Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 26 Weird Giant Rat

After comparing fingerprints and applying for bonuses.

It was almost time for the parents to see each other, so they didn't stay at the police station longer and wanted to take their two children back.

While passing by the office door, Lin Zichen, who has an excellent ear, keenly heard some conversations inside.

It's about pagan believers and giant alien rats.

"The Rat God Cult has become more and more active recently, and they go around trying to lure people who are dissatisfied with society and full of resentment to join them."

"I heard that people from the Rat God Cult have even infiltrated into some colleges and universities to seduce those cultural students who cannot genetically integrate through formal channels."

"The pagan believer who was shot to death tonight was once a cultural student at Guangyan University. He was unable to perform gene fusion because his body was not up to standard, but he longed to become a gene fusion person, and then he was seduced by people from the Rat God Cult. ”

"What a bunch of rat shit. Sooner or later, these people will be raped in one pot!"

"There's no point in trying to trick someone into committing adultery. Treating the symptoms does not cure the root cause. We have to kill the rat king who calls himself a god."


Rat God Cult?

This was the first time Lin Zichen heard these three words, and he immediately took out his mobile phone to check.

I later learned that this was a pagan religion that worshiped a giant alien rat as its god.

The organization's headquarters is in Shanhai City. Most of its members are social losers. In recent years, its activities have become more and more frequent.

It is suspected that the rat king wants to evolve into an advanced creature, and it needs believers to collect a large amount of evolutionary resources for it.

This is all official information publicly available to the public.

"Do you worship a mouse as a god?"

Lin Zichen shook his head, put the phone in his pocket without searching any more.

Walked out of the police station and came to the parking area.

Shen Qinghan got into Lin Yansheng's car as usual and wanted to sit in the back seat with Lin Zichen.

Shen Jianye looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Oh, our daughter looks like she will soon belong to the old Lin family."

Xu Meng said calmly: "Hanhan can be close to Lao Lin's family. To be honest, this is already her blessing. You are still sighing here."

"Yes." Shen Jianye smiled and quickly got into the car with Xu Meng.

In another car, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were chatting wordlessly.

Most of them were Shen Qinghan speaking and Lin Zichen responding.

"Xiao Chen, I don't know how Teacher Strawberry is doing now. I saw her neck was bleeding at the time. She should be fine, right?"

"It doesn't look like the injury is serious. Just bandage it and it'll be fine."

"Xiao Chen, when that pagan believer was alienated, eight eyes grew directly on his face. It looked so scary."

"This is what alienation looks like."

Lin Zichen answered casually.

While chatting, Shen Qinghan, who had been talking non-stop, suddenly stopped talking or playing with his mobile phone. He just held his straight legs tightly together, and his face looked wrong.

Lin Zichen noticed something strange about her, and glanced there subconsciously from the corner of his eye, and found that her bulging was the same as when she was a child.

But he knew it wasn't a diaper, but another pad that had absorbed water.

After realizing this, he silently turned his head to the side and looked out the car window at the roadside to avoid Shen Qinghan's embarrassment.

Shen Qinghan also knew that Lin Zichen had noticed it, and he lowered his head and pursed his thin lips without saying a word.

Just like that, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became quiet.


Suddenly, Lin Zichen's eyes widened.

He saw a fat mouse that was as big as a cat, swooped past the side of the road, and quickly crawled along the drainage channel into the second floor of the police station.

How could there be such a big rat?

Could it be a giant alien rat?

Lin Zichen tensed up his nerves.

But soon, he relaxed and felt that he was simply overthinking.

This is the south, not the north. It is normal for mice to grow as big as cats. There is nothing strange about it.

"It seems like I'm too stressed out. I need to relax after I get home..."

Lin Zichen thought to himself.

After the car arrives home.

Shen Qinghan said "See you tomorrow", got out of the car awkwardly and left.

Zhang Wanxin was a little confused and asked: "What's wrong with this girl, Hanhan? Don't you usually like to hang around and talk to you for a while? Why was she so quiet in the car just now, and now she got out of the car and left as soon as the car stopped?" "

"She looked very sleepy just now. She was probably tired and wanted to sleep and didn't have the energy to talk." Lin Zichen explained.

Zhang Wanxin nodded and didn't hesitate.

Soon, a family of three got out of the car and entered the house.

As soon as she entered, Zhang Wanxin warned Lin Zichen with a serious face: "Xiaochen, if you encounter something like tonight in the future, Mom hopes that you can prioritize your own safety, do what you can, and don't be impulsive. "The top."

"Mom, I know, I can." Lin Zichen nodded obediently.

Zhang Wanxin saw that he was willing to listen, and the sadness in her brows eased a little.

After that, she suddenly remembered something and asked:

"By the way, didn't you buy three kilograms of ghost squid meat? Where is the meat? Why can't I see it in the basket of the bicycle, and you don't have it in your hand?"

"Mom, don't be angry when I tell you. When we encountered changes in the pagan believers before, Hanhan and I ran too fast and accidentally lost the meat..." Lin Zichen hesitated for a moment and then said.

When Zhang Wanxin heard this, her eyes widened.

She was heartbroken, but she restrained herself from showing it in front of Lin Zichen. Instead, she consoled her:

"It's okay. If you lost it, just lose it. After all, you encountered pagan believers making trouble. It's a blessing to be safe. Not to mention that you acted bravely to save others. You are my mother's pride."

"While it hasn't been missing for a long time, why don't I drive over and look for it along the way." Lin Yansheng suggested.

Zhang Wanxin immediately objected: "No, the alienation of pagan believers just happened in that place, it's too dangerous."

"Yes." Lin Yansheng nodded.

Lin Zichen remained silent on the sidelines, thinking silently in his mind that he would participate in more competitions in the future, and when he had saved enough bonuses, he would buy three kilograms of ghost squid meat to honor his parents.

The police station, in the captain's office.

The captain of the security team looked at the transcript in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

With a slingshot?

Who knows how to use a slingshot with a stone as big as an egg?

Can it be bounced out?

This must have been thrown by hand!

You don’t even care what kind of job I do, how can I be fooled by you, a student?

The captain of the security team lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and exhaled, watching the smoke spreading as he continued his thoughts.

By the way, he was just a junior high school student. How on earth did he throw the stone with such great power?

No, I have to call up the surveillance system tomorrow morning to see what's going on.

Thinking about it, the captain of the security team put the transcript back in a special file box and locked it, preparing to go home from get off work.

At this moment, he found a mouse on the window sill, as big as a cat.

He was a little surprised: "Where did this mouse come from? Why is it so big?"

The mouse outside the window was not frightened away by the noise, and stood quietly on the window edge, staring at the captain of the security team with its eyes.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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