Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 162 Powerful Beijing University Freshman

The canteen in the military area is very spacious.

It is estimated to be one thousand square meters.

There are either tables or chairs inside, without any extra decoration.

It looks very simple and in line with the style of the military zone.

It was 12 o'clock at noon, and the dining hall was full of soldiers eating.

Lin Zichen used [Danger Sense] to secretly sense the biological levels of these soldiers.

For a small number of people, the level gap may be too large to be perceived.

Almost half of those that can be sensed are advanced creatures.

The average strength is exaggeratedly high.

Moreover, many of them have an evil spirit about them.

The pressure is extremely strong.

There must have been a lot of fighting in the source area, and there was a lot of blood on his hands...

Lin Zichen thought so in his heart.

Soon, a few people swiped their cards to get their meals, and then they randomly found a seat by the window and sat down to eat.

"Xiao Chen, this food is delicious, much better than the food in the school cafeteria!"

Shen Qinghan took a bite of the food, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

She originally thought that in such a big canteen, the food cooked in big pots would probably not taste good.

Now I realize that I was biased.

"Xiaochen, try it."

Shen Qinghan picked up a piece of fried tofu and brought it to Lin Zichen's mouth affectionately.

Lin Zichen didn't think too much, opened his mouth and ate it. After tasting the taste, he nodded in agreement and said: "It tastes really good."

Oh shit!

Show affection in front of singles.

Is this something a human can do? !

Seeing Shen Qinghan feeding Lin Zichen fried tofu, Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian almost died of soreness and cursed in their hearts.

Ma Xiwei didn't feel anything. At this stage, she was not interested in the relationship between men and women.

There was only one thought in her mind, and that was to get stronger, get stronger, keep getting stronger!

Strong enough to fight for his father Ma Zhenhe!

Strong enough to make my father hold his head high in front of my grandparents!

"Xiwei, feed me a piece of tofu. I also want to experience the beauty of being fed by a beautiful woman."

Li Moyu looked at Ma Xiwei opposite and made such a request to her.

Ma Xi didn't even raise his head and cursed expressionlessly: "Get out!"


Seeing Li Moyu being scolded, Luo Yongjian laughed out loud with schadenfreude and almost spit out his rice.

Li Moyu laughed to ease the embarrassment.

He guessed that Ma Xiwei had a strong personality and would have a crush on him, who was stronger, so he tried to interact with her to see if he could develop a relationship.

Unexpectedly, Ma Xiwei didn't care about him at all, and now he was a pure clown.

At this time, five people came into the dining hall.

Four men and one woman.

They all seem to be around 20 years old.

Lin Zichen sat facing the door and saw these five people at the first moment.

He first noticed the only girl among the five.

That girl is very good-looking.

The skin is white and beautiful, with uneven texture.

The only drawback is that the calves and arms look a bit thick, the muscles are too strong, and they don't look as tender and attractive as Shen Qinghan.

At this time, these five people were walking and looking at the dining hall curiously, looking like they were new arrivals.

If nothing else, these five people should also be top talents invited to participate in special training, and they are most likely freshmen at Beijing University.

The reason for guessing that it was a new student from Beijing University was because the other party was not a mechanical transformation person, so it was ruled out that he was someone from the Machine God Group.

Then, when he came in, he looked around and ruled out anyone from the military area.

To sum up, it can only be a freshman at Beijing University.

And what Li Moyu said next also confirmed Lin Zichen's guess.

Li Moyu looked at the five people from a distance and said to the four people sitting together eating:

"Look over there at the door, there are freshmen coming to participate in special training on behalf of Beijing University."

"The two men walking in the front are my classmates in high school. After the college entrance examination, they both enrolled in the School of Evolution at Beijing University."

"Those two, one is the second best in Kyoto, and the other is the third overall pick in Kyoto. They were both defeated by me. I was suspended from high school for three years."

When he said these last words, Li Moyu's face was full of pride, and he looked like he deserved a beating.

On the other side, the person he said was the second best player in Kyoto and the third best player in Kyoto also saw him and were walking towards him unhurriedly.

Not long after, the group from Beijing University came to the table and stopped.

Among them, the best girl in Kyoto, a boy with eyes so small that he almost squinted, smiled at Li Moyu with a look of trouble:

"Traitor, what a coincidence?"

The word "traitor" refers to the fact that Li Moyu did not apply to Peking University after the college entrance examination, but went to Shandong University, betraying the years of cultivation at the High School Affiliated to Peking University.

Li Moyu smiled and retorted directly: "Who are you calling a traitor?"

"I'm useless?"

The boy with squinted eyes also smiled, not taking Li Moyu seriously at all, and said confidently: "Li Moyu, do you think this is still in high school?"

"Now and then, from the moment you chose to be a traitor and enroll in Shandong University, your strength was destined to be surpassed by Qin Chuan and I."

