Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 198 The Woman in the Coffin! The Secret of Blood Tempering Technique!

"Qinghan, you are obviously taking the path of genetic fusion, how could Master Ye state say that you are taking the path of pure-blood humans?"

"Hanhan, Master Ye just said that you have been tempered once. I see that your skin is tender and tender, and can be broken with a snap of your fingers. It doesn't look like tempered skin."

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan stood in front of Shen Qinghan with puzzled faces and asked her questions one after another.

Shen Qinghan didn't know whether to answer.

I don't know how to answer either.

In the end, he could only look at Lin Zichen with a look of help.

She wanted Lin Zichen to come to her rescue.

Lin Zichen has long been accustomed to this.

Soon, he explained to Shen Qinghan calmly:

"Hanhan's physique is very special."

"The alien gene is injected into her body and will not fuse with her own genes."

"But it will be controlled by her genes."

"After successful control, she can manipulate the genes of these controlled alien beasts as she pleases."

"With just a thought, you can activate the genes of these alien beasts or put them into dormancy."

"The reason for her body quenching was because I saw that she was still a pure-blood human without integrating the genes of the alien beasts, so I taught her how to practice blood quenching to see if she could become a pure-blood human."

"Unexpectedly, she has the Blue Jellyfish King gene in her body. With her ability to control liquids at will, she quickly learned the blood quenching technique and successfully became a pure-blood human."

"Similarly, it is also because of her ability to control liquids at will that she practices the blood quenching technique to quench the body with great efficiency."

"It's not much worse than me."

"Soon, the body will be tempered in one go."

"It's just that her biological level is not high, her energy and blood strength is low, and her body tempering quality is not good, which leads to the situation that she has already completed the body tempering, but her biological level is only an ordinary sixth level."

"To put it simply -"

"With her extremely weak qi and blood strength, she was originally unable to practice the blood tempering technique."

"She can practice because she has the ability to control liquids at will to take shortcuts."

"The price of taking shortcuts is that the quality of the quenching body is greatly reduced."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zichen added: "As for her skin, it looks like it can be broken with a finger. In fact, the strength of her skin is already high enough to be invulnerable."

After listening to Lin Zichen's explanation, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan finally understood what was going on with Shen Qinghan.

To put it bluntly, Shen Qinghan can practice both.

While possessing the abilities of a gene fusion person, he can also practice the blood tempering technique and become a pure-blood human.

Regarding this, both Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan felt incredible and couldn't believe it was true.

But the fact was right in front of them, and the two of them had no choice but to believe it.

He took a moment to calm down and collect his thoughts.

Song Yuyan looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Hanhan, can I study your hands? I want to see if you have really achieved the goal of tempering your body in one go."

"Yeah, sure."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

Seeing that she agreed, Song Yuyan quickly picked up one of her hands and touched and pinched it to test the strength of her hand.

It was a good thing that this was unexpected, but once I took the test, my whole face was full of doubts about life.

Shen Qinghan has truly achieved great success through body tempering.

Whether it's skin, muscles, or bones, there are obvious signs of tempering.

At the same time, they all possess invulnerability.

But why, why does her skin feel so tender and smooth?

Also, why are her muscles not strong at all?

But it's incredibly soft and feels great?

Normally, any part of the body that has been tempered by Qi and blood will lose part of its beauty and feel to a certain extent, in exchange for an increase in strength.

Then here comes the problem.

Why is it that even though Shen Qinghan has tempered her body in one go, her body has not lost even a trace of its beauty and feel?

Is this reasonable?

This is obviously unreasonable, right?

Song Yuyan couldn't understand, so she could only look up at Shen Qinghan, staring at her ridiculously beautiful face, and asked with confusion:

"Hanhan, why is it that your skin is still so supple and smooth, and your muscles are still so soft, even after you tempered your body in one go?"

Before Shen Qinghan could answer, Lin Zichen on the side said for her: "The reason for the special physique."

"What kind of immortal physique is this!" Song Yuyan was so envious that she couldn't help but touch Shen Qinghan's little hand, her eyes glowing as she said:

"It would be great if I also had this special physique. That would save me a lot of money on skin care products."

When Lin Zichen heard Song Yuyan say that he could save money, he couldn't hold himself back any longer.

Is this mixed-race royal lady a little too outrageous?

With such a special physique, all you want to do is save money on skin care products?

Where is the pattern?

Where is the vision?

Where is the dream?

No wonder he has an annual salary of one million, but because he is reluctant to pay rent, water, electricity and other expenses, he has to settle in an old and messy research institute.

I'm sorry, this is a waste of money.

Just when Lin Zichen was complaining about Song Yuyan in his heart.

