Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 154 First order business

After leaving the gym.

Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin back to the dormitory, cooked dinner, and chatted while eating.

"Zi Chen, why are you so strong? Even the sophomore discipline inspector is no match for you."

"Hanhan, you too. You used to be weak and weak like me, but now you are so strong that I feel strange."

"I looked at my circle of friends, and He Yu seems to be pretty good now. I feel like I'm the only one out of four in our group that's standing still. It's uncomfortable."

Li Chuxin felt very uncomfortable.

When she was in high school, she didn't feel the difference between everyone.

Now that I'm in college, I feel like we are in two different worlds without realizing it.

This feeling made her a little depressed.

Lin Zichen comforted him: "If you think about it from another perspective, you may feel better if you have three legs to hug in the future."

"One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed."

Li Chuxin smiled and nodded.

When Lin Zichen thought about it, he felt much better, and even felt a little happy.

Lin Zichen took a sip of the soup and said: "Chu Xin, if you see someone around you being bullied by old students in the future, you can recommend me to them and spend your credits to find me as a thug."

"No problem, I'll cover it!"

Li Chuxin agreed immediately, smiled and said: "From now on, I will work as a gold medal salesperson for Boss Lin, help Boss Lin make his business bigger and stronger, and let Hanhan be the boss's wife!"

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "I'll trouble you, I'll arrange all the commissions for you in the future."

Li Chuxin waved her hand: "Oh, just forget it after raising the money. It seems so out of touch."

After dinner, we cleared the table together and sat and chatted for a while.

Not long after, Li Chuxin went back to his dormitory.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan played with their mobile phones for a while. When they saw that the time was almost up, they went to the bathroom to take a bath and relax together.

"By the way, Hanhan, talk to your master and ask her to modify the number of challenges."

"Cancel the number limit, or raise it a little bit."

"Otherwise we can only challenge once a week, which is too few, and the agency business will not be able to develop."

In the bathtub, Lin Zichen said to Shen Qinghan while skillfully rubbing her back.

Shen Qinghan frowned and said, "This is a revision of the school rules. Is that okay?"

"Your master has so much power, he can do it."

"No, what I mean is that Master will not change the school rules just because of my words..."

"Why not?"

Lin Zichen said disapprovingly: "You are a peerless genius, and a peerless genius at an unprecedented level. If you make such a small request, is it possible that your master can't satisfy you?"

"Besides, doesn't the school promote the law of the jungle or natural selection?"

"Removing the limit on the number of challenges can make students more competitive, which is in line with the school's philosophy."

"Trust me, your master will listen to you."

Lin Zichen's hands had moved from Shen Qinghan's back to other parts, and he said while rubbing it.

Shen Qinghan felt so comfortable that her toes curled tightly, and her voice was filled with enjoyment: "Then let me try."

After saying that, she picked up the mobile phone in front of her and sent a message to Yuan Dongzhi on WeChat as Lin Zichen said.

After that, Yuan Dongzhi replied in less than five minutes.

Agree to remove the limit on the number of challenges.

You actually agreed?

Shen Qinghan was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

Then, there was an indescribable joy.


Is this what it feels like to have privilege?

After being born as a human being for eighteen years, I can finally experience Xiaochen’s usual genius treatment!

After being excited for a while.

Shen Qinghan calmed down and said to Lin Zichen behind him: "Xiao Chen, Master has agreed to your proposal and said that the limit on the number of challenges will be lifted."

Hearing the good news, Lin Zichen smiled and hugged her from behind, and said in a gentle voice: "Thanks to you for this, tell me what reward you want."

Shen Qinghan thought for a while, hesitated for a moment and then said in a soft voice: "I have always been your licking dog, and I also want to experience the feeling of being licked..."

"Okay, tonight I will be your licking dog, so that you can experience the beauty of being pleased."


Shen Qinghan was overjoyed.

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "Of course it's true, courtesy reciprocates."

at the same time.

Office of the Student Union President.

More than a dozen high-ranking student union officials in the school were sitting around for a meeting.

"This Lin Zichen is too arrogant and arrogant!"

"How dare you speak nonsense in front of so many people, saying that you even dare to beat the president!"

"He is simply challenging the authority of our student union, and he must be dealt with seriously!"

A young man with a middle-parted hairstyle said to everyone angrily.

After others heard this, they started talking to each other one by one and said:

"I have to say that this year's new king is indeed extremely powerful. Even Mingyu, whose biological level is as high as the seventh level, is vulnerable to him."

"Strong is strong, but if you are too crazy, you will be punished sooner or later."

