortal King Feng Yi fought with Ti Xuanwei, laughing and feasting, but under the words, the machine was hidden and the swords fought. The fight was fierce, but the three women on the table were still smiling and polite.

At least Jiang Nan felt that this tea was a terrible meal.

Suddenly, I only heard a voice Jiao said with a smile: "Cult Master, you guys are secretly drinking tea here, you didn’t even call me!"

Jiang Nan Xun Sheng It seems that the head is bigger.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother hopped over, sat down beside Jiang Nan, twisted his butt, and squeezed Jiang Nan aside.

This big-breasted girl picked up a Vermilion Fruit and said with a smile: "Cult Master, which one is your family little miss? Which one is the big lady? I taught your Yin-Yang last time How about Heavenly Sensation Great Joyous Technique cultivation? We have time to compete again..."

Jiang Nan's cold sweat on his forehead shua~ shua~ shua~ The direct current can no longer be suppressed.

The big-breasted girl diligently stuffed Vermilion Fruit in her small mouth, still talking, lest the world will not be chaotic, said with a smile: "Do you think I am now this appearance beautiful, or Empress That appearance of Profound Maiden is beautiful? By the way, Empress Profound Maiden is in Curse Dao Heavenly Altar at this moment, maybe you can play the trick of double phoenix and dragon..."

Jiang Nan trembling with fear, only I felt that the time was extremely long. After an unknown amount of time, the banquet retired, Jiang Xue and Immortal King Feng Yi also left. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother blinked at him and ran away happily. Only Jiang Nan and Ti Xuanwei were left in the pavilion. Two people.

"cough cough, Madam, Immortal King Feng Yi and I are really nothing..." Jiang Nan brace said oneself.

Ti Xuanwei's face was indifferent, with said with a smile: "This one knows that the Master has never touched Elder Sister Feng Yi, nor the Ice Lotus sister. This one can still be seen. Master, rest assured, this one will never wrong you."

Jiang Nan relaxed, said with a smile: "Madam really is perceptive of the finest detail......"

Ti Xuanwei's face Turning cold, his sleeves fluttered, and he left the pavilion, saying: "The window on the east side of the Master bedroom is open, this one will close it and leave."

"East window?"

Jiang Nan was taken aback and suddenly woke up, cold sweat on his forehead shed hua hua again.

"The incident happened...Elder Sister was right. I really couldn't build a big harem, and I have a good source..."

Jiang Nan has been with Ti Xuanwei these days, The tunes and the money, the husband and wife are in harmony. A long-term goodbye is better than a newlywed. The relationship between the two is nothing more than Divine Immortal love, no need to say more.

The husband and the wife sing and sing together, and they travel side by side Immortal Realm 3000 Space-Time, going on a scenic tour, but they are also happy.

Jiang Nan and her were traveling in Immortal Realm Sixty Three Prefectures, met Daoist Hong Daoist Jun several times, and also met Demon Ancestors such as Ji Du and Rahula, who taught in Immortal Realm Karma, has already made a shocking reputation and is known as the Ancestral Master.

The new Immortal Dao and Demon Dao have already put down roots in Immortal Realm. After the original Divinities Dusk Tribulation, all the cultivators of Immortal Realm are trapped. The path to cultivate Divinity is broken, and the god is no longer Heaven. And Earth agrees that there has never been another Immortal for as long as 1.4 million.

Many cultivators of cultivate Divinity, reincarnation of reincarnation, not Divinity, not Immortal, Immortal Realm Sixty Three Prefectures, 3000 Space-Time, have fallen into an unprecedented depression.

The arrival of Hong, Jun, Ji Du and Rahula immediately brought Sixty Three Prefectures and Three Thousand Space-Time to life again. Immortal Dao Demon Dao is circulated. It is easier to cultivation than Divine Dao and easier to cross. Beyond the boundaries of life and death, and the comprehend of Heavenly Dao also reached the extreme.

The four Dao Ancestors are surrounded by countless followers and discíple!

At this moment, all the cultivators and the newly promoted Immortal in mind, the Immortal King of Sixty Three Prefectures and the Immortal Monarch of two palaces are far inferior to the two Immortal Dao Dao Ancestors and the two Demon Dao Dao Ancestors.

In the psychology of the Immortal Realm public, Immortal Monarch is no longer the existence of aloof and remote, Immortal Monarch has become a feudal vassal, and only four Dao Ancestors are the real Lord of Immortal Realm.