Liu Chuanwu next to him glanced at Yuan Dongzhi, hesitated for a moment, and finally went all out, looked at Shen Qinghan and said:

"Qinghan, since you have become a pure-blood human, why don't you join our Tianren Pavilion?"

He was in front of the public, the tauren Yuan Dongzhi, wanted to dig her young apprentice to the Tianren Pavilion.

"Liu, what do you mean?"

Yuan Dongzhi frowned slightly, looked at Liu Chuanwu with an unhappy expression and asked.

Liu Chuanwu had no confidence in poaching his ex-wife in public.

However, when he thought that this was a matter related to the strengthening of Tianren Pavilion, he chose to say forcefully:

"She has not fused the genes of alien beasts and is a pure-blood human. It makes sense to join Tianren Pavilion."

"You don't know she is my apprentice?"

"She is your apprentice, so it does not prevent her from joining the Tianren Pavilion. Doesn't it mean that if she joins the Tianren Pavilion, she will not be your apprentice?"

"Then you should ask my opinion first."

"Okay, let me ask your opinion now. Do you agree with her joining Tianren Pavilion?"

Seeing that Yuan Dongzhi's attitude seemed a bit soft, Liu Chuanwu became more and more aggressive as he spoke.

When he was young, he was so tough on Yuan Dongzhi.

Pat her big ass on the bed and let her do whatever you want.

Tell the truth and be very domineering.

Mainly a male chauvinist who is tough everywhere.

The main reason why I was a little shy about Yuan Dongzhi just now is that the gap between their current biological levels is really too big.

Furthermore, through the occasional exchanges in bed over the years, he could clearly feel that Yuan Dongzhi had become much more aggressive than before in the years after the divorce.

He was worried that if he poached Yuan Dongzhi's apprentice in public and came to Tianren Pavilion, Yuan Dongzhi would be angry.

Then he got angry and beat him in public without thinking about his old relationship.

In that case, he, a dean who is nearly a hundred years old, would be so embarrassed.

But now, seeing that Yuan Dongzhi's mood seemed to be very stable, he naturally became more aggressive and regained the heroic spirit of conquering the eldest daughter of the Yuan family in bed.

"Come with me for a moment."

Yuan Dongzhi said this sentence expressionlessly.

After that, he walked into the research institute.

Liu Chuanwu was a little frightened, suspecting that Yuan Dongzhi was angry and wanted to go in and beat him.

But thinking about it, it was better to get beaten in than to be beaten outside, so I raised my legs and followed him in.

After seeing Liu Chuanwu and Yuan Dongzhi both entering, Song Yuyan immediately gloated:

"Oh haha, the dean is dead."

"He is just an ordinary-level creature. Just now he dared to show off like that in front of Principal Yuan. Three of his designated legs were broken."

"Three seconds of silence for the dean."


Song Yuyan made a praying gesture for Liu Chuanwu.

Shen Qinghan was a little excited and said: "Xiaochen, if I can join Tianren Pavilion, I can come to the institute with you every day from now on!"

Lin Zichen: "Indeed."

Song Yuyan still held Shen Qinghan's little hand without letting go, rubbing it like a slut and saying:

"Hanhan, you have become a pure-blood human, so you must join the Tianren Pavilion."

"When the time comes, Sister Yan will teach you how to do yoga to make your figure sexier and more attractive."

"I promise that from now on, when your son Chen sees your curvy figure, the second brother will directly control the eldest brother to stick to it. He will touch it and fall in love with it, and he will not be able to extricate himself from it."


Listening to Song Yuyan's words, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but blush on his face and felt embarrassed.

This beautiful mixed-race sister is so open-minded and speaks in such a large scale, which makes people so embarrassed.

By the way, she is beautiful, has a good figure, and has such an open personality. Could she seduce Xiaochen in the research institute?

No, I have to join Tianren Pavilion...

Shen Qinghan was thinking about this, and silently made the decision to join Tianren Pavilion.

When she was a child, she never worried that Lin Zichen would be seduced by other girls.

But as we grow older, our sexual development becomes more mature, and our possessiveness becomes stronger and stronger.

Gradually, she began to worry about this problem.

She believed in Lin Zichen's character very much, but she was worried about the man's nature.

After all, whether it is a hero who is sad about beauty, or a gentle lady who is a gentleman, it is an objective fact, and we have to worry about it.

The most important thing is that there are too many temptations around Lin Zichen.

Basically, any woman will have a crush on him and want to act like a vixen to approach him and further develop a relationship with him.

There are so many temptations, what if one day he loses control and is seduced by a vixen?

In order to avoid this situation from happening, as the fiancée, I have to be smarter and take the initiative to help him eliminate temptation.

