Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 151 One kick kills you

Just do it.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Zichen asked Li Chuxin to take him to find the senior sister.

We first came to the senior sister’s dormitory, but there was no one there.

He should be in class.

I checked the class schedule of my senior's class and found out that she was currently taking martial arts classes in the gym.

Whether you are an evolution student or a mechanical student, you still need to practice martial arts in college, strengthen your leg and foot skills, and improve your melee strength.

Soon, Lin Zichen and others arrived at the gymnasium.

At this time, there were several classes in the gymnasium, all of which were sophomore classes.

"Zi Chen is the girl with burgundy hair, her name is Li Ziqi."

Li Chuxin looked around and soon found the senior who bullied her in the class further back, and pointed her finger at Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen followed her direction and saw a very beautiful girl.

Her hair is dyed burgundy and slightly curled, her skin is fair and smooth, her figure is curvy, and her overall temperament is very sexy.

If Shen Qinghan scores 10 points and Li Chuxin scores 7 points, then this beautiful senior can score 9 points.

As good as the female stars on the screen, she stands out in the crowd.

"Come on, let's go there."

After saying that, Lin Zichen walked to the class where the red-haired senior student was.

Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin both followed.

"Is that this year's Rookie King named Lin Hechen?"

"It's really Lin Zichen."

"Why did he come to the gym? Why does he look like he's looking for trouble?"

"Heading towards Evolution Class 2."

"The girl behind him is so beautiful."

There was a burst of discussion in the gymnasium, and many people noticed Lin Zichen and the others.

Lin Zichen ignored these voices.

Under the gaze of many people, he walked straight to the red-haired senior's class and stopped, shouting to the red-haired senior: "Li Ziqi, can you come out for a moment?"

The red-haired senior frowned.

Then, accompanied by his roommate, he walked out of the class.

"What's up?"

The red-haired senior asked knowingly.

She saw Li Chuxin and already guessed why Lin Zichen came to her.

Lin Zichen didn't talk nonsense to her, and chose to get straight to the point: "My friend said that you borrowed two cosmetics from her and didn't return them. Is this true?"

"Watch your wording, okay? What do you mean by borrowing something and not returning it? It sounds like I'm robbing her. I'll naturally return it to her when I've used it enough."

The red-haired senior looked displeased and added: "Besides, I didn't use hers in vain. In exchange, I also gave her my cosmetics."

She knew that Lin Zichen was the new king, and she was a little afraid of him.

But it was just a little scary.

Now that someone is making trouble in front of everyone, no matter how scared you are, you have to hold on and never give in.

Otherwise, there will be no place to put your face in the future.

"But mine is new, and the ones you gave me are almost used up..."

Li Chuxin muttered.

Hearing this, the red-haired senior frowned, feeling that Li Chuxin was ignorant and a little angry.

She glared at Li Chuxin and said dissatisfied: "Why don't I just lend you cosmetics? As for mobilizing people like this? How stingy."

Bully the newbies and then accuse them of being stingy?

A bit outrageous.

Lin Zichen didn't want to talk too much to the red-haired senior, so he directly gave the solution: "You don't need to return my friend's two cosmetics. You can treat them as if they were bought from her, and pay as much as you should."

"Okay, but my roommate also gave your friend cosmetics. Likewise, you have to ask your friend to compensate my roommate!"

The red-haired senior's roommate said.

This is not helping relatives anymore.

Li Chuxin took out two pieces of cosmetics from her small satchel, handed them to the red-haired senior, and said: "Um...Senior, I haven't used the cosmetics you gave me, so I'll return them to you now."

The red-haired senior reached out and took it, giving it a cursory glance.

Then, he frowned and said, "Senior sister, there was so much of this bottle of facial cleanser and moisturizer when I gave it to you. Now it's almost bottomed out. You still say you haven't used it. Isn't that too much?"

"No, I really haven't used it. There was only so little left when you gave it to me."

"Where's the evidence?"

"Senior sister, you are unreasonable. You knew that you only had so little left when you gave it to me, and yet you still act like this!"

