Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1288

Maha and Dense Light Immortal Monarch looked up and glanced at the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother standing on the altar. Dense Light Immortal Monarch said with a smile: "Cult Master, this is your daughter. Sure enough, the ice and snow are cute, just a little not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth."

Jiang Nan was astonished and about to deny that the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is his own daughter. Ancient Divinity Maha said with a smile: "little Girl, don’t talk about you, even your dad Cult Master Jiang is far from the opponent of Jade Capital Immortal Monarch. Jade Capital can crush your dad to death with just one finger!"

Jiang Nan is extremely angry And laughed, and said: "Jade Capital can run me to death with just one finger? I don't believe it!"

Dense Light and Maha obviously did not hear the reincarnation Dao Monarch and Jiang Nan, Heavenly Desolate and Evilless. In the dialogue, I didn’t recognize the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother. When I saw Jiang Nan taking this twelve or three-year-old little girl, he thought it should be by rights as Jiang Nan’s daughter. It was a sarcasm.

Old Daoist Purple Firmament complexion is weird, looking at Maha and Dense Light with some sympathy, and hurriedly stood farther away.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother was also furious. She squatted down and raised her small fist and hammered the two reincarnation Immortal Monarch heads headlessly: "I don’t have eyes, so you don’t have eyes! If so! Once upon a time, you little characters, girls trampled to death with three feet! For characters like Jade Capital, girls can trample to death one and a half with one foot!"

Little fists fell like rain, Dense Light and Maha After being beaten with bloody nose and swollen face and swollen heads, Ancient Divinity Maha was furious and shouted: "Mystic Heaven, if you don't stop your family girl, I will turn my face...dead girl, you made me miserable This old woman fights with you..."

Although this little girl is very young, she was just born two or three days ago, but her strength is not small. It is Dense Light and The two Maha are reincarnated as human beings, and cultivation to the Immortal King Boundary. They practice Fleshly Body to catch up with their past life, and they can't stand her small fists.

Her Fleshly Body is made from Immortal Dao Spirit Root, a lotus flower in water, and filled with Great Dao Source Liquid. There is no impurities on the whole body, even if Jiang Nan treats her Fleshly Body is also amazing. One can imagine how amazing the Fleshly Body of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother this life is!

Although the time of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother this life cultivation is short, the starting point is high. She has not yet broken through to the Immortal King Boundary, but her strength is already catching up with the two reincarnation Immortal Monarchs, Dense Light and Maha. .

After all, her past life is Heavenly Monarch, and with such good conditions, it can't be justified without amazing progress.

Furthermore, she has accumulated excess Great Dao Source Liquid energy in her body. If she wants to come, she will be able to open up Dao Fruit Dao Palace soon, but she has not tried breakthrough, but is consolidating the boundary. In order to avoid boundary instability.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother continued to be beaten. After a while, the heads of Dense Light and Maha were swollen like two pig heads. Jiang Nan never persuaded him to say anything, and sneered watching the two being beaten.

Now Jiang Nan has regained his cultivation base, and Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell is in his hands, and the two dare not turn their faces.

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven, is also a gangster." Old Daoist Purple Firmament watched from the side, thought.

Jiang Nan coughed after the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother died, and said: "Two Daoist Brothers, this is the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, Heavenly Monarch of Primeval Primeval Monster Dao Era, now reincarnation , And I’m not a father-daughter relationship."

"Reincarnation's Primeval Heavenly Monarch?"

Maha and Dense Light's face changed drastically, and Dense Light Immortal Monarch sternly said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven , If it’s your daughter, if you hit us, it will hit us, but if it’s Primeval Heavenly Monarch reincarnation, then I can only say that you are faint! Primeval exists, don’t subvert the Immortal Realm developed by Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void and become Immortal Realm’s Ruler! If you bring a reincarnation Heavenly Monarch, sooner or later, it will inevitably lead to a major disaster and endanger my Immortal Realm!"

