Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 166 Except for Team D, all three teams of ABC were wiped out


Looking at the prompt information on the display screen, Lin Zichen was a little confused.

Can guessing games also be called an intellectual level?

Are you sure you did nothing wrong?

It's probably not as simple as it seems on the surface.

There must be some hidden mechanism...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen carefully looked at the environment of the room to see if there was anything special about it.

The wall is made of pure metal.

There is a lamp on the ceiling, the light is very dazzling.

There is a window on the right wall.

The glass on the window is thick and opaque, and can be used as a mirror.

On the left wall, there is an exhaust fan, which is humming to circulate the indoor and outdoor air.

Other than that, there was nothing else in the room.

After simply looking around the room, three ways to pass the level flashed through Lin Zichen's mind.

As for whether it works or whether it can be passed, you have to verify it before you know.

However, there is no rush to verify it.

Let Shen Qinghan play her part first to give her a sense of participation.

at the same time.

The four people behind him all looked puzzled after reading the text information on the display.


Shangguan Yueying looked puzzled: "This thing has nothing to do with intelligence, right?"

Zhao Yuanzhong rubbed the back of his head and looked a little silly and said, "I think it has something to do with intelligence. After all, it's a bit of a psychological game."

Zhang Kai disagreed: "The person playing guessing games with us is a virtual character, just a computer program without emotions. Where is the psychological game?"

Shen Qinghan did not express his opinion, and his slender and beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he was deep in thought.

Zhang Kai looked at Lin Zichen and asked: "Zichen, your academic performance was very good when you were in junior high school. You were weak in winning prizes in various municipal competitions. What's wrong with you?"


Lin Zichen opened his eyes and told lies.

Zhang Kai was a little disappointed, and turned to look at Shen Qinghan aside and asked: "Xiao Shen, I remember that your grades are pretty good, do you have any clues?"

Shen Qinghan was unsure and said, "I think it might be a regular question."

"Rule question?"

Zhang Kai was a little confused.

His academic performance was very poor since he was a child. After finishing junior high school, he became a will-o'-the-wisp boy and couldn't quite understand Shen Qinghan's words.

Zhao Yuanzhong didn't understand either. He dropped out of junior high school and joined a martial arts school as an apprentice. He studied very well and had excellent skills. The owner of the gym recommended him to join the army.

Unlike the two boys, Shangguan Yueying is a serious academic.

She understood what Shen Qinghan said and said, "You mean, the virtual characters on the screen guess the game in a regular way?"

Shen Qinghan nodded: "Well, I guess it is so, but whether it is specific or not, we have to verify it later to know."

After listening to the conversation between the two girls, Zhao Yuanzhong took the initiative and said: "I don't have the brains like you, so I will be the guinea pig and guess the game with the virtual characters, and provide you with samples to summarize the rules."

Zhang Kai: "Count me in."

Seeing that both men said this, Lin Zichen had no choice but to follow suit and said, "Me too."

"I'll go first. If I can't bear it anymore, I'll switch to you two."

Zhao Yuanzhong wanted to win Shangguan Yueying's favor and tried his best to show off his personality as a manly man to see if there was any chance to develop a relationship.

Soon, he walked to the display screen, stopped facing the avatar above, and raised his hand to make a guessing motion.

The moment he raised his hand, the virtual character on the screen also raised his hand and made a guessing motion, which looked very smart.

"I'm going to start guessing. You all stay away from me, lest I get attacked if I lose and it accidentally affects you."

Zhao Yuanzhong said to the two girls very considerately.

The two girls didn't show any pretense and immediately took a few steps back and away from Zhao Yuanzhong.

But keep your eyes on the display screen, remembering every guessing game of the virtual character, and see if you can summarize the rules of the guessing game from it.

Seeing that the two girls took a few steps back, Zhao Yuanzhong stopped wasting time and immediately started guessing with the avatar.

I don’t know if it’s a bonus for newbies or something else, but he won the guessing game for the first time.

He uses fists, while the avatar uses scissors.

[Congratulations, you won]

This text flashed on the display screen.

The next second, the iron door automatically moved upward by 2 centimeters, opening a gap below.

"Okay, you're lucky."

A smile appeared on Zhao Yuanzhong's face.

Just as he was smiling, a 10-second countdown appeared on the display.







[A new round of guessing begins]

As the countdown ended, the virtual character on the screen immediately raised his hand to guess the game.

Its movements were no longer synchronized with that of Zhao Yuanzhong in front of the screen, and it just guessed on its own and made a scissors expressionlessly.

Zhao Yuanzhong didn't react and guessed nothing.

[Sorry, you lost]

Along with this text prompt message appears.

The next second, the iron door, which had opened with a 2cm gap, immediately automatically dropped and closed, tightly sticking to the ground.

at the same time.

