"Hanhan, you sing beautifully. Do you want to sing karaoke with us after school?"

"I'm not going to a KTV. I have a karaoke bar at my house."

"Yes, Yanling's family is very rich. They live in a big villa. They have a karaoke room, a swimming pool, and a badminton court."

The day after the top ten singers competition on campus ended.

During lunch break.

There was a girl in the class who came to Shen Qinghan with her best friend, stopped in front of Shen Qinghan, and took the initiative to invite Shen Qinghan to sing karaoke at her house with a friendly look on her face.

Shen Qinghan was a little flattered and wanted to go, but didn't know whether he should go.

She never thought that she would be so enthusiastically invited by the people in her class, because everyone obviously hated her because she was a connected person.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally went to the other party's home to sing karaoke with Lin Zichen's suggestion and company.

Also traveling with them were Li Chuxin and He Yu.

The girl who invited Shen Qinghan was very excited when she saw Lin Zichen coming too.

"That's Shen Qinghan from Class 1, Grade 1. She sings very well. You were really at a loss if you didn't go to the playground to listen after school that day."

"She is so beautiful. She doesn't even have any makeup on her face, but she looks very delicate."

"I heard that she is not only good at singing, but also good at drawing. The reason why the blackboard newspaper of Class 1, Grade 1, always won the first place in the competition is because of her presence."

"I used to think that she was just a vase next to Lin Zichen, but I didn't expect that she is quite versatile. I feel that in all aspects, she can be a school beauty in the mountains."

In the days after the top ten singers on campus ended.

Whether on the way to school or on the way home from school, Shen Qinghan could always hear her classmates whispering about her on the roadside.

The content of the discussion was full of praise.

It was like this for several days.

Slowly, Shen Qinghan was no longer as introverted as before when walking on the school road.

I feel a little more confident.

When someone talks about her, she will no longer lower her head in embarrassment, but will smile shyly back at the other person.

"Hanhan, come on!"

"Team members, believe in yourself, you can win!"

"You have won two competitions in a row, Hanhan, you are so awesome!"

"Shen Qinghan has made great progress."

"Everyone should learn from Qinghan. Even if his physical fitness is not as good as others, he can still rely on his excellent martial arts skills to defeat his superiors and win on the martial arts stage."

In the final exam half a month later.

Shen Qinghan relied on her excellent martial arts skills to successfully defeat Wen Yuntong and Chu Yuxi who were ranked in front of her.

His grades in the class improved from first to last to third to last in one fell swoop.

It amazed the whole class and was praised by the class teacher Han Yuanfeng.

Seeing that her grades were no longer the last in the class, Shen Qinghan was very happy, and a smile of relief could not help but appear on his face.

She thought that no one in the class would use the fact that she was a related household to attack her in the future.

Seeing the smile on her face, Lin Zichen also smiled, thinking that she was finally getting better and was no longer as inferior as before.

"Xiaochen, how about I take you out for a ride on a bicycle, just like you took me to and from school in junior high school."

"That bike hasn't been ridden for a long time, so the tires are probably flat."

"It's okay. How about we go inflate the tires?"

"If you want to ride it so much, then go ahead and ride it."

One day during the winter vacation of the first semester of high school.

As soon as Shen Qinghan finished lunch at home, he ran to Lin Zichen's house and said that he wanted to take him out for a ride on his bicycle.

As early as junior high school, she wanted to take Lin Zichen on a bicycle, but at that time her legs were weak and she couldn't pedal the pedals to carry people, so Lin Zichen wouldn't let her take her.

Now that she could carry it, she had to experience what it was like to be a driver.

Soon, the two went back to the house and pushed out the bicycle that had been collecting dust for a long time.

Wash it out in the yard and fill up the tires.

Looking at the brand new bicycle in front of him, Shen Qinghan couldn't wait to get on it, turned around and urged Lin Zichen behind him:

"Xiaochen, come on, get in the car quickly."

"Okay, come on."

"Don't hold on to the car seat. It's very unsafe. You have to put your arms around my waist, just like I did when I was sitting in the back seat of your car in junior high school. It's safe this way."

Shen Qinghan reminded him aloud.

Lin Zichen didn't say anything after hearing this, and just put his arms around her waist as she said.

Feeling the touch on her lower abdomen, Shen Qinghan's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit, and her pretty fair face turned a little red.

Then, with a hard push of his calves, Lin Zichen rode towards the suburban road.

There are fewer cars and fewer traffic lights there, so riding will be more free.

"Xiao Chen, that mountain forest looks so beautiful. Let's go up to the trees and take a look, and take some nice photos."

Halfway through the ride, Shen Qinghan stopped in front of a big tree on the roadside and suggested to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen had no objection and listened to her.

After parking the car.

Shen Qinghan put his cell phone in his pocket and climbed up the tree without saying a word.

Since the weather was not cold during the winter vacation in the south, she was wearing a blue lace skirt and a pair of warm white stockings today. As she climbed up, she was completely naked in front of Lin Zichen.

Although he was wearing safety pants and it didn't matter if he was naked, Lin Zichen still consciously walked around to the other side of the tree, not to watch this free scene.

Within a moment, both of them were already standing on a tree several meters high.

Shen Qinghan boldly left the tree trunk with his hands, took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the forest in the distance.

As a student in the martial arts class, I usually practice climbing trees in the school's wilderness survival class. I stand very stable on the tree and I am not afraid of falling at all.

At this time, a breeze blew by, causing Shen Qinghan's soft hair to flutter and dance.

Lin Zichen felt that the girl was so charming at this moment, so he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of her.

I do not know how long it has been.

Both put down their phones.

No more photos were taken.

Shen Qinghan looked at the scenery in the distance and suddenly said: "Xiaochen, in junior high school and high school, I relied on your relationship to go to the same school and class with you."

"I can't always be like this, I can't always rely on you."

When she said this, she turned her head to look at Lin Zichen next to her, and said firmly: "In two and a half years, I will definitely be admitted to the same university as you on my own merits."

"Well, I believe you."

Lin Zichen trusted Dao without hesitation.

He found that Shen Qinghan looked a lot more confident since he won the championship in the top ten singers competition on campus and won two consecutive victories in the martial arts competition in the final exam.

Compared to the Shen Qinghan who had low self-esteem, was weak and timid before the winter vacation, he prefers the current Shen Qinghan who has a little confidence, a firmer heart and an increasingly cheerful personality.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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