Ancient Divinity Maha also sternly said: "Mystic Heaven, my Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity is a Zheng Zheng, a good man with a strong bone, although he is fighting with Immortal Realm's Immortal, but no one has ever colluded with Primeval! You have colluded with Primeval old monster woman, you have lost all your integrity, it is disgusting! A villain like you should take three strikes Six holes, throw into the nest of demons to feed the rare beast, so that you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!"

Jiang Nan dumb, said with a smile: "Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is not a bad person."

"You are deceived by this old hag!"

Dense Light Immortal Monarch cried: "You now take action to kill old Hag is too late..."

"old hag? Who do you say is the old hag? "

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother pretty face suddenly changed color, and grabbed the two of them for a punch and kick, Ancient Divinity Maha angrily said: "Witch, I'm rather die than submit... People's clothes, they fight with you! "

Jiang Nan coughed and stopped the three of them, said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am the Dao Protector of Fellow Daoist Ice Lotus. I will not harm her, nor will she harm her. I am Immortal Realm. Two Daoist Brothers, Celestial products are here, you can rest assured! "

Dense Light Immortal Monarch said with a smile: "Cult Master, if she becomes Heavenly Monarch, can you still control her? In my opinion, we should cut weeds and eliminate the roots first, and get rid of Ice Lotus old hag! "

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother was furious and was about to beat them again. Jiang Nan stopped her and said calmly: "The two Daoist Brothers can put their hearts in their stomachs. Although this Jiang is not talented, But let alone reincarnation Heavenly Monarch, even Dao Monarch of reincarnation, I also killed and injured a few. "

Dense Light and Maha are heart shivered. I remember that Jiang Nan killed Divine Mother Dao Monarch and severely damaged Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, forcing the other Dao Monarch and Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity to have to Although I don’t want to admit it, I still have to admire Jiang Nan’s method.

"I hope so. "

Dense Light Immortal Monarch said resolutely: "Cult Master, I hope you will remember today's words in the future, don't forget, you are always my Immortal Realm's native creature, not Primeval's Demon!" "

Jiang Nan couldn't help but admire the passion of the two, said resolutely: "Don't dare to forget! "

Everyone put aside the grievances in their hearts and talked for a while. Jiang Nan returned Good Fortune Immortal Cauldron to Old Ancestor Heavenly Vessel and led the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother to leave. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother will also Proving Dao Immortal. King, but before that, she had to obtain several Innate Spirit Roots, and Jiang Nan was required to protect her.

Old Daoist Purple Firmament did not follow, and Xi Yingqing, Old Ancestor Heavenly Vessel and the Others were also on the multi-colored light on the comprehend stone steps, and did not leave with him.

"To enter the Gate of Heavenly Monarch, you need Breaking Restriction Talisman, then this Celestial List Dao Talisman should enter the Gate of Dao Monarch, and what is the role of these jade talisman? ”

While Jiang Nan was the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother Protector, he took out the jade talisman he got. He got a lot of jade talisman, as many as 60 or 70, but I don’t know the role of these jade talisman. , He is helpless.

"It should not be far from the opening of the Gate of Dao Monarch, right? "

He looked towards the mountains and rivers inside the Gate of Heavenly Monarch, secretly said in one's heart: "Divine Mother Dao Monarch is dead, but the Eight Immortal Monarchs are still alive. At this moment, eight of them were hit hard by me. , This is the best time to get rid of them! Myriad Curses Dao Monarch was also seriously injured by me. If he was undying, I would still not be able to completely control Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell......"

Jiang Nan slightly frowned, he urged Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell to bomb Divine When Mother Dao Monarch and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, I could clearly sense that the power of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell was stagnant, so that Myriad Curses Dao Monarch escaped.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch is Myriad The Master of Curses Heavenly Bell, others may not be able to take Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell from Jiang Nan, but Myriad Curses Dao Monarch must have!

