Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 263 Han Qian, you are such a villain.

"After you go to Fushan, remember not to be impulsive, reckless, or naughty. If you have anything to ask Yang Yidi to solve for you, just do whatever you want with her! Listen to Feng Lun's opinions over there, he understands in his heart How he treats you, I will treat Yang Caihuan!"

Cai Qinghu walked out of the door with the car keys. Han Qian was still a little worried and shouted after him.

"It's been cloudy lately. Remember to cover yourself up at night so you don't catch a cold! Oh, how about I go with you?"

Seeing the confusion on Han Qian's face, Cai Qinghu smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry about it~ I'm not a three-year-old kid~ Besides, aren't Han Qing and my dog ​​brother over there? I have worshiped and sworn an oath with my dog ​​brother, so I'm leaving~ If you have nothing to do, go back to Binhai."

Cai Qinghu left, and Han Qian also got in the car and went back to Binhai.

Qin Yaozu and Sun Zhengmin always tried their best to study him in Shengjing, so it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Xiuxiu, who was in Binxian County, arranged Wesley's clothes and said softly.

"You can't quarrel with Cai Qinghu after you go to Fushan! This woman is not smart, but her husband is a bit powerful. Don't act without authorization. You must exchange information with Cai Qinghu. The main thing is to listen to the arrangements given to you by Feng Lun. I have thought about it, you If you go there, it’s basically a vacation!”

Wesley still respected and trusted this sister-in-law. At this time, Chen Lei on the side curled his lips and said

"If you have anything to do, call me. I can't help you with big things, but I'm too lazy to help with small things! But Wesley, remember, if you have something to do, call me."

The tall Wesley looked at Chen Lei and said coldly.

"I won't make any calls to you other than divorce."

Chen Lei spread his hands and curled his lips.

"Then leave~ I still like women like Ji Jing. After getting along with you for a long time, Wesley, I found that men are gentler than you."

Xiuxiu turned her head and looked at Chen Lei with squinted eyes and smiled. Chen Lei raised his hands.


Wesley glared at Chen Lei with disgust and turned to leave. Listening to the sound of tires scraping the ground outside the door, Xiuxiu smiled.

"Xiao Lei! Why don't you know something nice to say?"

Chen Lei smiled.

"Sister-in-law! It's useless even if I talk about it. Wesley doesn't like me! I've made mistakes. Why should I make up for a mistake that can't be made up for? When she gets the position of Interpol, we will divorce ~Don’t act like I can’t live without her! Sister-in-law, you don’t need to help her.”

Xiuxiu smiled.

"I'll let your brother talk to you later."

"You might as well let Dongsheng talk to me."

Li Dongsheng?

Xiuxiu tilted her head and thought for a few seconds, then shook her head vigorously.

"No, no, no, Dong Sheng can't do it! He looks like Wu Siguan to everyone now. He's sick!"


What Xiuxiu said is absolutely right. Now Li Dongsheng can call Wu Siguan ten times a day, which makes Wu Siguan disgusted and then scolded by Wu Siguan.

He never gets tired of it!

Wu Siguan is already researching to find a killer. How much money can buy Li Dongsheng’s damn life!

Xiuxiu took a deep breath and sat on the sofa, frowning.

"Xiao Lei, you can't divorce Wesley, at least not now! Xiao Hua'er can't fight Cai Qinghu for the rest of her life, but Wesley can make the Yamenmen's preference for Han Qian disappear! My father-in-law just called me and Li Jinhai resigned. The documents have been sent out from the capital! Binhai will soon become Li Shaoqi's back garden. Wesley's existence can also solve a lot of troubles for us. Otherwise, why would I overthrow the position of Interpol for her? Well... Xiao Lei !”

"Sister-in-law, tell me!"

"What did I just say?"

"You said I can divorce Wesley in the future!"

"Can you get out of here? Don't appear in front of my sister-in-law for a while, okay? Sister-in-law, please, please?"


Chen Lei is really decisive now. If Chen Qiang knows what growth means after being beaten, then Chen Lei knows what shamelessness means after being beaten.

If anyone wants to be scolded, then scold him; if anyone wants to be beaten, then beat him.

If you can scold me, I will scold you back; if you can't scold me, you will not be heard.


