Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 96 Fitness test results

An island in Shanhai City.

In front of the scientific research base.

As soon as the car stopped, the leading teacher from Shanhai Middle School immediately took the students into the base.

Today, nearly 5,000 martial arts students from the entire Shanhai City came here to test.

If you can go in early and queue up, you can save a lot of time waiting in line.

Enter the base.

Lin Zichen looked around curiously.

What comes into view are various sophisticated instruments.

Full of technology.

"Don't just look around, take advantage of the fact that there are still many candidates from schools who haven't come yet, and there are not many people, so hurry up and find a testing window to queue up."

The leading teacher of Shanhai Middle School urged.

After hearing this, the students all lined up at a less crowded testing window and waited for the fitness test to begin.

Lin Zichen also took Shen Qinghan with him and randomly found a window where there were relatively few people to line up.

He Yu and Li Chuxin lined up behind them.

"Xiaochen, are the reagents inside the cloud jellyfish gene reagents used to test the fitness of gene fusion?"

Shen Qinghan looked at the test tubes filled with blue liquid inside the test window and asked with some uncertainty.

Lin Zichen replied: "Yes, those are cloud jellyfish genetic reagents."

The genes of cloud jellyfish, a strange animal, have a high affinity for the human body and are prone to certain special chemical reactions with human blood.

Therefore, it is used as a test reagent to test the fitness of gene fusion.

The test method is also very simple, that is, fresh blood of the examinee is extracted on site and injected into the cloud jellyfish reagent for chemical reaction.

Then, based on the degree of reaction, it will be judged whether the candidate is suitable for gene fusion.

Soon, the fitness test began.

The fitness of gene fusion is tested first, and the fitness of mechanical modification can only be tested later.

This arrangement can reduce a lot of unnecessary testing work.

Because under normal circumstances, if candidates test the fitness of genetic fusion and find that the data is good, they will not test the fitness of mechanical modification again.

After all, mechanical transformation is so anti-human, and many people cannot accept their bodies turning into steel.

For the vast majority of candidates, if they can achieve genetic fusion, they will definitely not choose mechanical transformation.

Although the gene has changed due to gene fusion, at least it can still be a body of flesh and blood, and it is still not comparable to cold steel.

As for whether there are people who are just curious and want to know how suitable their own mechanical transformation is, and then go out to test it.

This kind of situation exists, but it is so rare that it can almost be ignored.

Because the fitness test of mechanical modification is not as gentle as the fitness test of genetic fusion.

The fitness test of mechanical modification involves implanting a special alloy material into the human body.

During this period, the human body will undergo a rejection reaction, causing extremely intense pain.

The pain level is on the same level as a woman giving birth.

About half an hour later.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan have both finished drawing blood.

Next, just find a place to sit and wait for the results.

Results will be available in no more than an hour.

While the two were chatting and waiting, scores of candidates who had their blood drawn early began to come out one after another.

Results can be checked on your mobile phone.

As a result, various shouts soon erupted in the base.

"8%! My gene fusion fitness is actually as high as 8%! Haha! God has been kind to me! I can become a gene fusion person!"

"Only 4%? Alas! I knew I wouldn't be able to become a gene fusion person."

"6%! Hiss! Exciting! So exciting! Just crossed the line and passed!"


Listening to these shouts, Lin Zichen was a little curious and wanted to know how suitable his genetic fusion was.

Fitness criteria for gene fusion.

6% is a passing grade.

8% is excellent.

10% is the level of two prestigious schools.

These two famous universities refer to Kyoto University and Shankai University.

Yes, it is the Shanhai University in Shanhai City.

Although the education level in Shanhai City is not high and not as good as many inland cities, it still has such a top-notch university.

The reason is that Shanhai City's economy is particularly strong.

Putting aside political status, Shanhai City’s economic level ranks first in the country.

Gene fusion and mechanical modification are both very expensive fields.

Take gene fusion as an example. If you want to cultivate a gene fusion person with an advanced biological level, the amount of money required will be calculated in hundreds of millions.

Not 120 million, but more than one billion.

Therefore, Shanhai University, which is economically developed, can become one of the top two universities in the country.