The vixen purification plan starts!

A few minutes later.

Liu Chuanwu and Yuan Dongzhi came out of the office.

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "From now on, you will be a member of Tianren Pavilion."


Song Yuyan was confused.

In her impression, Yuan Dongzhi has a cold face every day, and she looks like a strong woman who is not very easy to talk to.

However, at this moment, in just a few minutes, the bad old man got it done, and he readily agreed that his young apprentice should join the Tianren Pavilion.

what is happening?

Song Yuyan was puzzled and couldn't help but look at Liu Chuanwu beside Yuan Dongzhi.

When she saw a little pride on Liu Chuanwu's face, she suddenly understood.

Thinking that Liu Chuanwu might have sold his body.

When he was in the institute just now, he used his strong body to press Yuan Dongzhi, who was wearing a cheongsam, against the wall to persuade him.

It's no wonder that Song Yuyan thinks so. The stereotype of Liu Chuanwu is so deeply rooted in people's hearts.

He spent late nights every day without seeing anyone, going to have in-depth conversations with his old friends who were like wolves and tigers, and staying up all night studying the power of pure-blooded human bodies.

If this were placed in Yinghai Country, he would be a very popular cowherd who could easily empty all the money out of the purses of young ladies from good families.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan looked at Yuan Dongzhi and asked expectantly: "Master, now that I have joined the Tianren Pavilion, do I no longer have to go to the Evolution Building to attend classes?"

Rather than going to class in the Evolution Building, she wanted to stay with Lin Zichen in the research institute.

Even if she didn't do anything, she felt very happy just sitting next to Lin Zichen.

Yuan Dongzhi said calmly: "You are now taking the path of pure-blood humans. It is a waste of time for you to take courses on gene fusion."

"However, you can take courses such as the anatomy of alien animals and the identification of alien plants."

"This kind of theoretical course is quite useful for you at this stage."

"Anyway, it depends on what you like. If you want to, you can do it. If you don't want to, you can't."


"Well, I understand, Master." Shen Qinghan nodded.

When she said this, the smile on her lips could no longer be concealed, and she smiled extremely happily.

From today on, she can follow Lin Zichen to the institute every day.

Being with Lin Zichen all the time.

We stood at the entrance of the institute and chatted for a while.

When Yuan Dongzhi saw that the time was almost up, he wanted to fly away in the air.

before leaving.

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Liu Chuanwu, who often made promises to women but almost never fulfilled them, and said in a serious tone:

"Dean Liu, remember what you just promised me inside, don't break your promise."

"Don't worry, I never lie to women."

Liu Chuanwu, who had deceived a woman who could circle the earth, said with a confident expression, patting his chest.

Yuan Dongzhi also laughed after hearing this:

"Haha, you don't feel ashamed to say this. You are really thick-skinned than a pig's skin."

After saying that, she tapped her toes and her whole body instantly rose into the sky.

Then accompanied by a gust of breeze, he flew slowly towards the direction of the administrative building.

"Dean, Yuan School is so difficult to deal with such an iceberg beauty, but you managed to do it like this?"

After Yuan Dongzhi left, Song Yuyan immediately looked at Liu Chuanwu and said in surprise.

Liu Chuanwu smiled and said: "No matter how difficult she is, she is still a woman. When dealing with women, I can easily get rid of her with just a few moves."

"Not to mention, she is still the woman I once conquered."

"When she moves her big ass, I know what's going on in her head."


"Dean, what did you just promise to Principal Yuan in the institute?" Song Yuyan's face was full of curiosity.

Liu Chuanwu puffed up his chest a little and said with a proud look on his face: "I didn't promise anything. I just promised to go to her house tonight to help her repair the garden, and she agreed."

"That's it?"

Song Yuyan expressed doubts: "She left you after just one visit. Why do I feel like you are lying to me?"

"Xiao Yuyan, the charm of this dean is not something that a little girl like you, who has never even touched a man's hand, can understand."

After saying this, Liu Chuanwu turned around and returned to the office with his hands behind his back.

To Song Yuyan, who was nearly thirty years old but still had her first kiss, she left a figure full of style.

It's the back of the young female killer.

The young woman here refers to a woman who looks young but is already an old woman.

The age difference is too big and Liu Chuanwu won't touch him.

Physical communication without a common language is soulless.

Looking at Liu Chuanwu's leaving figure, Song Yuyan curled her lips in disbelief.

Then he looked at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan on the side and said to them:

"The dean must be bragging again!"

"I'm telling you, this bad old man loves to brag. You two, don't believe him."

"When I first joined Tianren Pavilion, I was deceived by him a lot. I thought he was really a reclusive expert who was very good at it."

