Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1299

Gate of Dao Monarch appeared from the Celestial List, but this was something that everyone did not expect, so Jiang Nan took the lead and entered the door first and escaped the siege Doom.

But this is reasonable, because they called the Celestial List with the Celestial List Dao Talisman, and Dao Talisman entered the critical point of the Gate of Dao Monarch, which can also be foreseen from this clue. , Gate of Dao Monarch and Celestial List should be inextricably linked.

It's just that this is the design of Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void, few people guess this.

Sacred Demon, Purple Blossoming Lotus and the others poured into the Celestial List, the black robed man also stepped into the list, Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch and him were one step behind, and did not follow Sacred Demon and the The others will hunt down Jiang Nan together.

"Daoist Brother, what era are you from?" Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch said with a smile.

Compared to Jiang Nan, he seems to be more interested in this black robed man.

"Fellow Daoist Myriad Manifestations, you and I are old friends." The black robed man looked indifferent.

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch has a lazy look, but his eyes are very bright. The two temperaments are entangled, making him appear a kind of evil charm, suddenly righteous and evil, sometimes Righteous Qi is awe-inspiring, sometimes arrogant and evil , It feels very confused, said with a smile: "old friend? There are not many people who are qualified to be my old friends, and there are not many who are still alive. Your appearance has changed a lot, it should be different from past life."

His aura gradually ascended and became violent, his imposing manner became stronger and stronger, and his murderous intention appeared. He obviously thought that the black robed man was a threat. Its kill!

"Able to be my old friend, Myriad Curses, Sacred Demon and the others, none of them are worthy. I would like to know if you have the qualifications!"

He will be ready soon, The black robed man's face was still calm, and he whispered: "Myriad Manifestations, have you heard of Dao Monarch Palace?"

"Dao Monarch Palace......"

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch His face changed drastically, his eyes showed a look of dreading, he turned and walked, rushed into the Gate of Dao Monarch, black robed man slightly smiled, and walked in.

"I left behind in Beginning Source Land long ago, and now I return in a swirl of dust, it's time to let these opponents work."

Gate of Dao Monarch In the middle, Jiang Nan took the lead in the gate, took the Titan Overlord Body, and urged Magic Power to offer Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell to shock backwards, the bell sound masterpiece.

In the rear, Sacred Demon, Myriad Curses, Heavenly Desolate and the others dodge in a hurry, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch said with a smile: "Immortal Realm native, stop and die!"

Jiang Nan held up the big bell, awe-inspiring presence: "Primeval ground beetle, a kind of duel!"

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch indifferently said: "Mystic Heaven, you put down Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, I and you duel !"

"Can you guarantee that others will not take the opportunity to take action?"

Jiang Nan mocked: "Primeval Dao Monarch, is it possible to win by siege?"

Everyone rushed in the Gate of Dao Monarch, one after another Divine Ability burst out and blasted forward together, while Jiang Nan offered Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, the masterpiece of bell sound, two strikes, and Space was shocked.

The Space here is a peculiar Space-Time made by existences such as Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void. They are extremely sturdy. Even if they are all the best in Immortal Realm, they can’t break this place. Space-Time.

Jiang Nan retreated while fighting, so that everyone could not keep him, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch whizzed an altar in the center of his eyebrows, flew out, and landed into an altar of several acres of circulation, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch stands on the altar, the altar fly high in the sky, chasing Jiang Nan.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch shawls are distributed, swordsmanship is used, Curse Dao Profound Truth is used, loudly said: "Immortal Realm native and my Primeval Dao Monarch have unresolvable grievances, and we must fight us in the future! Everyone Fellow Daoist, help me, let me recall Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell and punish this dog!"

Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother chuckle and said: "Okay, I'll help you!" After that, I got up. Falling on the altar, Magic Power gushes out, blessing the altar.

"I will help you too!"

Sacred Demon, Heavenly Desolate, and Evilless flew up and landed on the altar, blessing Magic Power on the altar, and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch could not help it. I am overjoyed, this altar was cast by him imitating the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar. It has the power of unpredictability. At this moment, the altar was spurred. Jiang Nan suddenly felt that Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell was shaking uncontrollably and tried to fly to the altar.

"If Myriad Curses Dao Monarch is not removed, I still can't really control Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell!"

Jiang Nan roared and turned into a Titan Overlord Body, picking up the big bell and letting go Running wild, how formidable is the power of his Fleshly Body, unexpectedly resisting the summon power of the altar, making Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell unable to fly away!

Between running, I saw the immortal rainbow everywhere in front, holding up a piece of Golden Imperial Immortal Palace, that piece of Golden Imperial Immortal Palace is extremely sacred, immortal light immortal rainbow is coming like a tide, and a scream will bring Jiang Nan flooded, and then Myriad Curses Dao Monarch and the others on the altar were also swallowed, disappeared.

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch and black robed man came one after another and disappeared into the immortal rainbow.

In the Golden Imperial Immortal Palace, Jiang Nan was the first to appear. There was nothing else in the Immortal Palace, only a huge stone tablet floating in the air.

"Divine Mother Dao Monarch Fruition!"

Jiang Nan looked at these stone tablets, his heart was shocked, and saw that Divine Mother Dao Monarch Fruition was engraved on the stone tablet. Six characters, and in that side of the stone tablet, unexpectedly countless Great Dao is flowing, it is the Primeval Divine Race Great Dao that Divine Mother Dao Monarch is proficient in!

However, these Primeval Divine Race Great Dao are no longer pure Primeval Great Dao, but have been improved, combined with Immortal Dao, and turned into a part of Immortal Dao!

