Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 59 Challenge the strongest ordinary class in the second year of high school

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed.

Class 1, the top class in the first year of high school, is about to challenge Class 6, the strongest ordinary class in the second year of high school.

The time is set for 8 a.m. today, Saturday.

The location is arranged in the school gymnasium.

For this reason, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan got up early and left for school before 6 a.m.

The game starts at 8 o'clock in the morning, so you have to go to the gym at least an hour in advance to warm up.

Because they woke up too early, their parents hadn't even gotten up to make breakfast yet. With empty stomachs, the two of them quickly walked into a breakfast shop on the roadside and ordered two bowls of lean pork offal porridge to drink.

During this period, Shen Qinghan patted Lin Zichen, pointed to a corner of the breakfast shop and whispered:

"Xiaochen, is that boy over there Zhang Kai's cousin?"

"Zhang Kai's cousin?"

Lin Zichen followed Shen Qinghan's direction and saw a very familiar yellow-haired boy who was really Zhang Kai's cousin.

The other person was having breakfast with a middle-aged man at the moment, who looked like a father and son.

Lin Zichen just glanced at it and didn't pay too much attention. He quickly lowered his head and continued to drink porridge. However, since he was not far away, he still inevitably heard the other party's conversation.

"Dad, I want to buy a motorcycle and ride it."

"What should I buy? Your cousin just broke his leg some time ago, and now it has been amputated. He has no money for prosthetic limbs and will have to live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. You don't remember it so soon?"

"Then I won't buy it..."

"That's right. Your cousin broke his leg and had it amputated, but the motorcycle wasn't broken and he can still ride it. Why don't you just ride your cousin's motorcycle? I'll go find you in the afternoon. Auntie wants the motorcycle."


Zhang Kai broke his leg and had it amputated?

When he heard this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Life is really unpredictable.

You never know which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

Shanhai Middle School, gymnasium.

When Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan arrived, it was exactly 7 o'clock in the morning.

By this time, everyone from both classes had arrived.

Under the leadership of their respective class teachers, they were doing simple warm-up exercises.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan put down their schoolbags and quickly joined in.

When the time came to 7:40.

Han Yuanfeng shouted to the team: "Zi Chen, He Yu, Lu Gang, Shu Jie, the four of you, come here."

After the four people gathered around, Han Yuanfeng analyzed the situation of Grade 6 Class 2 and arranged corresponding tactics for them.

"In a one-on-one situation, the opponent's top combat power is not as good as ours."

"However, the number of the opponent's top combatants is greater than that of our class, and their combined average strength is stronger than our class."

"In this case, when the top combat forces of both sides come on stage later, the other side will definitely take advantage of the numerical advantage to focus on defense, fight a protracted war, and consume the four of you in a wheel battle."

"Remember, when it's time for you to go on the field, don't waste your energy trying to deal with the opponent. Once you go on the field, you have to fight quickly. Do you understand?"


The four of them answered almost simultaneously.

Han Yuanfeng nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this, then looked at the other students in the class and said:

"Everyone, please stop warming up for a moment and listen to me."

"When the competition starts later, in order to allow everyone to participate, I will let the weak ones go on stage to fight first, so that the strong ones will not directly go up to clear the level, causing some people to remain in the audience as spectators."

"Also, although we are juniors and challengers, we are in the top class and we are all top students with the most talent. We must go on the field with confidence later and don't have stage fright. Do you understand?"


Everyone in the class replied in unison.

And the other side.

The head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, is also encouraging the students in his class, saying that no matter how talented the students in the top class are, they still have one year less training than our class. Everyone should be more confident and they will go straight to the top class later!

After hearing this, the students in the class all responded loudly as if they had been given blood.

Soon, the time came to 8 o'clock in the morning, and the competition officially began.

The method of competition is still the arena competition.

The two classes sent people to the scene respectively.

The loser will be replaced, while the winner will stay on the stage to face the next opponent.

When the first sparring session begins.

Lin Zichen took the initiative to apply to fight, and before Han Yuanfeng could react, he jumped onto the martial arts platform.

To accomplish the achievement of natural selection, he needs to defeat as many opponents as possible.

So for him, the sooner he gets on stage, the better.

On the other side, the first person from Class 6, Grade 2, was a petite senior.

The opponent is the weakest in the class, so according to the rules agreed during the class competition, he will appear first.

"Laoban, the opponent is the strongest the moment he appears. How can I fight him?"

When the senior sister saw that Lin Zichen was on the stage, she immediately looked at her class teacher with a bitter expression and complained.

The head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, immediately looked at Han Yuanfeng and said with confusion on his face: "Brother Feng, why did you send the strongest student in your class to come up for the first battle? This is against the rules."

Han Yuanfeng reacted after hearing the sound, and immediately shouted to Lin Zichen on the stage: "Zichen, come down quickly, you can come up behind you, and let the weaker students in the class go up first."

When Lin Zichen saw that he failed to steal the chicken, he could only laugh and step down, saying that he was sorry, it was his first time competing in class and he accidentally forgot the rules.

Seeing him coming down, Han Yuanfeng looked at a short girl in the class and said to her:

"Yuntong, you go first."

"Shall I go first?"

The girl pointed at herself, her mouth slightly opened, her face full of surprise, and for a moment she thought she had heard wrong.

According to the rules of the competition, the first one to appear means the weakest one in the class.

However, girls are weak in the class, but they are not the weakest.

The weakest one is Shen Qinghan.

Therefore, it stands to reason that Shen Qinghan should go up first.

The girls were very dissatisfied with this and complained that I was not the weakest in the class. Why should I be allowed to appear first and put the weakest label on my head? !

Han Yuanfeng also understood this, but considering the relationship between Shen Qinghan and Lin Zichen, he did not put the label of the weakest in the class on Shen Qinghan, thinking of trying to please Lin Zichen by giving preferential treatment to Shen Qinghan.

Lin Zichen's talent is too high, and he will definitely achieve great achievements in the future. Please please him now and form a good relationship, which will bring many benefits in the future.

Shen Qinghan didn't know what Han Yuanfeng was thinking. He only knew that if he didn't go first, the girl named Yun Tong would definitely be dissatisfied.

So he took the initiative to walk up to Han Yuanfeng and said in a weak voice: "Teacher Han, I am the weakest, I should go first..."

Since the fact that she was a related household was noticed by the people in the class, she is now very cautious in the class, for fear of offending people and being disliked.

Lin Zichen on the side looked at this scene and felt a little uncomfortable.

He wanted to change Shen Qinghan's embarrassing situation in the class, but after thinking about it, he found that besides training Shen Qinghan as much as possible and helping her become stronger, there seemed to be nothing else he could do.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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