Except for Lin Zichen, the other four people's expressions suddenly changed and they screamed in pain.

As punishment for losing the guessing game, the whole room was electrified.

The current intensity is very high.

Shen Qinghan and Shangguan Yueying were relatively weak, only ordinary sixth level. They were directly shocked to the point where their legs became weak and they collapsed on the ground, their pretty faces full of pain.

Zhao Yuanzhong was okay and could barely stand up while holding on to the iron door.

Zhang Kai was in the worst situation. There were many precision electronic parts in his body, which would be attacked by electric current. Most of the electronic parts malfunctioned, causing him to become paralyzed.

Compared with these four people, Lin Zichen looked much better.

He has tempered his body three times, and his physical strength is comparable to that of advanced second-level creatures.

I just feel a little numb in my body.

Apart from that, there is no other discomfort.

The only special thing is that there is a prompt message in front of you.

[You are suffering from a high-intensity electric current attack. Electricity resistance +1+1+1+1+1...]

It’s [use it or lose it] at work.

The more you are shocked, the higher your resistance to electricity.

About 10 seconds later.

The high-intensity electric attack finally stopped.

The two girls were so shocked that they collapsed on the ground, their legs too weak to stand up.

Zhang Kai was even worse than them. Many electronic parts on his body were destroyed and he became disabled on the spot. He could not even raise his hands.

Zhao Yuanzhong is physically stronger and can barely stand up.

"Lin Zichen, why are you okay?"

Seeing Lin Zichen standing like a normal person, Zhao Yuanzhong suddenly looked puzzled.

Lin Zichen explained: "I have not been afraid of electricity since I was a child, and my ability to withstand electricity is far beyond that of ordinary people."

Zhao Yuanzhong was eye-opening: "Real or fake, and you still have this kind of physique?"




A countdown begins on the display.

Shangguan Yueying noticed it and immediately shouted to Zhao Yuanzhong anxiously: "Captain, the next round of guessing is about to begin!"

Zhao Yuanzhong was excited when he heard this, and quickly stood up facing the screen, getting ready for guessing.

At the end of the countdown, he and the virtual character guessed at the same time.

All that comes out is cloth.

It’s a draw.

[Not bad, it’s a draw]

The next second the prompt message appeared, the closed iron door automatically moved upward by 1 centimeter.

Then, the countdown appears again on the display.




"I wiped it, why did it start again?!"

Looking at the countdown on the display screen, Zhao Yuanzhong felt his scalp numb.

Lin Zichen guessed: "It should be that once the guessing game starts, it cannot be stopped. You must either pass the level or be eliminated by being shocked."

Zhao Yuanzhong wanted to vomit blood after hearing this: "Okay, what the hell kind of level is this?"


The countdown is over.

Zhao Yuanzhong and the virtual character guessed at the same time.

The former produces cloth, the latter produces scissors.

[Sorry, you lost]


As a scream sounded, the other four people except Lin Zichen were electrocuted again.

With great difficulty, the iron door was opened 1 centimeter, but it was also closed tightly at this time.

After 10 seconds, the electric shock ends.

Shen Qinghan and Shangguan Yueying were so shocked that they sat leaning against the wall and could not stand up.

Zhao Yuanzhong was shocked to the point of kneeling on the ground.

Zhang Kai was still the worst one, being paralyzed directly by the electric face.

Only Lin Zichen stood as usual, looking like a normal person.




The countdown has started again.

Zhao Yuanzhong couldn't stand it anymore, so he moved away and said to Lin Zichen: "I was electrocuted and I won't be able to stand up for a while. You are not afraid of electricity. It's up to you to guess."


Lin Zichen responded, walked to the display screen and stopped facing the avatar.



[A new round of guessing begins]

The countdown ended, Lin Zichen and the virtual character guessed at the same time.

What he produced was scissors, and what the avatar produced was rock.

[Sorry, you lost]

As soon as this prompt message appeared, the metal room was instantly electrified.


Shen Qinghan and others were electrocuted again.

Lin Zichen continued guessing.

Guessed 6 times in a row.

Win 1 time.

Flat 1 time.

Lose 4 times.

"Lin Zichen, are you good at guessing? You can lose 4 times if you guess 6 times. Do you want to electrocute us?"

Zhao Yuanzhong was directly accused of being the scapegoat of Zhao, and he couldn't help but complain.

Zhang Kai, who was paralyzed on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, looked at Shen Qinghan sideways, and asked: "Xiao Shen, have you figured out the rules?"

Shen Qinghan shook his head: "Not yet, there are too few samples."

Zhang Kai was desperate.

This is not a breakthrough!

This is simply torture for a mechanically modified person!

Everyone was given electric anesthesia!




Soon, a new round of guessing begins.

Round after round.

Lin Zichen's face turned dark.

