Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 206: Feathers flying all over the sky! Instant kill of the student union vice president!

Administrative building.

Top floor.

In the largest conference room.

Yuan Dongzhi, the vice president, was holding a meeting with a group of school staff.

Summarizing the teaching results of the last semester and setting the teaching goals for this semester.

Suddenly, Yuan Dongzhi frowned slightly and looked sideways in the direction of the gymnasium.

She sensed that the aura of the alien beasts there was very active.

There were gene fusions fighting there.

Among them, the aura of the blue jellyfish king and the water butterfly was particularly strong, which immediately attracted her attention.

Is Qinghan sparring with someone over there?

Thinking about it, Yuan Dongzhi paused the meeting, turned on the surveillance footage of the gymnasium, and said to the people in the audience:

"Stop the meeting for a while, let's take a look at the surveillance footage of the gymnasium."

As he said this.

The surveillance footage of the martial arts stage on the first floor of the gymnasium was displayed on the projector.

It came into everyone's eyes.

The content of the picture was Shen Qinghan and Zeng Xinran, the director of the Student Union's External Relations Department, fighting on the same stage.

"Why would Zeng Xinran go to compete with a freshman?"

A school leader turned his head to look at Liu Chuanwu and continued, "Dean Liu, was it your idea for Shen Qinghan and Lin Zichen to challenge the Student Union as pure-blooded humans?"

Liu Chuanwu was also a little confused: "I don't know anything about this. It should be Lin Zichen's own idea."

The dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering was puzzled: "Isn't Shen Qinghan a gene fusion? How can she challenge the Student Union on behalf of pure-blooded humans?"

When others heard what he said, they found that something was wrong.


Shen Qinghan is obviously a freshman in the School of Evolution and a gene fusion. Why is she fighting on behalf of pure-blooded humans?

Is she fighting for her boyfriend?

The school leaders were very confused.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi on the stage explained in a calm voice: "Shen Qinghan is a pure-blooded human, not a gene fusion."

When everyone heard this, they were no longer confused and were directly confused.

What the hell? !

Shen Qinghan has blue hair and shows the characteristics of a gene fusion. You say she is not a gene fusion?

What is she then?


Seeing the confusion on everyone's face.

Liu Chuanwu slowed down and explained: "Shen Qinghan's physique is very special. The genes in her body can enslave the genes of alien beasts. After enslavement, she can obtain the abilities of the corresponding alien beasts. Unlike you, she still has to fuse with the genes of alien beasts and bear the risk of alienation."

"So, she is still a pure-blooded human, not a gene fusion."

"Now, she has withdrawn from the Evolution Academy and joined the Tianren Pavilion. Of course, she can challenge the student union on behalf of pure-blooded humans."

Enslaving alien beast genes?

Is it true?

Also, Shen Qinghan withdrew from the Evolution Academy and joined the Tianren Pavilion?

Everyone was shocked and thought that Liu Chuanwu's words were false and were teasing them.

However, when they saw Ma Zhenhe's face turned pale, but he didn't jump up and angrily scold Liu Chuanwu as usual.

They all realized that what Liu Chuanwu said was probably true.

Just when everyone was thinking about this.

Zeng Xinran in the picture moved.

She took a step forward, rushed towards Shen Qinghan at a speed that was barely visible to the naked eye, and attacked the freshman with all her might.

Seeing this scene on the screen, everyone thought Shen Qinghan was going to lose.

However, after only two rounds.

Zeng Xinran, the director of the External Relations Department, fell down on the spot after being hit by Shen Qinghan's ordinary punch.

Bleeding from all seven orifices, it looked like she was seriously injured.

"What's going on?!"

Everyone in the conference room was shocked.

Including Liu Chuanwu and Yuan Dongzhi.

Especially Yuan Dongzhi, she thought she knew Shen Qinghan, her little apprentice, very well.

But at this moment, seeing that Shen Qinghan could instantly defeat the director of the External Relations Department of the Student Union, her face was full of incredible shock.

Without thinking too much.

Soon, Yuan Dongzhi had an idea, flew out of the conference room through the window, and rushed to the gymnasium at a high speed.

To watch the fight up close.

To see how Shen Qinghan did it.

Why could he hit his opponent hard with a punch that was higher than his level.

Seeing this, the school leaders in the conference room immediately followed to the gymnasium.

It took only a moment.

The school leaders all arrived at the gymnasium.

When they stepped into the gymnasium.

The scene that caught their eyes was that Shen Qinghan was defeated by the vice president of the student union.

Her body was full of feathers.

She was nailed to the pillar in the corner of the martial arts stage.

Her clothes were stained with blood.

It was shocking.

