Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1281

He carried his hands on his back, and after saying this, he set his eyes on the mark of Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, and looked up towards Primordial Tower, Primordial Cauldron and Primordial Bell, and couldn’t help but admire Endlessly, it seems that breaking karma with Jiang Nan is just an insignificant little thing for him.

Jiang Nan looked towards Divine Mother Dao Monarch, said with a smile: "What did Divine Mother think?"

Divine Mother Dao Monarch has a lot of charm, shaking his head said with a smile: " Cult Master, you grabbed the Magical Treasure of Myriad Curses. This is the matter between you and Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses. How can I bother?"

I have to admit that this woman has a charming charm Even though the newly resurrected Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is more beautiful than her, but her temperament is slightly inferior to her.

Jiang Nan looked at her in amazement. This woman has always hated herself so much that she can't wait to kill her and then quickly. How can she become so talkative when she reaches this altar?

In his mind, Divine Mother Dao Monarch is the most dangerous person. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of Primeval Divine Dao Era's countless Ancient Divinity, and it is also the existence that controls countless Primeval Ancient Divinity!

Divine Mother Dao Monarch body possession Fragrant Cloud Immortal King, Fragrant Cloud itself is the Immortal King Boundary, Divine Mother Dao Monarch needs to spend more time to adapt to change this Fleshly Body, she previously and Jiang Nan was able to suppress the Immortal Phoenix of the Immortal Monarch Level during the conflict, and after experiencing many Beginning Source Land opportunities, she must have transformed the Fleshly Body of the Fragrant Cloud Immortal King, and the Immortal Fate along the way was enough to make her more formidable and more formidable. terror!

And now Divine Mother Dao Monarch actually looks like a serene, and didn't shout or scream at Jiang Nan, which really made him puzzled.

"Ice Lotus Sacred Mother!"

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch suddenly stared at the girl sitting stumblingly next to the Great Dao Source Pond, her eyes flashed violently, she immediately went from here The girl’s aura recognizes the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, this extravagant youngster takes a step forward, coldly said: "Ice Lotus, are you also reincarnation? Very good, very good!"

The gray on the side Robe Daoist Evilless Dao Monarch also saw murderous intention erupting in his eyes. He coldly looked at the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother after reincarnation, and said: "You took our Innate Jade Zither and made us fall in the Annihilation Tribulation and had to hide in the Uninhabited Forbidden. Zone struggling on whilst at death's door! Today, it is time to end this karma!"

Jiang Nan stood in front of the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, guarding there like a Divine Tree.

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch and Evilless Dao Monarch slightly startled, the two Dao Monarchs are impressive and paid respect: "What is the meaning of Cult Master?"

Jiang Nan returned the gift, said Resolutely: "The two Daoist Brothers, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother have a deal with me. They want me to be the Dao Protector of her this life. Can the two Daoist Brothers give this Jiang a thin face?"

"No. "Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch indifferently said.

Evilless Dao Monarch sighed, said: "One of the two of me was able to avoid Annihilation Tribulation, but because of this girl, we were forced to fall and we had to hide with the remaining Dao Fruit. Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, this kind of hatred, Cult Master should be able to understand it?"

Jiang Nan nodded, these two reincarnation Dao Monarch did not persuade him to give up the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, cultivation to their this step, both deep Knowing that each other's Dao Heart will never be moved by outsiders, so they don't persuade, but point out karma, which is enough.

The atmosphere above the altar is getting more and more depressed. Jiang Nan faces the Dao Monarch of the three major reincarnations, and can't help but feel a little nervous at the moment, after all, the other party is Dao Monarch after reincarnation!

He has fought against Myriad Curses and briefly fought with Divine Mother Dao Monarch, but Myriad Curses was in a state of serious injury at that time and was not reincarnation. Now, this Dao Monarch has Reincarnation and cultivation to Immortal King Boundary, I am afraid to reach the level of Immortal Monarch!

And Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch Evilless Dao Monarch, has long been reincarnation, presumably Fleshly Body structure is more perfect than others!

