Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1307

(Today's third update, the house pig broke out desperately, where is the monthly pass? I solemnly promise that if today's monthly pass reaches 500 tickets, there will be a fourth update tonight! Now! There is only one hundred tickets left. During the double monthly ticket period, it is only fifty tickets! Where are the tickets?)

Who would like to follow me in Upper Realm?

As soon as this statement came out, Three Realms immediately boiled. With this sentence, they have been waiting for so many youngsters, so many youngsters!

Immortal Realm is the place they all yearn for and their lifelong pursuit!

Heavenly Dao merged and broke into the Immortal Path, breaking the path of Immortal Realm, leaving their gods struggling, but unable to break through the last barrier.

Although Daoist Hong Daoist Jun opened up the Golden Core Great Dao Primordial Infant Great Dao Primordial Spirit Great Dao, although Ji Du and Rahula opened up the path of Demo Immortal, allowing them to live forever in Longevity, Immortal Realm Barrier and Heavenly Dao of Three Realms is still like a big wall blocking them, making them insurmountable.

And now, they finally waited for this sentence, and waited until the most formidable emperor of the past years said it!

Who would like to follow me Upper Realm! Who is willing to fight with me!

The long time and the endless life essence made the blood of Immortal in their body become cold, but this sentence made their god's blood revive and rush!

"Immortal Realm, it's going to be a lot of disasters!"

Even if it is as solemn as Xi Chong, I can't help but take off the emperor gown at this moment, take off the emperor crown, and throw it aside , Laughed heartily said: "Because I am here!"

"The Old Buddha is going to dig a grave, and I must dig all over the Immortal Realm!"

"Who loves to be the title of Emperor Who should go, I'm going to Immortal Realm!"

"Little bastard of Lesser Realm, you can rest assured this time, because Laozi is gone, no one on your head is pressing you anymore!"


Jiang Nan couldn’t help laughing. Ti Xuanwei looked at the surging crowd, and some worriedly said: "Your Majesty...Master, if so many people smuggled from the Suppressing Prison to Immortal Realm at one time, I’m afraid it would be caused. It’s not a small sensation. In case of interference from Immortal Realm’s giant..."

"Madam, don’t worry, we don’t smuggle from Suppressing Prison. We have to go. Naturally, it’s fair and square’s entry into the above Immortal world. How can we smuggle? We want to..."

Jiang Nan slightly smiled, the voice spread throughout Three Realms: "kill above Immortal Realm!"

Ti Xuanwei was taken aback, Daoist Hong , Daoist Jun, Ji Du and Rahula and the others are also jumping around the corners of their eyes, kill above Immortal Realm? How powerful is the power of Immortal Realm Barrier and Heavenly Umbrella Imperial Canopy?

Only with the battle strength like Immortal King can you kill above Immortal Realm!

This level of powerhouse, Three Realms and Demon Realm can be counted on one's fingers. There are only more than 20 people. These more than 20 people are enough to enter Immortal Realm with their own strength.

However, this time I will enter the large and small Immortal developed by Immortal Realm, which has a total of 14 million people. The former subordinates of Jiang Nan alone are more than 6 million. This is still Jiang Nan's rules , You cannot enter Immortal Realm without reaching the strength of Loose Immortal.

Otherwise, if the restrictions are released, I am afraid that Three Realms Demon Realm several hundred million Demon Immortal and Immortal will flood into Immortal Realm!

There are too many people. First, it is difficult to take care of. At present, Mystic Prefecture has just enough Immortal Energy. Too many people in Upper Realm will make Mystic Prefecture barren. The second is that these people's cultivation base is too weak. In Immortal Realm, the Extreme Sovereign Dao Boundary has no human rights, let alone them?

Even so, 14 million Immortal together with Upper Realm, each possesses Immortal Realm Loose Immortal-like battle strength. What a terrifying strength is this?

When these Immortals pass through the Immortal Realm Barrier, how terrifying is the pressure that Immortal Realm Barrier bursts out?

Although they have been approved by Immortal Realm, there will be no Immortal Tribulation falling when passing through the barrier, but who can protect 14 million Immortal from passing through the Immortal Realm Barrier?

"I will protect your Upper Realm."

Jiang Nan smiled gently and said: "I still have this strength."

Ji Du Rahula and other Demon Ancestor returned to Demon Realm. Others such as Heaven's Will, Guarding Heaven, Desolate Ancestor, Lingdao, Xi Chong, Yue Youniang and the others also returned to their own territories to select talents, teach the cultivation technique Divine Ability, and give Under Magical Treasure, appoint a new fairy officer and general.