Then, the school leaders saw Lin Zichen jump onto the martial arts stage, help Shen Qinghan pull out the feathers on her body, and send her off the martial arts stage.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan's body was shot with more than a dozen blood holes by the feathers but was safe and sound, several school leaders were shocked and amazed by Shen Qinghan's physical strength.

"Is this the pure-blooded human path?"

The dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering murmured: "This physical strength is too exaggerated. It was pierced by feathers like a hedgehog, but it was still safe and sound..."

After that, he looked at Liu Chuanwu and said: "Dean Liu, I am beginning to understand you a little bit. I understand why you have persisted in the pure-blooded human path for so many years."

"As for the strength shown by the pure-blooded human path, under the condition of the same biological level, it is indeed far superior to the gene fusion path and the mechanical transformation path."

"If one day someone can really evolve into an advanced creature with the body of a pure-blooded human, then pure-blooded humans will become popular all over the world and become the preferred evolutionary path for many geniuses."


"That's natural."

Liu Chuanwu puffed up his chest and said a little proudly.

Ma Zhenhe on the side was unhappy when he heard this, and sneered: "What's the use of being invincible at the same level? In fact, pure-blood humans have not even had a high-level creature until now. It is an impassable dead end."

Not to be outdone, Liu Chuanwu replied: "Short-sighted and extremely stupid!"

Ma Zhenhe: "Are you talking about yourself?"


Yuan Dongzhi glanced at the two of them and shook his head helplessly.

One is nearly a hundred years old, and the other is in his decades, but they still like to quarrel like a child.

All these years were wasted.

Live to the dog.

the other side.

On the martial arts stage.

Tan Wanyi looked at Lin Zichen with a half-smile, and said with some contempt in her eyes: "Newcomer King, senior sister, I will give you a chance to strike first, lest you be like your little girlfriend, who loses at the speed of light without even making a move. That would be terrible. That’s too disappointing.”


Lin Zichen responded without any fluctuation in his voice.

The moment the words fell!

His body instantly turned into an afterimage!

At a speed that is invisible to the naked eye!

She rushed towards Tan Wanyi on the opposite side!

at the same time.

Tan Wanyi, who had a calm face at first, suddenly changed her expression drastically.

Immediately, he exerted force on his feet!

The whole person jumped up like a flea, rising several meters into the air!

"what happened?!"

"What happened to that oppressive feeling just now that was so strong that it made people unable to breathe?!"

"Also, why do I feel like I have escaped death?!"

Tan Wanyi flapped her wings slightly and hovered over the martial arts platform, looking down at Lin Zichen with a frightened expression.

The moment Lin Zichen rushed over, her instinct to sense danger was beating wildly. She didn't even care about her face, so she immediately chose to take off to escape.

I always felt that if I were slower for a moment, I might be beaten to death by Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform.

"How come this vice-president doesn't keep his word? He promised Lin Zichen to take action first. Why did she run away as soon as Lin Zichen took action?"

"It's just a joke."

"No, this can be played on people, it's too disgusting!"


There was a burst of discussion under the martial arts platform.

Listening to these voices, Tan Wanyi felt a little confused on her face, and her brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

However, she did not return to the martial arts stage just for the so-called face.

Instead, he continued to hover high in the sky, looking down at Lin Zichen from a high position.

"Newcomer King, I underestimated you just now."

"I've changed my mind now."

"I will go all out as the greatest recognition of your strength!"

After saying these words, I saved myself some face and found a good reason for my next move.

Tan Wanyi didn't hesitate at all.

Relying on his ability to fly, he has absolute air supremacy.

Immediately spread his wings that cover the sky and the sun.

Shoot a large number of feathers towards Lin Zichen below!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh..."

There was a harsh sound that broke through the air.

Countless sharp feathers shot towards Lin Zichen as fast as arrows!

The target is straight to his heart!

I want to give him a thousand arrows to pierce the heart!

Facing the feathers that burst out with the force of covering up the sky and the sun.

Lin Zichen refused to hide or evade.

Not moving even a centimeter.

Just when everyone thought he would be shot through by dozens or hundreds of feathers just like Shen Qinghan just now.


Something strange happened!

The feathers that were shooting towards him suddenly stopped strangely when they were still a fist away from his chest.

It seemed to be frozen, hovering quietly in the air without any movement.

The next second!

An even stranger scene appeared!

The feathers that seemed to be frozen suddenly all turned around at the same time, aiming straight at Tan Wanyi above the martial platform.

Then, under the unbelievable gazes of everyone present——

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh..."

All the feathers instantly turned into white flashes of light that were invisible to the naked eye and shot towards Tan Wanyi above the martial arts platform at high speed.

