Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1295

On another stone pillar, the voice of Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother came, saying: "On the stone tablet under the stone pillar, the top of the stone pillar is the Extreme of Great Dao, I’d like to see what Extremity of Great Dao is!"

"Extremity of Great Dao?"

Jiang Nan's heart shook slightly and he hurriedly looked down on the stone pillar I went, and I saw a stone tablet. There was a text on the stone tablet with a paragraph written on it, but it was left by Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void, saying that if anyone can climb to the top of any stone pillar, they can see Extremity. of Great Dao, since Annihilation Inextinguishable, Eternal Life.

"Annihilation Inextinguishable, Eternal Life eternal life? Doesn't it mean that even Annihilation Tribulation can't be destroyed?"

Jiang Nan's heart was pounding, and when he looked up, he saw three stone pillars. Shrouded by immortal light, only a thousand zhang or so can be seen far and near. The top of the stone pillar is completely shrouded in immortal light, and the top of the stone pillar is not visible.

Immortal King Feng Yi, Void Sovereign Immortal King and the others each stepped forward, walked to a stone pillar, and stared at the stone pillar. Suddenly, their hearts trembled, and only the stone pillar was on. Engraved are some words and patterns.

Each of these characters is extremely complex, with thousands of strokes, and if you look carefully at it horizontally and vertically, this horizontally and vertically is composed of countless smaller texts. Looking at these small texts, I can see more texts, layer by layer, extremely complicated. The Profound Truth Profound Mystery contained in each floor is different. When it comes to the innermost layer, it is already worthy of several hundred million. Text!

This is still the content of a text, and the amount of information contained in it is outrageous!

It can be said that each floor of this text has a very mysterious cultivation technique. The core cultivation technique is the most complicated and requires tens of thousands of words to explain. The outer layer of cultivation technique is slightly simple. There are fewer words, but the words that make up the outer layer of the cultivation technique, each word contains several hundred million words to express information!

It can be said that any word on the stone pillar, the information to be expressed, is far from being as simple as a glance, but contains almost infinite Profound Mystery!

This is still a word, plus countless words on the stone pillar, it has become an unimaginable masterpiece!

The pattern is even more amazing. It is simply drawn from countless small runes. There are runes in the runes. The Great Dao message is amazing and dizzying!

"This is the cultivation technique left behind by the Immortal Emperor!"

Several people were shocked, and after a closer look, they felt dizzy before a text was thoroughly studied. , And the idea behind this cultivation technique is extremely profound and incomprehensible. They waited for the Immortal King to read it as if they were reading a heavenly book.

Not only that, the more you move on to the stone pillar, the more profound the cultivation technique emerges on the wall of the stone pillar, the more difficult it is to understand!

There are already many Immortal Kings in the great palace watching on the stone pillar, but few of them can get out of the hundred feet high, only the few reincarnation Dao Monarchs have reached two or three hundred zhang high Obviously, the foundation is deep, and the cultivation technique carved on the stone pillar is profound and incomprehensible to others, but for them, it has not reached the level of incomprehension.

However, even the Dao Monarch of reincarnation reaches its limit at two or three hundred zhang high, and the speed of observation is getting slower and slower. Even some reincarnation Dao Monarch is already trying its best to stimulate the mind and deduced it. Profound Mystery!

Every period of time, I suddenly heard a scream, and I saw a jade talisman flying out of the existence of those observing patterns on the stone pillar, falling into the immortal light, and disappeared.

Someone's jade talisman is exhausted, and the immortal light covering the stone pillar is scrolled, and the person is rolled up and sent to Immortal Realm Beginning Source Land and sent back to Immortal Realm.

Obviously, the jade talisman they collected in Land of Trial is used to delay the time when they climb the stone pillar, and they will consume a jade talisman every once in a while and stop themselves. Time on the stone pillar is extended by one point.

When the jade talisman is exhausted, he will be sent out here.

"On this stone pillar, the cultivation technique left by Doaist Null-Void is engraved!" someone walked to the other stone pillar and exclaimed.

“And here, this stone pillar is the cultivation technique left by Immortal Exalted!”

“When you reach the top of the stone pillar, you can see the Extremeity of Great Dao, let’s go directly Don’t you just rush to the top of the stone pillar?"

Someone has already started experimenting. Unexpectedly, they just took a step and saw the text pattern on the stone pillar lit up, the rays of light were released, and the Great Dao was rolling. Coming in, he immediately pressed the man to his eyes, ears, nose and nose, and he was almost crushed on the spot!

"No way!"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch aloof and remote, said with a smile: "If you don't use the cultivation technique on the comprehend stone pillar, the stone pillar will be contained in the text pattern The Great Dao Concept repelled suppression and could not reach the top of the pillar!"

Jiang Nan moved slightly in his heart and did not immediately climb the stone pillar. These stone pillars did not reach the top. I don’t know how high they are, but the jade talisman is limited. , Impossible has enough jade talisman to see all the stone pillars in full.

