Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1313

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch and Eastern Clouds Immortal Monarch looked at this strange person in amazement. This is the third powerhouse invited by Round Sky Immortal Monarch to deal with Jiang Nan. The strength of this person They don't know, but the technique of Divine Prediction is amazing!

The orb he sacrificed was an eyeball. It was sacrificially refined by this person and became a soldier, possessing unpredictable and mysterious abilities!

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch doesn't know much about Immortal Realm, while Eastern Clouds Immortal Monarch is the native of Immortal Realm, and its status is extraordinary, but even he doesn't know the origin of this strange person.

"Is there any such existence in Immortal Realm? Immortal Emperor Palace and Immortal Exalted Palace, none of them use eyeballs as Magical Treasure characters!"

Eastern Clouds Immortal Monarch frowned , I still can't see the roots of this person.

Round Sky Immortal Monarch is full of confidence in this person, said with a smile: "Please also Senior Brother to lead the way."

The strange person should walk into the Uninhabited Zone first. , His voice was hoarse, and said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven is going to Uninhabited Forbidden Zone this time. His general direction can be determined. We only need to enter the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone in advance, arrange some arrangements, and wait for him to walk right into a trap. "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch said solemnly: "I have to go to the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar Vestige, where to cast spells, with the help of Curse Dao Heavenly Altar's prestige, to recall Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, there is no Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, Mystic Heaven must die!"

The strange person disagreed, and said: "It doesn't need to be so. I set up a great formation so that he can't sacrifice Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell."

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's heart shook, he looked at him suspiciously, and said: "Can you suppress Innate Magical Treasure? Who are you?"

"Naturally, I can't suppress Innate Magical Treasure with my Magic Power. , But with my formatíon attainments, it can prevent him from taking out Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell."

The strange person said calmly: "I can’t sacrifice Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell. Mystic Heaven’s ability has already gone for the most part. . It’s easier to kill him, but I won’t do it. You can only kill him."

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch looked at this person up and down, and suddenly said with a smile: "You Afraid of messing with karma? No wonder, no wonder, I have seen people like you in Curse Dao Era. They were born of Heaven and Earth. They have not escaped from the world since they were born. They don’t touch any karma in order to achieve a pure soul. Divine Soul is innocent, because it is pure and flawless. The calculation ability of the species is also surprisingly strong, terrifying. However, the calculation ability is only a side effect. The purpose of such people is that when Annihilation Tribulation comes, they may be able to survive Annihilation Tribulation without being infected with karma. "

He said with a smile: "Unfortunately, it's just an illusion. This kind of people still die within tribulation, because born between Heaven and Earth, it is karma, and when Heaven and Earth is destroyed, you repay karma. At that time, I still have to body dies and Dao disappears, Divine Soul is all gone, there is no way to escape! "

The strange person didn't care, and led them into the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. The Magical Treasure refined by that eyeball kept rolling, deducing the path that Jiang Nan might take.

Go deeper. Forbidden zone I don’t know how many billion miles, and suddenly he stopped and looked towards the front.

Round Sky, Myriad Curses and Eastern Clouds also stopped, and saw countless rune symbols flashing in that eyeball. Uncertainty, suddenly all the rune symbols gathered together and turned into a pitch-black pupil, and suddenly there was an eye mask in the eye blinking.

"Here! "

The strange person looked all around, only to see the verdant hills and limpid water here, the mountains are dense, the trees are lush green and full of life, and they can't see that it is such dangerous land as the Uninhabited Zone, and said:" This is a Half-Danger Land. There are two Primeval Dao Monarch forbidden zones on both sides. Only the central road can pass through. I have calculated that Mystic Heaven will pass through here. I will lay down the battlefield, change the layout of this place, and change Half-Danger Land to Absolute Danger Land. "

This strange person took out a rule and a ruler, rounded a ruler, measured Heaven and Earth, and measured the landscape trend of this place.

After a while, I saw this person’s palm light. Lightly covering the ground, the nearby mountain range river was moving slowly, and then he got up to caress the Skyscraping dome, and saw the remaining stars of Heaven Primeval Era also slowly changing their trajectories.

Round Sky, Myriad Curses and Eastern Clouds three People watched this scene, their hearts were slightly shaken, and they changed the general trend of Heaven and Earth. They also had such methods, but they also changed the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, especially the Heaven and Earth general trend between the forbidden zones of the two Primeval Dao Monarchs, even Myriad Curses Dao. Monarch can't do it by asking himself!

And this person unexpectedly changed, turning this half-Danger Land into Absolute Danger Land!

"Fellow Daoist Round Sky, you are from Where did you find this person? "Eastern Clouds Immortal Monarch complexion dignified.

Round Sky Immortal Monarch hehe said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Eastern Clouds, I also have some secrets, why bother to ask? "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch looked around, suddenly said: "This place is not really Absolute Danger Land, there are weak spots. "

The strange person took the rules and walked forward, saying: "We are still here. Naturally, we can't let this place become Absolute Danger Land. When we get out of this place, it will become Absolute. Danger Land. "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch will be suspicious, follow him out of this Danger Domain, and when he walks outside Danger Land, the strange person turns around, takes out a willow branch, and cautiously planted it on the road they walked. , Got up and said: "Now, this place has become Absolute Danger Land. As long as Mystic Heaven steps into this place, the power of the two Primeval Dao Monarch Forbidden Zones will be mobilized to seal the road and retreat. Under the pressure of Dao Monarch, let His Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell is also unavailable. "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch dumbstruck, I saw this willow branch planted, rapidly rooting, growing, growing taller, turning into a willow tree with hundreds of hundreds of feet, this piece of Heaven and Earth Under the intervention of this willow tree, it became a horrible place of absolute kill!

Even he had to admire this method!

