Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 90 The college entrance examination officially begins

The martial arts college entrance examination in this world lasts for nine days in total.

On the first day, there was a written test to assess theoretical knowledge in the morning, and a physical test to assess physical fitness in the afternoon.

From the second day to the eighth day, there is a week-long practical assessment. Martial arts candidates from all over the province will be sent to a forest to survive in the wilderness.

On the ninth day, the fitness test of gene fusion and mechanical modification was conducted.

Today, June 7th, is the first day of the college entrance examination.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan got up early and went to school to take the college entrance examination together after breakfast.

"Xiaochen, I'm so nervous."

“I’m afraid I’ll really pee during the exam.”

"I'm afraid I won't do well in the exam."

On the way, Shen Qinghan kept talking, expressing her nervousness to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen didn't bother to comfort her when he saw her acting like this again.

I have obviously comforted him many times.

She was obviously wearing diapers.

Obviously, my theoretical knowledge scores are among the top five in the class.

But it just happened to be stressful.

This psychological quality is really bad.

She had done everything she had to do in the past, but now she could only overcome it on her own, and it would be useless to say more.

After arriving at school.

The two people who were not in the same examination room soon separated and left.

Before he could get far, Lin Zichen thought for a while and still felt a little worried about Shen Qinghan, so he turned around and walked back to her and shouted: "Hanhan, wait a minute."

"What's the matter?"

Shen Qinghan stopped and turned around to look at Lin Zichen with some confusion.

Lin Zichen saw that she was already so nervous that her legs were trembling and her hands were trembling. After a moment of hesitation, he pulled her into his arms and held her gently. He leaned into her ear and encouraged, "You have learned very solid theoretical knowledge. Diapers." Put it on too, try your best later, don’t be nervous.”

Feeling Lin Zichen's body temperature and listening to his heartbeat, Shen Qinghan found that she didn't seem so nervous anymore. I wonder if it was a psychological effect.

After a while, she said in a soft voice: "I will work hard, and you should work hard too."

Lin Zichen said in a gentle voice: "Well, let's all work together."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that many students passing by stopped to look at him holding Shen Qinghan, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Realizing that it was not appropriate to do this in public, he immediately let go of Shen Qinghan.

After that, the two went to their respective examination rooms separately.

When he came to the examination room where he was, Lin Zichen was bored and sat thinking about the plot of the novel to kill time.

Soon, more than half an hour passed.

The exam officially begins.

Lin Zichen got the test paper, first glanced at all the questions on the paper, and then finished them all in less than half an hour.

Four words, as long as you have hands.

After finishing, put the test paper on the table and press it with a pen.

Then, I continued to think about the plot of the novel boredly.

During this period, the boy at the next table wanted to read Lin Zichen's test paper, which made him squint.

Lin Zichen noticed the boy's gaze and turned his head slightly to look at him.

The moment they made eye contact, the boy smiled awkwardly but politely, and continued to squint at Lin Zichen's test paper.

Lin Zichen didn't touch the test paper, he just left it as he wanted.

The adjacent seats in the examination room are far apart. If the boy can see the answers on the test paper at the next table like this, then that is his ability and he deserves to be able to copy it.

Time passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the exam was over in only half an hour.

Seeing the time to hand in the paper in advance, Lin Zichen got up and left his seat with the test paper, walked to the podium and handed in the paper.

When other candidates saw this, they all felt very stressed.

Many people still had a bunch of empty questions on the test paper and could not finish it at all. Seeing Lin Zichen handing in the paper in advance, a sense of urgency suddenly arose.

Although they all knew that they were incomparable to Lin Zichen, it did not prevent them from being stimulated by Lin Zichen's early submission of papers at this moment.

After walking out of his own examination room, Lin Zichen walked straight to the examination room where Shen Qinghan was.

Through the window, I saw Shen Qinghan sitting in the back row, lowering his head and doing the questions seriously.

At the same time, I noticed that her legs were tightly clamped under the table. She must be holding in her urine because she was in a hurry.

More than twenty minutes passed, and the end-of-exam bell rang.

Not long after, Shen Qinghan handed in the paper.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Lin Zichen thought she had failed the exam, so he immediately stepped forward to comfort her:

"We are students in the martial arts class. The written test is relatively unimportant. Just pass it and we don't need to pursue high scores."

"Well... I played very well, you don't need to comfort me."

"Then why do you look so bad?"

"I peed..."

Shen Qinghan stood on tiptoes slightly, with a trace of blush on her pretty fair face, and whispered in Lin Zichen's ear.

Lin Zichen was speechless for a moment.

"Wait for me here. I'll go to the bathroom and take off the diaper. I'll be back soon."

After saying this in a low voice, Shen Qinghan quickly walked to the bathroom with his legs crossed, leaving only Lin Zichen's back figure.

A few minutes later.

Shen Qinghan came out of the bathroom.

The two returned to Class 1, Grade 3, and took the meals they brought from home to the office to heat them up.

When the meal is hot, we take it to the quiet rooftop to eat together.

After dinner, I lay on the rooftop wall and blew in the wind.

Lin Zichen suggested to Shen Qinghan: "Don't wear diapers during the physical test in the afternoon. It will affect your performance. If you need to pee then, you will pee. After all, you won't know anyone after graduating from high school."

"You're so annoying, and you underestimate me. I didn't plan to wear them during the physical test this afternoon."

Shen Qinghan pouted dissatisfied and said: "The physical test only lasts for a while. Even if I really feel the need to urinate by then, I can hold it in until the end so that I won't pee."