"Whether to choose the cultivation technique left by the Immortal Emperor or the Null-Void? Or the cultivation technique of Immortal Exalted?"

Jiang Nan frowned. The Immortal Emperor once gave him a An Immortal Dao Spirit Bead has benefited him a lot and formed a good relationship with him. If he chooses the cultivation technique he left behind, half the work, twice the effect!

Moreover, Immortal Emperor is a Human Race, Jiang Nan is also a Human Race. There is no conflict in the cultivation technique. He climbed on this stone pillar and gained more benefits!

Doaist Null-Void’s Null-Void Great Dao, Jiang Nan has also been in contact for a long time, he counter-confirmed Innate, and he cultivated successfully Primal Chaos Divine Demon, and the cultivation technique of the cultivation Doaist Null-Void did not conflict.

Moreover, it is the combination of Null-Void Great Dao and Primeval Titan Great Dao, unified in the Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Scripture, Jiang Nan can reach the Immortal Monarch Level formidable Fleshly Body in the Divine King Boundary!

Study on the cultivation technique and path of Doaist Null-Void, the benefits to him are obvious!

Immortal Exalted is born in Monster Race, but it is at the level of Immortal Exalted, Myriad Kinds of Great Daos, different routes to the same destination, and Jiang Nan does not have much research on Monster Race. Immortal respected the stone pillar left behind. Participating in the study of the method is more meaningful to him and can make up for his shortcomings!

The benefits of these three cultivation techniques are obvious to him, and they can help him achieve higher achievements!

In the temple, everyone has boarded the stone pillar, and they have figured out the Profound Mystery in these words and patterns. Immortal King Feng Yi chose the Immortal Emperor cultivation technique, and the three Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity have already been on the Doaist. The stone pillar left by the Null-Void, and powerhouses from Monster Race such as Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch, are on the stone pillar of the above Immortal statue.

Xi Yingqing, Old Ancestor Heavenly Vessel and Zhong Xiuxiu and the others are also on the stone pillar. They have chosen their own path and studied hard along the way.

Others have their own choices, only Jiang Nan is still standing under the three stone pillars, thinking hard.

Suddenly, the great palace thundered and vibrated. Not only was the great palace vibrating, but even the entire Immortal Realm Beginning Source Land was also vibrating, shaking, and only heard someone cry out in surprise: "Beginning Source Land is about to close! Wait until Beginning Source Land opens again, I don’t know it will be several million years later!"

"This is the last chance for our trip, not to be wasted!"

Old Ancestor Heavenly Vessel He shouted: "Zichuan, come up!"

Jiang Nan is still sitting there, thinking about which stone pillar he wants to climb.

Suddenly, another Daoist shadow rushed into the great palace, but it was the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, rushing in violently, chirp chirp twitter twitter said: "Goddamn, Beginning Source Land is about to close What if I don’t have a jade talisman? Mystic Heaven, Mystic Heaven, give me a few jade talisman!"

Jiang Nan took out more than 20 jade talisman and threw it to her. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is overjoyed , I immediately walked to the stone pillar left by the above Immortal, my eyes gleamed, happily said: "Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus Scripture? I am also a lotus flower background, Immortal Exalted's cultivation technique fits me best...Cult Master, why don't you choose A stone pillar?"

She looked to Jiang Nan, wondering: "You don't know how to choose?"

Jiang Nan nodded, whispered: "Their roads are all It’s good for me, but it’s not suitable for me."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "There is nothing to choose from. Immortal Emperor Immortal Exalted and Null-Void are both Peaks in Dao Monarch. With the existence of the three people, any path of their three people will be enough for you to use for life! If you don’t choose their path, you still want to surpass them?"

Jiang Nan's body was shaken and his eyes lit up: "Fellow Daoist If I want to surpass them, what should I do?"

"My past life highest achievement is only Heavenly Monarch, and there is a not small distance from Dao Monarch. How do I know how to surpass them?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "If I knew it, I would have killed Annihilation Great Demon free a nd unfettered at ease! I ignore you, people still have to study this Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus Scripture. "

"No one can point me to it? "

Jiang Nan muttered: "I can only rely on myself... Yes, I can only rely on myself!" Only by yourself can you break through these three roads! "

After a while, he got up and walked around the three stone pillars, observing the text pattern on the stone pillar, but did not climb any stone pillar, but carefully studied the ideas contained on the stone pillar.

Immortal Emperor, Immortal Exalted and Null-Void are both equally excellent.

Immortal Emperor’s cultivation technique is called Human Dao Extreme Sovereign Scripture, which is Human Dao. Way of the King, the road of Sovereign Dao, with a broad mind, grand and majestic between the text patterns, witty eloquence, expounding how Acquired wins Innate, Acquired to prove eternity.

The cultivation of Doaist Null-Void The technique Primal Chaos Null-Void Scripture is the Primal Chaos Dao. Myriad Laws Returning to the Origin. All Tao and everything belong to Primal Chaos. Only one is left. The eternal one is Null-Void, thus Proving Dao Null-Void, Null-Void accomplishes eternity.

