Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 28 Martial arts genius?

Gym, Room C.

As soon as school was over in the afternoon, Lin Zichen brought Shen Qinghan here.

When he first entered, there was only Guo Xiangyuan inside, leisurely drinking tea and watching short videos.

"Coach Guo."

Lin Zichen shouted, and his title changed from teacher before to coach now.

When Guo Xiangyuan heard the sound, he immediately raised his head and said with a smile: "You came so early. None of the boys in the team can come faster than you. Their attitude needs to be improved."

"Come on, come in, sit down and have a cup of tea first. When everyone is here, I will show you around." Guo Xiangyuan took two cups and poured a cup of tea for both of them.

As time passed, people came into the house one after another from outside.

They were all men, not a single woman.

When they came in, everyone looked curiously at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan at the tea table, and most of their eyes fell on Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen is very famous in Shanhai Middle School. Every student in the school knows him and has basically heard of his various legends about being a top student.

But no one expected that this academic master who was extremely powerful in his studies would also be equally talented in sports.

"It's you?"

At this time, a boy hurried in from outside. When he saw Lin Zichen sitting in front of the tea table, his reaction looked a little big.

The person who came was none other than the boy who was beaten by Lin Zichen in the school sports meeting and was forced to win the Grand Manya in tears.

Lin Zichen looked at the boy when he heard the sound, smiled politely and said, "Hello."

"My name is Zhang Kai, remember my name." The boy replied calmly, and then walked away with his schoolbag on his back, paying no attention to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing, thinking that Zhang Kai was quite cool. He could only say that all junior high school boys in their adolescence were like this, and it was understandable.

Seeing that all the team members had arrived, Guo Xiangyuan stood up, looked around with a smile and said:

"This handsome boy's name is Lin Zichen. I believe everyone is familiar with him, so I won't waste time introducing him."

"From today on, Zichen is a member of our martial arts team. Everyone welcomes him with applause!"

"Pa bang bang..."

After Guo Xiangyuan finished speaking, he applauded first.

When the team members saw this, they all clapped along and cooperated very well with their coach.

Except for one person, that boy named Zhang Kai.

After the applause stopped for a moment, Guo Xiangyuan said to the team members: "By the way, let's introduce ourselves to Zichen."

"My name is Huang Tianxing, from Class 3, Grade 3. You can just call me Ah Xing."

"My name is Li Shutong. I am in Class 6 of the third grade of junior high school. You can call me Xiaolizi. Everyone else calls me that. I quite like this nickname."

"My name is Han Yisuo, your name is Brother Suo..."

The team members seemed to be getting along well with each other, and they introduced themselves one after another with a smile.

Lin Zichen also smiled back. Every time after being introduced, he would smile and say "please give me advice."

There were not many people in the martial arts team. Apart from Lin Zichen and Guo Xiangyuan, there were only seven people, so everyone introduced themselves quickly.

During this period, Shen Qinghan stood silently next to Lin Zichen, holding two people's lunch boxes in his hands, saying nothing during the whole process, very quiet.

Only when she was in front of Lin Zichen did she appear talkative and lively.

When facing strangers, most of them behave introverted.

Especially when facing strange boys, he looks a bit socially intimidated.

"By the way, what is your name for this classmate?"

Every time Guo Xiangyuan saw Lin Zichen, he would see Shen Qinghan there too. Knowing that the two were inseparable, he thought he would get acquainted with them.

"My name is Shen Qinghan. Just call me Xiao Shen or Qinghan."

Shen Qinghan introduced himself somewhat cautiously.

Guo Xiangyuan smiled and said, "Then I'll call you Xiao Shen from now on."

After saying that, he asked the veteran team members on the side to practice on their own, while he took Lin Zichen around the room briefly to familiarize himself with the training equipment inside.

But they are all ordinary equipment such as sandbags, weight-bearing sandbags, and wooden stakes. In fact, there is nothing interesting to see.

"Zi Chen, there are five in the team who are in the third year of junior high school, two are in the second year of junior high school, and you are the only one who is in the first year of junior high school. I am very optimistic about you. Follow me and learn well. I guarantee that within a year, you will become a member of the team. The trump card inside.”