"Now, you are the waste in our eyes, okay?"

The boy's tone with narrowed eyes became more and more arrogant, and every word was thorny and extremely aggressive.

He looked down on traitors like Li Moyu who obviously grew up with the resources of Beijing University, but ended up enrolling in universities in other provinces.

There is no need to respect traitors.

"Are you two worthy?"

Li Moyu retorted with disdain: "You are such rubbish, I don't have any pressure to fight against two, you two should go back and wash up and sleep!"

The two sides were very acrimonious, with tit-for-tat confrontation and all kinds of personal attacks.

What rubbish, what trash, just open your mouth and spray it without any scruples.

Many soldiers eating around heard the commotion and turned their heads to watch the show with great interest.

"Li Moyu, let's have a fight?"

The second-place finisher in Kyoto who had been silent all this time, the Qin Chuan that the narrow-eyed boy just mentioned, suddenly looked at Li Moyu with a calm expression and asked.

When Li Moyu heard this, he stopped eating and stood up directly and said: "It's just what I want!"

If his subordinates were defeated, he would be humiliated, and he had no reason to refuse.

I have to stomp on my head hard later!

Once you step on them, they will be convinced and won’t dare to jump up and down again!

"There is a martial arts stage on the playground outside. Let's go there to show off."

After saying these words, Qin Chuan turned around and walked out of the dining hall, heading towards the martial arts stage on the playground.

Li Moyu didn't talk nonsense, raised his legs and followed him.

"Come on, let's go there too."

After saying that, Luo Yongjian quickly took a few mouthfuls of white rice into his mouth, then stood up and left his seat, chewing the rice in his mouth, and followed quickly.

Ma Xiwei saw this and silently stood up to follow.

"Xiaochen, let's go there too."

Seeing that everyone had left, Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen and said.

Lin Zichen had no intention of getting up. He ate slowly and said calmly:

"Let's eat first, and then go over and see when you're full, otherwise you'll be hungry in the afternoon."


Shen Qinghan chose to sit and eat obediently, thinking that he would go there together when Lin Zichen was full.

I thought so, but I had no intention of eating it.

My thoughts are all outside.

Want to go watch a showdown.

On the contrary, Lin Zichen was not interested in the duel between novices outside and just wanted to eat in silence.

But when Shen Qinghan met, she really wanted to see it, so she took two symbolic mouthfuls of rice. Then, he put down his chopsticks and said to her, "When you're full, let's go. Let's go over and have a look."

"All three of their plates have been confiscated. Let's help collect them before we go over." Shen Qinghan was very responsible.

Lin Zichen didn't speak, and silently packed up the dishes on the table with her and put them where they should be, and then went outside to watch the showdown together.

Leave the dining hall.

Come to the playground.

The two found that many onlookers had gathered around to watch the excitement.

Most of them were people who were going to the canteen to eat.

On the way over, these people saw someone wanting to compete, and they were freshmen from the two major schools who came to participate in special training, so they stopped to watch out of curiosity.

At this time, the duel has not yet begun.

In fact, there was no one on the martial arts platform at all.

The two sides who are going to compete on stage are currently discussing the bets of the confrontation off the stage.

Since there is a duel and there is a winner or loser, then let’s bet.

If you don’t gamble, there’s no point in winning.

After some discussion.

In the end, both sides decided that the loser would call the winner grandpa.

After deciding the bet for the duel, Li Moyu jumped onto the martial arts platform first and shouted arrogantly to the No. 2 player in Kyoto and the No. 3 player in Kyoto:

"You two come together to save me from wasting time by beating each of you!"

"There's no need, Gao Mu alone is enough to crush you."

Qin Chuan crossed his arms and said calmly.

The Gao Mu he was talking about was the boy with narrow eyes who was ranked No. 1 in Kyoto and ranked lower than him in the college entrance examination.

"Huh, just him?"

Li Moyu sneered contemptuously: "I can crush him with one hand!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Mu jumped onto the martial arts stage, looked at Li Moyu and said, "You arrogant fool, Yelang, you will know what shame means in a moment."

"Stop talking nonsense and let the fight begin!"

After finishing speaking, Li Moyu activated the magic-eyed giant ape gene and shadow night cat gene in his body. While his body grew larger, a pair of purple animal ears sprouted from the top of his head.

The Shadow Night Cat gene was fused when he was at home last week. It was mainly used to make up for his lack of speed, taking into account both strength and agility for all-round development.

On the other side, Gao Mu also had an idea to activate the alien gene sleeping in his body.

Afterwards, the skin on his body began to calcify at a speed visible to the naked eye until it turned into extremely hard scales.

Lin Zichen recognized the alien gene fused by the freshman from Beijing University.

It’s the gene of the armored earth dragon!

This is an earth attribute beast with extremely strong defense!

It's just an ordinary ninth-level armored earth dragon, but its defense is so high that it can withstand a full-strength punch from an advanced first-level magic-eyed giant ape, and its whole body remains unscathed.