"As you all know, he is a Neptune who even has to raise funds from women."


Song Yuyan's words were indeed correct.

Liu Chuanwu did brag just now.

Yuan Dongzhi agreed to let Shen Qinghan join Tianren Pavilion on the condition that Liu Chuanwu come to Yuan's house for a dinner.

Instead of going to her house to drive piles and repair the garden.

"Come on, Hanhan, Sister Yan will take you back to the institute to familiarize yourself with the environment. From now on, the institute will be your base camp for studying."

Song Yuyan said, taking Shen Qinghan's hand and leading her towards the house.

Lin Zichen silently followed the two of them.

Wait until you get back to the place.

Lin Zichen walked into Liu Chuanwu's office, found Liu Chuanwu and asked curiously:

"Dean, you said before that when I evolve to a high level, you will find a backer for me. What is the strength of the backer you are looking for? Who is more powerful than Lord Yezhou?"


"You may not believe it when I tell you this. I actually don't know much about this."

Liu Chuanwu touched his beard and said.


Lin Zichen was stunned.

What the hell?

You are looking for a backer, but you don’t know the strength of the other side?

So unreliable?

Seeing that Lin Zichen's eyes changed and became full of distrust, Liu Chuanwu also felt a little guilty.

The backer he told Lin Zichen was still lying in the coffin in the basement of the Li family.

Since the excavation from the ruins, he has never seen the woman in the coffin.

Because the coffin is sealed, the coffin board cannot be opened at all.

The reason why Liu Chuanwu believed that the woman in the coffin could become Lin Zichen's backer was simply because the woman in the coffin was the master of the Tianren Pavilion.

As the master of Tianren Pavilion, his strength is definitely not bad.

Not to mention he must be an epic level strongman.

Otherwise, is he worthy of being the master of the pavilion?

Of course, these are Liu Chuanwu's personal conjectures made by analyzing the cultural relics in the ruins.

No one can tell what the actual situation will be.

After calming down a little, Lin Zichen looked at Liu Chuanwu and asked again: "Dean, who is the backer you are looking for?"

Liu Chuanwu: "He is the master of Tianren Pavilion."

"The master of Tianren Pavilion?"

Lin Zichen was surprised by this answer.

Soon, he asked: "Dean, are you not the master of Tianren Pavilion?"

"Of course I'm not."

Liu Chuanwu stroked his beard and then said: "I am just an archaeologist who dug out the master of Tianren Pavilion from the ruins."

After hearing this answer, Lin Zichen was a little confused for a moment.

After a moment to regain his composure, he quickly asked: "Dean, what on earth is going on?"

Liu Chuanwu picked up the thermos cup on the table and took a sip of kidney-nourishing wolfberry water to moisten his throat.

Then, he slowly explained:

"The blood tempering technique was unearthed from the ruins. It is a body tempering method from a long time ago on earth."

"This body tempering method was an evolutionary path in that era."

"An evolutionary path that allows Earth's creatures to evolve to a higher level."

"Since the body-tempering method exists, there must be a group of creatures that specialize in the evolution of this body-tempering method."

"For this kind of group that gets together and evolves in the same way, we often call it a sect, or a sect."

"And Tianren Pavilion was a sect or sect in that era."

"When I was excavating the ruins of Tianren Pavilion, I dug out an ancient bronze coffin."

"There is a living person lying inside the ancient coffin."

"It's a woman, a woman who claims to be the master of Tianren Pavilion."

"Now, this woman's physical condition is very weak, so weak that she has fallen into a dormant state close to unconsciousness."

"Before she was so weak to this state, she taught me the most basic training method of blood quenching."

"And told me that as long as I can evolve into an advanced creature as a pure-blooded human, I can unseal her from the ancient bronze coffin by transporting the power of blood through the air."

"However, I have practiced blood tempering for so many years, but my biological level has always been stuck at the ordinary ninth level. I have never seen the possibility of breaking the shackles of ordinary organisms."

"So, I started to establish the Tianren Pavilion in Shanhai University, looking for younger generations with higher talents than me to practice the blood tempering technique."

"I hope they can evolve into advanced creatures as pure-blooded humans."

"Then, let them send the power of blood and energy to the woman in the ancient bronze coffin through the air, and unseal her from the ancient bronze coffin."

"But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny."

"You also saw the situation in Tianren Pavilion later."

"That situation can only be described with the word 'miserable'."

As he spoke, Liu Chuanwu took another sip of the wolfberry water and said with some relief, "Fortunately, I have persisted for so many years and finally waited for you to appear, which brought about a turn for the near-dead Tianren Pavilion."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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