Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 126 One person defeated the entire genius class

"I resist from the front, you cover me from all sides!"

"I'm in charge of the flanks!"

"I will attack as a guerrilla and assist you!"

The freshmen in the genius class had a clear division of labor and cooperated with each other to crush Lin Zichen with their numerical advantage.

Facing the freshmen from the gifted class brought in from all directions, Lin Zichen had no intention of playing house with them, so he just flashed his body and started a crushing performance.

A burst of ordinary seventh-level speed.

Take the initiative to sprint in front of every new student from the gifted class who attacks.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, they all punch each other.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang..."

Only a burst of intensive boxing sounds were heard.

The freshmen from the gifted class were surrounding Lin Zichen just a moment ago.

The next moment they flew out one after another.

Then, they all fell to the ground, curled up on the ground with pain on their faces and unable to stand up.


When Lin Zichen was fighting with a group of freshmen from the gifted class, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in the crowd.

It was Ma Xiwei who rushed out!

When Lin Zichen wasn't paying attention, she rushed out of the crowd in an instant, and flew toward the stage with a pig-headed face, aiming directly at Shen Qinghan on the stage.

Lin Zichen swollen her face, and as retaliation, she would also swell Shen Qinghan's face!

Let Lin Zichen see his beautiful fiancée swollen into a pig's head and see what he will think!

"Death to the traitor!"

When Ma Xiwei sprinted to a distance of more than 20 meters from the martial platform, he kicked the ground hard with his calf, and jumped into the air, drawing a perfect parabola in the air and flying towards the martial platform.

Just when she was about to land on the martial arts stage!

Lin Zichen jumped up, instantly ejected behind her, and kicked her hard on the buttocks.

Then, just listen to the sound of "bang"!

Ma Xiwei, who was in mid-air, felt that her butt was about to burst.

Then the next second, the whole person was sent flying out by the powerful impact from his buttocks, and he hit the crowd heavily, making him unable to get up from the pain.

When Ma Zhenhe, who was in the corridor on the second floor, saw this, he immediately jumped into the crowd and anxiously checked his daughter's injury.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, but my butt was swollen.

Over there at Wutai.

Under the leadership of Li Moyu, the freshmen in the gifted class quickly started the second round of attack.

This attack was more violent than the first time.

However, he still couldn't withstand Lin Zichen's punches and kicks, and he was knocked upside down within a moment.

Everyone at the scene was stunned by the scene in front of them.

Everyone's original idea was that at the beginning of the trial, all the freshmen from the regular class would unite to attack the gifted class, trying to steal a top 10 spot from the gifted class.

But now it's completely the other way around.

Because Lin Zichen was too strong, all the freshmen from the gifted class besieged Lin Zichen, just to prevent him from taking all the top 10 places by himself.

The most shocking thing is that the entire genius class was mobilized and could not beat Lin Zichen!

That's a whole class of geniuses!

Among them are Li Moyu, the number one scholar in Kyoto, Ma Xiwei, the number four scholar in Kyoto, as well as peerless geniuses such as the number one scholar in each province.

But even with such an exaggerated on-paper combat power, there was nothing he could do about Lin Zichen at this moment.

He punched one and kicked two, leaving him completely unable to fight back.

This scene is simply unprecedented!

About half a minute later.

Except for the "traitor" Shen Qinghan, all the other freshmen in the gifted class were knocked to the ground by Lin Zichen. They were all so painful that they were curled up on the ground and unable to stand up, completely losing their fighting ability.

Among them, Li Moyu, who was the leader, was beaten the worst. His face was swollen into a pig's head, which was even more swollen than Ma Xi's before.

At this time, the stopwatch on the big screen was almost one minute old.





When the timer reaches [60s], the big screen performs face recognition on the people on the stage as before.

Immediately afterwards.

Shen Qinghan's student photo appeared on the big screen, congratulating her for winning second place in the opening trial.

Seeing that he had successfully won the second place, Lin Zichen jumped onto the stage, looked at the freshmen in the ordinary class below and shouted: "Who wants to be the third place in the trial? The ranking is yours! The credits are mine!"

"Me me me!"

"Brother Chen, let me be the third one!"

"Zi Chen, I'm coming!"

In an instant, the freshmen in the general class in the audience were all enthusiastically recommending themselves, and they all wanted to experience the feeling of standing on the martial arts stage and being the center of attention.

Lin Zichen looked around and finally selected Li Chuxin, who had been shouting in the crowd, and shouted to her:

"Chu Xin, come up!"


Li Chuxin was so excited that she quickly squeezed out of the crowd and jumped onto the martial arts platform with a strong jump.

While she was on stage, Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan off the stage.

Then, the big screen above the martial arts platform started counting as usual.

From the timer [1s] to [60s], no one dared to come on stage to harass the whole process. They all watched helplessly in the audience as Li Chuxin became third.

After successfully winning 80 points for third place.

Lin Zichen wasted no time and quickly randomly selected a freshman from the ordinary class to come on stage, making him the fourth place and getting 70 credits.

At the same time, in the corridor on the second floor.

Seeing that the freshmen in his gifted class at the Evolution College were failing, Ma Zhenhe looked at Yuan Dongzhi and said:

"Xiao Yuan, what Lin Zichen is doing is a bit against the rules. He has already won the Rookie King. How can he still be a thug and find puppets to contract with the top 10?"

"Why is it against the rules?"

Liu Chuanwu was the first to jump out and object, saying unceremoniously: "Come on, come on, Dean Ma, tell me, when did it stipulate that you can't be the top 10 thugs in the first-term trial?"

Ma Zhenhe said: "It is true that there is no explicit rule against this, but this does not mean that Lin Zichen's behavior is reasonable. What he is doing now is exploiting loopholes in the rules and should be stopped."

In the past, the rookie kings were all chosen through a battle of life and death within the genius class.

After basically winning the Rookie King, my physical strength was almost exhausted.

This year's Lin Zichen is an exception.

His strength is unique, far superior to other freshmen, and he can defeat an entire talented class by himself.

During this period, I didn't even take a breath, the whole process was a dimensionality reduction attack.

After finishing, I still have endless energy and can be a thug and take the top 10 places.

"Dean Ma is right. This is indeed a loophole in the rules."

After saying that, the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering added: "However, we can only repair it next year, not now, otherwise it will be unfair to Lin Zichen."

Other school leaders also said: "Yes, the trials are already in progress. There is no reason to change the rules now. We can only wait until next year to change them."

Although these school leaders don't like Liu Chuanwu or Tianren Pavilion, they are still reasonable people.

Of course, the main reason is that they are all vested interests now.

Every time Lin Zichen allows a freshman in the regular class to reach the top ten, all the freshmen in the regular class will get 1 credit.

These are all resources that are given away for free, don’t use them for free.

After hearing what other school leaders said, Ma Zhenhe knew that he had touched the interests of other colleges, so he wisely kept silent.

But his face was very ugly, and he was obviously holding his breath.

Yuan Dongzhi glanced at him and said calmly: "Dean Ma, your mood has become more and more unstable recently. Please slow down the progress of the fusion of the Fire Eagle gene, so as not to affect your daily life."

Ma Zhenhe calmed down and said, "I know about Principal Yuan."

PS: There is one more chapter, maybe a little bit.

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