Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 65 Giant Alien Rat Transformation

About an hour later.

The dinner party came to an end.

Teachers and students all went back to their homes to find their mothers.

on the way home.

Lin Zichen noticed that Shen Qinghan was in a bad mood, so he stopped and asked, "Hanhan, why do you look a little depressed? Did something happen?"

"No, I just feel a little sleepy." Shen Qinghan said with a smile on his face.

Lin Zichen saw that she was forcing a smile, but seeing that she didn't want to talk, he didn't ask further.

When passing by a supermarket in front.

Shen Qinghan stopped and said, "Xiao Chen, come with me to buy something."

"Okay." Lin Zichen responded and walked into the supermarket with her.

After entering.

The two walked straight to the innermost shelf and stopped.

The shelves are filled with women's intimate products.

Shen Qinghan reached to the top row with familiarity and took out a large bag of adult diapers for women.

Then he looked at Lin Zichen, with a slight blush on his pretty face and whispered: "I only wear it when I go to bed at night, not during the day."

Lin Zichen: "Well, you said it before."

Shen Qinghan smiled bitterly and said: "When I was a child, my mother always told me that it would be fine when I grow up. When I grow up, I won't wet my pants anymore."

"But until now, I still pee my pants when I go to bed at night, and I have to wear a diaper every night before I dare to fall asleep. This is really annoying."

As he spoke, Shen Qinghan's mood became particularly low and he said: "Xiao Chen, I feel like a disabled person, a disabled person who can't hold back his urine."

"You are not disabled."

Lin Zichen looked at her seriously and said, "Being unable to hold back your urine is your superpower. It's just that you haven't fully developed this superpower yet."

"Super power?" There was a light in Shen Qinghan's eyes, which was not as dim as before.

"Yes, it's a superpower." Lin Zichen said with certainty: "The reason why your water-based talent is so good is that it is one of the manifestations of superpowers."

Shen Qinghan suddenly thought of something, looked into Lin Zichen's eyes and asked, "Xiaochen, you have been so powerful since you were a child, do you also have super powers?"

"Well, I have superpowers just like you." Lin Zichen replied without thinking.



"What kind of super power is that?"

"My superpowers are my physical fitness and learning ability."

"Ah?" Shen Qinghan said disappointedly: "Isn't this just pure talent?"

Lin Zichen explained: "Talent is also a kind of superpower, just like your water-based talent."

"Yes, that makes sense." Shen Qinghan felt much better and said with anticipation: "If I really have super powers, I don't know what kind of super powers it will be."

"It must be a very powerful superpower." Lin Zichen said with a smile.

"Come on, Xiaochen, let's go check out."

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly, then took the diaper and turned around and walked towards the cashier.

When she completely turned around and walked away with her back to Lin Zichen, the sweet smile on her face suddenly dimmed.

She was smiling all over her face just now, but she was still forcing a smile.

It's just that my acting skills have gotten better, and my smiles are not as forced as before.

She didn't think she had any so-called superpowers, she just thought this was Lin Zichen's comfort.

She felt more like she was cursed than having untapped superpowers.

After paying the bill, the two left the supermarket.

During this period, when passing by the vegetable market, I saw people from the security team exterminating rats.

The difference from last time was that this time there was a crazy man who was trying to stop the security guards from eradicating rats. He ran into the market and shouted in tears:

"Stop, stop, don't kill my brother!"

"Did you hear that? Stop it!"

"Ah, ah, if you kill my brother again, I will fight with you!"

Shouting, the man picked up a broom and stepped forward to drive away the security guard.

It turned out that the brothers he was shouting about just now were referring to the rats running around in the market.

"Xiaochen, is this person crazy?"

"Maybe a psychopath."

"It looks so scary."

"That's what mental illness is. Let's go home."


Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan just stopped to watch the excitement for a while and left quickly.

Shortly after the two left, the man causing trouble was subdued by the security guards, handcuffed and put in the back of the security vehicle to be taken back to the police station for interrogation.



Lin Zichen sat with his parents to have dinner, watching the evening news while eating as usual.

I saw a news about a missing person, saying that a young female teacher disappeared after getting off work from school last week, and she has not been found until today.

"Why is there another young woman missing? This seems to be the fourth one this month, right?"

Zhang Wanxin frowned slightly and said.

Lin Yansheng corrected him: "You remembered it wrong, it's the fifth one."

Zhang Wanxin felt very puzzled and said: "Speaking of which, there are already five missing people, and the security department still can't catch the murderer?"

Lin Zichen said nothing, listening to his parents' conversation and watching the news on TV.

The news host said that the five people who disappeared that month were all young and beautiful women. Young and beautiful women should try not to go out at night. If they must go out, it is best to go together and not to remote places.

"Xiao Chen, it's not peaceful outside recently. As a boy, you have to watch Hanhan carefully and don't let her go out alone, do you understand?"

Zhang Wanxin looked at Lin Zichen aside and warned.

Lin Zichen: "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of Hanhan."

Zhang Wanxin was still worried and said: "You send a WeChat message to Hanhan now to remind her to pay attention to her safety. Also, remember to tell her that if she wants to go out, she must ask you to accompany her."

"Okay, I'll send it now."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Shen Qinghan to remind her to pay attention to her safety.

Shanhai City, XX Street Public Security Office, XX District.

A bright interrogation room.

The crazy middle-aged man Lin Zichen saw in the market in the afternoon was currently being examined by a psychiatrist for his mental state.

Outside, there were two security guards on night duty guarding the place.

More than half an hour later.

A security officer walked into the interrogation room, looked at the psychiatrist and asked, "How did the examination go? Is he a psychopath?"

"Not sure yet." The psychiatrist shook his head and said, "I have been trying to communicate with him, but he remains silent. He feels like a mute."

"He's not mute. He kept yelling at the market."

The security guard smiled.

After speaking, he noticed that the middle-aged man in front of him who was handcuffed began to twitch slightly in his facial muscles, and was growing fine hairs at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately shouted:

"Quickly, please ask the headquarters to send mechanical transformation people to come to the institute for support. The person in the interrogation room is transforming into a giant alien rat!!!"

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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