It can be said that the Peak powerhouses of Three Realms and Demon Realm all left Three Realms and Demon Realm, and the high level disappeared completely. If it is not arranged properly, there will be chaos, so they have to arrange everything Only leave properly.

And Hua Qingyan went to Jiang Nan, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty, I am not Upper Realm anymore, Deep Black Immortal King, after all, he is my old master, if it is my Upper Realm, he must Will come to find Your Majesty's bad luck..."

"Deep Black is already Immortal Monarch." Jiang Nan said with a slight smile.

Hua Qingyan was taken aback, the complexion was like earth, and said: "Then I can't even use Upper Realm!"

Jiang Nan said: "I will kill him."


Hua Qingyan was sluggish and did not come back to his senses.

It didn’t take long for Heavenly Ghost Grandma to also find Jiang Nan and said, “Your Majesty, the old body also needs a visit to Upper Realm. It’s just that the old body is not strong enough to be included in the 14 million Immortal. Please Your Majesty, please be comfortable."

Her origin is strange and unpredictable. With a pair of mental perceptions, she can see through the future, but her strength is not brilliant. It is just between the equivalent to True Divinity Divine Lord, this time The existence of Upper Realm is the Great Principle Golden Immortal and she is naturally not qualified for Upper Realm, so she came to Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "What happened to Ghost Grandma Upper Realm?"

"The old body was originally a drop of blood that Immortal Realm fell into Ghost World. This time Upper Realm is looking for the origin of the old body."

Heavenly Ghost Grandma grinned, revealing even yellow teeth, hehe said with a smile: "The old body can only be calculated once again to breathe one's Last, I also want to find more blood to integrate into the body, and get it longer."

Jiang Nan agreed, Heavenly Ghost Grandma was overjoyed, and said: "Your Majesty, if it is an old body, you can find the old blood. , You can calculate the future for Your Majesty!"

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, and suddenly said with a smile: "My future does not need to be calculated, but if you can complete the life essence, you can help me calculate it. The whereabouts of the two."

"What is your Majesty looking for Old Ancestor Dark-Bright and Other Shore Female Emperor?" Heavenly Ghost Grandma asked.

Jiang Nan nodded, this time he Lesser Realm, there is still no news about Other Shore and Dark-Bright, they are not in Three Realms, nor Immortal Realm, Jiang Nan even suspects that they have entered Primal Chaos Heaven Country, but with the strength of Dark-Bright and Other Shore, it should not be able to penetrate the barrier of Primal Chaos Heaven Country.

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright has an old relationship with Jiang Nan and has helped him many times, while the Other Shore Female Emperor is one of the Dao Ancestors of the new Immortal Dao and the founder of the Golden Core Great Dao. They cannot be found. Two people is always his heart disease.

It took three years for all the affairs of Three Realms and Demon Realm to be arranged. The heroes gathered on the Great Overarching Heaven, surrounded by Jiang Nan, in agitated mood.

Daoist Hong and Daoist Jun offered the Heavenly Dao jade slip, and saw that the jade slip was compatible with the Heavenly Umbrella Imperial Canopy. Gradually, the Heavenly Umbrella Imperial Canopy gradually gathered, Jiang Nan stretched his hand, Immortal Realm Barrier It splits, revealing a road leading directly to Immortal Realm.

14 million Immortal ascension, densely packed, flying towards the channel, countless immortal lights pierced the sky and rushed towards the Immortal Realm.

"Your Majesty, we intend to break into Immortal Realm by ourselves!" Heaven's Will, Hua Zhenyuan, Xi Chong, Lanling Lie and the others bowed.

Ji Du and Rahula looked at each other and said: "We also plan to break into Immortal Realm by ourselves."

Daoist Hong Daoist Jun is also rare ambition, said with a smile "Please also Divine Father to complete it."

Qi Ye, Beidou Quan, Three Deficiencies and the others also stood up one after another, wanting to pass through the Immortal Realm Barrier with their own strength. There are more than 30 people. , Are extremely formidable generations.

Jiang Nan nodded, these thirty-odd people immediately rose into the sky, broke through the Immortal Realm Barrier with their own strength, and rushed towards the Immortal Realm.

Many other Immortals flew to Immortal Realm along the channel played by Jiang Nan. The deeper the channel, the greater the pressure, and gradually some people could not bear it, but at this time, Jiang Nan's body In a flash, I saw him hunting in clothes, his body getting bigger and bigger, more and more imposing!