And here At that time, Jiang Nan and Heavenly Ghost Grandma have entered the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone and are constantly approaching here.

I don’t know how long to go deep into the forbidden zone, suddenly Heavenly Ghost Grandma shuddered, stopped and asked: " Your Majesty, do you feel frightened? "

Jiang Nan sensed carefully, shook the head, and said: "I was fashionable in Mystic Prefecture and felt frightened, but when I came here, everything returned to normal. "

"The old body felt a panic, and Killing Tribulation is coming! "

The two will-o'-the-wisp in the eyes of the old woman are pulsating, hehe said with a smile: "Your Majesty, someone who is proficient in Divine Prediction has mobilized the karma on your Divine Soul, Blind your mind and let you muddleheaded do not know what the stakes are, and then go forward, I am afraid that Your Majesty will have to meet tribulation! "

Jiang Nan heart startled, and immediately calculated, but couldn't calculate anything, he could not help frowning, and said: "Ghost Grandma, can you figure out who did it?" "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma calculated for a moment, shook his head and said: "The Magic Power of the old body is not as good as that of the person, and he cannot calculate his roots and feet. However, on Divine Prediction, he is at best comparable to me, unable to surpass me! "

This old woman showed excitement, muttered: "I was lonely in Lesser Realm for several hundred million years, and now I finally meet a character who can fight the old body...Your Majesty, old body To calculate, what arrangement does this person have on the road ahead! "

Jiang Nan couldn't help being speechless. Heavenly Ghost Grandma has always been like a frosted eggplant. At this moment, the spirit is shockingly vigorous. Cautiously took out a span and a sinan, a round and a side, a span and a man, Sinan points to .

After a while, Heavenly Ghost Grandma received Span’s order, said with a smile: "Your Majesty, someone set up Absolute Danger Land on the road ahead, waiting for you to walk right into a trap, you If you go, you will definitely die! Fortunately, the old body has calculated the position of Absolute Danger Land, so avoid this place. Although the old body cannot use Heavenly Eye, seek luck and avoid calamity can still be done. The custody guides Your Majesty all the way to good luck! "

Jiang Nan couldn't help but admire, said with a smile: "The Divine Prediction of Ghost Grandma is really unmatched. "

"Everyone has their own field of specialisation. Your Majesty is far superior to the old body in general, but it is somewhat not up to par in the Divination Technique. "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma walked before and said: "If the old body enters this place alone, there will be a danger that you will not be able to escape, and you will need Your Majesty's martial strength to break the restriction. Moreover, my Divine Prediction is not unmatched, and the lowest person who arranges the killing is not inferior to me. "

Jiang Nan said: "Grandma, where is that person's killing game, and how far is it from here?" "

Heavenly Ghost Grandma spent a while, stretched out his hand and said, "In that direction, there are still seventy billion miles away from here, located between the two forbidden zones." "

Jiang Nan slightly smiled, saying: "Grandma, the first Divine Prediction in the world, soon you will be the only one left. "

The Divine Wheel turned behind his head, and Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell flew out, turning into a giant bell floating in front of him, like a grand mountain, on the surface of Heavenly Bell, and billions of Myriad Spirits light running like a starry sky. !

The big bell tilts down slowly, and the mouth of the bell is facing the direction pointed by Heavenly Ghost Grandma.

Jiang Nan loudly shouts, palm lightly pats forward, it looks light when the palm is raised There is no strength, but every inch of movement, the power doubles several times. When it comes to the clock, it will burst out like a trillion thunderclap at the same time. Fiercely shoots on top of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell.

Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell is fierce There was a tremor, but there was no sound. You could only see the ripples in the Void, and the overlapping ripples surge forward like light!

Heavenly Ghost Grandma shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, You can't kill that person, this person will perceive and avoid your attack before the murderous intention arrives! "

In front of Absolute Danger Land, in front of the strange person, the eyeballs suddenly turned around. This person couldn't help but uttered a little, and his voice was a little dignified, said solemnly: "Mystic Heaven is surrounded by Divine Prediction powerhouse, and I have already figured out me. The Danger Land under the arrangement, escaped this tribulation...not good! Mystic Heaven is really vicious and merciless, hurry up and avoid it! "

He just said this, and suddenly saw the Void wave steep, countless ripples rushed into the Danger Domain, suddenly countless ripples turned into a big bell shape, like Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell !

bang ——

The horrible bell sound rang, and the sound waves broke out in Absolute Danger Land in an instant, spurring the power of the two forbidden zones, impacting everywhere, and exterminating all power It broke out and broke through the blockade of Absolute Danger Land in an instant!

The strange person, Round Sky, Eastern Clouds, and Myriad Curses had already retreated quickly before the bell rang, and they moved away from here in an instant, but that destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth-like power came from the shock, shooting the four people fiercely and flipping over!

After a while, the four people stopped their bodies and gathered in dirt together.


"expert! "

The strange person buzzed at that huge eyeball, with excitement in his tone, hehe said with a smile: "Sure enough, this trip is worthwhile, and I was able to meet the Divine Prediction expert!" I want to see if your Divine Prediction is stronger, or I am more inexhaustible! "

Round Sky showed surprise and said: "Mister is finally going to spare no effort?" "

The strange person said solemnly: "It's rare to meet an expert, so naturally I have to fight her in the air and discuss the truth!" Keep silent, I want to figure out their position, blind their human and divinity spirit, and then kill the game and fight her! "

————brothers, there are only the last 12 hours left in September. The pig is stupid. It broke out yesterday and forgot to ask for a monthly pass. I only thought of this when I saw someone else issue a chapter. The tears collapsed and speechless!

In the last 12 hours of September, Exalted-Emperor was only two hundred votes away to reach 2000 votes. Brothers, the pig can only count on you. It continues to break out today!! !

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