Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 47 Rats roam the world

"Xiaochen, I've packed my things, let's go."

"Bring me the bag."


Shen Qinghan didn't meet Lin Zichen and directly handed him the bag containing the school uniform.

Lin Zichen took the bag and left the classroom with Shen Qinghan.

Looking at the two people leaving, there was a girl in the class who was admitted from Shanhai No. 1 Middle School and was in the same class as Lin Zichen. She said with a look of infatuation:

"Lin Zichen is so gentlemanly. He also knows how to carry girls' bags. It would be great if I were his childhood sweetheart."

"Being a gentleman? I think he likes to show off, right? Today is a free day. Everyone is either chatting or walking around the campus. He is the only one who goes out to exercise. He can really pretend!"

Next to the girl, a tall and thin boy said with disdain.

He was the top scorer in the high school entrance examination of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School. He had good academic performance and was a bit handsome. He had been the proud son of the school for three years in junior high school. He was admired by his peers and received love letters.

The girl sitting next to him now is the only opponent who can compete with him for first place in the three years of junior high school.

As the two competed with each other, he gradually developed a liking for the girl.

After the high school entrance examination, he learned that the girl had applied for Shanhai Middle School. He gave up the offer of the principal of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School to stay and chose to follow the girl and apply for Shanhai Middle School.

When he met girls, all his eyes were on Lin Zichen, and he felt very unhappy.

It was obviously me who came first!

Why does that person!

Why are things like this? !

"Hey, we are all in the same class, so don't say bad things about people behind their backs. If you really don't like him, just come and compete with him in the martial arts class."

Lu Gang, who can lift 300kg with one hand, heard what the tall and thin boy had just said, and walked over and said to the tall and thin boy.

The tall and thin boy was suddenly yelled at, and he instinctively wanted to fight back.

But when he turned around and saw a big man who was almost two meters tall, he suddenly became frightened and did not dare to say anything.

The girl next to him saw that he was so cowardly and decisively added insult to injury:

"That's right, if you want to see Lin Zichen unhappy, just go and spar with him. Just be careful, don't be like what happened in the Eight-School League, where you were kicked off the martial arts platform as soon as you came on the field and fell like a dog. Chewing mud."


The tall and thin boy was so angry that he couldn't speak. He suddenly felt that the girl in front of him was disgusting.

Lu Gang looked at the girl and asked, "Is that guy named Lin Zichen very powerful?"

As soon as Lin Zichen was mentioned, the girl's eyes flashed with color. She immediately introduced her boyfriend to Lu Gang in detail, and said with enthusiasm:

"Awesome! Very powerful! Simply invincible!"

"Since childhood, Lin Zichen has been the most powerful academic I have ever seen!"

"You may not believe it when I tell you, but when Lin Zichen was in the first grade of junior high school, he defeated all the junior high school students in the district!"

"Attention, it's all junior high school students, including those in the second and third grades!"

"Besides, it's not as simple as one-on-one!"

The more the girl talked, the more excited she became. Her whole face looked red and hot, and she was so excited that it felt as if Lin Zichen was someone to her.

After a while.

After listening to her introduction to Lin Zichen, Lu Gang couldn't help but smile with interest and said, "It's interesting. If I have a chance, I'll have to discuss it with him."

"Forget it, Lu Gang."

At this time, a muscular boy came over and said.

It was the top candidate in the high school entrance examination in Nanguan City.

A genius named Wang Shujie can run a 100-meter sprint in 7.98 seconds.

Wang Shujie came to a stop in front of Lu Gang, and said with a calm face: "No matter how powerful that person is, in the final analysis, he is only the number one scholar in one of the districts in Shanhai City. There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are the king."

"And you are one of the top five geniuses in Nanguan City. There is no need to be so hungry that you want to compete with an opponent like this."

"If you want to discuss, just come to me."

This genius named Wang Shujie had an arrogance in his words that looked down on students from Shanhai City, which made many Shanhai natives in the class feel uncomfortable.

Lu Gang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, there's no point in competing with you. You're fast and I can't beat you. You're weak and you can't beat me. We can't tell the winner even after a long fight on the stage."

Wang Shujie smiled and said: "Well, let's do that. I plan to challenge the top students in the second grade class in a while. Let's get together then?"

"Okay, this is exactly what I want!" Lu Gang agreed without thinking.

After the two said this, they quickly left the classroom together.

They are geniuses poached by the school with a lot of money, and they all live in the teachers' dormitories provided by the school.

Just two people living in a house with three bedrooms and one living room is very luxurious.

After the two left, the man and woman from Shanhai No. 1 Middle School in the classroom were a little confused.

The top five geniuses in Nanguan City?

what's the situation?

Why is there a top student from Nanguan City in our class?

You know, the education level in Nanguan City is much higher than that in Shanhai City. Basically, a provincial champion will come out every few years.

As for Shanhai City, it was only in the past few decades that it was fortunate enough to produce a provincial champion, and that was more than 20 years ago. It was so old that it couldn't be compared with Nanguan City.

So, why did these two top academics from Nanguan City come to Shanhai Middle School to study?

Regarding this problem, the man and woman from Shanhai No. 1 Middle School were puzzled.

On the school road, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were walking side by side leisurely.

After Shen Qinghan left the classroom, he became much more lively. He kept chatting with Lin Zichen all the way.

As she said that, she suddenly remembered something and said to Lin Zichen: "By the way, my mother just said on WeChat that I would be late coming back from school today after working overtime, and asked me to buy some groceries on the way home from school. We will turn right when we go out later. Let’s buy it at the vegetable market.”

"Go to the mall to buy it. We are young and have never bought vegetables before. It is easy to get scammed when buying from roadside stalls."

"Then go to the mall and buy it."

After a few simple exchanges, the two quickly walked out of the school and took the bus to the nearest shopping mall to buy groceries.

After the bus arrives, you still have to walk some distance to reach the mall.

During this period, the two of them passed by an alleyway. Shen Qinghan was suddenly startled. He pointed into the alleyway and said, "Xiaochen, there are so many rats there!"

Lin Zichen followed her direction and saw several rats in the alleyway.

I even saw a big mouse competing with the cat for cat food.

Lin Zichen couldn't help frowning at the scene in front of him. He picked up a stone and wanted to kill the big mouse in the alley that was competing with the cat for food.

But after thinking about it again, I decided not to do it in the end.

At this stage, it’s best not to mess with creatures like rats.

After all, until now, giant alien rats are still full of mystery.

No one knows how they suddenly appeared in human society, or whether they are related to ordinary rats.

Lin Zichen was worried that he might get into trouble if he killed the big rat in the alleyway.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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