Tan Wanyi's expression changed drastically, and she immediately flapped her wings to escape after realizing what she was doing.


Feather shoots so fast!

Tan Wanyi just moved her wings, and the next moment she was penetrated by countless feathers shooting from below.

Under the powerful impact of feathers.

Tan Wanyi flew vertically upwards, and did not stop until she hit a large central screen hard. She was pinned to the big screen and could not move.

this moment.

The entire stadium fell into dead silence.

It's almost audible.

It was as if the earth had stopped rotating.

About two seconds later, a burst of incredible exclamations erupted from the scene.

"What happened?! What happened just now? Why did those feathers suddenly stop, then suddenly change direction and shoot towards which vice president?!"

"It's so weird! Does Lin Zichen have any super powers?!"

"Psychic power! I just sensed violent mental fluctuations coming from Lin Zichen. He just used his mental power to control the feathers that the vice-president shot at him!"

"Spiritual power?! He is just a freshman who has just entered school for half a year. How can he be mentally strong enough to control objects from afar, and do it so skillfully?!"

"Could it be that in addition to strengthening the physical body, pure-blood humans can also strengthen the spirit?"


At this time, the onlookers were talking a lot.

Everyone on the school leadership side was stunned, deeply shocked by Lin Zichen's display of strength.

They originally thought that the battle between Lin Zichen and the vice president of the student union would be a fierce battle.

Never thought it would end so quickly.

In just one round, the vice-president of the student union, whose biological level reached the advanced level, was killed instantly. This is simply unbelievable!

"Dean Liu, the blood tempering technique that you, a pure-blooded human, practiced together, can not only strengthen the physical body, but also strengthen the spirit?"

The dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering asked curiously.

Liu Chuanwu shook his head and said honestly: "No, Lin Zichen's strong mental strength is due to his own physique and has nothing to do with the blood tempering technique."

Another genius with a special physique? !

The dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering thought about it and asked, "What special physique does he have?"

Liu Chuanwu said calmly: "He doesn't have a special physique. He is just born with vitality and spiritual growth attributes that are far beyond those of his peers. With just a little practice, he can be as good as someone else's practice for a week or even a month."

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Just practicing casually can be as good as others practicing for a week or even a month?

What kind of monster is this? !

at the same time.

The cadres at the student union all had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces. For a moment they thought they were hallucinating.

They could not believe that the vice president, whose power in the student union was second only to the president and the director of the Disciplinary Inspection Department, would be instantly killed by a freshman.

Even though this freshman is the strongest freshman in school history, they still feel that it is outrageous.

You were able to kill third place in the school in an instant as a freshman. Then by the time you reach your senior year, will you be able to defeat even the principal?

"President, what's going on with Lin Zichen?"

The head of the Discipline Inspection Department looked at Zhou Xuehong and asked with a frown.

Zhou Xuehong did not answer.

He raised his head and glanced at the dying vice-president who was nailed to the big screen, and then looked at Lin Zichen who had not moved even half a step on the stage, and his brows suddenly furrowed more tightly than the head of the Discipline Inspection Department.

He had always thought that Lin Zichen's current strength was only an ordinary ninth level at most.

If Lin Zichen didn't change his mind to genetic fusion, he might have been stuck at the ordinary ninth level for four years in college, unable to go any further.

To survive is to constantly temper your body. Before graduation, you can temper your body to Liu Chuanwu's strength. You can use the body of an ordinary ninth-level pure-blood human to barely defeat an advanced first-level gene fusion person.

However, the strength Lin Zichen had just shown was far beyond his understanding.

He didn't move a single step during the whole process, and he killed the vice president instantly with just his strong mental power.

His mental strength is so strong.

Wouldn't that Qi and blood be stronger?

What is the strength of Lin Zichen's energy and blood?

Advanced level one?

The pinnacle of advanced level one?

Even...advanced second level? !

The more Zhou Xuehong thought about it, the more he doubted his life, and his body was deeply swept by a sense of powerlessness.

Before today, he had always believed that his only opponent in his student days was Li Yijin from Kyoto University.

But now he discovered that his biggest opponent in his student days might not be Li Yijin.

But it was Lin Zichen who was standing on the martial arts platform at this moment.

A freshman who has just entered college!

Lin Zichen is only half a year after his freshman year, and his strength is so incredible.

Then if he was given another half year to grow up, would he, as the number one student at Shanhai University, also become his defeat?

When he thought of this, Zhou Xuehong, who was extremely conceited, could no longer stand.

He immediately jumped up and jumped onto the stage under the watchful eyes of everyone present.

He wanted to defeat Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform in front of everyone before Lin Zichen fully matured!


In the remaining six months, he will continue to suppress Lin Zichen until he graduates!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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