If you want to be admitted to the School of Evolution of the two major universities, the fitness degree of gene fusion must be at least 10%.

Otherwise, don’t even think about it.

For example, the Kyoto University genius, the Kyoto prodigy who was often marketed in the past, has a gene fusion fitness degree of up to 16%.

Belong to the top group in the country.

Lin Zichen thought that without genetic fusion, his physical strength would be much higher than that of the Kyoto genius.

So if nothing else, your genetic fitness should be higher than 16%.

It is estimated to be close to 20%.

However, it is meaningless no matter how high this value is.

Because I have a biological attribute like [the weak eats the strong], I am destined not to take the path of genetic fusion.

If you can swallow it directly, why do you need to fuse it?

It's not necessary at all.

"Xiaochen, I can't do it anymore, I'm so nervous."

Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen helplessly, his hands shaking violently and his legs becoming weak.

At this time, she didn't have any curiosity in her heart, but only fear.

I am afraid that my gene fusion fitness is not high enough.

"It's okay, it's normal to be nervous."

Lin Zichen held Shen Qinghan's hands and comforted him.

In fact, he was also a little afraid that Shen Qinghan's gene fusion would not be suitable enough and he would not be able to get into the two major universities and continue to be his classmate.

From kindergarten to now, he has become accustomed to campus life with Shen Qinghan's company.

It would be uncomfortable to think about not being in the same school.

As for letting Shen Qinghan come in through the back door through his own abilities as in middle school and high school, this is a huge disadvantage.

It is very likely that Shen Qinghan, who has finally become confident, will be reorganized into a low self-esteem and autistic person.

"10%! Oh my god! I actually got into two major universities!"

Li Chuxin, who was sitting not far away, suddenly jumped with excitement.

Her grades were at the bottom of the class. She never thought about going to two major universities. She only wanted to go to a top ten university. Unexpectedly, she actually performed exceptionally well.

"Oh no! Why is it only 11%?!"

Contrary to Li Chuxin, He Yu looked at the results checked on his mobile phone, his face full of disappointment, and he felt that his life was bleak.

He feels that he is at the 12% level and can even reach 13%.

The result was only 11%, only 1% more than Li Chuxin, the crane tail. This is really embarrassing.

After hearing these words from the two of them, Lin Zichen knew that he and Shen Qinghan had achieved results.

He said to Shen Qinghan: "The results of He Yu and Chu Xin who are behind us have come out, and ours must have come out too. Check it out quickly."

Shen Qinghan shook his head and said nervously: "I don't dare to check. I'll let you check it first. After you finish checking, you can check it for me."

"Okay, I'll check it for you later."

After saying that, Lin Zichen started to log in to his candidate number on the Nanjiang Provincial College Entrance Examination Network to check his results.

At this time, He Yu and Li Chuxin, who were not far away, came over, curious about how high his score could be.

Soon, the results were found.

Gene fusion fitness: 15%.

"15% is so high. If nothing else, this should be the highest in Nanjiang Province."

After seeing Lin Zichen's results, Li Chuxin's face was filled with envy.

He Yu said: "15%? It's about the same as I guessed."

Shen Qinghan said with a happy face: "Xiaochen, with your results, you should be the number one scholar in the province."

She was happy for Lin Zichen.

Unlike the three others, Lin Zichen was not very satisfied with this result.

It's only 15%, which is too low. It can't even compare with that Kyoto genius.

It seems that physical strength is not the entire factor that determines fitness.

There are other factors at play.

After calming down a little, Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Hanhan, it's your turn to check."

"Well, check it out." Shen Qinghan's voice revealed a bit of nervousness.

Li Chuxin saw it and comforted her: "Don't worry Hanhan, I can get 10% of my crane tail, and you can do it too!"

He Yu also reassured: "Yes, team member, you are one of the top female academics in our class. The two major schools are definitely stable, and there will never be any surprises!"

"Well, I'm confident." Shen Qinghan smiled at the two of them, but he was still very nervous.

Lin Zichen said nothing and silently logged into Shen Qinghan's candidate account and clicked to check the results.

Then the next second, an unexpected number appeared.

Gene fusion fitness: 21%.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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