Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 159 Military Region Special Training

1:30 p.m.

There is still half an hour before the fifth round of the showdown begins.

By this time, the stadium was already packed with spectators, and it looked even more crowded than in the morning.

Among them, there are many members of the student union, tutors from various colleges, and school leaders.

The first four rounds were all small fights.

The three rounds of games in the afternoon, the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals, are the top priority.

"Who do you think can take first place?"

"Lin Zichen."

"Who else could it be besides Lin Zichen?"

"Lin Zichen's physical body is so strong that he completely overwhelms his peers, such as Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian. Only when their genetic fusion takes a step further next semester will they have a chance to overtake him."

Many people in the audience were talking about who would win the first place in the freshman competition.

Whether they are ordinary students, members of the student union, or school leaders, almost everyone thinks that Lin Zichen can take first place.

It was true that Lin Zichen performed too well in the opening trial.

In addition, Lin Zichen caused another controversy some time ago, showing his stronger strength.

In terms of overall performance, he is the well-deserved number one among the freshmen.

Soon, the time came to 2pm.

The quarterfinals have officially begun.

Lin Zichen took the lead and his opponent was Lu Qizhi, the strongest college entrance examination champion in the history of Yuntian Province.

"Two contestants, are you ready?"

"Ready." x2

"The duel begins!"

With the referee's decision, the first showdown in the quarterfinals began.

Lu Qizhi struck first, and a large amount of dark fog suddenly filled up behind him, shrouding the entire martial arts platform in thick black fog.

He has fused the Miasma Poison Sable gene, and the black mist he releases is highly toxic, and just one wisp can poison an elephant.

Facing such a highly toxic poison, Lin Zichen felt nothing at all.

Because of the attribute [Invulnerable to Poisons], it directly immunizes against poisonous mist attacks.

In order to prevent the poisonous mist from dispersing from the protective shield around the stage and accidentally injuring the spectators outside.

Lin Zichen rushed out with a quick step and kicked Lu Qizhi out of the martial arts platform. He hit the protective shield with a bang and fainted, winning at the speed of light.

At the end of the duel.

A robot flew into the protective shield and absorbed all the poisonous mist, clearing a clean battlefield for the next duel.

Wait until the battlefield is cleaned up.

The referee in the audience immediately shouted loudly:

"Invite me, Ma Xiwei from the genius class and Shen Qinghan from the genius class, come on stage and prepare for a duel!"

The words just fell.

Shen Qinghan and Ma Xiwei walked out of the player waiting area at the same time and boarded the martial arts platform from the left and right directions.

Their appearance is the most dazzling among the freshmen.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted the attention of all the men in the audience.

"I really didn't expect that Shen Qinghan could reach the quarterfinals. This is a huge improvement compared to the trial at the beginning of school."

In the audience, the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ma Zhenhe nodded and said: "The progress is indeed great, it is incredible. It is a pity that we faced Xiwei, otherwise we would have a chance to reach the semi-finals."

After hearing what he said, Yuan Dongzhi next to him smiled and said nothing.

What a pity that he faced Xiwei?

Your daughter is no match for my little apprentice.

Let’s wait and see.

On the martial arts stage.

Ma Xi looked at Shen Qinghan slightly and said, "I'm surprised that you can reach the quarterfinals, but that's the end of it."

She spoke in a condescending tone, not treating Shen Qinghan as a rival at all.

In her eyes, her only opponents were Lin Zichen and Li Moyu.

Except for these two top geniuses, she ignored everyone else.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm not weak."

Shen Qinghan looked directly into Ma Xiwei's eyes and said in a calm voice.

As she said this, she tried to calm herself down as much as possible, but she still felt a little nervous.

Ma Xiwei is a genius in the first echelon of freshmen. She has never played against a strong player of this level and lacks confidence.

But soon, her eyes became determined, thinking that she must win.

As long as he defeats Ma Xiwei and successfully enters the next round of semi-finals, there is a high probability that he will be able to face Lin Zichen.

She wanted to fight Lin Zichen as an opponent.

Even if there is no doubt that he will lose, he still wants to compete with Lin Zichen on the same stage.

It’s not about winning or losing, it’s just an obsession.

I have been a human being for 19 years, and have lived under the protection of Lin Zichen for 19 years.

From now on, she wants to change this relationship.

From now on, never be a dependent sister under Lin Zichen's protection.

If you want to be a good helper, you should be a good helper who can solve Lin Zichen's problems.

"You two, are you ready?"

Seeing the two people on the stage standing still, the referee asked loudly.

Ma Xiwei: "Okay."

Shen Qinghan: "Ready."

As soon as the referee heard this, he immediately raised his right hand, then slashed down and said: "The duel begins!"

At this moment when the sound falls.

The two girls on the stage both activated the alien beast genes in their bodies with a thought. A pair of purple beast ears grew on the top of one's head, and the hair of the other became blue and shiny, and they instantly entered a fighting state.


A sound breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Ma Xiwei took the lead and turned into an afterimage, killing Shen Qinghan at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

She was right not to regard Shen Qinghan as her opponent.