Moreover, Jiang Nan can feel that the Great Dao unexpectedly contained in this stone tablet is exactly the same as the Great Dao that Divine Mother Dao Monarch is proficient in. Both quality and quantity are exactly similar!

"How can there be Divine Mother Dao Monarch Fruition in this Golden Imperial Immortal Palace? How can there be Great Dao of Divine Mother Dao Monarch?"

"Is it Divine Mother Dao Monarch Have you been here? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Divine Mother Dao Monarch has been killed by me, even if it resurrects, it will take time!"

"What about her Great Dao Will appear in this Golden Imperial Immortal Palace? In the stone tablet of this Golden Imperial Immortal Palace, how can she have her fruit position?"


Jiang Nan Xiang Looking at the other stone tablets, my heart was shocked. I saw the words "Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch Fruition" engraved on the other stone tablet, and not far away, there was another stone tablet that was Myriad Curses Dao Monarch Fruition!

He looked into the distance, "Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother Fruit Position", "Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate Fruit Position", and "Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor Fruit Position" also came into view!

In these stone tablets, unexpectedly contain these Primeval Dao Monarch's unique Great Dao, combined with Primeval Great Dao's improved Immortal Dao!

While the Great Dao on the stone tablet overflows, one by one, like an immortal rainbow, flutters and washes, drifting to the depths of the Golden Imperial Immortal Palace.

There are hundreds of stone tablets. Most of the stone tablets have no names and no Great Dao. Jiang Nan stepped deeper and looked around. Suddenly, his heart was shocked and only one stone tablet was seen. My name is engraved on it!

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven fruit position!"

He looked carefully, and the Great Dao hidden in the stone tablet is surprisingly he is jumping out of the Great Dao before Immortal Dao, in the stone tablet The Great Dao kept overflowing, drifting towards the depths of the Golden Imperial Immortal Palace, and constantly gave birth to new Great Dao, but these all are Immortal Dao, not the Divine Dao comprehend by himself now, so he couldn't help being relaxed.

"These stone tablets are only related to the Celestial List Dao Talisman we just got. They can replicate the Immortal Dao in our body, so that everyone who gets Dao Talisman can’t avoid it. All will be Copy! But I have already jumped out of Immortal Dao, the stone tablet cannot reshape my Great Dao now! Huh? Asceticism Heavenly Venerate's fruit position?"

Jiang Nan quickly browsed all the stone tablets , Wondering in his heart: "Strange, what is the origin of this Asceticism Heavenly Venerate? This person has never entered Beginning Source Land and has not obtained Dao Talisman. Why is there his fruit position here?"

He frowned. , The reincarnation Dao Monarch entering Beginning Source Land can be counted on one's fingers, but the name Asceticism Heavenly Venerate is never among them. This shows that even if you don’t enter Beginning Source Land, as long as you have the aptitude of Dao Monarch, as long as the cultivation is Immortal Dao , Its fruit position will appear here!

He couldn't help but shuddered. There are hundreds of stone tablets. Doesn’t it mean that there will be hundreds of Dao Monarch Fruition here in the future?

Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void, what are they going to do?

"There is no fruit position of the black robed man..."

Outside, there was a cry of exclamation, it should be Myriad Curses, Sacred Demon, Purple Blossoming Lotus and other reincarnation Dao Monarch Entering this place, each found their own fruit position, shocked inexplicably in their hearts.

"This copper pillar has words on it, left by Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void!"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch suddenly discovered something and said: "Dao Fruit Annihilation Inextinguishable...These three scoundrels copied our Great Dao, and also want us to entrust Dao Fruit in the stone tablet? Think of us as fools? Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Sacred Demon Dao Monarch coldly snorted, said solemnly: "What do Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void want to do? We enter the Beginning Source Land, I'm afraid they will all fall into their plot against, these three are trying to completely Copy, completely in control?"

Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother could not help but shuddered and whispered: "I also think these three people harboring malicious intentions. They just started out before the development of Immortal Realm. Plot against us. I guess they want to borrow our hands to perfect Immortal Dao and integrate Primeval's Great Dao to make Immortal Dao the most formidable Great Dao since times immemorial!"

Others Respect Dao Monarch complexion dignified, one after another nodded.

"They still want to control us. If we put Dao Fruit in the stone tablet, we will be controlled by them!"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch said with a smile:" Fortunately, they are dead and can no longer control us!"

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch suddenly said: "Who can be sure that they must be dead? Who saw their corpse?"

Everyone was silent, Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch walked over, looked at the words "Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor" on the stone tablet, and suddenly said leisurely: "They are dead, including Null-Void, all dead. I saw it with my own eyes. Emperor and Exalted killed Doaist Null-Void, refining its Dao Fruit, and saw Emperor and Exalted killing each other, perish together. As for their corpse..."

He has a playful smile on his face. , Said: "Immortal Realm still has many secrets that have not been opened, you will see in the future. What strikes me now is that they left so many amazing arrangements when they opened Immortal Realm, who will become the master of these arrangements?"

Everyone’s eyes lit up and looked towards the Great Dao in the stone tablet. The Great Dao in the stone tablet is the Great Dao in the powerhouse of the aptitude of Dao Monarch, which is controlled by Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void. It is definitely not good-looking here, but it has another effect.

"They must be shaping something with our Great Dao!"

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch quietly said: "What they want to shape must be extremely terrifying! I also want to see what they are shaping, what is it!"

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate said with a slight smile: "And this thing is now a masterless object!"

Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother said with a smile: "Whoever gets it will be whoever!"

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