Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 482 There is no answer to Feng Lun’s question

Putting down the raised pistol, Feng Lun raised his hands and smiled.

"It's not that I don't dare to kill you, I just want to ask you something I don't understand."

Lao Gu leaned on the railing and nodded.

"Yes! I know that you no longer have the belief to live now. Time is very tight. Han Qian will not be able to hold on any longer. You ask, I will answer, and I will let you out of the crowd."

Feng Lun glanced at Han Qian and said contemptuously.

"He is just a god I created, and I don't care about his life or death. I don't understand the truth. Why? Why did Feng Zhida take away everything from my father, causing my family to be broken up, but he enjoys Everything my father should have enjoyed originally, if I had not been extreme, maybe he would still be showing off his power to this day. What should I have done if I had not taken this step today."

Feng Lun's question silenced everyone. Fortunately, the words were not broadcast live.

Lao Gu replied indifferently.

"So I never said what Feng Lun did was wrong. From ancient times to the present, murder has never changed. Feng Zhida ruined your family, and you violated the law. It's that simple, but you Ask me what you can do, you can look at Su Liang next to Han Qian."

Feng Lun raised his head and frowned.

"Not everyone is lucky, not everyone is Han Qian, not everyone is Su Liang. If I were not extreme, I wouldn't even be alive today. Why does no one look at Feng Zhida's mistakes and discuss them? Go and spurn him, but instead they are holding on to me, Feng Lun, and I just did what he did to my family back then, why?"


Han Qian spoke and Feng Lun roared.

"Shut up! Shut up, Han Qian, I know you set up a trap for me tonight to catch me! Now I don't want to listen to you, I'm asking your father Gu!"

Lao Gu sighed and Feng Lun said again.

"I won't force you, but my last question is, is Jiang Wei at fault?"

This time Lao Gu spoke.

"There are mistakes and countless sins."

"Why? Feng Zhida, Niu Guodong, Jiang Wei, Li Shaoqi, they are all harming ordinary people, why can they be officials?"

Feng Lun asked the question again, and Lao Gu smiled.

"Because there are good people and bad people in this world. No one's eyes can see the quality of a person at a glance. No one can see what a person will do in the future. We should not limit our sight to one point. Feng Lun asked you, which is the safest country in the world? The United States, Canada and Pakistan? Britain, France and Germany? Russia, Japan and South Korea?"

Feng Lun shook his head.

“I have traveled to many countries over the years, not to mention the Middle East, Africa, and South America. There is no so-called safety in these places, including the free countries that everyone longs for, countries where you can go out at will at night and return home safely. There are only a few, and our country is considered the safest.”

Lao Gu smiled.

"Whose effort? You? Han Qian? Or whoever it is."

Feng Lun raised his head and looked at Lao Gu, who straightened up and said seriously.

"It's me! It's Jiang Wei, it's Niu Guodong, it's Fu Dong, it's Fang Xiong, it's Chen Zhan, it's Sun Zhengmin, it's Cheng Jin, it's Qin Yaozu, it's Li Jinhai. Now Li Jinhai is still speeding on the road in Binhai, and what are we? ? We are the yamenmen. There is a comb in a hundred meters, one in ten thousand. There are so many people in the country, it is inevitable that there will be a few moths. And we have caught a lot of moths in these years. Everyone is working hard to patch up the world. If they were all like you, would there still be so-called security in this country?\

,"Feng Lun suddenly choked up and half-knelt on the ground.

"But...but...but Yang Caihuan died! But...but my unborn child died? I know I made a mistake, I am guilty, and I have retribution, but Yang Caihuan did not die of a natural disaster or a disease , he died in their words and words! Without me, who could avenge her and vent her anger!"

Lao Gu took a puff of cigarette and said in a low voice.

"I personally sympathize with your experience, but I personally don't agree with your approach. As I just said, there is no such thing as right or wrong. It's just that our positions are different and the things we consider are different. You Kill Zhao Si, kill Li Long, kill many people here, but I decided to let you walk out of the hotel's main entrance. This is the only thing I can do, and it is the only thing I can do for Yang Caihuan's sake."

Feng Lun shook his head.

"No! This is not what you are thinking in your heart. What you are thinking now is very simple. Let me leave early and let Han Qian live, but I want him to die! I want his woman to experience what I have endured. Everything!”


,""I know it can't be done. I'll leave after asking the last question!"


"What will happen to Master Li?"

Lao Gu was silent, Feng Lun wiped his tears and stood up, strode towards Han Qian, grabbed Han Qian's collar and walked towards the main entrance of Tingchao.

"I will wait quietly for Li Shaoqi's results. It won't take long, and I'm not in a hurry. One year later, if Li Shaoqi is okay, I will hold a dinner party for me, Feng Lun, and I will invite everyone in the world to witness it. When the light of the law fails to illuminate the darkness, someone will stand up and deliver justice."

Walking to the main entrance of the hotel, the broken flower girl suddenly opened her arms to stop Feng Lun.

"I will be your hostage. Some people want my friend to die with you. No one dares to let me die while my friend is alive, so I am more suitable to be a hostage than Han Qian. If you take him with you now, it will drag you down."

Feng Lun looked at Tongyao who was wearing a bomb vest, then glanced at Han Qian, pushed Han Qian away, took out a gun and put it against Tongyao's head.

"You go ahead."

Feng Lun took a step forward, then lowered his head and looked at the arm holding his trouser leg. The next second, his arm was kicked away by Nursery Rhyme.

"Get out of the way and stay out of the way."

Feng Lun walked out of the hotel, Jiang Wei stood up and roared.

"Arrest people! Are you all fools? Call Li Jinhai immediately and ask him to come and arrest people!"

Feng Lun left, and Jiang Wei felt emboldened. When he looked at the hanging people behind him that day, there was murderous intent in his eyes, especially the guy who had told everything. Lao Gu didn't even bother to look at Jiang Wei. , waving and shouting to Gao Xingxing downstairs.

"Send your prince to the hospital, don't go through the main entrance!"

Outside the hotel, Tong Yao stood at the door of the hotel, raising his hands above his head. At this time, the hotel was surrounded. Li Jinhai looked at Tong Yao who came out and shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Nursery rhyme, what's going on in it! What's going on with you now!"

Nursery Rhyme shrieked.

"Dead... dead, Han Qian was injured, Feng Lun went somewhere, I don't know where he went, my vest is full of explosives, I don't dare to move!"

"Don't move! Don't move. Zheng...the bomb disposal expert comes quickly. Everyone is on alert. Don't let anyone leave here."

As soon as Li Jinhai finished speaking, a white Maserati rushed over from the small garage on the ground. Everyone quickly stepped forward to surround him. Gao Xingcheng stuck his head out of the car and roared.

"Get the fuck out of my way, Han Qian was shot!"

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