No one can beat the script, but Han Qian only has a VIP card for the hospital?

After Chen Lei left, Chen Qiang walked downstairs and went to the sofa with a bandage on his head. He lay on the sofa with his pillow on Xiuxiu's legs and whispered softly with his eyes closed.

“Tell you about someone you’d never expect!”

Xiuxiu lowered her head, held Chen Qiang's face, and said softly.

"The news came so quickly?"

Chen Qiang closed his eyes and sighed.

"Xiao Fu and Baitao's father signed in the same office that Li Jinhai will be transferred to the Shengjing Veteran Cadre Service Bureau as the head."

Xiuxiu frowned and smiled bitterly.

"What is this? Letting Li Jinhai go to the most leisurely place? Isn't this the same as putting a shark in a bucket? It's suffocating."

Chen Qiang smiled bitterly.

"I heard what my father said on the phone. It was because of his son Li Duole that Li Jinhai could retire and still have a place to stay. Some people criticized his son Li Duocheng when he got married and had children abroad. Binhai has been in chaos in the past few years. He Yes! To be honest, without Han Qian’s constant advice, and without that bastard son of Li Duole, Li Jinhai would have gone down long ago, but what the hell, Du Kang was the temporary replacement?”

Du Kang?

Xiuxiu was also stunned, and then her face showed a bit of confusion? murmured.

"What on earth is Father Bai Tao going to do? Isn't this a mess in Binhai? What is Zheng Jing's position now?"

"Captain! Zheng Jing has been doing this for many years, and he is Han Qian's man!"

"Oh, there's going to be chaos! Why is Binhai becoming more and more chaotic? It used to be that the people at the bottom were in chaos, but now the top people are starting to mix things up. Is gilding that important? Husband, what is the purpose of coming to Binhai?"

"Play! Pack your things and take you to a warm hospital for a physical checkup!"

It is raining again.

No need to hold an umbrella for drizzle.

Chen Qiang squatted at the side door of the hospital and smoked, while Xiu Xiu stood aside and stared at the sky in a daze.

It didn't take long for Han Qian and Wen Nuan to arrive. When they saw the couple approaching without an umbrella, Wen Nuan ran over with his hands covering his head. Chen Qiang was startled and stood up quickly. He was really afraid that Wen Wennan would hit Xiu Xiu to death, and then he was killed. Xiuxiu grabbed her hair and tossed it aside, then took out an oversized lobster claw and waved it at Nuan Nuan.

Nuan Nuan, who ran forward, looked at the oversized lobster claws a little hesitantly, turned his head to look at Han Qian, and said with a smile.

"I know you guys just came back from Shengjing. You must have been very hungry along the way. Eat a little first. Warm, I have something to ask you for help. Can you let the old Chinese doctor take a look at my body? I always feel like I'm alive. But he’s thirty-five.”

Wen Nuan was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and looked at Xiu Xiu, then fell into deep thought, and said seriously after a long time

"Chen Lei deceived Ji Jing!"

Xiuxiu whispered.


"Chen Qiang slapped me!"

After saying this, Chen Qiang slapped him twice, and Nuan Nuan looked at Chen Qiang seriously.

"I will not forgive you, and I will not be friends with you, but the purpose of this hospital's existence is to save lives and heal the wounded. You go and register for medical treatment. I will say hello to the old gentleman! I'm going to eat."

Wen Nuan did not take the lobster claw in Xiu Xiu's hand.

Anything that can make Nuan Nuan give up seafood is no small matter. Looking at Nuan Nuan's back and looking at the three thousand green hairs swaying left and right, Xiu Xiu turned around and hit Chen Qiang's head with a lobster claw, and then hit it on the calf. After another kick, Xiuxiu said angrily.

"It's no one's business! Don't even cry when I die! Get out of here, it's annoying to see you."

Xiuxiu also left. Chen Qiang was holding a lobster claw in his hand and covering his calf with his other hand, his face full of pain!

Xiuxiu loves pointed high heels!

Han Qian squinted at Chen Qiang.

"Deserve it!"

Chen Qiang sat on the ground, rubbing his legs and holding up his lobster claws.

"You eat...oh, I forgot to eat seafood. Let me tell you something. You should prepare yourself mentally. It can be considered as my family's Xiuxiu's medical expenses."

