Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1324

(There are still 20 monthly passes to get 100 monthly passes today, but the pig decided to update chapter three. Only the author owes reader chapters. Now it’s the other way around, brothers, you owe Pig 20 monthly tickets~)

Jiang Nan hearing this, couldn’t help frowning. Ancient Divinity Dayan wanted to retrieve the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. The purpose is obvious, that is, to retrieve the Dragon Ancestor to deal with Immortal Realm. Completely defeat the Immortals of Immortal Realm, enslaves Immortal Realm and Great Thousands Space-Time's creatures, and complete the dream of Ancient Divinity to rule Universe Heaven and Earth!

And Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor does have this kind of strength!

As the existence of second only to Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void, his martial strength is unmatched in Immortal Realm, plus the Primordial Bell of Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Immortals of Immortals are inevitable It is crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like being defeated and killed, even if Immortal Realm has Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures Two Great Innate Spirit Treasures, it won't!

Innate Magical Treasure and Innate Spirit Treasure, of course, are invincible treasures, but they are in the hands of who.

Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is the supreme Heavenly Monarch and Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch. Its strength is the highest in the world. Exalted-Emperor is not available. Who will fight for it?

"Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is dead or alive, it is still unknown. If it is dead, then went, Senior Brother Skyscraping can also get a complete Dragon Ancestor Supreme Breath Great Law, and its strength is greatly increased. "

Jiang Nan pondered then said: "If he is really alive, lead him back to Immortal Realm, then it will be a world extinguishing disaster!"

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch nodded and said: "This is what I worry about."

Heavenly Ghost Grandma suddenly chuckle and said: "Skyscraping Immortal Monarch, can I give the old body a drop of Dragon Ancestor blood?"

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch slightly startled, Jiang Nan suddenly woke up, said with a smile: "Senior Brother Skyscraping, my Fellow Daoist is proficient in Divine Prediction, you take out a drop of Dragon Ancestor's blood, maybe she can calculate the life and life of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. death."

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch looked at Heavenly Ghost Grandma with suspicion, and saw that this old woman was very old with cranes and chicken skin, but the cultivation base was extremely weak, only equivalent to a True Divinity, how do you look at it? It's not like an expert who is proficient in Divine Prediction.

But he was very confident in Jiang Nan, his mind moved slightly, a drop of blood essence flowed out of the pores of his fingers, and with a flick of his fingers, it landed in front of Heavenly Ghost Grandma.

Heavenly Ghost Grandma sits stumblingly, the Blood Eye between the eyebrows is opened, falling on this drop of blood that contains the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor Bloodline, the Blood Eye turns, reflecting the scarlet of this Divine Palace, very Is weird.

Heavenly Ghost Grandma went back to the roots and went straight to the source of the bloodline. This time she did not show the Blood Eye natural phenomenon in front of the outsider, and no picture was projected from the Blood Eye.

After a while, Heavenly Ghost Grandma gave a faint utterance, showing surprise, and after a while, the old woman slowly retracted the Blood Eye and said to Skyscraping Immortal Monarch: "The old body is fortunate. , I have found out that the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is indeed dead, Immortal Monarch, but it’s okay to go."

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch has ten thousand unbelief in his mind. The magic power of this old woman is very small, how could it be estimated? Out of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, life and death that is close to the existence of Dao Monarch?

And those two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity also sneered again and again.

Heavenly Ghost Grandma looked towards Jiang Nan, and suddenly sound transmission said: "Your Majesty, you also need to go to that Abandoned Land, I just used Blood Eye to retrospect the source, Blood Eye saw Abandoned Land, I saw two acquaintances of Your Majesty there."

Jiang Nan's heart beat, Heavenly Ghost Grandma continued: "These two acquaintances are the Old Ancestor Dark-Bright that Your Majesty has been talking about for a long time. And Other Shore Female Emperor."

"Unexpectedly it is them!"

Jiang Nan hoarsely said: "How is it possible? How did they reach Abandoned Land?"

