Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 7 Special Transfer Student

"Come on, everyone, line up and have a smile."

"Okay, don't cry anymore. We will still have a chance to meet each other in the future. Maybe we will still be classmates in elementary school."

"Parents, please come and take photos together!"

In Rainbow Kindergarten, a group of teachers are busy organizing the graduating children to take photos.

The three years of kindergarten are over.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, childhood sweethearts, both successfully graduated from Rainbow Kindergarten.

He has grown from a four-year-old kid when he came in to a seven-year-old kid now.

He left a lasting mark in his life.

"Hanhan, come over to Aunt Xin and take a photo with Chenchen."


Shen Qinghan ran towards Zhang Wanxin with a smile on her face and took a group photo with her favorite Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan on the side and found that his childhood sweetheart had become so beautiful without even realizing it.

She is an extremely dazzling presence in the entire Rainbow Kindergarten and is the crush of most little boys.

Fortunately, his appearance is not bad and he is equally dazzling.

And in the past three years, he has won all the awards from Rainbow Kindergarten, making his charm even better than Shen Qinghan.

Over the past three years, I have received many gifts from little girls in the kindergarten.

Every once in a while, you will find snacks stuffed in the drawer by the little girl who has a crush on you.

After the photo session is over.

Xu Meng found Zhang Wanxin and asked:

"Wanxin, where do you plan to let Chenchen go to elementary school?"

"I feel like all the elementary schools nearby are pretty much the same. I plan to study in Sunshine Elementary School, which is closest to my home."

"Sunshine Elementary School is pretty good, so I'll ask our family Hanhan to join us."

Xu Meng smiled and said.

When Shen Qinghan next to him heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Zichen with a smile on his face and said happily:

"Chenchen, we can continue to be classmates again when we reach elementary school."

"Well, continue to be classmates."

"Then in the future, shall we continue to be classmates in junior high school, high school, and university?"

"Okay." Lin Zichen said with a smile.

He has become accustomed to Shen Qinghan being around, and he enjoys the feeling of his childhood sweethearts growing up together, hoping it can continue.

Summer vacation passes quickly.

The school season in September has arrived in a blink of an eye.

For Lin Zichen, life in elementary school is no different from kindergarten.

I was reading my own books during class to gain a deeper understanding of the background of the world.

Then after class is over, I will just find a deserted corner, quietly exercise my body with high intensity, and go further and further on the road of evolution.

The only difference is that Lin Zichen no longer needs his parents to take him to school.

He chose to walk to and from school by himself, which not only gave him more freedom, but also made it easier for his parents.

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin were very relieved that he didn't need to be picked up or dropped off.

After all, the school is not far away, just a ten-minute walk.

Of course, what really reassures the couple is that Lin Zichen has performed very well since he was a child, is both civil and military, and can protect himself well without his parents having to worry.

When Shen Qinghan saw Lin Zichen walking to and from school, she also clamored to join him.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng were reluctant at first, but seeing her persistence, they finally agreed.

Thinking that with Lin Zichen together, his stupid daughter should be well protected.

This morning.

After Lin Zichen finished breakfast, he went to the door of his house and waited for Shen Qinghan to come out and go to school together.

With nothing to do while waiting, he suddenly opened the character panel and checked the data on it.

[Name: Lin Zichen]

[Age: 7 years old]

[Creature Level: Ordinary (Level 2)]

[Biological attributes: use it or lose it, wisdom root of heaven and man]

The biological level is still ordinary second level.

However, compared to when he was still in kindergarten class two and a half years ago, Lin Zichen's strength has improved a lot now.

Can lift a 200kg barbell with one hand.

Jumping up to 2 meters on the spot.

The 100-meter sprint broke the 8-second mark...

Every data has far exceeded the previous world record.

If it were placed in the previous life, it would be a superhuman existence.

But in this mutated earth with extraordinary power, there is still a long way to go with the word Superman.

In the past two and a half years, Lin Zichen searched and watched a lot of videos related to genetic fusions, mechanical modifications, and alien beasts on the Internet.

The three people in the video can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, move mountains and reclaim seas, and are omnipotent, comparable to land gods.

Every time I watch it, I feel very shocked and full of awe.

"There are too many creatures in this world that are too powerful to be understood. I have to work hard to evolve and strive to reach a status comparable to an immortal god one day..."

Lin Zichen thought silently in his heart.

At this time, Shen Qinghan came out after breakfast.

Wearing a light blue summer school uniform, she jumped up and down in front of Lin Zichen energetically, smiling with watery eyes:

"Xiaochen, I've been waiting for a long time."

Since Lin Zichen graduated from kindergarten, Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin stopped calling him Chenchen and called him Xiaochen instead, making it sound less childish.

Shen Qinghan heard more and changed his name to Xiaochen.

As for Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen still called her Hanhan.

After all, girls are different from boys.

A girl's nickname will only sound cute, not childish.

Come to Sunshine Primary School.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan are still at the same table.

But the two of them never spoke in class and went about their own business quietly.

Lin Zichen was reading the extracurricular books he brought from home.

Shen Qinghan was listening to the teacher carefully.

When he was in kindergarten, Shen Qinghan looked stupid and not very smart.

When learning English, you can pronounce grandmother as gunnimad.

But in elementary school, she became extremely smart and consistently ranked second in the class in every exam.

The reason why she has changed so much is that her parents, who are teachers, have trained her well at home, and Lin Zichen has tutored her at school.

"Zi Chen, have you finished reading the book "Biological Structure" yesterday?"

In class, the math teacher passed by Lin Zichen. Seeing that the book he was reading now was different from yesterday, he couldn't help but ask with a smile.

Lin Zichen turned to the next page of the book and replied without raising his head: "Well, I've finished reading it."

He got full marks on every math test and won the right to read extracurricular books in math class without worrying about the math teacher's objections.

The math teacher couldn't help but sigh: "Zi Chen, you are really amazing. In the National Primary School Mathematics Competition next week, the teacher will be counting on you."

Lin Zichen said calmly: "Don't worry, teacher, I will get first place."

The other students in the class looked at this scene with envious expressions on their faces.

Feeling the looks from the classmates around her, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but straighten up, feeling proud and proud of the excellence of his childhood sweetheart.

Lin Zichen didn't have any fluctuations in his heart. He just read his book silently and absorbed all kinds of knowledge.

in the days to come.

Lin Zichen ranked first in the school in every exam and broke school records in every school sports meeting.

Regardless of whether they are good students or bad students, they are filled with awe when facing him.

Just when he thought that his six years in elementary school would be spent peacefully, and then he would successfully light up [the leader of elementary school].

One day, the class suddenly welcomed a very special transfer student.

It was one day in the first semester of the second grade of elementary school.

Lin Zichen is taking math class in the classroom.

Halfway through the class, the head teacher suddenly led a white-haired girl into the classroom and told everyone that she was a transfer student and would be in class with everyone from today on.

The moment I saw the white-haired girl.

Lin Zichen sensed a hint of non-human aura from her body.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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