Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1284

North Star, Purple Firmament, Deep Earth and other eight Immortal Monarch faces changed, Old Daoist Purple Firmament laughed heartily, purple haired fluttering: "Well said! Divine Mother is a fart! The thinking is shared with the Divine Mother, and the Divine Soul is placed in the body of the Divine Mother. Life and death cannot be autonomous, and the mind will be controlled by the Divine Mother. There is no half of the secret. If this is the way to survive Annihilation Great Tribulation, I would rather die now! "

Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother said with a smile: "This is great! Although I am unable to survive the Annihilation Tribulation, but the Immortal Dao World of this life has countless possibilities, maybe you can ignore it Annihilation Tribulation even makes Annihilation Tribulation impossible to come! What's more, Divine Mother did you not have Transcending Tribulation last time, but fell in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone?"

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch takes one step forward, imposing manner Transpiration, said with a smile: "I can't get through the Annihilation Tribulation, but I still come to confuse the crowd and want us Dao Monarch to integrate into your body. Divine Mother, you are too arrogant!"

Evilless Dao Monarch has a monster light flashing in his eyes. Indifferently said: "Yes. Divine Mother, you have not recovered to the peak state. Your real Fleshly Body is still buried in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. With you and this Eight little trash fish, what do you want to do with us?"

Sacred Demon He avenly Venerate laughed heartily and said: "Divine Mother, you are Dao Monarch, and we are Dao Monarch. Dao Monarch is the best powerhouse in every era. Don't think that you have eight small trash fish now and you can catch us all! "

"A group of ignorant people! "

Divine Mother Dao Monarch suddenly giggled, North Star, Purple Firmament, Deep Earth, Longevity and the others all urged Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, Heavenly Desolate, Evilless, Sacred Demon, Purple Blossoming The four Lotus reincarnation Dao Monarchs immediately screamed in unison, each Great Dao boiled, intertwined in midair, and turned into an infinite natural phenomenon!

Although their Four Great Dao Monarchs have been reincarnation, their cultivation base strength Far beyond their peers, and their comprehend of Great Dao is far beyond ordinary people. They merged the Primeval Great Dao into Immortal Dao, evolved different paths, and became Dao Ancestors on their respective paths!

In their hands, Divine Ability countless changes, so subtle, all kinds of Divine Ability or overbearing, or detached, or Monster Qi dense, or like a small bridge and flowing water, Dao Mystery, rushing to Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell!

When the four of them urged Divine Ability, they moved all around the altar towards the Great Dao Source Pond!

At the same time, they were one after another. The Divine Wheel emerges, hu hu rotates, and a Divine Ability erupts every time it rotates, and it rotates for thousands of weeks and tens of thousands of weeks in an instant!

These Divine Ability burst out of the Divine Wheel, Some turned into a light shield formed by the Great Dao condense, some formed a thick tortoise shell, some turned into a light curtain filled with gorgeous runes, and some were like a big bell, and they were all Divine Ability of the guardian type. Used to defend yourself!

Sacred Demon, He avenly Desolate and the others are worthy of Dao Monarch of reincarnation. The four of them know the formidable of Divine Mother Dao Monarch, not to mention that Divine Mother Dao Monarch owns the Innate Magical Treasure of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, even Divine Mother Dao Monarch plus The eight Immortal Monarchs are enough to compete with them!

But coupled with Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, then Divine Mother Dao Monarch is invincible!

How fierce is Innate Magical Treasure?

Even Dao Monarch of peak state has no law of Annihilation Tribulation, but Innate Magical Treasure can. From this we can see that the power of Innate Magical Treasure is more formidable than Dao Monarch of peak state!

Divine Mother Dao Monarch plus eight Immortal Monarchs are far from enough to motivate all the power of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, but to motivate a part of the power is far beyond what the four reincarnation Dao Monarchs can resist. .

Be aware that they are only the Immortal King Boundary. Although they are amazing and stunning and can compete with the Immortal Monarch, they can't compete with the Eight Great Immortal Monarchs to stimulate the power of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell!

So Sacred Demon, Purple Blossoming Lotus and the others are using Divine Ability to block the power of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell. At the same time, they must rush to the Great Dao Source Pond as soon as possible. Only the formidable vitality of Great Dao Source Liquid And repair ability can make them temporarily undying!

However, this is only a temporary undying, but it can postpone the coming of death. Great Dao Source Liquid has very little left, so they can't hold on for long.

At this time, the three Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity of Roto, Heidi, and Bahu moved in unison, roaring anger, and the three ancient divine flesh of Immortal Monarch Level soared and instantly turned into a hideous Ancient Divinity. Qiu Zhang, copper muscle, iron bone, urged the formidable Fleshly Body of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity to the extreme, and rushed to Divine Mother Dao Monarch!