However, this does not mean that she will do the stupid and arrogant act of standing still and letting others take the first shot.

As long as you stand on the martial arts stage, you will definitely go all out when taking action.

"So fast!"

Seeing Ma Xiwei's speed, Shen Qinghan was shocked.

At the same time, with a thought, he controlled the qi and blood in Ma Xiwei's body from the air, causing chaos in his body.

Ma Xiwei, who was sprinting at high speed, suddenly felt weak in his limbs and felt dizzy.

Realizing something was wrong, she immediately stopped rushing towards Shen Qinghan and quickly retreated to her original position.

The energy and blood in the body has been manipulated? !

Shen Qinghan can actually do this? !

How can this be!

Ma Xiwei looked at Shen Qinghan in disbelief, feeling extremely horrified and unwilling to believe the fact before her.


There was an explosion that broke through the air.

Shen Qinghan took action, taking advantage of the chaos in Ma Xiwei's body, and rushed towards her at extremely fast speed, aiming at her head and sweeping her with a kick.

Ma Xiwei reacted very quickly, resisting the negative state of chaotic energy and blood, raised his arms in time to protect his head, and blocked Shen Qinghan's kick without any risk.

However, just blocking one kick is simply not enough.

Shen Qinghan didn't give Ma Xi a chance to breathe. Seeing that her kick was blocked, she immediately punched her exposed neck.

Ma Xiwei immediately turned her body slightly to avoid the fatal punch.

Unfortunately, just as he dodged it, he was hit with another knee in the next moment.


Shen Qinghan's knee pressed hard against Ma Xiwei's abdomen.

The powerful impact that burst out instantly made Ma Xi's stomach churn, her throat was sweet, and then she spurted out a mouthful of blood with a "pop" sound.

Shen Qinghan did not stop and continued to launch a fierce attack on Ma Xiwei.

She held Ma Xiwei's head with both hands, raised her legs and hit him with several knees, using all her strength on each blow.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Only a dull crashing sound was heard.

Ma Xiwei was pushed so hard that his eyes rolled back and his tongue stuck out weakly. He lost consciousness and fainted.


"The opponent has lost combat effectiveness!"

"You can stop!"

Seeing that Ma Xiwei had lost consciousness, the referee in the audience quickly shouted at Shen Qinghan who was still attacking.

When Shen Qinghan heard the sound, he immediately stopped attacking and let go of Ma Xiwei in front of him.

Only then did she realize that Ma Xiwei had fainted, his nose was collapsed, and his face was covered in blood.

"I-I won?"

Shen Qinghan was in a daze.

She had thought that she would lose, and she had also thought that she would be exhausted and win in the end, but she never thought that she would win so easily.

That's Ma Xiwei!

He is a top genius who has already performed gene fusion before school started!

Such a genius was actually beaten by me to the point where he was unable to fight back. He lost in less than 10 seconds!

Am I so strong?

The more Shen Qinghan thought about it, the more unreal it felt, and he suspected that he was dreaming.

But the slight pain that kept coming from her knees always told her that this was true.

He really defeated Ma Xiwei easily with an absolutely crushing attitude.

at the same time.

The people in the audience seat, the leadership seat, and the contestant waiting area were all stunned, and without exception, all their faces were filled with expressions of disbelief.

Especially the player waiting area was filled with a burst of incredible exclamations.

"Ma Xiwei actually lost?!"

“And you lost so hard that you couldn’t fight back?!

"How can this be?!"

"Didn't you say that Shen Qinghan is a vase?!"

"This is not a vase, this is a vase studded with diamonds!"

"It can kill someone in one hit!"

In the contestant waiting area, Li Moyu was completely stunned. He subconsciously exclaimed repeatedly, showing off his talkative personality to the fullest.

Luo Yongjian next to him was stunned on the spot, his mouth wide enough to fit a fist, and he was speechless for a long time.

Luo Yongjian originally thought that he was the third child in the genius class, but now he is now the fourth child.

Four four four, the same pronunciation, extremely unpleasant!

On the other side, the leader's chair.

The school leaders and members of the student union all opened their eyes with shock.

Shen Qinghan's explosive fighting power shocked them.


Ma Zhenhe, a maniac who dotes on girls, saw his daughter fainted after being beaten to death. He shouted anxiously and immediately ran to the martial arts platform to check on his daughter's injuries.

Liu Chuanwu looked incredulous: "What's going on with these childhood sweethearts? They obviously have simple family backgrounds, how come they are both so talented?"

Zhou Xuehong, the president of the student union, stared at Shen Qinghan on the stage with admiration, and said to the vice president beside him: "This Shen Qinghan has great potential. We must recruit her into the student union and train her as the president's seed."

The vice president frowned: "President, Shen Qinghan is Lin Zichen's fiancée. She has been fighting with Lin Zichen for a while. She has been fighting against us. There is no way to attack her."

Zhou Xuehong said calmly: "There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests. As long as we can give enough preferential treatment, there will be no one we can't recruit."

More than ten minutes later.

