Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 39 You are not a good-for-nothing girl

"Xiaochen, I can hold my breath underwater for a long time!"

"Xiao Chen, I can see so clearly in the water, I can even see the sand at the bottom of the water clearly!"

"Xiaochen, even the fish in the water are not afraid of me!"


Under Lin Zichen's suggestion, Shen Qinghan continued to try various operations in the water to test his water properties.

After each attempt, her little face would be filled with surprise. She never expected that she could do so many magical underwater operations.

Suddenly I felt as if I didn't understand myself.

Lin Zichen watched the whole process, his face also full of surprise.

Shen Qinghan's ability in the water is no weaker than that of him who possesses the attribute "Luck of Melting Water".

The nature of water is so contrary to nature, what else could it be if it wasn't an extraordinary ability?

Bedwetter? Water elementalist!

In the following time, Lin Zichen kept Shen Qinghan doing various underwater operations to see if there were any special changes in her body during the process.

For example, abnormal expansion or contraction of pores, sudden increase or decrease in body temperature, sudden acceleration or deceleration of heartbeat, etc.

But after observing for a while, I found nothing.

When Shen Qinghan was soaked in the water, his physical condition was the same as that of ordinary people, without any special changes.

"It seems that if you just stand by and observe her, you won't be able to find the answer. You have to go back and search the Internet or read relevant books to solve this puzzle..."

Lin Zichen thought silently in his heart.

While he was thinking about this, Shen Qinghan, who had been holding his breath in the water for more than ten minutes, emerged from the water with a bang.

His whole little face was flushed with pain.

Breathing in the fresh air.

After a moment of breathing smoothly, she looked at Lin Zichen expectantly and asked, "Xiaochen, how long have I been holding it in?"

"11 minutes and 02 seconds." Lin Zichen glanced at the timer on his phone and replied.

This length of holding your breath in the water is simply impossible to achieve without relevant professional training.

However, Shen Qinghan has grown up and has never been to a swimming pool, but now he can hold his breath in the water for such a long time, which is simply unbelievable.

After realizing this, Shen Qinghan suddenly became excited and said: "Xiao Chen, I seem to be very talented in the water-based field. I am not a good-for-nothing girl anymore!"

"You are not a loser to begin with. You are in the top 100 in the district in the cultural subject of the high school entrance examination. Is this a score that many people can't even hope for?"

"But, I am useless in front of you..."

"...I told you he is not useless."

Before Shen Qinghan finished speaking, Lin Zichen, who was floating in front of her, interrupted.

After that, the air around the two fell into silence.

Only the sound of the surging sea water and the blowing of the sea breeze lingered in my ears from time to time.

After about three seconds, Shen Qinghan showed a sweet smile and said, "Well, I'm not a loser. I wasn't before, I'm not now, and I won't be in the future."

This is a smile that comes from the heart, full of the truest joy.

At this time, Lin Yansheng on the shore shouted to the two of them: "Xiaochen, Hanhan, come over and have barbecue!"

At the same time as the sound came, there was also an alluring aroma of meat wafting over.

Shen Qinghan just smelled it from a distance and couldn't help but swallowed. Then he looked at Lin Zichen with a smile and said, "Xiaochen, let's go over and have barbecue!"

After saying that, she turned towards the shore, eager to swim ashore and have a barbecue.

But just when she was about to make a swimming action, she suddenly became motionless in the water for some reason, and her face looked a little strange.

Seeing this familiar strange expression, Lin Zichen realized something and instantly felt paralyzed. He quickly pretended not to know anything and swam to the shore quickly.

Although he was numb, he knew that Shen Qinghan didn't mean it and he didn't blame her at all.

After all, for Shen Qinghan, there are some things that she really can't control.


Lin Zichen lay on the bed with his cell phone, describing Shen Qinghan's incredible performance in the water today and searching the Internet one by one.

As a result, they all got nothing.

He was also convinced. Why are the search engines in this world so bad?

First there was the "Giant Butterfly of the Abyss", then there was the "Origin of Life", and now Shen Qinghan's "Heaven-defying Water Nature", but the information I wanted could not be found in any of them.

This world is really mysterious, so mysterious that nothing is unknown.

There is a kind of beauty that "if you haven't studied mathematics, physics and chemistry, life is full of myths".

He shook his head and put down his phone.

Lin Zichen took advantage of the fact that no one was around late at night, so he left the sea view room and went to the sea to swim and exercise.

Originally he wanted to run for exercise, but when he thought of the wonderful feeling of being immersed in the water, he couldn't help but swim instead.

At this stage, his desire for water is stronger than ever.

The reason why this happens is due to the effect of the biological attribute [Luck of Melting Water].

I guess I need to soak in the water a few more times until I get used to it, get tired of it, and the novelty is gone, and then I can return to normal.

[You have swum for 10 kilometers, your energy and blood are +8888, your whole body muscle strength is +2000, your whole body muscle coordination is +2000, your water quality is +1000, and your swimming skills are +1000]

[豼snorkeled for 10 kilometers, qi and blood +8888, whole body muscle strength +2000, whole body muscle coordination +2000, water resistance +1000, deoxygenation ability +1000, water pressure resistance +1000, diving skills +1000]

After spending more than two hours, Lin Zichen finally completed his swimming exercise.

He sat on the shore and rested for almost half an hour. Feeling that he was almost rested, he quickly plunged into the water again.

But this time, instead of swimming for exercise, he held his breath and explored the underwater world underwater.

[You are using your eyes under the dim seabed, deoxygenation ability +1, water pressure resistance +1, underwater vision +1, night vision ability +1...]

After some exploration, Lin Zichen discovered that the underwater world seemed much richer than that on land.

To sum it up simply with two idioms, it is colorful and varied.

The marine life living underneath is more diverse and more bizarre than the land life.

"The ocean is indeed the origin of life, and its heritage seems to be much deeper than that of land. I hope that one day, I can evolve to the point where I can survive in the water and explore the mysterious underwater world..."

With this fantasy that might come true, Lin Zichen continued to explore under the sea while holding his breath, exercising his deoxygenation ability and water pressure resistance.

[You are holding your breath under the dark seabed, your deoxygenation ability +1, and your water pressure resistance +1]

[You are using your eyes under the dim seabed, deoxygenation ability +1, water pressure resistance +1, water vision +1, night vision +1,]

[You are moving under the dark seabed, your ability to move in the water is +1, and your water quality is +1...]

In this way, Lin Zichen held his breath intermittently and exercised under the sea for nearly two hours. When the time was almost up, he surfaced and returned to the sea view room to rest.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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