Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 88 Twenty Thousand Meters Underground

Celebrate the completion of the ceremony for two children.

The parents of the two families gathered together at a table in the living room and played mahjong while talking and laughing.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan felt it was a bit noisy, so they went for a walk outside.

The two of them came to a forest path not far from their home and walked slowly against the evening breeze, enjoying the tranquility of the night.

Wearing a light pink dress, Shen Qinghan showed off her slender white calves and was very eye-catching as she walked swaying on the trail.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but glance at it out of the corner of his eye several times, but he immediately looked away just for a moment.

"Xiaochen, how long did it take you to make that specimen photo frame?"

While walking, Shen Qinghan suddenly asked.

"I've been doing it for almost half a year."

Lin Zichen lied without blinking.

With his divine wisdom, he completed the specimen photo frame in less than a week.

And during the week of production, he only spent an hour a day on it.

However, it would be nice if you knew this kind of thing.

No need to say it.

Saying it only took a week to make would seem very half-hearted.

Shen Qinghan might feel disappointed after hearing this.

The evening breeze is gentle.

It feels very comfortable to blow on the face.

The two walked for a while and saw two low parallel bars in front of them, so they went over to sit on them and chat.

Shen Qinghan swayed his legs leisurely and said in a sweet voice:

"When I go back, I will hang the specimen photo frame in the room, so that I can see the flowers you gave me every day."

"When I go back, I will also hang the watercolor painting you gave me in my room."

When he said this, Lin Zichen's eyes unknowingly fell on Shen Qinghan beside him, and he looked at her carefully.

Her height has reached 1.68 meters, her slender and straight legs have become much longer, and her originally inconspicuous front and back parts have become rounded and plump, making her look graceful and particularly attractive.

As for the facial features, they are still small and delicate, but more three-dimensional and distinct than before.

Especially those watery peach blossom eyes, which used to look childish and cute, but now they are innocent with a hint of maturity, and have a soul-stirring charm.

Eighteen-year-old Shen Qinghan is becoming more and more charming.

She is more beautiful than those female celebrities on TV who wear heavy makeup and beauty filters.

"Xiaochen, you've been staring at my face more and more recently."

Sensing Lin Zichen's sizing gaze, Shen Qinghan turned her head to look at him and said with a smile with charming peach blossom eyes.

Now, when faced with Lin Zichen's constant stare, she no longer felt as embarrassed and shy as before.

Sometimes, they are more playful and cute, full of girlish quirkiness.

"No, it just feels like time flies by so fast."

"In just a blink of an eye, we turned eighteen and became adults. Our appearance has become much more mature and we are no longer as childish as we were back then."

"Sometimes when I think about this, I want to look at your face now and compare it with the memory of you when you were a child."

Lin Zichen said with some emotion.

Shen Qinghan suddenly thought of a question and asked curiously: "Then do you prefer me when you were a child or me now?"

"like it all."

Lin Zichen answered directly without thinking.

He didn't lie, he really liked them all.

I like Shen Qinghan who loved to laugh and urinate when he was a child, I like Shen Qinghan who had low self-esteem, autistic, timid and submissive in the past few years, and I like Shen Qinghan who is much more lively and cheerful now.

No matter what period Shen Qinghan was in, he left a deep and beautiful memory in his heart.

Perhaps, this is the relationship between childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

Hearing Lin Zichen's answer, the smile on Shen Qinghan's pretty face became sweeter, her legs under the skirt swayed a lot more briskly, and she even hummed happily.

"What about you, me as a child or me now, which one do you like more?"

Lin Zichen asked the same question.

Shen Qinghan said without hesitation: "I have liked you at all times."

After saying that, she added: "If I had to say which period of you I like more, it should be you now."

"How to say?"

Lin Zichen was very curious.

Shen Qinghan looked into his eyes, her beautiful eyes slightly curved, and she smiled sweetly and said, "Because I like you more and more every day."

Lin Zichen was stunned for a moment.

After a moment of recovery, he smiled and said, "Then I have to change my answer. I am the same as you. I like you more and more day by day. I hope our friendship will last forever."

"Well, friendship lasts forever."

After saying that, Shen Qinghan stretched out his slender white little finger towards Lin Zichen, and said in a nostalgic voice: "When we were children, we hung ourselves on hooks every day for a hundred years without changing. Do you want to reflect on it now?"

"Okay, let's think about it for a while."

Lin Zichen also stretched out his little finger and hooked it with Shen Qinghan's.

Just when the two of them were about to say the word "draw hook".

Suddenly, the ground shook!

The two people sitting on the parallel bars felt an obvious shock.


Shen Qinghan looked surprised and uncertain.

Lin Zichen replied: "It seems like an earthquake."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed several text messages emerging from the void.

[You experienced an earthquake and successfully survived the earthquake]

[Achievements: Successfully survived 100 times "under different natural disasters" or "under different extremely harsh environments\

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