Han Qian frowned.

"I'll hand over the money later. I don't really want to get along with you. Our relationship isn't that good."

Chen Qiang smiled while eating lobster.

"I know, but right now you and I are still cooperating. It's right for you to send the company out of Binhai. Binhai Yamen is going to have a big change. Du Kang will replace your second uncle. Although he is an agent, how long can he be an agent? Didn’t say anything!”

Han Qian frowned after hearing this.

"What does Baitao's father mean? Does he know who is behind Zhou Le? Doesn't he know that Du Kang is now working as a dog for Zhou Le? What does this mean?"

Chen Qiang pouted.

"I don't know, but you must be the target, otherwise I wouldn't have replaced Li Jinhai with Du Kang. You're just asking for it! If you have any trouble, call me."

Han Qian curled his lips and said.

"It's not that I look down upon you! Without your wife, the difference between you and the past is that you are more resistant to beatings. Chen Qiang, you have a wife and I have a wife."

Chen Qiang waved to Han Qian with his back.

"I understand. I am giving you time now just for the mistakes I made before. Who would have thought that you could come back alive?"

Han Qian trotted forward and put his arms around Chen Qiang's shoulders. This frightened Chen Qiang, and he frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Han Qian, don't go crazy. This is your wife's hospital. If you beat me here, you will be in trouble. Besides, I am very powerful now, you can't beat me!"

Han Qian put his arm around Chen Qiang's shoulders and smiled.

"Look at how cowardly you are. We won't be able to play anymore if you have the courage to do so. You should know in your heart whether I can fix this little problem, right? But you also know the reason why I haven't done anything, right? Because There is an eunuch in the capital. He doesn't want his happiness to disappear just like that. Once Zhou Le and Li Shaoqi fall into a disadvantage, his restless heart may not be able to bear it anymore. Then Zhou Le and Li Shaoqi suddenly have a powerful ally. What do you think? , when people are defeated and despairing, they suddenly see a ray of light, saying that gods are coming to save them. Do you believe it or not? After you believe it, do you just obey the words of this light? Stinky cockroach, your vision of thinking about things is still too narrow? Are you like this? How are we going to play? Your eyes can only see ninety degrees. If I throw a ninety-one degree plan at you, you won’t be able to play with it!"

Chen Qiang pushed Han Qian away and frowned.

"Get out! I know I'm not as good as you, but your nine women are not as good as one of my family's Xiuxiu!"

"But I am happy to have Jiufen'er! I will ask the old Chinese doctor to treat your wife's illness, and then! Let's discuss something."


"You built the airport for me in Bin County!"

Chen Qiang pointed at Han Qian and cursed angrily.

"Don't act like a fucking psycho. Binhai is so big, there can't be two airports! Binhai already has Dragon Palace Airport!"

Han Qian squinted at Chen Qiang.

"Are you throwing money away? I mean the training airport, the one behind the Honor Home Department Store. I'll move it to Binxian County. Is that interesting? This will increase the value of Binxian County! Now the city center of Binxian County is just a slap in the face. , you moved this airport, and you said that the people in Binhai are not allowed to burn incense and pierce little people to thank you?"

Chen Qiang shook his head and refused.

"No, I refuse!"

Han Qian nodded.

"Okay! Don't refuse! You answered wrong, answer again!"

Chen Qiang took a deep breath and was about to shout when Han Qian stepped forward and whispered.

"Recently, old Taoist priests and old Chinese medicine practitioners have studied a lot of small pills. Wen Nuan named them Hanxiao Banbuepian and Staring Eyes Stretching Pills. Of course, these two pills are as big as a cow's eyeball, and no one would be stupid to take them, but You said that I asked the old Chinese doctor to prepare some medicine for your wife, which means she is getting weaker and weaker day by day. You said..."

"Dad! Dad Han! Prince, you are my real father, can we stop playing so insidiously? Xiaoqiang is wrong, everything is Xiaoqiang's fault, if I can't find a way, Han Qian! Really, I can't accept for a second the attitude of a villain like you who is so successful!"

Han Qian grinned and said with a wicked smile.

"Really? A villain succeeds, right? You can't stand it, right?"

When he finished speaking, he pinched the back of Chen Qiang's neck and gritted his teeth angrily.

