Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 134: Killing by leapfrog

On the old streets.

Lin Zichen walked slowly towards the alley ahead.

When he saw Catwoman with a pair of animal ears on her head and cat whiskers on her face walking out of the alley, his eyes suddenly brightened.

What a Catwoman!

Got 50 credits!


Just when Lin Zichen was thinking about 50 credits, a sound broke out from the front.

It was Catwoman, whose biological level was as high as ordinary ninth level, who moved.

At a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, he rushed towards Lin Zichen like lightning.

The speed was so fast that a powerful air current was generated all over the body.

The road they passed was instantly filled with dust.

Faced with the attack of a catwoman of the same rank, Lin Zichen was not afraid at all, and immediately rushed towards the opponent with an explosion of energy and blood, running towards the opponent in both directions.

"Why is he faster than me?!"

Catwoman, who was attacking Lin Zichen, was stunned when she saw Lin Zichen suddenly burst out with a speed far exceeding hers.

At the moment when her mind was confused.

Lin Zichen, who was a hundred meters away a moment ago, had flashed in front of her and punched her innocent student face.

Then, there was just a "bang" explosion.

Catwoman, who received a solid punch, flew backwards in an instant, hit the ground hard, rolled over, and crashed into the alley.

Soon, there was another "bang".

Lin Zichen's calves exerted force suddenly, and the powerful explosive force directly crushed the ground. He instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed into the alley, pursuing the victory.

When he rushed into the alley, Catwoman, who had just been punched away by him, was already getting up from the ground.

The half of the face that received the punch exploded.

But what exploded was the fake face on the surface, revealing the face of a woman in her forties.

Not ugly, somewhat pretty, but not eye-catching.

"Is it just a shame..."

Lin Zichen looked at Catwoman standing up against the wall in front of him, and was surprised that her head wasn't blown off by a punch.

This was the first time since childhood that he had encountered an opponent who could withstand 50% of his strength.

When he was surprised.

Catwoman on the other side was extremely shocked.

This boy looks so young, at the age of high school or just entering college, how come he is so strong?


No trace of a gene fusion can be seen on his body!

The punch he just punched was purely based on the strength of his own body!

But how is this possible? !

In just a short moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through Catwoman's mind, and then her face was full of panic, realizing that she might be in trouble today.

With this thought in mind, she didn't hesitate at all. She kicked her legs hard and ran away behind her with a "buzz" sound.

She is fused with the shadow night cat gene, and her speed is far faster than that of creatures of the same level, and can be comparable to advanced creatures.

As long as you don't seek death, or encounter high-level creatures that are crushed by their strength, you will always be invincible and can run away at any time if you can't defeat them.

However, Lin Zichen behind her was not weaker than her at all, even faster than her!

In less than a few seconds, he caught up with her, flew up into the air and kicked her hard on the head.

This kick uses 100% power!


Just listen to this explosion.

Catwoman, who was galloping, was kicked out on the spot and hit the wall with a "bang". Her body sank deep inside and disappeared.

Probably a few seconds passed.

There was a sound of gravel falling to the ground.

Catwoman was trapped deep in the wall before crawling out in a state of embarrassment.

At this time, her neck was broken, and the head attached to it was pulled down weakly, looking a bit visceral.

Lin Zichen didn't give her a chance to breathe. He immediately rushed forward and kicked her again. With a "bang", he kicked her into the wall again.

The shock caused the wall to collapse with large cobweb cracks, and it was on the verge of collapse.

This time, there was no movement in the wall for a long time, and Catwoman seemed to be dead inside.

But Lin Zichen knew that Catwoman was not dead.

Because he can also sense the biological coercion emanating from Catwoman.

However, the intensity of this biological pressure is getting weaker and weaker.

Like a candle that is about to burn out, it will be extinguished soon.

Just when Lin Zichen picked up a brick and was about to smash it into the wall to hit Catwoman.

The biological pressure inside Catwoman's body was getting weaker and weaker, and suddenly it burned violently like a fire that had been poured oil.

The more it burns, the more prosperous it becomes!

The more it burns, the more prosperous it becomes...

In just the blink of an eye, the biological coercion in Catwoman's body soared from the almost extinguished ordinary first level to the peak ordinary ninth level.