Now, she could openly talk about peeing her pants in front of Lin Zichen.

As long as she didn't pee in front of Lin Zichen, she wouldn't feel embarrassed at all.

After all, in the past two and a half years, the two of them have been studying this in the swimming pool. Those who should be shy have already stopped being shy, and now only the numbness that they are accustomed to is left.

After more than an hour passed.

The physical examination begins.

Men and women are divided into groups.

Only three basic events are tested, namely the 100-meter sprint, which represents speed, the in-situ vertical high jump, which represents bounce, and the one-handed barbell lift, which represents strength.

During the test, Lin Zichen did not use all his strength, but only used a little bit of strength to ensure that he would be the number one player in the market.

After the final three data tests, the results are:

100 meters sprint in 5.12 seconds.

Vertical jump of 4.91 meters in place.

Lift a 950kg barbell with one hand.

When he measured these three data, the scene was filled with exclamations of surprise every time.

Among them, most of the exclamations came from the mouths of ordinary high school students.

The martial arts college entrance examination in Shanhai City is only held in a few key high schools. Students in martial arts classes in ordinary high schools have to come nearby to take the exam.

Soon, Shen Qinghan's results came out.

100 meters sprint in 9.32 seconds.

Vertical jump of 1.62 meters in place.

Lift a 125kg barbell with one hand.

This result ranks very high among the girls in the school, and she is a well-deserved female academic champion.

But in front of Lin Zichen's achievements, they are like ants compared to elephants. They are not on the same level at all and there is no comparison.

Not only compared to Lin Zichen, but also compared to most of the boys in the class, he was on a par.

In this mutated earth, the gap between geniuses and ordinary people has been further widened.

Similarly, the gap between men and women has been further widened.

It feels like a winner takes all.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the physical test came to an end.

Lin Zichen's three statistics are undoubtedly the first in the game, and he is the only one who leaves the second place far behind.

Almost at the same time, the results of the written examination that I took in the morning came out.

You can check your results on your mobile phone.

Lin Zichen checked it immediately and unexpectedly got a perfect score of 100.

Shen Qinghan also did well in the exam, scoring 82 points.

People like Wang Shujie, Lu Gang, He Yu and others had similar scores, scoring more than 80 points.

Among them, He Yu only scored 80 points, not as high as Shen Qinghan.

It's not that He Yu didn't do well in the exam, but that Shen Qinghan did very well.

It can only be said that it is very useful to be by Lin Zichen's side for a long time and be nurtured.

It can be said that the person who is close to Zhu is red.

"Xiao Chen, the one-week practical test will begin tomorrow. I don't know what kind of place the forest that will be used as the test site will be. I feel a little nervous just thinking about it."

After checking the results of the physical test, Shen Qinghan suddenly became nervous when he thought that he would be sent to a deserted forest to survive for a week in the wilderness tomorrow.

Lin Zichen was also speechless when he saw her squeaking nervously.

There is never a time when my childhood sweetheart is not nervous.

"Xiao Chen, you can't bring anything with you during the actual combat assessment. There are no diapers. What should I do if I pee?"

Shen Qinghan thought of this fatal question, and her slender and beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but frown slightly.

Lin Zichen replied: "We have gone to the wilderness to survive in the forest. When we need to urinate, we can just squat down behind a tree and solve the problem. There is no need to worry about this problem at all."

"I'm not worried during the day. I'm mainly worried that I'll wet my pants when I go to bed at night. I wet my pants in the forest and don't have to change. It's really uncomfortable."

The more Shen Qinghan talked, the more worried she became.

Lin Zichen felt that this was not a problem, so he said simply and rudely: "It's simple, it can be solved by taking off your pants and sleeping."

"Well, that's certainly a solution."

When he said this, Shen Qinghan had realized that he was being a bit pretentious, and he never discussed these concerns with Lin Zichen again.

Shanhai City, in a certain room.

A young man who looked like a college student was drinking and chatting with a middle-aged man wearing a mask.

Judging from the sitting posture and demeanor of the two of them, they were chatting very casually.

However, the content of the conversation sounds very creepy.

"The actual combat assessment will begin tomorrow. You have the 10 magic seeds here. You must make good use of your status as a security officer to help the organization control 10 geniuses."

The masked man took out an exquisite small wooden box from his arms and threw it on the table, speaking in a leisurely tone.

The young man picked up the small wooden box and opened the wooden lid. What he saw was 10 strange red plant seeds.

They are about the size of peanuts, and the surface of each one is covered with peristaltic blood vessels, making them look like animal hearts.

The masked man said to the young man: "If this matter is completed, I will introduce you to the upper management and make you a formal member of the organization."

"I'm not in a hurry to become an official member. What I want now is to get a strange fruit."

The young man said calmly after closing the wooden cover.

The masked man shook his head: "Young man, your vision is a little short-sighted. A strange fruit can only help you evolve to the seventh level at most. But joining the organization will bring countless benefits in the future."

"Take evolution as an example. As long as you can become a formal member of the organization, evolving into an advanced creature will no longer be a fantasy."

"Also, if you do well, you might even be able to experience what it's like to be a flower fairy in the organization."

When he said this, the masked man's voice became a little lingering and said: "Last year, I experienced the taste of a flower fairy. It was very moist."

Flower Fairy……

Very moist...

The young man was moved and changed his mind decisively: "You are right. Compared with obtaining a strange fruit, it is more cost-effective to become a formal member of the organization first."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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