Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 178 This is a trap

"The tree moved?!"

"What's going on?"

"what happens?"

"Quickly retreat!"

When the tree cage was formed, all the special trainees panicked.

They all stopped fighting.

Quickly distance yourself from the followers of Shenzhi Religion.

As quickly as possible, retreat to the location where instructor Lu Tianrong is to seek shelter.

at the same time.

Lin Zichen came out of the bamboo building and did not meet everyone immediately.

Instead, he flashed his body and rushed towards the Shen Zhichang believers who wanted to retreat at high speed.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang!"

Only six sounds were heard in a row.

Of the seven Divine Plantation believers who were retreating, six fell instantly, all of them killed by headshots.

Only one creature with the highest level was left, frozen in place and shivering.


As this sound rang out, the surviving member of the Divine Plantation Cult was also punched.

He was knocked to the ground by a punch, curled up in a ball with a face full of pain, and groaned from his mouth.

Lin Zichen shook off the blood on his fists, looked down at the divine cultivator, and said in a cold voice: "Explain what this tree cage is about, and I can spare your life."

When he asked this question, Lu Tianrong and a group of special trainees came over.

They looked at the six headless corpses on the ground and the survivors huddled on the ground with faces full of pain, and they were all extremely shocked.

In just the blink of an eye, six divine cultists were killed, and one was left alive for questioning?

Lin Zichen's strength is too powerful, more powerful than imagined.

I am afraid that if I were to face the branch leader who had not yet appeared, I would be able to fight against him...

While others were shocked by Lin Zichen's strength.

As an instructor, Lu Tianrong was particularly shocked by Lin Zichen's mentality.

When the sudden situation just happened, as an instructor, he couldn't react for a moment and was confused.

As a special trainee, Lin Zichen was able to make the right decision immediately.

Kill the cultists who want to retreat, and deliberately leave the strongest one alive to ask questions.

The strongest ones are kept because the strongest ones may hold higher positions in the branch teaching, and can know more information and facilitate questioning.


Don’t be afraid in the face of danger.

Careful thought.

This genius from Shandong University is really amazing...

Lu Tianrong spoke highly of it in his heart.

Lin Zichen ignored the shock of everyone around him.

Seeing that the divine cultivator on the ground remained silent, he raised his leg and kicked it down, crushing the opponent's right hand with a "click".


The cultists let out a scream of pain.

Lin Zichen said calmly: "Please explain what is going on with these giant trees around you, otherwise I will kick you on the head."

The Shen Zhi Cult believer did not want to die, and finally chose to betray the organization, and said: "These giant trees are... ah ah!"

This Divine Plantation cultist had just opened his mouth, and before he could even finish his sentence, a scream that was worse than death suddenly came out of his mouth.

Then, countless roots crawled out of his mouth, crawled to the ground like worms, quickly plunged into the soil and kept burrowing down.

After a moment, the screams disappeared.

The cultists on the ground had no signs of life.

The body turns into nourishment for the roots and is sucked away until only bones and skin remain.

Everyone who witnessed this scene felt chills in their hearts and felt horrified.

"Pah! Pah! Pah..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of loud applause from a towering tree in front.

Lin Zichen looked in the direction of the applause.

Immediately, what caught his eyes were two mysterious people wearing masks.

One male and one female.

There is a clover pattern on the woman's mask.

There is a double-leaf clover pattern on the man's mask.

Lin Zichen had a thought and sensed the biological levels of the two masked men.

The biological level of the female masked person is the ordinary nine-level Dzogchen. If nothing else, she should be the leader of the branch sect in the mission.

The biological level of the male masked man is extremely high, up to the sixth advanced level, which is the same level as the instructor Lu Tianrong.

It's just that the combined strength of the ordinary ninth-level Dzogchen plus the advanced sixth-level one cannot compare with his own.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, we will definitely win...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the masked man in the tree stopped applauding.

He looked down at Lin Zichen below, his voice full of admiration: "Genius, the only peerless genius among his peers."

"You are less than 20 years old, and your body is so powerful. It is really unheard of."

"Maybe you can break the world's prejudice against pure-blooded humans."

With that said, the male masked man extended an olive branch to Lin Zichen: "A genius of your level should join the Shenzhi Cult to gain a bright future and pursue a higher level of life evolution."

Hearing this, Lin Zichen frowned slightly.

He realized something terrible.

The two masked men on the tree may be coming towards him.

Knowing that he would come here, he deliberately laid a trap in advance.

what does that mean?

This means that there is either a traitor in the military region or there is a traitor among the special trainees on site.

A traitor tipped off the two masked men to lay a trap in advance.

At the same time, it also means that he is completely targeted by the Shenzhi Sect!

There's no worse news than this...

Lin Zichen frowned.

On the side, Lu Tianrong also frowned.

He sensed the power of the male masked man and felt that something might happen this time.

After calming down a little, he said to everyone solemnly: "The situation is very dangerous now. Everyone, get out of here quickly. I will hold those two people back."

"Everyone, come with me!"

Lin Zichen did not hesitate. After leaving these words, he turned around and ran in the direction of the bus.

One of the enemies has a biological level as high as Advanced Sixth Level. The following battle is not something that an ordinary ninth-level student like him can take part in.

Even if this ordinary ninth-level creature has extremely high gold content and is infinitely close to the advanced third-level creature, it is not qualified to interfere.

Staying will only cause trouble for Lu Tianrong.

The correct approach is to quickly leave this tree cage that blocks the sky and the sun, and then call for backup.

"Let's go!"

Seeing someone still standing there, Lin Zichen immediately raised his voice and shouted.

He shouted loudly.

The few people who were stunned were awakened by the sound.

After reacting, quickly follow his footsteps and leave.

"Can you escape?"

The male masked man smiled playfully.

I saw him raise his hand and snap his fingers.

The next second!

Countless thick vines surged from the surrounding towering trees, winding towards the fleeing people like poisonous snakes.

"Help me, I'm stuck!"

Shangguan Yueying's cry for help came from the back of the team.

Hearing the sound, Lu Tianrong suddenly appeared next to Shangguan Yueying and cut off the vines with a hand knife, allowing her to regain her freedom.

However, as soon as Shangguan Yueying was rescued, a new cry for help immediately sounded from the front: "Instructor, I am also entangled!"

Just as Lu Tianrong was about to rush over to save others, someone on the other side shouted: "Instructor, save me!"

Save one and two are entangled.

There are too many vines.

Lu Tianrong couldn't be saved at all.

So, he decisively gave up the rescue and chose to turn around and face the masked man in the tree.

Then, just listen to the sound of "bang"!

His calves exerted force suddenly, and the powerful explosive force directly created a big hole in the ground, and his whole body was instantly ejected towards the male masked man in the tree.

The only way to break the situation right now is to kill the male masked man in the tree.

As long as the male masked man dies, the surrounding vines will naturally lose their vitality, and everyone will be rescued by then.

PS: I can’t stand the high fever, so I can only update a small chapter. I will make up for it tomorrow.

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