Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 62 A head full of questions

"It's over, our class is going to lose!"

"What's going on with the fat, dark senior? Why is he so strong? Can he be a student in the ordinary class?"

"Sigh, before I thought our class could beat the key sophomore classes, but I didn't expect that we couldn't even beat the regular sophomore classes."

Seeing Lu Gang being thrown off the martial arts platform by the fat black senior with one hand without any chance of fighting back, the students in Class 1, Grade 1, felt very disappointed and were severely hit.

In the crowd, Wang Shujie saw Lu Gang returning to the class team and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Lu Gang, how do you feel?"

Lu Gang was obviously a little disappointed, but he still maintained his confidence and said: "That fat senior is very strong, with all the muscles under the fat. He can carry and fight. I can't handle him at all now."

"However, as long as I have another half year to develop and develop, I will definitely be able to press him to the ground and rub him by the time I reach the first semester of high school."

"To put it bluntly, the fat senior just relied on his big body to make everyone disgusting in the early stage when everyone's strength has not increased. Later, when everyone's strength increases, he will be a moving target!"

The more Lu Gang talked, the more confident he became, and he no longer paid attention to the fat black senior, even though he had just been thrown off the stage like a chicken.

Wang Shujie nodded, agreeing with his statement, and then asked: "Then what do you think Lin Zichen's chances of winning will be when he comes on the court?"

"Zero chance of winning."

Lu Gang answered directly without thinking.

Then he quickly explained:

"Lin Zichen is very strong, much stronger than me, but overall he is much stronger than me. In terms of strength alone, he is not much stronger than me. He can't break through the fat senior's defense at all."

"Well, that's true."

Wang Shujie nodded and said, "I remember during the previous physical test, his ability to lift heavy objects with one hand was only 30kg more than yours, which is not much better than yours."

At this moment, these two top students from Nanguan City were not optimistic that Lin Zichen would win later.

It's not that Lin Zichen is not strong, but that the fat black senior on the stage is stronger.

He thought that in front of them, freshmen like them, the fat black senior was the invincible boss of the Novice Village.

There was a girl next to her who couldn't stand listening anymore and sneered at the two of them: "Haha, you two are just your own food. Why do you think others are the same as you?"

Wang Shujie and Lu Gang glanced at the girl and saw that she was Lin Zichen's little crush, so they didn't bother to pay attention to her, and immediately turned around and walked aside to stop arguing with her.

Both of them felt that the little fan girl had no brains and was a fan. All she could think about was that her brother was the most invincible in the universe, so there was no need to waste time arguing with them.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen on the side, with watery eyes, and asked curiously: "Xiaochen, do you see it? What is so special about that fat senior?"

"Yeah, I can see it."

Lin Zichen simply explained to her: "The fat senior is not a fat man in the traditional sense, but a muscular man covered in fat. Except for his flexibility, the rest of his strength and defense are full."

"A muscular man covered in fat?"

Shen Qinghan became even more confused and couldn't help but ask: "But this is not biological at all. Can a person develop such a figure?"

Lin Zichen: "Maybe it's because he has become corrupted. He eats and drinks so much that he loses his figure. Maybe he has some disease, or some other reasons. I can't tell the specifics."

When the two of them were talking about this.

Han Yuanfeng walked over from the front and said to Lin Zichen with a smile:

"Zi Chen, it's your turn."


Lin Zichen responded, stood up and walked to the martial arts platform.

However, Han Yuanfeng did not rush to let him go up. Instead, he asked him to wait and started chatting with him: "Zi Chen, the strength of the fat senior on the stage is that even if he is placed in a key class, he is also a top student." ”

"Under normal circumstances, ordinary classes would not have students with such strength."

"I don't know what happened this year, but such a top student suddenly transferred to a regular class."

"So don't be discouraged if you lose later, because it's normal to lose to him, but it's abnormal to win."

Han Yuanfeng said earnestly: "In short, have a good attitude and fight as long as you can on stage. This is a rare practical battle for you. You can accumulate a lot of valuable experience. Don't worry too much about winning or losing."

Lin Zichen: "I will win."

Han Yuanfeng: ""

Come on, young people don’t know how high the sky is and what they have just said is all in vain.

Never mind, having confidence is a good thing.

However, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. I hope he won’t be too shocked when he loses later...

Thinking about it, Han Yuanfeng reached out and patted Lin Zichen's shoulder and said, "Come on."


Lin Zichen responded with a word that was as precious as gold. After speaking, he walked to the martial arts platform and jumped onto the martial arts platform under the gaze of everyone.

When his handsome and charming face appeared on the martial arts stage, Class 6, a sophomore in high school, was soon filled with the sounds of nymphomaniacs from the senior students.

Everyone was saying that this junior boy was so handsome, with a slutish smile on every face.

Among them, there were several seniors who had been promoted directly from the junior high school. They enthusiastically introduced Lin Zichen to other seniors who did not know Lin Zichen and told the legend of Lin Zichen when he was in the junior high school.

In addition to the infatuated voices of the senior students, there were also a large number of cheering cheers from the classmates.

Even some boys who usually looked down on him out of jealousy were cheering him on at this moment.

After all, Lin Zichen is now the last lone seedling in the class and the hope of the whole class.

As classmates in the same class, everyone hopes that he will win, and everyone will be prosperous and lose.

On the martial arts stage.

The fat black senior heard the sounds of nymphomaniacs and cheers coming from around him, and couldn't help but look envious and said: "It's great to be handsome and get the attention of girls."

"The beauty of the soul is the real beauty." Lin Zichen consoled her conscience.

However, the fat black senior said disapprovingly with extremely low emotional intelligence: "Junior, what you said is wrong. In this world of the jungle, only the strong are beautiful."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly said with emotion: "Actually, the game of life is quite balanced. Take me as an example, I am ugly, but in contrast, I am very strong."

As soon as he finished speaking, a little fan of Lin Zichen shouted in the audience: "But Zichen is so handsome and can fight!"


The fat black senior was at a loss for words and felt paralyzed.

In order to alleviate my own embarrassment at the moment, but also to show off next time.

Soon, he grinned and said:

"Junior, I have never bullied a small person. I will stand still and give you ten moves later, so that you and your little fans will not be convinced afterwards and scold me behind my back. I will only bully a small person. Victory without force."

Bullying the small with the big? So as not to be unconvinced afterwards?

Lin Zichen thought these words sounded familiar.

After thinking about it, I realized that when I was competing with Zhang Kai on the martial arts team in junior high school, Zhang Kai had said similar words in a very pretentious manner.

"Are you all ready?"

Seeing that the two of them had already taken their positions, the referee in the middle of the stage asked.

"Ready." x2

The two said in unison.

Upon hearing the sound, the referee immediately raised his right hand, then quickly slashed down and said: "The duel begins!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, the fat black senior shouted in a pretentious manner:

"Come on, junior, senior, I will stand still and let you take ten moves. Attack me with all your strength!"


Lin Zichen nodded and responded.

Then, with everyone present looking at him with confused expressions, he walked slowly to the fat black senior and stopped in front of him. Then, he casually raised his right leg and kicked him off the stage. .


At this moment, the fat black senior who was still rolling on the ground at high speed had question marks on his head.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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