Guessed 10 times, lost 7 times, and shocked the other four people to the point of death.

They all collapsed to the ground helplessly.

The body twitched slightly.

His face looked very ugly.

Lin Zichen looked back at the four people.

Seeing that everyone's physical injuries were not serious, but the pain was strong, I felt relieved and continued to play guessing games with the virtual characters.

As for Zhang Kai, the injury was to an electronic component. He was not injured and was not in the way.

"Xiaochen, my neck was numbed by electric shock. I couldn't lift my head for a while and couldn't see the screen..."

Shen Qinghan was about to be electrocuted into a vegetative state, and could only ask Lin Zichen for help in a feeble voice.

She wanted Lin Zichen to help her to the display screen so that she could clearly see the virtual character's guessing game.

"Then let me carry you over and take a look."

Lin Zichen said as he walked to Shen Qinghan, leaned over and hugged her.

Just hold it with one hand.

Let her sit with her butt on her forearms, her body against her chest, and her head on her shoulders.

It looked like a father holding his young daughter.

Having strong arms means you can do whatever you want.




A new round of guessing is about to begin.

Upon seeing this, Lin Zichen quickly carried Shen Qinghan over.

At the moment when the countdown ended, he and the avatar on the screen punched simultaneously.

What he produced was scissors, and what the avatar produced was rock.

[Sorry, you lost]


The people in the room were electrocuted again.

Shen Qinghan didn't scream, but his mouth was slightly open due to the shock, and he looked uncomfortable.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to endure it in order to successfully pass the level.

Keep in mind every guessing game of the virtual character and see if you can draw any rules from it.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

in the coming time.

Lin Zichen guessed punches with the virtual character 23 times, but Shen Qinghan couldn't figure out the pattern.

There seems to be no pattern in the guessing games of virtual characters.

"Xiaochen, I can't stand it anymore. I feel like I'm going to pee if I get shocked again..."

Shen Qinghan clamped his legs and put his mouth to Lin Zichen's ear, his voice was inaudible.

She had been electrocuted to the point of becoming unconscious and gradually lost control of her body.

I feel like I can barely control the water in my body.

It's going to flow out.

In order not to pee her pants in front of everyone, she had no choice but to ask Lin Zichen for help and let him pass the test.

"I see."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he put Shen Qinghan down.

Then he flashed to the window and took down a piece of glass from above.

Then, return to the display before the countdown ends, and point the glass in your hand at the virtual character on the display.

The purpose is to let the virtual character guess the game with himself in the mirror, resulting in a constant tie.

As for whether it can succeed, Lin Zichen is not sure.

Anyway, let’s try it first.

If that doesn't work, use other cracking methods.

For example, hacking into a display modification program.

If that still doesn't work, just break the door violently.


Shen Qinghan and others opened their eyes wide and stared at the display screen, praying in their hearts that Lin Zichen's method would succeed.




[A new round of guessing begins]

After the countdown ends.

The virtual character on the screen raised his hand to guess the game against the glass and produced a pair of scissors.

At this moment, Shen Qinghan and others were panicking.

Everyone was tense.

Be mentally prepared to be shocked.

Soon, a text message popped up on the display screen.

[Not bad, it’s a draw]

At the same time, the closed iron door automatically moved upward by 1 centimeter.

Zhao Yuanzhong: "Is it really done?"

Zhang Kai: "Good guy, you can pass the level so easily. I was shocked just now!"

Shangguan Yueying: "Lin Zichen is so smart..."

Shen Qinghan didn't say anything, but frowned slightly, feeling very annoyed.

If only my observation skills were better.

In this way, everyone won't have to be shocked so many times just now.

My thinking is still not flexible enough...

Thinking about it, Shen Qinghan felt full of disappointment.

She realized that the gap between herself and Lin Zichen was all-round.

Not only is there a gap in force, there is also a gap in brain power.

The gap is so big that there is no possibility of catching up.

Lin Zichen noticed Shen Qinghan's strangeness and comforted him in a gentle voice: "If it were me, the first method I would think of would be to find patterns."

"No one is sure which method is right."

"We can only try and make mistakes one by one."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he added: "Without your previous trial and error, I wouldn't have been able to find the right way to pass the level so quickly."


A smile appeared on Shen Qinghan's face.

However, this smile looked a little forced, as if he was forcing a smile.

She was not stupid, she knew that Lin Zichen was trying to comfort him.

The prerequisite for being able to try and make mistakes one by one is to be able to think of multiple ways to pass the level.

And she, from beginning to end, only thought of a regular way to pass the level, and was not even qualified to try and make mistakes.

[Not bad, it’s a draw]


[Not bad, it’s a draw]


[Not bad, it’s a draw]

As text prompts flashed across the screen, a hole of more than 30 centimeters wide opened in the originally closed iron door.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen and others got through one after another and successfully broke through the second level.