And, it continues to soar.

It wasn't until he broke the shackles of ordinary creatures and just crossed the threshold to evolve into advanced creatures that he slowly stabilized.


The wall full of cracks suddenly exploded, and the whole alley was filled with rubble and smoke.

Then, a muscular figure came into Lin Zichen's eyes.

It's Catwoman.

But the image has changed dramatically.

The neck was not broken and healed on its own.

The whole body is full of bulging muscles, which are extremely strong.

His eyes were full of wildness and oppression.

In a life-and-death crisis, Catwoman was forced to choose to completely activate all the Shadow Night Cat genes in her body to further her alienation and gain even greater strength.

The price is that you lose more humanity, and at the same time your bestiality becomes heavier, and your rationality also decreases.

For her, the price is permanent.

Because her gene fusion adaptability is not high, she is prone to backlash from alien genes.

This is exactly how she degenerates into Catwoman.

"Who the hell are you!"

Catwoman bared her teeth and stared at Lin Zichen fiercely, completely losing her previous innocent school girl look.

At this moment, her animal nature has surpassed her humanity.

But the severe pain that kept coming from her body kept her from losing her mind and killing Lin Zichen regardless.

Lin Zichen did not answer Catwoman's question.

Seeing that the opponent's biological level had suddenly been raised to the advanced level, and that he was in a desperate posture of fighting to the death, he felt that the risk of fighting was very high.

So, he said calmly: "Sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

After saying that, he flashed his body and completely disappeared at the entrance of the alley in the blink of an eye.

Catwoman was unsure of Lin Zichen's strength and chose to watch him leave instead of fighting with him.

"Who is he?"

"Why is the physical strength so exaggerated?"

"This is simply unbelievable..."

Catwoman murmured a few words, then quickly flashed and left this land of right and wrong, lest things change later.

The moment she stepped out of the alley!

Suddenly, a steel pipe as thick as an egg was inserted from the side and penetrated her head with a pop, pinning her to the wall.

She was attacked by a sneak attack, but before she could react to resist, a second steel pipe was quickly inserted and penetrated her heart with a "pop" sound.

As soon as the second steel pipe was inserted, it was immediately pulled out and then inserted with force.




He thrust dozens or hundreds of times at high frequency.

Each blow was filled with the power of blood, savagely destroying the muscles, bones, flesh and blood in Catwoman's body, and impaling her alive on a wall at the entrance of the alley.

Seeing that Catwoman was already dead and all the biological pressure in her body had disappeared, Lin Zichen let go of the steel pipe in his hand and threw it to the ground.

Killed by force beyond the level.

A high-level gene fusion person was simply killed by force.

Although it was an element of a sneak attack, with ordinary ninth-level strength, he was able to kill a high-level shadow night cat gene fusion person without any injuries.

The natural camouflage is really strong. I can hide my aura and hide against the wall. Even the advanced shadow night cat gene fusion person with extremely strong sense of facial features cannot sense my existence.

Well, there is also the damage blessing of natural selection.

When thinking about these.

The adrenaline secreted in Lin Zichen's body had almost completely subsided.

Without the help of adrenaline, looking at Catwoman's body with blood holes on the wall, he suddenly felt a little psychologically uncomfortable.

But it's okay, it's not serious.

After all, he had killed ratmen a long time ago, so he was somewhat immune to some discomfort.

"Once it happens, it will happen twice. I will find an opportunity to let the little filthy girl see blood in the future and exercise her cowardly character..."

Lin Zichen thought to himself.

He felt that since Shen Qinghan had embarked on the path of evolution, he would have to face a fight sooner or later.

Let her see blood in advance and let her experience the cruelty of natural selection. This will allow her to go further on the path of evolution in the future.

Some didn't think about this for a while.

Lin Zichen raised his hand to wipe the blood that was spattered on his face, then wiped his hands clean, took out his cell phone from his pocket, took a photo of Catwoman's death, and uploaded it to the school app's task system to prove that he had solved Catwoman.

Then, call the Sheriff's Department to come and clean up the scene.

After doing all this, Lin Zichen reached out to touch Catwoman's body in front of him and began to devour the Shadow Night Cat gene in the other person's body.

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of "Shadow Night Cat\

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