Li Chuxin was a little annoyed, and his volume suddenly increased a lot.

The red-haired senior sister was convinced today, and said expressionlessly: "In short, I can pay you money, but you have to pay me accordingly, otherwise there will be no discussion."

It was true that she had some concerns about Lin Zichen.

But scruples are scruples, and nothing can be said today that will defeat the purpose of these three freshmen. You must maintain your dignity as an old student.

Not to mention, she also has a boyfriend who holds an important position in the student union and also has a background.

This saves her from being too timid in front of a new king.

It's not necessary.

Seeing that the other party was not cooperative, Lin Zichen was too lazy to waste time negotiating.

He looked at the red-haired senior's martial arts teacher, a somewhat bald middle-aged man, and asked politely:

"Teacher, I remember that the school seems to respect the law of the weak and the strong. How to interpret this law specifically? Does it mean that the strong can trample on the weak at will?"

"That's not true."

After the bald teacher finished speaking, he explained: "Actually, it is not accurate to say that the law of the jungle is eaten by the strong. More accurately, the school advocates natural selection."

"I just hope that students can be more competitive with each other, let their fists speak for themselves, and don't use their mouths if they can use their hands."

"Like the conflict you are encountering now, if verbal conversation cannot resolve it, you can choose to go to the martial arts platform to resolve it and use your fists to speak."

The bald teacher continued: "At Shandong University, students have the right to challenge once a week."

"The weak can challenge the strong unconditionally, but the strong must first obtain the consent of the weak if they want to confront the weak."

"As for the determination of strength, if there is a combat power ranking, it depends on the combat power ranking. If there is no combat power ranking, it depends on the grade."

"Also, challenges require bets, usually credits."

"The number of credits to bet is decided jointly by both parties in the duel."

"If there is a disagreement between the two parties, the bet will be the most basic 1 credit by default."

The bald teacher added: "You are now a freshman, and you are not on any strength list, so you have the unconditional right to challenge."

Lin Zichen nodded: "I understand, thank you teacher for your answer."

At the same time, I thought to myself, this bald teacher is quite neutral and does not favor the students in his class.

Maybe he couldn't stand the old students bullying the new students.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen looked at the red-haired senior and used his senses to peek at the opponent's biological level.

When ordering dishes, he is only an average fifth level, not as high as Shen Qinghan.

However, this ability can be considered excellent in a regular sophomore class.


"You, a boy with a physical advantage, still want to bully me, a girl?"

"Excuse me?"

Facing Lin Zichen's gaze, the red-haired senior felt a little panicked, but she still pretended to be calm and said so.

I hope that my gender abduction will make Lin Zichen have some concerns and not take action against her.

Li Chuxin saw the panic in her eyes and knew that her side had the advantage now.

So, he retorted decisively: "As an old student, you have the nerve to bully us freshmen, how can you have the nerve to say this?"

A bitch who pretends to be powerful!

The red-haired senior glanced at Li Chuxin

"Hanhan, go challenge her."

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan beside him and said calmly.

Ordinary fifth-level weaklings don't need him to take action.


Shen Qinghan was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Lin Zichen would send her to challenge the red-haired senior.

But soon, she accepted this and nodded: "I understand."

Li Chuxin on the side was also a little confused. After reacting, he immediately reminded: "Zi Chen, this senior is trying to provoke the general. Don't let Hanhan get in!"

In her heart, Shen Qinghan was still the scumbag who was at the bottom of the class with her.

She was worried that Shen Qinghan would be beaten if she went up.

Faced with her distrust, Shen Qinghan just said calmly: "I can win."

After saying that, she took out her phone and let Lin Zichen hold it.

Then he picked the nearest martial arts platform and rushed out in one stride. When he was still more than ten meters away from the martial arts platform, he jumped up high.

Then he turned back and looked condescendingly at the red-haired senior in the audience. His voice was as cold as possible, but it still sounded a little sweet:

"Shen Qinghan, a freshman class genius, challenges Li Ziqi, a sophomore evolution class 2!"

