Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 20 Studying the properties of [The weak and the strong]

Within a moment, the coach of the martial arts team walked up to the two of them and stopped.

However, what was different from what was expected was that the other party did not come to find trouble, but to invite Lin Zichen to join the martial arts team.

"Classmate Zichen, I am Teacher Guo, the coach of the school's martial arts team. I saw all of your amazing performance in the school sports meeting today. I was very shocked."

"In all my years at Shanhai Middle School, I have never seen students with such good academic performance and such outstanding athletic performance."

"I personally think that your athletic talent is definitely better than your academic talent."

"So, I would like to invite you to join the school's martial arts team."

"Of course, the invitation is a bit unexpected. You can get to know the martial arts team first before making a decision."

"Room C in the school gymnasium is the base camp of our martial arts team. Tomorrow or whenever you are free, you can come and find out more."

Guo Xiangyuan finished his words as soon as he arrived, without giving Lin Zichen a chance to speak.

He truly felt that Lin Zichen's athletic talent was far better than his academic talent.

After all, as a talented academic who always gets first place in every exam, he must spend most of his time studying and not much time to exercise.

But even under such circumstances, Lin Zichen was still able to crush the members of the martial arts team and win three gold medals in the school sports meeting.

There is no doubt that this will be a rising star in the martial arts world in the future.

If Lin Zichen fails to embark on the path of martial arts, it will be a waste of natural resources that will anger both humans and gods!

Seeing the coach of the martial arts team in front of him who was just talking about himself like a salesman, Lin Zichen frowned slightly and had a bad impression of him.

So as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Zichen immediately smiled politely and said, "We'll talk about it then. I have to go home now. Goodbye, Teacher Guo."

After saying that, Lin Zichen pushed the bicycle and left with Shen Qinghan.

After leaving the school gate, he lifted his legs and rode on the bicycle, saying to Shen Qinghan beside him:

"Hanhan, get in the car."

"Xiaochen, can I take you home today instead?"

Shen Qinghan held a lollipop in his mouth and jumped around to the bicycle, looking eager to try.

When Lin Zichen heard this, he decisively refused:

"Forget it, you almost fell into the ditch last time when you were riding by yourself, and you were carrying me. You almost fell to death."

"It was just an accident last time."

"Give up, your little thin legs can't pedal a bicycle with people on it."

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Shen Qinghan was no longer willful. He went back and sat in the back seat of the car, and skillfully put his arms around Lin Zichen's waist.

Seeing that she was sitting firmly, Lin Zichen pedaled lightly and rode off.

It didn't look like he was exerting much force, but the speed was not slow at all, and he covered a distance of hundreds of meters in one go.

Lin Zichen's riding skills were very high, comparable to those of a top-notch cyclist. He weaved smoothly through the crowded streets and alleys without causing any curses from pedestrians.

Shen Qinghan sat sideways in the back, holding Lin Zichen's waist with his hands, holding a lollipop in his mouth, feeling the breeze blowing in front of him, and felt relaxed and happy.

There were many female students from Shanhai Middle School walking on the roadside. When they saw Shen Qinghan sitting on the back seat of Lin Zichen's bicycle, they all looked envious.

Shen Qinghan can no longer count how many times he has been envied by girls of his own age.

Every time she was envied, she felt extremely beautiful.

This meeting was so beautiful that I couldn't help but giggle out loud.

"Why are you smiling so stupidly all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing."

"The green light ahead is counting down, I'm going to sprint faster, hold on tighter."

"Xiaochen, I'm holding you tight, ride faster, the green light is about to end!"

"Then I'm going to rush!"

"Come on! Flying Little Witch! Hurry up!"

Shen Qinghan held a lollipop in his mouth and urged to hurry up inarticulately. The bangs on his forehead were blown high by the wind, and his face was filled with an excited smile.

Lin Zichen, who was in charge of riding the bicycle, pedaled desperately in front, fearing that he would not be able to catch up with the green light that was about to go out at the intersection in front.

The ride stopped in front of the house.

Lin Zichen said goodbye to Shen Qinghan and pushed the bicycle into the house.

As soon as she entered the room, Zhang Wanxin greeted her enthusiastically and asked with a smile on her face:

"Xiao Chen, what was the result of today's school sports meeting? Did they all win gold medals?"

"Well, I won three gold medals."

Lin Zichen took off his schoolbag, unzipped it and took out three gold medals, and handed them to Zhang Wanxin.

Zhang Wanxin was so happy that her eyes narrowed with laughter, and her voice was full of joy and she said:

"I knew that my Xiaochen was a genius in both civil and military skills!"

After saying that, she looked back at Lin Yansheng, who was sitting on the sofa and was addicted to watching the football match, and shouted to him with some dissatisfaction:

"My surname is Lin. My son came back with three gold medals in the school sports meeting. Why don't you come over and praise your son? Why are you watching the game!"

"Hey, it's coming!"

Lin Yansheng jogged over with a smile.

Afterwards, the three members of the family each wore a gold medal and took group photos at home, talking and laughing.

The main reason is that Zhang Wanxin wanted to take pictures, and she wanted to show off her son in her circle of friends.

After a meal.

Lin Zichen went to the rooftop full of vegetables and looked for mosquitoes to fight.

He wanted to test the attribute effect of [The weak and the strong] to see if he could swallow the source of life in the mosquito, thereby gaining the mosquito's attributes or skills.

As a result, more than 20 mosquitoes were killed in a row, but the expected text message never appeared in the void.

It seems that there is no source of life in mosquitoes.

In other words... so little that it can be ignored.

Out of caution, he stopped swatting mosquitoes and went back to the house to swat cockroaches.

It took more than two hours and killed more than 10 cockroaches.

But the result remains the same, there is no life source to swallow.

"Isn't it possible that ordinary creatures can't do it, but exotic beasts?"

Lin Zichen thought of this and felt that they should be inseparable.

Maybe only powerful creatures like alien beasts can have enough life source in their bodies to be devoured.

Small animals like mosquitoes and cockroaches that live at the bottom of the food chain usually contain so little of the source of life that they can almost be ignored.

Otherwise, the test results just obtained cannot be explained.

After all, the annotation of "The weak eats the strong" refers to the word "creatures" and does not specifically refer to strange beasts.

After thinking about this, Lin Zichen planned to go to the shopping mall.

Shopping malls in this world sell products related to exotic beasts.

Although the price is very expensive, I can't afford it at all.

But this did not prevent Lin Zichen from going to take a look and verify his suspicions.

After having an idea.

Lin Zichen went downstairs to find Zhang Wanxin, made up a random excuse that he had something to buy, and successfully obtained Zhang Wanxin's permission to go out.

"Xiaochen, where are you going?"

As soon as he pushed his bicycle out of the house, Lin Zichen heard a shout from the balcony of the house next door.

He looked up and found Shen Qinghan lying on his balcony blowing in the wind.

"I'm going to the mall to buy something!"

"I'm going too. Just wait for me. I'll tell my parents and I'll be here soon!"

After saying these words, Shen Qinghan quickly left the balcony and went back to the house to talk to Shen Jianye and Xu Meng about going out with Lin Zichen.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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