Dao Monarch is the monarch of Great Dao and controls Great Dao. This and the others are already boundary characters such as Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void. They can even create Great Dao and open up the universe. Heaven and Earth!

Fighting against such a character, he has no chance of winning in his heart, only expectation!

He is looking forward to a vigorous battle, looking forward to a brilliant collision with Primeval’s worthy predecessor, the collision of different Great Dao, the collision of different ideas, different ideas, different Divine Ability, Different Fleshly Body, vigorously, verify each other and verify themselves!

Suddenly, there was a violent collision. It was obvious that someone was fighting under the stone steps. I don’t know how the battle was. But the Dao Sound and the crackling sound from the fight let people know that the person who was fighting was Immortal. Characters of Monarch Level!

Furthermore, this is not only an Immortal Monarch fighting, but two Immortal Monarchs besieging one person, and from the Dao Sound and collision that human and divinity erupts, it can be felt , This person unexpectedly blocked the siege of these two Immortal Monarchs, Divine Ability, Dao Law Major Perfection, extremely exquisite!

"Who are you?" A thick voice came, and Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly. This voice was the voice of one of the Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity.

"Could it be that the two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity who have certified the Immortal Monarch?"

Jiang Nan's heart is slightly shaken, and the two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, who have certified the Immortal Monarch, battle How formidable is strength? I'm afraid it can be compared with the old Immortal Monarch!

And these two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity besieged one person, unexpectedly still unable to fight for a long time, and did not even have the upper hand!

"Who is the man they besieged?"

Jiang Nan swept away to the six reincarnation Dao Monarchs who had been on the altar, and the reincarnation Dao Monarch who entered Beginning Source Land shared Seven people, but there are only six people on the altar, and one person has not yet arrived. It should be the one who fought against the two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity!

"What is the origin of this reincarnation Dao Monarch?"

He just thought of this, and suddenly he heard a loud laugh: "I won't play with you anymore!"


On the edge of the altar, one person climbed the last First Rank stone steps and stepped onto the altar. Jiang Nan immediately noticed the six reincars of Myriad Curses, Divine Mother, Sacred Demon, Heavenly Desolate, Evilless and Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Monarch Revealing look of dreading!

This person is tall and sturdy, wearing a black robe, and black robe floating around, giving a sense of grand and majestic, but he does not cover his face with immortal light like other people. The face is exposed to everyone's sight.

His face is as strong as his body, eyes bright, showing off one's ability, just as he stepped on the altar, his bright eyes swept across the faces of everyone, and then fell on Jiang Nan, slightly paused , Looked away again.

He strode toward the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, said with a smile: "The bath water is worth fighting for? I just look down on Fellow Daoist!"

This person is on the altar. , Immediately dissolving the tense atmosphere into the invisible.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate suddenly walked away from the Great Dao Source Pond, walked towards the mark of Innate Five Colored Lotus, and said leisurely: "It's a pity, Cult Master took a bath in this Great Dao Source Liquid. I have a cleanliness habit, let alone a bath, even if I get a finger, I don’t take it, everyone Fellow Daoist, this Dao Liquid is for you."

Purple Blossoming Lotus Dao Mother also shook his head and walked away. Driving towards the Innate Good Fortune Gate, he smiled and said, "I think I am no weaker than Emperor, Exalted and Doaist Null-Void. After reincarnation, I entered Beginning Source Land to get their chance. I had to admit that I was weak. If I re-absorb the bath water of Cult Master, does it mean that I am weaker than Cult Master? Even if I take Great Dao Source Liquid ascending to the skies with a single leap, I will not take it."

Divine Mother Dao Monarch slightly smiled, glanced at Myriad Curses, Heavenly Desolate, and Evilless, then fell on Jiang Nan, took a deep look at him, turned to the mark of Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, and said: "Dao Liquid is just It can help us improve a bit, and comprehend some Immortal Dao that's all. Compared with the Inextinguishable Great Dao contained in Innate Magical Treasure, it is more attractive to me."

Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch and Evilless Dao Monarch looked at these three people, and saw that these three people stand under an Innate Magical Treasure mark, forming a tendency to encircle themselves and the others!