The new Immortal Dao Demon Dao, the rule of Immortal Realm is a foregone conclusion. This is the general trend and cannot be changed. Therefore, other Immortal King Immortal Monarchs did not obstruct the four-person preaching.

The new Immortal Dao allows changes and absorbs changes, and is in line with the ideals of Emperor and Exalted. It is naturally recognized by Heaven and Earth as soon as it comes out.

Four people preach, Immortal Realm agrees, Great Dao gives feedback to the four people, so that their cultivation base is also rising, no matter where they stand in Immortal Realm, they will automatically have Heaven and Earth Great Dao emerges, bless them!

Now they have cultivated successfully Chaos Origin Saint and stepped into a brand new boundary!

Chaos Origin Saint has a total of 3-layer Boundary, which is called Chaos Origin Three Saints Boundary. The four of them have just stepped into the first boundary, but even so, all four of them can already Existence comparable to Immortal Monarch Early-Stage!

"There are talents from generation to generation, and new generations are replaced by the old. The old Immortal Dao era has passed."

Jiang Nan saw the four of them, and they burned all over the place. Immortal Realm Great Thousands Space-Time 63 Immortal Prefecture's new Immortal Dao Demon Dao, I can't help feeling.

Currently, Hong, Jun, Ji Du and Rahula are still unable to match the Immortal Monarch of two palaces, but under this general trend, the Immortal Monarch of two palaces will also lose power.

If the general trend is not there, they will become legends, become the myth.

In fact, now some people have begun to call Immortal, which has been Proving Dao become Immortal, Ancient Immortal, which is different from the Immortal of the new Immortal Dao.

Bring an ancient character, it means that the times have changed, and no one will follow the old road.

Of course, two palaces still exist like Hegemon in Immortal Realm. Even if the new Immortal Dao dominates the mainstream, Immortal Monarchs are still strong enough to rule Immortal Realm, because they became enlightened too early, and their cultivation reached this step. , It doesn’t matter what new Immortal Dao or old Immortal Dao is.

Furthermore, they will not quit the stage of history willingly, just like those Primeval Dao Monarch, this Lord of Heaven and Earth is still to be contended!

Ti Xuanwei is the mother of Daoist Jun, the honorable name Lady Sacred Mother of the Floating Dawn, the mother factor is expensive, and now it is also the Great Principle Golden Immortal, the new Immortal Dao also gives her endless benefits.

Moreover, Jiang Nan, the Great Grandmaster who learns from all the family's strengths, is present, and the Immortal Dao and Primeval Great Dao taught to her own comprehend are also a great improvement to her.

It can also be seen from this that the new Immortal Dao has been more perfect, more tolerant, and more tolerant of change than Jiang Nan when Jiang Nan left Three Realms during the one hundred and 400,000 years of development!

This is the most precious place!

It is also the biggest advantage that is drawn from Jiang Nan's Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Scripture!

The reputation of Hong, Jun, Ji Du and Rahula is getting better and better. Some people even know that Jiang Nan is the father of Daoist Hong Daoist Jun, so Jiang Nan is no longer called Cult Master Mystic Heaven, but Calling him Cult Master Floating Dawn Sacred Father makes Jiang Nan laugh.

"This is a big change, a big change that hasn't happened in 800 million years. Maybe one day in the future, we will all be forgotten."

Ti Xuanwei couldn't help but tell Jiang Nan sighed: "In the future, maybe no one will remember us, no one will remember what Master gave and sacrificed for the new Immortal Dao. Master, you..."

She recalled the past, in her heart Qi Qi: "You sacrificed the entire Divine Dao..."

Jiang Nan's chest seemed to be surging, stirring his feelings, Jiang Nan's probing hands hugged her into his arms, said with a smile "No, because this change is born of us, we will only stand at the top of the times! In the future, wars will burn and the fighting will become more intense. This Immortal Realm is not just for the new Immortal Dao. Born for us!"

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven!"

An ancient vicissitudes of thought passed through the heavy Void and passed into Jiang Nan’s ears clearly. , Shaking his eardrums, it was Skyscraping Immortal Monarch's voice: "Time is up!"

Jiang Nan spirit vibrated loudly, looked at the sound, looked over the Void, and saw only the edge of the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. The Skyscraping Immortal Monarch was standing there, and Dao Child Linglong was beside him.

"Madam, in the future you will see me for you, for you..."

Jiang Nan Ti Xuanwei walked away beside him, waved his hand, said with a smile: "Take it down The country!"

————Today, my wife and child are not at home, no one is cooking, the pig can only eat instant noodles at noon, tears are running...

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