Only a crisp impact sound was heard.

On the martial arts stage, Li Moyu was already fighting with Gao Mu.

Li Moyu was the main attacker, swinging his casserole-sized fists and punching hard, straightening his legs as hard as steel pipes and kicking hard. Every attack was aimed at Gao Mu's vitals.

Gao Mu defended, relying on his scales to resist Li Moyu's attack, and took the opportunity to find a flaw in Li Moyu's body to counterattack.

The two sides looked at the fight fiercely.

But one cannot hurt the other, and the other cannot hit the other.

No one can do anything to anyone.

"Xiao Chen, these two seem to be unable to do anything to each other. It feels like if they keep fighting like this, the outcome will probably be a tie."

Shen Qinghan watched the battle in the audience for a long time. When he saw that the two were fighting back and forth and they were equally matched, he said this to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen looked calm: "This duel will not be a draw, the one from Beijing University named Gao Mu will win."

"How to say?"

Shen Qinghan turned his head to look at Lin Zichen and asked with some confusion.

She felt that the situation on the stage was 50-50, and she didn't understand why Lin Zichen believed that the people from Beijing University would win.

Lin Zichen leaned close to her ear and explained in a low voice:

"That person from Beijing University is hiding his clumsiness and is not using all his strength. I sense that there are two alien beast genes in the body of that person from Beijing University, and one alien gene is not activated. In contrast, Li Moyu has already used all his strength. ”

"Is that so?"

Shen Qinghan's eyes widened, but he was still confused.

Who didn't use all his strength? How can you tell?

Could it be Xiaochen’s super power?

Can he see other people's trump cards?

Shen Qinghan thought this in his heart, and his eyes quickly focused on the martial arts platform.

She wanted to see if it was true, as Lin Zichen said, that the squinty-eyed boy from Beijing University named Gao Mu would win the duel in the end.

About two minutes later.

The two people on the martial arts platform distanced themselves from each other.

Li Moyu looked at Gao Mu, frowned and said: "What gene is not good to fuse? But if you fuse an armored earth dragon gene that can only defend but not attack, you will have to rely on being a turtle until the draw is drawn. It's boring."

"Can only defend but not attack? A draw?"

Gao Mu smiled, looked at Li Moyu with a playful look in his eyes and said, "Big Scholar Li, do you think there is a possibility that you have already tried your best, but I haven't yet?"

The moment he finished speaking, he immediately had an idea and activated a new alien gene.


His body began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Explosive muscles bulge on your body!

The entire body size has increased by half!

It's the magic-eyed giant ape gene.

This Beijing University freshman named Gao Mu, like Li Moyu, also incorporates the magic-eyed giant ape gene.

"This is impossible!"

Li Moyu couldn't believe the scene in front of her and questioned: "With your talent, how could you successfully fuse two different alien beast genes in your first year of college? There must be something wrong!"

Gao Mu explained: "Li Moyu, my talent is not as good as yours."


"Beijing University's gene fusion technology is far superior to that of Shandong University. It allows me, who is not as talented as you, to become a secondary gene fusion person in the first semester of my freshman year."

"Betraying Beijing University and choosing to study at Shandong University will be the worst decision you have ever made in your life."

After saying that, Gao Mu stopped talking nonsense and immediately took a step forward to kill Li Moyu.

Gao Mu's attack speed was not very fast, and Li Moyu was able to dodge it completely.

However, Li Moyu didn't hide at all.

In his eyes, Gao Mu had always been a loser.

His pride did not allow him to avoid the attack of a defeated general.

We must fight head-on with all our strength!

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

A deafening crash was heard.

Li Moyu and Gao Mu exchanged fists wildly, with no intention of hiding from the beginning to the end. They were always punching to the flesh, fighting each other for strength.

The fist fight lasted for half a minute.

In the end, Li Moyu, whose defense was not as good as his opponent's, was defeated first.

His fists were torn and bruised, and when he was exhausted, he was knocked out of the martial arts platform by his opponent. Unfortunately, he lost the duel.

"Traitor, call me grandpa!"

Gao Mu, who won the duel, walked to the edge of the martial arts platform and looked down at Li Moyu and shouted.

Li Moyu was so frustrated that she wanted to clench her fists, but as soon as she exerted force, she was so painful that she broke into a cold sweat. Both of her fists were already comminuted and fractured, and she couldn't clench them at all.

If it weren't for the crowd, he would have screamed out in pain.

"What, you can't afford to lose?"

Seeing that Li Moyu didn't call her grandpa for a long time, Gao Mu's face was full of contempt.

Li Moyu is willing to admit defeat.

He gritted his teeth, held back the shame, and shouted to Gao Mu on the stage:


After calling grandpa.

Li Moyu immediately stood up and disappeared into the crowd to avoid further embarrassment.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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