Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 78 Properties of Natural Selection

"Bounce 4 meters vertically on the spot. What kind of spring man is this?"

"Lifting a 690kg barbell with one hand, I'm afraid I could kill a cow with one punch. No, I could kill two cows."

"100 meters in 5.86 seconds, Brother Xing is awesome!"

In the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3, the students were all praising a boy with a strong figure.

The boy's name is Chen Wuxing, and he is the king of the top class in the senior high school. Now, the results of the special admissions examination he took at Kyoto University some time ago came out, causing the classmates in the class to exclaim.

Just as he was enjoying everyone's exclamations, a boy at the next table came over and said:

"Brother Xing, I heard that that boy Yan Shaoxuan went to the gymnasium to educate that new student who doesn't know the world. I'm afraid he is imitating the way you educated him last year."

"He is not as handsome as me, and his temperament is not as good as mine. He can't learn from me."

Chen Wuxing said calmly.

After saying that, he stood up, left his seat, and walked outside the classroom.

The disciplinary committee member of the class, a girl with short shoulder-length hair, saw that he was not going to the bathroom, but heading downstairs, and immediately chased him out and asked:

"Chen Wuxing, class is about to begin, where are you going?"

"Go to the gymnasium and give guidance. Teach the sophomores how to educate the freshman."

"Class starts in less than ten minutes. Do you want to skip class?!"

"I'm going to skip class, what next?" Chen Wuxing stopped, looked back at the nosy girl at the door of the classroom, and said calmly:

"I have passed Kyoto University's special admissions exam. Even if I drop out now, I will still be a Kyoto University student next September. Don't use the rules that restrict you to restrict me, do you understand?"

After saying these words, Chen Wuxing turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Only leaving a chic back view for the girl.

In the gym.

There were two people standing on the martial stage.

One is Lin Zichen who is responsible for guarding the ring, and the other is Yan Shaoxuan who takes the stage to challenge.

The former is the overlord in the first year of high school, and the latter is the overlord in the second year of high school.

This duel between old and new attracted many people to watch.

Many teachers who had no classes later came specially to witness this peak showdown.

"Who do you think can win?"

"Yan Shaoxuan."

"I think so too. Although Lin Zichen, a freshman in high school, has been in the limelight recently and defeated most of Class 3, a sophomore in high school, that is only a key class after all, and is not at the same level as the top class."

"One person can defeat a whole class. Yan Shaoxuan also did it easily last year. What then? When he challenged Chen Wuxing, who was one level above him, wasn't he beaten down?"

"Indeed, we are all top talents in the top class. Their talents are not much different. If we practice for a year more, we will become even better."

A group of teachers were analyzing the outcome in the audience.

The result of the analysis is that Lin Zichen is overwhelmingly unfavorable.

After all, not everyone is Wu Tiancheng who can break through the entire school in his freshman year of high school.

Besides, when Wu Tiancheng was a freshman in high school, the sophomores and seniors in the school happened to be the weaker class, which allowed him to accomplish the feat of dominating the entire school in his freshman year.

The right time and right place are indispensable.

On the martial arts stage.

Yan Shaoxuan put one hand in his pocket, habitually shook the side bangs covering his eyes, and said with a pretentious look:

"Junior, when I was a freshman in high school last year, I was just as crazy as you."

"But after I was abused once, I realized what it means to be someone outside the world."

"Today, I will teach you the first lesson in your life, how to be a genius who is neither arrogant nor impetuous."

When he was a freshman in high school last year, he was so crazy that he single-handedly challenged the entire senior class as soon as school started.

Starting from the second year of high school, he fought all the way up, first through the ordinary classes, then through the key classes, and finally when he reached the top class, he was bullied by Chen Wuxing, hung up and beaten, and was pressed hard on the martial arts platform and rubbed.

Now that he is a senior, he will also bully the junior geniuses and let others suffer the humiliation he suffered back then.

If I can’t beat the seniors, am I still unable to beat the juniors?

Today we must severely punish the new student who pretends to be a coward!

Lin Zichen didn't know that this boy named Yan Shaoxuan would have so much drama in his heart, and he didn't want to listen to his fatherly preaching here.

So he looked at the referee and said, "Teacher, we are all in position and can start the duel."

The referee nodded, then looked at Yan Shaoxuan and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Yan Shaoxuan replied.

Upon hearing this, the referee immediately raised his right hand and struck down quickly: "The duel begins!"

"Junior, I suggest... Bang!"

Yan Shaoxuan wanted to give a fatherly lesson, but before he could finish his words, he was kicked off the stage by Lin Zichen.

You really talk a lot, so please step down and let others come up to challenge me. Don’t delay my achievement of Natural Selection...

After complaining in his heart, Lin Zichen looked at the other people in the audience and shouted: "The lunch break is about to end, are you still coming up to challenge?"

No one in the audience responded.

Because at this moment, everyone at the scene was stunned.

what's the situation?

Yan Shaoxuan was killed?