"If you don't like it, just build me a fucking airport! I'll give you half a month!"

When Han Qian and Chen Qiang walked into the ward, the two guys were as close as one father's children. Han Qian put his arms around Chen Qiang's neck and smiled at the old Chinese doctor.

"Take the time to take a closer look~ Then this guy next to me is a top-notch dude from the yamenmen, so your Chinese Medicine University will no longer be a dream!"

The old Chinese medicine doctor's expression did not change, but he spoke sternly to the young doctors around him.

"This patient has a congenital heart disease and a defective heart! He is severely anemic, and his energy and energy cannot withstand the torment of surgery. When you treat the patient, don't just focus on one disease, but consider the sum of all major and minor problems in the whole body. Look, we must not ignore this problem! When Western medicine cannot operate, Chinese medicine comes in handy. Although it cannot cure the disease, wouldn’t it be good if we prevent him from relapse? "

Swish, brush, brush!

After the list was written, Xiuxiu was told to buy according to the needs on the list. It would be best if it could be sent to him for inspection.

When Xiuxiu left, Chen Qiang whispered that there was something else.

After closing the door, Han Qian stepped forward, pinched the old Chinese doctor's beard, and whispered.

"Old man, do you still remember the 1.85-meter eunuch I brought you before? You really can't cure him?"

The old Chinese medicine doctor took out a silver needle and pricked Han Qian's arm. Han Qian felt that his arm was numb for a moment. Then the old Chinese medicine doctor added three more injections. Han Qian hid far away. At this time, Chen Qiang came up and asked if he could learn this. Learn the art, and then stab Han Qian, the bastard, to death.

The old Chinese medicine doctor ignored Chen Qiang, looked at Han Qian and said solemnly.

"I can't say it can definitely be cured, but it's almost certain that the eunuch you mentioned doesn't really want to be cured."


After leaving the hospital, Chen Qiang drove the car and muttered curiously.

"Why didn't Liu Shengge treat his illness? Why did Han Qian treat Liu Shengge's illness? And he still looked very concerned. They have such a good relationship?"

"not good!"

Mu Xiuxiu spoke softly, looked at the list in her hand and continued

"Both of them wanted to kill each other, but killing each other would make them lonely. Han Qian treated Liu Shengge because he was worried that Liu Shengge's head was abnormal. He wanted to cure Liu Shengge and then let Liu Shengge have a child. The attention is all on the child, so he won't come to Binhai to stir up trouble! Liu Shengge knows Han Qian's little thoughts, but he takes the route of pure love, um... the invincible God of pure love, what's his weakness, compare No explanation, the first shock in Binhai, Han Qian and Liu Shengge didn’t distinguish between them, eh... Chen Qiang!"


"Go buy medicine. I'll live a few more years. I'm afraid you will be wronged!"

Chen Qiang cried while driving, his tears falling down.

How can I, Chen Qiang, be so virtuous and capable?

At this time, Chen Lei looked at the marriage certificate in his hand and was curious.

"She is a soaring eagle, and I am a chicken digging holes in the ground! She is like a general on an expedition, and I am a singing girl who cannot sing in a brothel!"

Thinking about it, Chen Lei took out his mobile phone and called Wesley. Wesley's voice was cold.


"Langyan Fengshakou~ General please drink less~"


"Okay, General, you are busy."

"Wait a minute, someone has been pestering me recently. I don't care. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Okay~ I'll break his legs!"

After hanging up the phone and looking at Li Dongsheng walking over, Chen Lei stood up and smiled and waved, Li Dongsheng raised his eyebrows and said.

"Are you doing dog licking again?"

Chen Lei patted his chest and laughed.

"Dog-licker? Oh, is Wesley worthy? Really, there are so many people. When I was at home, I was so loud that she kept calling me daddy."

Li Dongsheng said oh, then said indifferently.

"The phone is off!"

Sweat instantly appeared on Chen Lei's face. When he saw the phone that had been hung up, Chen Lei glared at Li Dongsheng, but at this time Li Dongsheng had already said to the phone with a smile.

"Bitch Wu, I'll fuck you to death, you deserve to die!"

"Eldest son! I slept with your father, so you have to call me mom! Listen to mom and eat two pounds of shit to replenish your brain!"

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