Immortal Exalted’s cultivation technique is Primordial Chaos Proving Dao, also known as Innate Proving Dao, Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus Scripture can become Innate Azure Lotus Scripture, pregnant Raise Innate Inextinguishable, Innate proves eternity.

The cultivation technique displayed at the bottom of the stone pillar is just the most basic part of their cultivation technique. These three cultivation techniques, whether it is Human Dao Extreme Sovereign Scripture or Prim Al Chaos Null-Void Scripture, or Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus Scripture, do not have the so-called Divine Wheel, Dao Platform, Divine Mansion, Heavenly Palace, Heavenly Court divisions, but only repair Great Dao, without restrictions!

However, their foundation surpasses everyone. Jiang Nan has never seen any existing cultivation technique, and the basic part can reach such a strong and powerful level!

This is the great spirit of the creators, big-minded, far better than ordinary people!

"their three people, one is Divinity-Demon born in Primal Chaos, the other two are foreigners from other Space-Times, they are already able to support both Heaven and The existence of Earth and the path they took are not suitable for me."

Jiang Nan carefully observed, closed his eyes, carefully deduced, after a long time, thought: "Before my cultivation, there was nothing, their The cultivation technique ignores the Divine Wheel, Dao Platform, Divine Mansion, Heavenly Palace, but I can’t give up all of them."

"All my cultivation base achievements are all started on the ground, step by step. Their cultivation technique can be used as a reference for me, but it is not suitable for me to move forward."

"I am impossible to beat them on the basis, only on tolerance, on creation, Beat them!"

"My way is not Null-Void, not Innate, nor Human Dao Extreme Sovereign!"

"My way is Primordial Beginning!"

Just when he went to study the cultivation technique at the bottom of the stone pillar, he saw that the overwhelming majority on the stone pillar had exhausted the jade talisman and was sent out of the Beginning Source Land, even if he came here last Ice Lotus Sacred Mother also screamed, unwilling to be passed out.

Only those who got the Celestial List Dao Talisman's transfer to Dao Monarch have not yet been reported to Beginning Source Land. Obviously, they got a lot of jade talisman, not less than Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan distributes his jade talisman to Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, but they use it completely on himself, plus their past life is Dao Monarch, comprehend these text patterns are faster, so they can go farther.

Suddenly, the immortal light flashed, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch groaned, and was bounced off by the immortal light on the stone pillar. He owned the Celestial List Dao Talisman and was not revealed, but fell from the stone pillar. .

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch ran out of jade talisman, not long after, Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate, Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother, Evilless Dao Monarch, Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch and the others were also bounced off and frowned. Standing in the great palace, looking up towards the top of the stone pillar.

"Extremity of Great Dao, what exactly is it?" Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother muttered.

Evilless Dao Monarch desperately said: "Unfortunately, jade talisman is not enough to reach the top."

"Well, there are two others on the stone pillar! It seems to be Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch! The other is the little bastard of Cult Master Mystic Heaven!"

Several Dao Monarchs looked up and saw the immortal light misty. The Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch has already entered the immortal light and will soon be submerged. immortal light. Jiang Nan is far below the Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch, and he unexpectedly didn't go to the cultivation technique on the comprehend stone pillar and walked forward.

I didn’t have the cultivation technique on the comprehend stone pillar, but he was suppressed by the Great Dao contained in the stone pillar. I saw the Great Dao rumble in the stone pillar where he walked. He is full of bones crackling!

"Mystic Heaven, the little demon, will soon be crushed."

Evilless Dao Monarch took a look, not focusing on Jiang Nan, but focusing on Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch whispered softly, "Immortal Realm's little native has got so many jade talisman! It's impossible to say he can reach the summit, seeing the so-called Extremeity of Great Dao, wait for him to get down, and remove him Grab and see what Extremity of Great Dao really has!"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch shuddered and didn't speak.

Suddenly, an immortal light brushed down, and the immortal light fell to the ground, turning into the silhouette of the Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch, which also exhausted all the jade talisman and failed to reach the top.

"It's a pity, the more you get to the top, the more difficult it is to understand the characters."

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch sighed, carrying his hands and saying: "If there are more jade talisman , You will probably be able to climb to the top..."

On the stone pillar, only Jiang Nan is left, who is still advancing against the Great Dao pressure of the stone pillar.

The Great Dao rumble in the stone pillar, the immortal light surging, screamed loudly, all pressed on his body, pressing him into a rickety body, drenched with blood all over his body, but still climbing upwards.

It didn't take long before he boarded more than six hundred zhang high, and Jade Talisman only consumed a dozen.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate suck in a breath of cold air, muttered: "Abnormal Fleshly Body! But he can't walk anymore."

On the stone pillar, Jiang Nan is struggling , It's already difficult to move forward!

The Great Dao in the stone pillar still keeps pressing down, crush him!

————The update is late, but this chapter is a big chapter with more than 4,000 words, and Zhaizhu still has to be confident in asking for a monthly pass! ! ! Fellow Daoist, give it to Zhang~~~~

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