His feet are on Great Overarching Heaven, and his upper body has entered the channel and is still growing!

14 million Immortal was shrouded in his clothes, and the pressure of Immortal Realm Barrier disappeared suddenly, and he was overjoyed and rushed towards Immortal Realm.

Jiang Nan's body is still growing taller, and suddenly his head has broken through the 1st Void surrounding Immortal Realm. The 1st Void is full of Thunder Sea, hiding many huge Immortal Beasts, these Immortal Thunder Immortal Beast’s formidable power is amazing, but it can’t hurt him in the slightest!

"Three Realms, goodbye..."

Jiang Nan stepped forward, brushing his clothes on Immortals, and heading to Immortal Realm.

"This piece of Thunder Sea is the Sacred Domain left by Exalted-Emperor. It is called Thunder Sea Onerous Membrane. There are countless Immortal Beasts hidden in it, which are left to future generations of fated persons."

Jiang Nan said solemnly: "You can stay here for a few days, collect some Immortal Thunder refining treasure, and sense Immortal Beast, maybe you are a fated person."

This is a huge scale. The Immortal Army stopped and stood tall above the Thunder Sea. Some people tried to collect the Immortal Thunder refining treasure, while others tried to capture the Immortal Beast.

At this time, the Asceticism Underground Palace in Mystic Prefecture in Immortal Realm has been opened for several years. Many Magical Treasures of Primeval Monk Era in Underground Palace have been excavated, causing a bloody storm. wind.

While many ancient Immortal Kings died in Beginning Source Land, and many new Immortal Kings were born, the influence of Immortal Realm must be re-divided, and the battle between Immortal Kings is no longer covered. Cover up, but contend!

Immortal Realm's influence has been re-divided. Many Immortal Monarchs in the two palaces are also looking for new agents to support their factions and secretly dominate the battles of Immortal Realm.

In the past three years, Immortal Realm is no longer the Immortal Realm when Jiang Nan left, but an astonishing event broke out, that is, the territory of the Eight Immortal Monarchs, the Innate in the Central Eight Prefectures Innate Divine Spirit born in Immortal Domain.

Eight Immortal Monarchs Although Deep Black Immortal Monarch was beheaded by Jiang Nan, the other seven Immortal Monarchs were suppressed by Profound Metropolis Immortal Monarch, but the eight Innate Immortal Domains they left behind and these Innate Divine Spirits still Now, it caused a huge sensation at Immortal Realm!

These Innate Creatures are the existence of True Immortal Great Perfection Boundary. There are two to three hundred Innate Divine Spirits in each Immortal Domain, and each Innate Creature is funded by the Proving Dao Immortal King. Two thousand Innate Divine Spirit.

This is the influence cultivated secretly by the Eight Immortal Monarchs. It has been hidden for a long time. The Eight Immortal Monarchs have been Proving Dao Immortal Monarch. For these Innate Creatures, there is no obstacle on the way to the Immortal King. Among the eight Innate Immortal Domains, one Immortal King was born. In three years, Immortal Realm has more than 60 Immortal Kings!

Although someone failed to Proving Dao Immortal King, body dies and Dao disappears, more than 400 Innate Divine Spirits died, but there are more than 1,500 Innate Divine Spirits, and there will be more in the future. Innate Divine Spirit achieved the position of Immortal King!

These Innate Divine Spirits have caused a fight for influence from all sides. Immortal Monarchs have a Lesser Realm to show their Divine Ability. They will take away the Innate Divine Spirit who has not yet been certified as Immortal King, cultivate them, and treat them as their own. The direct line of influence.

Old Daoist Purple Firmament has certified Immortal Monarch and regained control of the Innate Thunder Sea Immortal Domain, holding onto its own influence, and not being succeeded by outsiders.

However, those more than sixty Innate Divine Spirits who have been certified Immortal King disappeared out of thin air, and were snatched away silently by someone, which caused the mutual suspicion of Immortal Monarch of two palaces.

This scene has made people see the future, that is, there are more and more Immortal Kings, and Immortal Monarch is bound to surrender, walk out of Two Great Dao Palaces, become Immortal Realm's feudal vassal!

What is lacking now is that no one in Immortal Realm has certified Heavenly Monarch!

As soon as Heavenly Monarch comes out, it is the moment when Immortal Monarch of aloof and remote becomes a feudal vassal!

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