After Guo Xiangyuan walked around in a circle, he suddenly said this to Lin Zichen. It sounded a bit like painting a pie, but it was not.

Lin Zichen: "Thank you, coach, for taking me seriously."

Guo Xiangyuan: "By the way, Zichen, have you ever practiced martial arts before?"

Lin Zichen: "No."

Guo Xiangyuan nodded after hearing this, and then said to Lin Zichen: "Well, today I will teach you a set of the most basic boxing and kicking techniques, so that you can experience the feeling of practicing martial arts first."

Lin Zichen: "Okay."

Soon, Guo Xiangyuan walked to an open space in front and stopped, showing Lin Zichen the basic boxing and kicking techniques in a leisurely manner.

Lin Zichen watched very carefully and engraved every move Guo Xiangyuan performed into his mind.

About ten minutes later.

Show ends.

Guo Xiangyuan slowly retracted his movements like a martial arts master, then looked at Lin Zichen with a smile and said:

"You may not think that this set of moves is simple, but it is actually very difficult. Xiao Li, who is the fastest in the team to master it, originally spent a week."

"However, no matter how much you say it, it is difficult to experience it without trying it."

"Come on, give it a try."

Guo Xiangyuan said and made way for Lin Zichen to try.

Lin Zichen walked over and stopped. Relying on the memory of watching from the side, he quickly reproduced the set of boxing and kicking techniques performed by Guo Xiangyuan, and it was a perfect one-to-one reproduction.

The divine wisdom allowed him to master all the essentials of the movements just by reading it once.

Use it or lose it, making him more explosive every time he repeats his movements.

As his movements became faster and faster, familiar text messages soon appeared in the void.

[You are practicing boxing, Qi and blood +1, hand muscle strength +1, hand flexibility +1, boxing proficiency +1]

[You are practicing leg skills, qi and blood +1, leg muscle strength +1, leg flexibility +1, leg skill proficiency +1]

Next to him, Guo Xiangyuan was stunned.

Is this your first time practicing martial arts?

real or fake?

Are you sure you're not lying?

The other team members who were practicing on their own and looking over from time to time were all filled with disbelief when they saw Lin Zichen mastering basic boxing and kicking skills in an instant.

"Zi Chen, is this really your first time practicing martial arts?"

After regaining consciousness for a moment, Guo Xiangyuan asked suspiciously.

Lin Zichen realized that he seemed to be acting a little too outrageous, so he casually made up: "Actually, this is not the first time to practice martial arts. When I was in elementary school, I signed up for a hobby class and practiced boxing and kicking for a period of time."

"No wonder, it scared me how you mastered it so perfectly the first time you practiced."

Guo Xiangyuan held his forehead and smiled, feeling that he had just thought too much.

How could someone who has never practiced martial arts know it just by looking at it?

If human beings had such a strong learning ability, how could they end up in this situation, being stared at by those alien beasts from outside the country all day long?

I am afraid that countless geniuses have been born long ago, and they have defeated the alien beasts outside the human realm.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was 6:30 in the evening.

The martial arts team usually trains until 7:30 pm.

However, Lin Zichen didn't want to practice so late and applied to go home an hour in advance.

Guo Xiangyuan doesn't care about this. He has always led the team very casually, and most of the time he relies on the team members themselves.

As for practicing until 7:30 in the evening, as a coach, he will stay in the gym until 7:30.

"Zi Chen, remember to bring a set of clean clothes and put them in your schoolbag tomorrow, otherwise you will sweat all over after practice and catch a cold on the way home." Guo Xiangyuan reminded Lin Zichen who was about to leave.

Lin Zichen nodded and said: "I understand, thank you coach for reminding me."

After saying that, he took Shen Qinghan and left the gymnasium.

When we came to the bicycle shed.

Seeing that Lin Zichen was still sweating, Shen Qinghan took out a tissue and said to him: "Xiaochen, the sweat on your body is not dry yet, let me wipe it for you."

As he spoke, he picked up a tissue and carefully wiped the sweat from Lin Zichen's face and neck.

As for what was inside the clothes, there was nothing she could do.

Lin Zichen felt that the cleaning was almost done, so he let her sit in the back seat of the car and rode her leisurely towards home under the gentle sunset.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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