The reason why Jiang Nan can control Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell , Relying on my own when Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell was still a fragment, I placed Dao Fruit in the center of this Innate Magical Treasure, Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell reunited and became a complete Innate Magical Treasure, his Dao Therefore, Fruit can also be entrusted in this Innate Magical Treasure!

However, without the Heavenly Monarch cultivation base, his Dao Fruit only controls the center of Heavenly Bell, and failed to take this Heavenly Bell. All functions are under complete control.

If Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's cultivation base strength surpasses him, he can still easily seize control of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell from him!

"This Not getting rid of people is a hidden danger after all! "

At this moment, between the lofty mountains of the Gate of Heavenly Monarch, a hidden place, I saw many broken shadows gathering in the middle, and the shadows were bleeding continuously. After a long time, all The shadows gathered together.

The shadows shook, and the Fleshly Body of Myriad Curses Dao Monarch gradually became real from the shadows, sitting stumblingly, and the complexion pale.

"Mystic Heaven this Guy, is simply my nemesis, he has actually placed own Dao Fruit in the center of my Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, so that I suffered a big loss! "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch stepped up to heal the injury, coldly said: "But it is not so easy to get my Innate Magical Treasure, I will soon surpass his cultivation base strength and recall what belongs to me , Put him to death...who? "

His complexion slightly changed, and he looked over a great mountain, and saw that there was an Immortal Monarch on the mountain range at some point, standing on the top of the mountain, his figure floating.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch stared at him. Unexpectedly, he couldn't see the person's face.

I saw that person suddenly moved slightly, stepped down the mountain top and walked towards him slowly.


Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's face suddenly changed color, and in a trance, I only felt that the person moved, and I felt unpredictable as if there was Great Thousands Space-Time. The glorious World assaults the senses made this day again. Not this day, let this place not be this place anymore!

"You are..." Myriad Curses Dao Monarch trembled.

The man gradually approached, his face gradually clear , The changing Space-Time disappeared, revealing the face of Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch, including said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses, long time no see." "

"You are still alive..."

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's face is distorted, there are fears and surprises in his eyes, and he trembled: "How can you be alive?" How did you survive Annihilation Tribulation? Why are you not suppressed by Emperor and Exalted? "

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch said with a slight smile: "I saw Emperor and Exalted after Annihilation Tribulation, talked with them for three hundred years, and finally lost. So after they opened the Immortal Realm, I asked for reincarnation to find the Inextinguishable Great Dao principle in this life and find a way to defeat them. "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch trembled: "Are you here to kill me?" "

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch laughed involuntarily and said: "I just passed by here, why would I kill you?" Haven't you seen my reputation in Immortal Realm now? Am I a casual killer? "

"Are you not a casual killer?" "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch seemed to have heard the most ridiculous thing, gritted his teeth and said: "Then why do you want to kill the countless creatures of Curse Dao Era?" If it weren't for me to get Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, even I would be cut by you! Half of the creature of my Curse Dao Universe, including my descendants, were killed by you! what is this? "


Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch kind eyebrows and kind eyes, said with a slight smile: "I want to experiment and see if Annihilation Tribulation will be delayed after killing them . As a result, I still failed. Killing them will not delay the arrival of Annihilation Tribulation. "

"In order to test one of your ideas, you slaughtered so many creatures? "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's face is a bit distorted, gnashing one's teeth said: "Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor, you are abnormal! "

Primordial Raising Immortal Monarch patted his face, turned and left, said with a smile: "I also think I kill less. I should kill all the creatures. Maybe Annihilation Tribulation can disappear. . Before Immortal Dao's Annihilation Tribulation comes, I will test this idea, stay alive, and you will wait until that day! "

————Immortal Realm is slowly unfolding, Fellow Daoist, please give some encouragement to the house pig, and vote for two monthly tickets to Exalted-Emperor!!!

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