Two reincarnation Dao Monarch heart shivered with cold, the seven of them are not monolithic. Not only do they have no friendship, but they are still competitive. They have been open strife and veiled struggle for a long time!

Although they cherish each other and have the idea of ​​confirming each other, if they are given a chance, they will never give up any opportunity to kill the opponent!

Because they will have a fight in the future, they must fight for the seat of Lord of Immortal Realm and control Universe Heaven and Earth!

It is easier to get rid of opponents who have not grown up now than to fight again after the Dao Monarch is proven in the future!

The two moved away and walked towards the mark of Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword and Innate Spirit Root, leaving only Myriad Curses Dao Monarch: "Great Dao Source Liquid, leave it to the junior."

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch glanced at Jiang Nan, chuckled, and whispered: "Good fortune telling." After that, he moved away and walked towards the mark of Innate Divine Lantern.

The seven reincarnation Dao Monarchs walked away and did not take Great Dao Source Liquid seriously. Instead, they went to study the mark of Innate Magical Treasure, which really surprised Jiang Nan.

He originally thought that there would be a Dragon-Tiger battle, and the performance of these seven Dao Monarchs puzzled him, especially that reincarnation Dao Monarch, who came to the altar last, eliminated the Killing Tribulation in just a few words. Yu Wutang made him more and more curious about this person.

Boom, dong!

Heavy footsteps came, and two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity finally boarded the altar, staring at the divine light, scanning everyone on the altar, fiercely fiercely He looked towards the black robed man, and the black robed man didn't care, but if he didn't notice, he was still trying to figure out the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin.

The two Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity were also extremely jealous of this person, and immediately looked away and landed on the Great Dao Source Pond. They have fought each other on the stone steps and know the greatness of this person.

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven!"

The eyes of the two Ancient Divinity were moved away from the Great Dao Source Pond and landed on the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother who was absorbing the Great Dao Source Liquid He then turned to Jiang Nan standing in front of the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother. Primal Light shot in his eyes, showing murderous intention.

Jiang Nan said with a slight smile: "If two Fellow Daoists take some Great Dao Source Liquid cultivation, I will not stop them."

Two Ancient Divinity together In the previous step, coldly said: "We want to take Dao Liquid, and we want to take your life!"

"Did you see them?"

Jiang Nan dumbly pointed to those Dao Monarch, who is watching the Innate Magical Treasure mark, said with a smile: "There are also three or four Fellow Daoists who want to take my life. You think you can kill me and you can only queue. Otherwise, you just don’t give them face. "

"You have to line up to kill you?"

The two Ancient Divinities were furious, and looked at the seven reincarnation Dao Monarch somewhat dreaded, and glanced at each other, thought "Ancient Divinity Roto is still below, trying to prove Immortal Monarch. With my two strengths, I'm afraid I can't sweep, so I can only wait for him to come. Three Immortal Monarch Level Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, even reincarnation Dao Monarch. Beat it to death!"

The two Ancient Divinities fell silent, did not move further, but did not approach the Great Dao Source Pond, but worried that they would act on them when they approached the Source Pond Jiang Nan.

They thought Jiang Nan was guarding Great Dao Source Liquid, but they didn't know if they were to absorb Dao Liquid, Jiang Nan would not stop it.

After a while, Purple Firmament Immortal Monarch and Old Daoist Purple Firmament each mounted the altar, and then Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch and Jade Emperor Immortal Monarch.

Jade Emperor Immortal Monarch invites out the Longevity Immortal King and Purple Subtlety Immortal King. The two Immortal Kings are seriously injured and dying. They want to get close to the Great Dao Source Pond, but they see that everyone is motionless, standing there like wooden sculptures. The two dared not move.

After another moment, the third Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity attained the Immortal Monarch and stepped onto the altar. Three Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity gathered together, aura overflowing heaven, and Ancient Divinity Roto laughed heartily: " Everyone is here? Okay, now we can clear the venue!"

————My teary eyes are dim, crying for monthly pass, subscription............

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