Heavenly Ghost Grandma sound transmission said: "The old body used Blood Eye to retrospect the source just now, looking for the place where the two of them walked. After seeing that they both left All Heavens Myriad Worlds that year, they went to Primal Chaos World. When they arrived at Primal Chaos World, they continued to pass through the Universe Onerous Membrane of Primal Chaos World. They encountered the seal of Time-Space Turbulence and was caught in the turbulence. The seal was loose and sent them both to Abandoned Land."

"No wonder I searched Immortal Realm and Immortal Realm, but I still didn't find the whereabouts of the two of them."

Jiang Nan suddenly felt relieved, Dark-Bright and Other Shore His whereabouts has always been a piece of his heart. The reason why he came to accompany Heavenly Ghost Grandma into the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, into and out of danger, is to help Heavenly Ghost Grandma find her origin, and then use its Blood Eye to calculate Dark-Bright and The whereabouts of the two Other Shore.

Dark-Bright has a half-teacher kindness to Jiang Nan, and has repeatedly helped him and Jiang Xue, and has a deep friendship. Jiang Nan has also received many benefits from Other Shore Female Emperor, Xi Yingqing, Luo Huayin And his own Madam Ti Xuanwei, also a discíple of Other Shore.

Even more how, Other Shore is also the founder of Golden Core Great Dao's most critical point, Dao Ancestor of the new Immortal Dao!

If she is not there, the new Immortal Dao is missing a Dao Ancestor!

Now that they finally found the whereabouts of these two people, Jiang Nan was also relieved.

"Senior Brother Skyscraping, where is this Abandoned Land?" Jiang Nan asked with a smile.

He has heard the title of Abandoned Land many times and knows that it is the place where Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void exiled some powerhouses, but he does not know exactly where Abandoned Land is and where it is located.

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch said solemnly: "Emperor, Exalted and Doaist Null-Void splitting heaven and earth apart, opened up Lesser Realm Eight Great Universes and Immortal Realm. Before opening these universes, they had done some Experiment, splitting heaven and earth apart Good Fortune all living things experiment. Each of their three people had once opened a day, but unfortunately they all failed. Later, they joined forces to develop Eight Great Universes and used Innate Magical Treasure Innate Spirit. Treasure developed Immortal Realm. The original three incomplete universes are Abandoned Land."

"Abandoned Land is the remnant of the failure of opening the sky?" Jiang Nan slightly frowned.

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch nodded and said: "After the three incomplete universes were opened up, they began to collapse. When they collapsed, Annihilation Tribulation occurred, and they collapsed one after another, leaving only some remaining places. There Space -Time is chaotic, full of violent destruction aura everywhere, even Immortal Monarch is extremely difficult to survive there. Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void merged these three places, refining successfully a Danger Domain, blocked with a seal and used for exile Some Demons.” Next to Immortal King Xuan Lou, said: “At the beginning of Beginning Source Land opened, on Dao Preaching Cliff, Jade Capital Immortal Monarch said that the battle between Ancient Divinity and Immortal was due to Golden Pupils Ancient Divinity and Silver Pupils Ancient Divinity broke into the Universe of Lesser Realm and ate people. This caused the catastrophe, which eventually turned Doaist Null-Void and Emperor and Exalted over."

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch sighed, said: "The reason why Golden Pupils Ancient Divinity and Silver Pupils Ancient Divinity were able to escape from Abandoned Land is that the seal of Abandoned Land is really loose. If the exiled existence there is a brain, this I’m afraid it’s not the blessing of my Immortal Realm......"

Jiang Nan said: "Is there anything in Abandoned Land besides Golden Pupils and Silver Pupils?"

"I once heard Dragon Overarching Bodhi say that in that Abandoned Land, Eldest Senior B of Immortal Realm exiled me. rother. "

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch complexion dignified said: "Immortal Realm Eldest Senior Brother, not everyone can afford it. Only the first discíple collected by Emperor and Exalted can afford this. title! This Eldest Senior Brother is also the only one who has been taught by Emperor and Exalted at the same time. He was given high hopes by Emperor and Exalted. He heard that the Immortal Realm Eldest Senior Brother had wronged his mind, committed a major offense, and was exiled to Abandoned Land. "

"Immortal Realm Eldest Senior Brother? Emperor and Exalted teach discíple, two palaces and Eldest Senior Brother of Immortal Monarch together? ”

Jiang Nan heart shivered, Emperor and Exalted rarely teach a discíple at the same time. It is too difficult to cultivate the cultivation technique of both of them at the same time. The requirements for aptitude and perception must be extremely heaven. defying !

