Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 56 Rats everywhere

Outside the school gate, there is a Qian De Chicken fast food restaurant.

The four of them sat together drinking Coke, eating fried chicken, burgers, and egg tarts.

Both He Yu and Li Chuxin enjoyed their meal, talking and laughing throughout the process.

Although both of them have rich families, they usually eat whatever they want, and they simply can't afford a set meal of German chicken that costs dozens of yuan.

However, this meal was different.

This is what Lin Zichen paid for them to eat. The happiness of free prostitution cannot be bought with money.

Contrary to the two of them, Shen Qinghan was absent-minded throughout the whole process, eating silently with his head down.

No one spoke to her, so she remained silent.

When someone approached her to talk to her, she responded casually.

Lin Zichen saw that she was in a bad mood, and guessed that she had not performed well in the physical test and competition, which made her feel a little depressed.

But he didn't comfort her and just pretended that nothing happened.

Some things are better not mentioned, but mentioning them will have the opposite effect of adding salt to the wound.

Before long, all four of them had eaten and drank enough.

He Yu said thank you to his adoptive father, and Li Chuxin said thank you to Boss Lin.

Then, the two took a taxi home.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan was still in a very low mood, Lin Zichen looked at her with a smile and said:

"I remember that your watercolor paints are almost used up, right? Come on, let's go to the mall upstairs and I'll buy you a new one."

"Ah, no need. I seldom draw now. Don't waste money."

Shen Qinghan waved his hand and said.

Since entering high school and her study intensity suddenly increased, she has never painted again.

Basically, I study at home or exercise whenever I have time.

"It's okay. I bought it first and put it at home. When you want to paint someday, you can take it out and use it. Anyway, it has a long shelf life."

After saying that, Lin Zichen didn't give Shen Qinghan a chance to refuse anymore, so he took her hand and walked upstairs.

Soon, the two walked into an art supplies store upstairs.

"Do you have a favorite?"

"It's all good."

"Then let me choose for you."

Lin Zichen walked around the store and finally selected the most expensive set of watercolor paints.

The price is as high as 588 yuan.

Seeing that the price was so expensive, Shen Qinghan wanted to change to a cheaper one.

However, Lin Zichen didn't give her a chance to change, so he scanned the QR code to pay.

"Xiaochen, it's too expensive..."

"It's expensive, but worth it." Lin Zichen smiled and said, "This set of paints is rich in color, and coupled with your superb painting skills, you will definitely be able to produce many beautiful works. If you paint any beautiful works in the future, remember to give them to me. I want to hang a few copies for decoration in my room.”

Listening to Lin Zichen's words and looking at the beautiful watercolor paints in his hands, Shen Qinghan finally felt better and temporarily forgot about the trouble of being discovered through the back door.

On the way back.

Shen Qinghan was in a much better mood and kept chatting with Lin Zichen, laughing and joking.

Ask him what paintings he likes and ask him to paint them for him when he has time during the winter vacation.

He also said that if he had time on the weekend, he would take him out for a ride on his bicycle.

As they were chatting like this, when the two of them passed by a vegetable market, they saw many sanitation workers inside doing general cleaning.

At the same time, I also saw many people from the security team inside, holding rat-catching tools in their hands, shooting rats that came out of every corner.

The dead rats were scooped up and thrown into a garbage truck parked in the middle of the market.

Lin Zichen took a look at the garbage truck and saw that it was filled with fresh dead rats. Judging from the volume of the truck, it was estimated that there were at least hundreds of them.

"Xiaochen, there are so many mice!"

"Look at the one on top of the garbage truck. It's as big as a cat. It's so scary!"

"The streets here are obviously quite clean, why are there so many rats?"

Shen Qinghan kept talking beside him, his delicate and pretty face full of doubts and confusion.

When Lin Zichen saw a mouse, the first thing he thought of was the Rat God Cult.

He immediately frowned and said to Shen Qinghan:

"Let's go, stop looking. Rats are very dirty and have a lot of bacteria and viruses on them. Let's stay away."


Shen Qinghan responded obediently and quickly left with Lin Zichen.

Evening, home.

Lin Zichen and his parents were eating in the living room, watching the evening news on TV while eating.

When he was about to finish eating, a piece of news caught his attention.

"Today, rats appeared frequently in the district. After the public security department learned about the situation, they immediately organized and launched a ten-day rodent eradication operation..."

Rats appear frequently?

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, always having a bad feeling in his heart, suspecting that the increasing number of rats was related to the Rat God Cult.

He felt very uneasy about this.

But then I thought about it, if I could think of this even as a student, then the security department must have thought of it a long time ago.

As for the security department, there has been no major action until now. They just organized some personnel to exterminate rats.

Looking at it this way, there should be no big problem with the Rat God Sect, and most of them are just unfounded worries.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen felt a lot more at ease.

After resting for a while and digesting almost everything, he went upstairs to the room to exercise intensively, using hard work and sweat to make himself feel more at ease.

All uneasiness in life is caused by insufficient strength.

You can only keep exercising and keep getting stronger. When you are strong enough to compete with advanced creatures, you will naturally no longer have to worry about the Rat God Cult.

After all, the so-called Rat God believed by the followers of the Rat God Cult is just a giant alien rat that is about to evolve into an advanced creature.

A few days later, Saturday afternoon.

Lin Zichen first exercised intensively at home for several hours. Feeling exhausted from the exercise, he changed into clean clothes and went out to find Shen Qinghan and accompany her to exercise.

When he changed his shoes and went out, Shen Qinghan was already waiting outside.

Wearing a set of loose sportswear and a smooth single ponytail, she is full of youthful and beautiful atmosphere.

"Let's go, first run two kilometers of jogging to warm up, then run three kilometers of variable speed running, and finally do strength exercises to strengthen your core muscles."

Lin Zichen briefly told Shen Qinghan about the training items he would be training later, and then quickly led her to the road ahead.

in the coming time.

Under the supervision of Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan began higher-intensity training.

The amount of training today was more than usual. She was very tired, but she gritted her teeth and persevered.

He even offered to practice more after finishing.

Just because she doesn't want to continue to be at the bottom of the class and wants to work hard to improve her physical fitness.

I exercised for almost two hours.

Finally finished exercising.

Lin Zichen found a bench on the side of the road, let Shen Qinghan lie on it, and then skillfully relaxed her muscles.

"Boom boom boom——"

Suddenly, the roar of a motorcycle exhaust pipe came from behind.

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, feeling that the sound was so noisy and harsh, so he turned around and followed the sound.

Then, the scene that caught his eye was a ghost motorcycle racing on the road not far away.

The motorcycle was traveling very fast, and it passed by in less than two seconds.

Only a head of colorful hair was left messy in the wind, as the motorcycle went further and further away.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Zichen suddenly felt that the person driving the car looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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