The remaining two games of the fifth round have also been played.

Counting the previous two games, the results of all four games have been determined.

The four people who advanced are Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan, Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian.

Soon, random matching began on the big screen above the martial arts platform.

After a few seconds, the matching results came out.

Lin Zichen vs Shen Qinghan.

Li Moyu vs Luo Yongjian.

When Shen Qinghan saw that his opponent was Lin Zichen, his face turned red with excitement and he said, "Xiaochen, we are going to compete on the same stage. This is the first time since we met!"

Lin Zichen: "Are you so excited?"

Shen Qinghan: "As for, very important!"

Lin Zichen smiled: "If you are matched with Luo Yongjian, then we can compete on the same stage in the finals."

Shen Qinghan said optimistically: "I am very satisfied to reach the semi-finals. I don't dare to force the finals. I am lucky not to be matched with Li Moyu."

Not long after, the semifinals began.

The first ones to appear were Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian.

The fight lasted more than a minute.

The final result was that Li Moyu won with some effort and successfully advanced to the finals.

after he stepped down.


Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan then took the stage.

The two stood in position, but within a moment they exchanged hands under the referee's instructions.

"You should have punched instead of kicking, and you made the wrong choice."

"The angle of this punch is not good, and it can easily expose flaws and allow the enemy to counterattack."

"The leg clamp is too tight, please spread it further."

Lin Zichen pushed his strength to the same level as Shen Qinghan, and patiently pointed out her shortcomings while fighting with her.

The fiercely competitive semi-finals were turned into a teaching round.

It is a teaching bureau in the true sense.

Boyfriend gives advice to girlfriend.

This scene directly made many female viewers at the scene envious and wanted to have a boyfriend who could be their coach.

The duel lasted about three minutes.

Finally, it came to an end when Shen Qinghan took the initiative to admit defeat.

Shen Qinghan didn't feel ashamed to admit defeat, because both she and the audience knew that she could not beat Lin Zichen.

The most important thing is that Lin Zichen is her live-in fiancé.

What's there to be ashamed of losing to your fiancé?

Half an hour later.

The final round of the freshman competition, the finals, has finally begun.

The players on both sides are Lin Zichen and Li Moyu.

As soon as the two of them took the stage, Li Moyu among them said not to be outdone:

"Lin Zichen, my current strength may not be as good as yours, but don't even think about defeating me easily. I will hold on to a draw even if I hold on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Moyu activated the magic-eyed giant ape gene in his body and transformed into a big muscle tyrant.

Compared with the trial at the beginning of school, he is stronger now, looking at least 50% stronger.

Lin Zichen said nothing.

The moment the referee shouted "The showdown begins", he rushed directly in front of Li Moyu and kicked him out of the martial arts arena, easily winning the showdown.

For a moment, the scene fell silent.

After that, there was a burst of noisy discussion.

Especially all the leaders in the leadership table could not help but marvel at the power of Lin Zichen's physical body.

"I can hit anyone with one kick in seconds. This physical strength is too exaggerated."

"You guys think, with his physical talent so strong, can he really do something great with pure-blood humans?"

"It is indeed possible."

The school leaders were talking to each other, and they were all re-examining Lin Zichen.

Just because Lin Zichen chose to be a pure-blooded human being, we no longer give him the prejudiced label that "this kid will definitely be forgotten by everyone".

After the freshman game.

Yuan Dongzhi presented awards to the freshmen who reached the quarterfinals.

The reward is very simple and crude, it is credits.

Lin Zichen was the champion and received a reward of 500 credits.

Shen Qinghan defeated Luo Yongjian in the subsequent playoffs and became the third runner-up, and happily received a reward of 400 credits.

After taking some time to present the awards and take photos.

Yuan Dongzhi selected the top five and asked them to participate in the winter vacation special training camp.

These five people are Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan, Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian.

"This winter vacation special training camp is to participate in the military region headquarters in Nanjiang Province, which is the military region responsible for suppressing the source of No. 36.

"I won't introduce you to the place of origin. You are all geniuses and have strong family backgrounds. I guess you all know it more or less from your elders. Even if you don't know it, it doesn't matter. There will be special courses in the special training camp. Introducing the place of origin.”

"The special training camp will start in ten days, which is the 25th of this month."

"At 7 o'clock in the morning on the 24th, you all will gather downstairs in the administrative building. I will personally drive you there and meet old friends by the way."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Dongzhi left quickly.

Wait for her to go away.

Li Moyu looked at Lin Zichen and said confidently: "This winter vacation, I will go home for a second gene fusion to fuse more advanced alien beast genes."

"When I go to the military area to participate in the special training camp, it won't just be as simple as being better than you, but I will beat you to death."

"Lin Zichen, let's wait and see."

Although he had just lost to Lin Zichen in the final and was instantly killed by Lin Zichen, Li Moyu was still full of confidence.

This was due to his strong genetic fusion talent and the confidence brought to him by having a large family behind him.

Listening to Li Moyu's cruel words, Lin Zichen just smiled without saying anything. He quickly took Shen Qinghan's hand and left the podium.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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