The wisdom of their three Ancient Divinity, after all, is not as good as Sacred Demon, Heavenly Desolate and other old monsters. At this moment, I did not expect that the vitality is not in the Divine Mother Dao Monarch, but in the Great Dao Source Pond.

They made a mistake in their judgment and believed that by taking this opportunity to kill Divine Mother Dao Monarch, all the dangers would be solved.

bang ——

Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell vibrates and shakes, the four major reincarnation Dao Monarch attacks collapse in the bell sound, melt like ice and snow, and the terrifying Inextinguishable Great Dao is aroused A ray of power, inextinguishable heavenly might majestic and grandiose. In an instant, Heidi, Roto, and Bahu, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, were the first to bear the brunt. When they were hit by the bell sound, the explosive sound of crackle came from the body, and the whole body bones were shaken. It was all shattered and limp to the ground!

Immortal Monarch Level's Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, Fleshly Body formidable is incomparable, but in front of this bell sound it looks extremely weak, impossible to withstand a single blow!

Old Daoist Purple Firmament groaned, hit by bell sound, Fleshly Body suddenly exploded, revealing his Divine Ancestor Dao Fruit!

His Dao Fruit decomposes in the bell sound, and it needs body dies and Dao disappears, soul flies away and scatters, suddenly Jiang Nan, flicks with the finger, Dao of Old Daoist Purple Firmament Fruit fell into the Great Dao Source Pond with a bang and was overwhelmed by Dao Liquid.

And Jiang Nan's body swayed, bearing the strikes of the bell sound, standing in front of the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, blocking the impact of the bell sound for her.

His Fleshly Body seemed to have been cut by an invisible sharp blade, the skin burst, and the broken skin flew up and then annihilated, but it still stood still, letting the bell sound impact.

This bell sound is not for Jiang Nan, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, Old Daoist Purple Firmament, but for Four Great Dao Monarchs and the black robed man!

In the heart of Divine Mother Dao Monarch, Four Great Dao Monarchs and the black robed man are the most dangerous opponents.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate snorted, the shield surrounding the body was shattered, bell sound blasted, Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate vomited blood in the mouth, was bounced high, the whole body one after another Great Dao crackle burst, and then fell heavily to the ground!

Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother Magic Power tyrannical, but Fleshly Body is a little weaker. When the heavy light curtain was blasted, her loving body trembled, and was suddenly shaken like a broken sieve, breaking one A blood hole fell to the ground.

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch roared, countless tortoise backs broke, and bell sound blasted this reincarnation Dao Monarch to the ground, unable to move, blood constantly gushing from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Only the protecting Divine Ability of Evilless Dao Monarch is a big bell. The bell sound constantly oscillates, and it oscillates with the bell sound of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell. The clear bell sound dilutes part of the power. Divine Ability was completely shattered and Evilless Dao Monarch was close to the Great Dao Source Pond. Just take another step and you can fall into the pool!

Evilless Dao Monarch was overjoyed, was shocked to vomit blood, but still tried his best to rush towards Great Dao Source Pond, as long as he fell into Great Dao Source Pond, Great Dao Source Liquid's terrifying and amazing resilience can make him undying and inextinguishable, even Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell can't destroy him!

"Go back!"

Jiang Nan suddenly punched out, Evilless Dao Monarch was shocked, raised his hand to block, and could not help but groaned, staggered back, and retreated to the edge of the altar.

Evilless Dao Monarch both shocked and angry, looked towards Jiang Nan, very puzzled, said solemnly: "Mystic Heaven, why are you blocking me? Yes, you want to swallow Great Dao Source Liquid! Do you think that if you get Great Dao Source Liquid, you don’t need to die? Divine Mother refining us, can easily refining you successfully to ashes!"

Jiang Nan turned a deaf ear, his eyes fell on the black robed man On his body, I saw the black robed man still carrying his hands and looking up at the sky. Heaven has the marks of Primordial Bell Primordial Tower and Primordial Cauldron, which are left by Emperor, Exalted and Doaist Null-Void splitting heaven and earth apart.

The bell sound hits, and the black robe on the black robed man trembles, but the body does not shake at all. He still stands there without being hurt by the bell sound.

He stands up like a gun, like the eternal "one" between Heaven and Earth, the eternal "pillar", inextinguishable forever, eternal as ever, even the bell sound of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, the power of Inextinguishable Great Dao , And he can't make any changes or injuries!

Jiang Nan’s pupils have shrunk slightly, this man’s Fleshly Body is not more formidable than him, but there is a Great Dao circulating in his body, a subtle vibration that dissolves the bell sound of Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell. Bell sound can't even destroy his black robe!