The moment she finished speaking, her jet-black hair instantly became bright blue and extremely beautiful.

Many boys in the audience were stunned for a moment.

The red-haired senior who was challenged felt humiliated and looked very ugly.

She had watched the video of this year's freshman trial and was deeply impressed by Shen Qinghan, who looked ridiculously beautiful.

Shen Qinghan in the video is a useless vase. She is chased and beaten by girls from the ordinary class throughout the whole process. She is extremely weak.

The biological level is only ordinary second level by visual inspection.

Now, only more than three months have passed since the start of the school trial.

In such a short period of time, no matter how talented Shen Qinghan is and how fast he evolves, his current biological level is only an ordinary fourth level.

How can an ordinary fourth-level weakling have the confidence to say he can beat me?

Who do you look down on!

I'll finish you off in three seconds, you weakling who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!

After thinking about it, the red-haired senior's calves exerted force, and the next second she jumped out of the air, jumping onto the martial arts platform in the blink of an eye.

"Senior sister, how many credits do you want to bet?"

The red-haired senior looked at Shen Qinghan with a smile, feeling that she was sure to win.

Shen Qinghan was not in a hurry to answer. He looked at Li Chuxin in the audience and asked, "Chu Xin, how much are the two cosmetics she took away worth in total?"

Li Chuxin: "It adds up to more than 5,000."

Shen Qinghan nodded, looked at the red-haired senior, and said in a rare and crisp voice: "Bet 1 credit."

"One credit is too little. I don't like it. If you want to bet, bet bigger. Bet 10 credits. Do you dare?"

The red-haired senior felt that she was sure to win over Shen Qinghan.

Faced with the red-haired senior's proposal, Shen Qinghan did not make a decision immediately. Instead, she turned to look at Lin Zichen in the audience and asked for his opinion.

In the past half semester, her strength has improved a lot, but her personality is still not independent enough.

Many times, Lin Zichen needs to make decisions for her.

Lin Zichen had long been accustomed to this and nodded silently to her, indicating that he could gamble.

After getting this answer.

Shen Qinghan turned around, looked at the red-haired senior sister and said, "Then bet 10 credits."

The red-haired senior smiled: "I like being ambitious."

Seeing both of them on stage, the bald teacher in the audience spontaneously became the referee.

He looked at Shen Qinghan on the right side of the stage and shouted to her:

"Student, open the school app. There is a duel function in it. Click on it, search for the name of the person you want to challenge, click on the challenge, determine how many credits to bet, and the challenge will be established."

"Okay, I understand, thank you teacher."

Shen Qinghan thanked politely.

Then he took the mobile phone handed over by Lin Zichen, operated it as the bald teacher just said, and issued a challenge to the red-haired senior.

The red-haired senior smiled and accepted the challenge, and then handed the phone to her roommate for safekeeping.

The bald teacher looked at the two people on the stage and asked:

"The challenge has been established, are you ready?"



The two answered almost at the same time.

The bald teacher nodded, and then said in a loud voice: "The challenge begins!"

The moment the words fell!

Shen Qinghan immediately took a step forward and went straight towards the red-haired senior sister.

At the same time, with a thought, he controlled the qi and blood in her body from the air, causing the qi and blood in her body to fall into chaos.

So fast!

What's going on? I'm so dizzy!

The red-haired senior was just surprised by Shen Qinghan's speed. The next second, she suddenly felt dizzy and her limbs became weak.

Then, before she could even react to what was going on, Shen Qinghan rushed in front of her, raised his leg and swiped at her head!

Soon, a "bang" sound was heard!

Shen Qinghan's calf hit the red-haired senior's face hard and kicked her out of the martial arts arena.


Shen Qinghan was stunned.

She always thought that Lin Zichen wanted to temper her by asking her to challenge the red-haired senior on stage.

Therefore, I feel that my strength should be on par with the red-haired senior sister.

But the reality is that one kick will kill him in seconds.

PS: There is one more chapter, about three o'clock.

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