He was the dominant sophomore in high school, a genius ranked among the top five in the entire school!

Was he kicked in the face by a new student like this?

What a joke!

How can this be!

After a moment of recovery, the entire stadium was filled with incredible discussions.

Everyone couldn't believe that the scene they just saw was real, and they all wondered if they were dreaming.

The person involved, Yan Shaoxuan, slumped on the ground with a dull expression, looking like his soul was gone.

When I was a junior last year. I was bullied and beaten by my seniors. Now that I am a senior, I am instantly killed by my juniors. How dare I be the one getting beaten?

Lin Zichen didn't even look at his defeated general, and ignored the exclamations that kept coming from around him.

He just looked around at the people in the audience and shouted:

"Does anyone else want to challenge? If you participate, you will get a chance to win a lottery! You can get a free coupon for milk tea for a month! You can get the latest fruit mobile phone!"

After shouting for a while, but seeing that no one came on stage, Lin Zichen looked at a bespectacled woman at the foot of the stage and asked with a smile: "Classmate, do you want to come up and do a few moves?"

"Huh? Well... I'm just a freshman in the cultural class, and I just came here to join in the fun."

"It's okay, come up and experience it."

With that said, Lin Zichen carried the bespectacled girl to the martial arts platform, thrust a lottery ticket into her hand, and then killed her with one move.

Natural selection achievement progress +1!

Seeing this scene, the headmistress was a little confused.

She thought, Lin Zichen specially held a personal challenge, shouldn't he be eager to show off?

Why are the freshmen from the cultural class who came to join in the fun not being spared?

Fighting madman?


Hungry and not selective about food?

The headmistress was puzzled.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you understand one thing, that is - try your best to meet Lin Zichen's needs.

Thinking about it, the female principal immediately assigned a task to the teachers on the scene, asking them to organize students who had not been on stage to challenge Lin Zichen on stage.

So, in the next time.

Many students who originally came just to join in the fun rushed to the martial arts platform like ducks on the shelf, and were instantly killed by Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen was overjoyed as he watched the completion progress bar keep soaring. He thought that a strong woman who could become a principal was different, and her ability to observe words and emotions was far beyond ordinary people.

Soon, the class bell rang, and the students expressed their intention to go back to class.

The female principal directly said not to worry about it. If your teacher wants to hold you accountable, just say that it was the principal who asked you to stay in the gymnasium.

"Look, Chen Wuxing is here!"

"Is he here for a challenge?"

"I didn't expect that even Chen Wuxing, the number one person in the school, would challenge me. This is something to behold!"

Just as the class bell ended, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Lin Zichen listened to the voices in the audience and followed everyone's gaze to look at a boy walking from a distance.

Chen Wuxing?

The first person in the school?

Is this because the younger one is the older one?

When the boy saw him, he immediately accelerated forward and kicked his calves hard. He jumped up high and landed on the martial arts platform with a "dong" sound.

The same appearance as Yan Shaoxuan before.

The only difference is that this boy's leg muscles are more explosive, he can jump higher, and he looks more handsome.

"I never thought that Yan Shaoxuan would lose to you."

On the martial arts stage, Chen Wuxing looked at Lin Zichen, who was even more handsome than him, and said calmly.

After saying that, he quickly added: "You are indeed very strong, but..."

"Teacher, we are all in position and can start the duel."

Before Chen Wuxing could finish speaking, Lin Zichen interrupted him and looked at the referee aside.

At first glance, Chen Wuxing was another talkative pretentious person, so Lin Zichen didn't bother to waste time with him.

"Junior, my personality is a bit impatient."

Chen Wuxing shook his head, and then said with a smile on his face: "But it doesn't matter. I will let you calm down and listen carefully when the duel begins."

More than ten seconds later.


With such a crashing sound, Lin Zichen, the number one person in the school who just thought of giving a lesson, was kicked off the martial arts platform with his body and soul at this moment.

For those who talk too much and will hinder themselves from completing the achievement of natural selection, just finish it in seconds.

Ignoring the shock of the people around him, Lin Zichen urged the students lining up to take the stage:

"Classmate, don't be in a daze, come on stage."

"Oh, oh okay."

The boy at the front came to his senses and responded.

Then he went on stage to challenge, and was instantly killed by Lin Zichen at the speed of light.

The whole process from going on stage to coming off the stage takes less than 10 seconds, and the main focus is a clean and neat performance.


"Here, another one!"


After playing one game after another in this way, when the time was approaching four o'clock in the afternoon, the achievement of natural selection was finally completed.

[In formal competition situations, using the most primitive biological method, a total of 1,000 different competitors have been eliminated, which has been achieved]

[Acquire biological attributes: natural selection]

[Natural Selection: Increase the damage you cause to other creatures]

After Lin Zichen read the text message, he was very satisfied with the effect of the biological attribute of natural selection.

A simple and crude damage-increasing attribute.

Very practical.

The only fly in the ointment is that it doesn't specify how much damage it can increase, so it's very vague.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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