This person's comprehend and magical use of Great Dao has reached the ultimate in the extreme. That kind of transcendence makes Dao Monarch such as Sacred Demon and Evilless beyond reach, reaching a higher height!

"Who is he?" Jiang Nan was puzzled.

Divine Mother Dao Monarch also noticed this person. Seeing that the bell sound was useless to him, her pupils were shrinking. At this time, the second bell sound sounded. This time bell sound became clearer and clearer. Cheng's power blasted to Jiang Nan, 10% of power blasted to the three Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, 30% of power blasted to Four Great Dao Monarchs, and the remaining 50% of energy blasted to that black robed man.

The black robe shuaa~ trembled, the black robed man still stood still, and the three Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity were almost blasted into a pool of mud, Jiang Nan was too shocked to help but vomit blood , But he has the terrifying energy of Great Dao Source Pond in his body, and the injury healed immediately after it appeared.

Four Great Dao Monarchs each vomited blood and ran towards the Great Dao Source Pond.

"Go back!"

Jiang Nan body moved, Martial Dao Divine Ability of Titan Divine Race unfolded, and violently collided with Four Great Dao Monarchs, forcing the four to retreat.

It's not that his strength surpasses the four reincarnation Dao Monarch, but that these four were hit hard by the bell sound, and there is not much left to deal with Jiang Nan.

"Mystic Heaven, what do you want?" Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate snapped.

Divine Mother Dao Monarch stared cautiously at the black robed man, suddenly chuckle and said: "Don’t you understand? Five people are divided into Great Dao Source Liquid, Dao Liquid consumes faster and more, and died It’s better to keep Dao Liquid alone, and you can live for a while!"

The Dao Monarch of the four major reincarnations screamed in grief and anger, no longer rushing to the Great Dao Source Pond, but one by one. The imposing manner broke out, killing Divine Mother Dao Monarch, extremely tragic!

Divine Mother Dao Monarch giggled endlessly. Behind her, there were countless pitch-black tentacles flying out, flying all over the sky, each tentacles surrounded by one after another Divine Wheel, constantly bursting out a variety of Divine Ability, blocked the four, said with a smile: "Are you going to work hard? Don't worry, I won't kill you, because I still need your wisdom, your cultivation base, and you need to be integrated into my body. , Do your life for me!"

The bell sound bursts, wave after wave, this bell sound has always controlled its strength, instead of killing the four Dao Monarchs, it constantly consumes their strength. As for the three Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, they have been shaken to the ground by the bell sound, and they have no power to move.

The four reincarnation Dao Monarch offensive is more violent, but their injuries are getting more and more, and the eyes of Divine Mother Dao Monarch no longer pay attention to them, but completely on the black robed man, Myriad Curses Most of Heavenly Bell’s power is also blasting towards the black robed man, and the overflowing Inextinguishable Great Dao within the bell is getting stronger and stronger!

The black robed man still stood still. After a while, the four reincarnation Dao Monarchs were seriously injured and dying. The black robed man finally turned around and whispered: "After all, it is a man-made machine, it will never be able to The deep boundary of comprehend Dao Monarch......"

Divine Mother Dao Monarch was puzzled in her eyes, as if she was wondering why she could not hurt him by urging Innate Magical Treasure. Suddenly she screamed, her own Magic Power gushes, into Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell.

Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell rumble, Inextinguishable Great Dao shook, blasted towards the black robed man!

Jiang Nan’s eyes suddenly exploded: "At this moment!"

hong long!

His Fleshly Body skyrocketed, his hand grasps, I saw Great All the Great Dao Source Liquid in Dao Source Pond was captured by him and turned into a water polo!

Jiang Nan threw it hard, and the peng sound of the water ball made by Great Dao Source Liquid hit the Divine Mother Dao Monarch. Dao Liquid splashed and was controlled by Jiang Nan’s Magic Power and splashed onto North Star and Purple Firmament. Wait for Eight Immortal Monarchs!

"Will you give me Dao Liquid?"

Divine Mother Dao Monarch turned her head, chuckle and said: "Mystic Heaven, if you please me this way, I will definitely Give you a seat on the upper floor..."

Suddenly, her words stopped abruptly, and there was silence above the altar. The Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and the marks of Primordial Tower, Primordial Bell, and Primordial Cauldron suddenly became incomparable. Bright, all kinds of lights rise into the sky!


Divine Mother Dao Monarch and Eight Immortal Kings were overwhelmed by the horrific power bursts from Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Primordial Tower, Primordial Bell, and Primordial Cauldron!

————Have you guessed it? Fellow Daoist who didn’t guess, give a monthly ticket a reward~~~

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