Even Profound Metropolis and Jade Capital, the two palaces of the two palaces, each get one.

Of course, Empyrean Origin is an alternative, and Emperor and Exalted taught him The least, he has always been the tail of the crane in the Exalted-Emperor discíple. The dumbest one, didn't expect came from behind and became a presence that can keep pace with Profound Metropolis and Jade Capital in one fell swoop. It can be called Legendary, and it can be called an alternative!

"In addition to this Immortal Realm Eldest Senior Brother, there are also some Demons in Primal Chaos that year, which were also exiled to Abandoned Land. "

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch is slightly frowned, the complexion is more solemn, and he sighed: "The Demons in these Primal Chaos are naturally scattered ashes in the presence of Emperor, Exalted and Doaist Null-Void. and dispersed smoke, but for Immortal Realm today..."

He is heavily sighed, obviously not optimistic about Immortal Realm’s current strength.

Jiang Nan is also very optimistic about Immortal Realm.

It is not optimistic that Dark-Bright and Other Shore can enter Abandoned Land, and Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils Ancient Divinity can return from Abandoned Land. All show that the seal of Abandoned Land has become looser!

If it is Abandoned The seal of Land completely disappeared, Immortal Realm is bound to usher in a turbulent era!

"Abandoned Land, I also need to go! "

Jiang Nan got up and looked towards the two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, said with a slight smile: "Go back and ask Ancient Divinity Dayan, do you know if he welcomes it?" "

Two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity looked at each other in blank dismay, one Ancient Divinity boldly said: "Mystic Heaven, do you think your life is long..."

A Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity hurriedly covered his best and accompany said with a smile: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven is going to go, we naturally greet each other upside down, Cult Master rest assured, we must know Leader Dayan! "

Jiang Nan nodded, walked out, said with a smile: "Senior Brother Skyscraping, I will go back and prepare first. On the day of departure, you go directly to Mystic Prefecture to find me!" "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma quickly followed.

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch frowned, sound transmission said: "Mystic Heaven, Ancient Divinity Dayan is very concerned about Null-Void Great Dao, if you are Go together, I'm afraid bode ill rather than well! "

"Senior Brother, don't worry, I have my own measures. "

Jiang Nan and Heavenly Ghost Grandma walked out of the forbidden zone, the Great Dragon once again picked up Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, and followed him to the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone.

"Your Majesty, old body, go with you to that Abandoned Land! "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma hehe said with a smile: "With the old body, it can help Your Majesty to some extent. "

Jiang Nan shook his head and said: "Abandoned Land, you can't follow, Ghost Grandma. When you get to Mystic Prefecture, I will give you Lesser Realm." Immortal Realm is too dangerous for you, and it will become more and more dangerous in the future. If you stay here, you will only bode ill rather than well! "

He said solemnly: "When you arrive at Lesser Realm, you will be blind to Heaven's Mystery. Don't let people figure out your position." If what I expected is not bad, the Divine Prediction strange person will definitely calculate your whereabouts and kill you to avoid future troubles! "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma heart shivered with cold, I can only say it is.

Jiang Nan took a long breath, his eyes radiate all around: "I also need to cultivation during this period. Something else, otherwise, it’s really to give away food to Ancient Divinity Dayan! ”

Mystic Prefecture, countless Immortals are working hard, mining mountains, some are meditating in Qi Refining, some are refining treasure alchemy, and some are practicing formatíon.

Suddenly, everyone put aside their business and looked in the same direction blankly.

I saw the direction of Uninhabited Zone, Jiang Nan returned with Heavenly Ghost Grandma, and behind them, An outrageously strong Great Dragon, carrying a huge continent with a circumference hundred million miles on its back, is coming here.



The earth is trembling and the mountains are shaking.


An Immortal's eyes jumped wildly, and one muttered: "Your Majesty is bringing something home again ..."

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