Walk quickly up the stairs.

Come to the third floor.

Just like when I went up to the second floor before, I saw a display screen on the wall as soon as I entered.

The progress of each team's clearance is displayed above.

Lin Zichen stepped forward to check and found that the third team of ABC had not passed the level yet and were still playing the third level.

The other four people also came up to take a look.

Among them, Zhao Yuanzhong was very surprised: "They haven't cleared the customs yet?"

Shangguan Yueying frowned: "I remember when we first entered the second level, they were already playing the third level. It's been so long and we haven't passed the level yet. Is this third level so difficult?"

Zhang Kai's face was solemn: "Our team's strength is already weak. When we just passed the second level, we consumed so much and our strength became weaker. Now it seems that it will be difficult to pass the third level."

Shen Qinghan said nothing, silently massaging his body to speed up blood circulation and help his body recover as quickly as possible.

With Lin Zichen here, she doesn't need to worry about customs clearance.

Her only worry is whether she can perform well and play a certain role.

Rather than having Lin Zichen come to the rescue every time he encounters a dilemma.

"Everyone has consumed a lot just now. How about we sit down and take a rest?"

Lin Zichen suggested.

Zhang Kai was the first to agree: "It's really time to take a rest. Many electronic parts on my body have problems. I need to check them carefully and repair them as much as possible to restore combat effectiveness as much as possible."

Zhao Yuanzhong nodded and said as the captain: "Then everyone should take a rest and wait until the combat strength is almost restored before going in to challenge the third level."

Just like that, the five people stopped in front of the entrance to the third level and took a short rest.

Lin Zichen walked up to Shen Qinghan and said in a gentle voice: "Hanhan, come here and sit down together. I will massage your muscles to speed up your recovery."


Shen Qinghan responded and obediently walked over and sat down with Lin Zichen.

Then, he skillfully stretched his legs on Lin Zichen's thighs and asked him to massage his thighs.

Lin Zichen quickly helped her massage it.

The techniques are more skillful than those of professional technicians.

If you put it on the market and sell it, you have to charge at least 1,000 yuan an hour.

"It's great to have a boyfriend to help press it."

Shangguan Yueying looked envious.

When Zhao Yuanzhong heard this, he immediately stepped forward and said to her with a smile: "If you don't mind, I can help you press it. I usually help people relax their muscles, and my technique is very good."

Shangguan Yueying smiled and declined: "Thank you for your kindness, but I'd better say goodbye. It's not appropriate."

Zhao Yuanzhong smiled: "That's right. Men and women don't interact with each other. It's because I'm too enthusiastic."

Zhang Kai, who was inspecting the mechanical parts in the front, couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this: "I'm overthinking it. It's just that she doesn't want to be pressed by you. If Zichen said to help her press it, she would definitely agree."

Zhao Yuanzhong was so embarrassed that he wanted to hit Zhang Kai.

Shangguan Yueying also rolled her eyes at Zhang Kai and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't know how, don't talk nonsense!"

Although what Zhang Kai said is true, saying it so bluntly is deliberately disgusting.

Zhao Yuanzhong couldn't stand Zhang Kai's behavior, so he opened his mouth to attack him.

However, before he could say anything, he was suddenly stuck in his throat and couldn't speak.

He saw an incredible scene!

On the display screen in front, it actually showed that Team C failed to pass the level!

What's happening here? !

the other side.

Shen Qinghan also noticed the clearance progress on the display screen and saw that Team C failed to clear the level.

She was surprised and told Lin Zichen immediately, with a hint of surprise in her voice: "Xiaochen, look at the screen, Team C failed!"

Hearing this, Lin Zichen looked up at the display on the wall and saw that Team C had failed to break through.

Zhang Kai and Shangguan Yueying also looked at the display on the wall when they heard the sound.

When they saw Team C failing to break through, both of them thought they had made a mistake.

Is this entrance exam so difficult?

How could he still pass the level and fail?


Just when everyone was shocked by the news that Team C failed to break through, a scene that made them even more unbelievable happened.

I saw that Team B and Team A on the screen showed that they had failed to pass the level and were eliminated in just two seconds.

Everyone was confused and thought they were hallucinating.

After a moment to react, everyone exclaimed with confusion on their faces.

Zhao Yuanzhong: "Why were all three ABC teams suddenly wiped out?"

Zhang Kai: "Come on, there is no need to rest now. Even the third team of ABC is kneeling. We, the weaker ones, have no chance to pass the level."

Shangguan Yueying: "What on earth is going on in this third level? Why do you say that if the group is destroyed, the group will be destroyed?"

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan didn't speak.

Among them, Lin Zichen had an idea and instantly spread out his perception to see what was going on in the third level.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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