"It's normal. He's young. If I could be as strong as him when I was a freshman, I would be crazy. I think he can join the student union."

"That's normal! He's so crazy that he even dares to beat the president. I think he's mentally ill!"


As time went on, more and more people began to express their opinions.

Most of them were expressing dissatisfaction, saying that Lin Zichen should be dealt with seriously and the authority of the student union should be maintained.

A small number of people admired Lin Zichen and said they wanted to win him over to join the student union.

"President, what do you think about Lin Zichen's fight on his behalf?"

A beautiful girl with a ponytail, a women's suit and high heels looked at Zhou Xuehong who was sitting in the main seat and asked.

Zhou Xuehong looked calm and said calmly: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. When they encounter strong enemies and are frustrated in the future, they will no longer be crazy."

As the president of the student union, he didn't take Lin Zichen seriously at all.

In his eyes, Lin Zichen's physical talent was much better than others, and his other talents were average.

Taking gene fusion fitness as an example, he had deliberately learned about Lin Zichen's results.

Not high, only a mere 15%.

This gene fusion fitness score is a top genius for most people.

However, in a student union where the top picks are everywhere and the second place picks are worse than dogs, they can only look inconspicuous.

To sum up, his evaluation of Lin Zichen was in these four words: very average.

Usually in such a situation.

In the early stage when everyone's biological level was not high, Lin Zichen was able to stand out with his powerful physical talent and performed very well.

But when everyone's biological level rises and gene fusion goes deeper, Lin Zichen, whose gene fusion fitness is only 15%, will lose all his advantages and be eclipsed.

Among the freshmen of this class, Zhou Xuehong is most optimistic about Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei.

Especially Li Moyu.

Zhou Xuehong believes that as long as the No. 1 pick in Kyoto is given enough time to grow, it is no exaggeration to say that all future school records of Shandong University will most likely be broken by the No. 1 pick in Kyoto.

As for Lin Zichen, it would be great to be ranked in the top five.

Moreover, this was only possible if Lin Zichen gave up pure-blood humans in time and switched to genetic fusion.

If Lin Zichen still insists on being a pure-blooded human, then I'm sorry. In the future, he will be considered successful if he can rank among the top ten in this session.

The next day, it was dawn.

Lin Zichen woke up early, helped Shen Qing cover the quilt, got out of bed, left the room, and went to the balcony outside for morning exercises.

What you practice is body tempering.

The difficulty of the third body tempering is much higher than the second time.

Mainly reflected in the pain aspect.

During the tempering process, it can make people grimace in pain.

But the good news is that the tempering efficiency seems to be pretty good, just a little slower than the second body tempering.

Two hours later.

Lin Zichen finished his training and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for Shen Qinghan.

After Shen Qinghan finished breakfast and went to class, he returned to the balcony to continue training.

The training lasts until about 10 am.

Put away your yoga mat.

I went to the bathroom and took a refreshing cold shower.

Then, he lay on the sofa, opened the credit mall with his mobile phone, and looked for the next exotic animal meat to devour.

I spent almost half an hour looking at the mall.

Finally, a kind of exotic animal meat called "Nine-turn Soul Insect Meat" caught Lin Zichen's attention.

Nine-turn soul insect?

What kind of strange beast is this?

Lin Zichen was a little surprised to see a strange beast he didn't recognize.

Click on the product details and scan the contents at a glance.

Then, I learned that the Nine-turn Soul Insect is a strange beast that was only discovered recently.

Characterized by extremely strong mental power.

It can teleport objects 10 times or even 100 times heavier than itself.

Very mentally strong?

After opening the album, you will probably get a biological attribute that can strengthen your mental power.

After so many years of improving qi and blood, it's time to improve his mental strength.

The next animal meat to be devoured is decidedly yours.

It's just that the price is a bit ridiculously expensive.

Get 50 credits per pound.

Well, after all, it is a new type of exotic beast that has just been discovered. The production is limited, and things are rare and expensive.

When the output increases in the future, the price should come down a lot...

After thinking about it for a while.

Lin Zichen spent 50 credits and placed an order for a pound of Nine-turn Soul Insect meat. He thought about turning on the album progress bar first.

It's almost 3pm.

The courier has arrived.

Lin Zichen opened the package and took a few glances at the so-called Nine-turn Soul Insect Meat.

It looks like Cordyceps sinensis.

It's just that the color is black, which gives people a poisonous feeling.

Without thinking too much, he just touched and swallowed.

[You have swallowed a trace of the life source of the "Nine-turn Soul Insect\

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