
There was a loud slamming sound.

Ma Xiwei, the only genetic fusion among the freshmen, made her debut under the spotlight.

She has beautiful features, a slender and curvy figure, and a pair of cute animal ears.

Because of her animal-eared appearance, she is extremely popular among male freshmen and is the dream lover of many male freshmen.

"Sister Wei is so sassy!"

"Sister Wei, fuck Lin Zichen and let him see the true level of the genius class!"

"Brother Chen, the ordinary class depends on you!"

"Lin Zichen, don't hold back just because she's pretty. You must crush her with all your strength!"

"Brother Chen, we must win!"

As soon as Ma Xiwei appeared on the stage, the freshmen in the gifted class in the audience began to cheer for her. The class had a strong sense of collective honor.

Seeing that everyone in the gifted class was shouting, the freshmen in the ordinary class were not to be outdone and followed suit, cheering for Lin Zichen.

Because of the large number of people, the cheers of cheering from the freshmen in the ordinary class soon drowned out the cheering cheers from the gifted class.

Listen to the shouts of the freshmen in the regular class.

I feel everyone’s support for Lin Zichen.

Shen Qinghan, who was in the genius class camp, couldn't hold it back for a moment and also shouted:

"Xiaochen, come on!"

The sound is crispy and sweet, and it sounds very pleasant.

However, this voice sounded from the genius class camp.

Seems a little out of place.

Many people in the class turned to look at her when Shen Qinghan shouted.

Shen Qinghan realized that what he shouted was inappropriate, and instinctively raised his hand to cover his mouth, bowed his head and silently stepped aside, acting like a transparent person with no sense of existence.

I thought to myself that I must be careful with my words and actions in the future.

On the martial arts stage.

Lin Zichen and Ma Xiwei ignored the shouts from the audience, and both looked at each other.

Ma Xiwei stared at Lin Zichen as if facing a formidable enemy.

Lin Zichen, on the other hand, looked at Ma Xiwei calmly, carefully observing the only gene fusion person among the freshmen in the school.

Regarding gene fusion, he has watched it countless times in videos or books since he was a child.

This is the first time that I have really looked at it so closely.

As for the rat men of the Rat God Sect in the past, because every encounter was a life and death crisis, they had no chance to observe them carefully.


Suddenly, a sound broke through the air!

Ma Xiwei, who had been staring at Lin Zichen with a vigilant expression just now, instantly turned into an afterimage and charged towards Lin Zichen like lightning.

She didn't have to reveal her physical test data like the two provincial top picks before.

She doesn't say much and chooses to take action directly.

So fast...

Is this the attribute blessing of Shadow Night Cat?

While Lin Zichen marveled, he turned his body slightly to one side and easily avoided Ma Xi's slightly rushing kick.

How could he be dodged so easily?

The blow missed, and Ma Xiwei was shocked, with some doubts about life on his face.

Integrated with the Shadow Night Cat gene, her speed has reached the level of ordinary fifth level.

However, Lin Zichen was able to easily avoid the kick she just kicked.

The strength of the two sides...the gap is too huge!

With this thought, Ma Xiwei immediately distanced herself from Lin Zichen.

She knew that her current self was not enough to pose a threat to Lin Zichen.

There is no point in continuing the attack.

"I have no chance to win against you now."

"Give me half a minute. After I fully activate the Shadow Night Cat gene in my body, I will compete with you again."

"If you take action against me during this period, you will be defeated without force and have no martial virtue at all."

After the moral kidnapping, Ma Xiwei, who had retreated to the edge of the martial arts platform, suddenly became ferocious, activating the Shadow Night Cat gene in his body.

Soon, the characteristics of the shadow night owl on her body became more and more obvious at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The animal ears gradually enlarged, slender cat whiskers grew around the mouth, and the eyes gradually became more wild and full of oppression.

The overall appearance is changing from a cute girl with animal ears to a wild and ferocious beast.

As the shadow night owl gene in the body is continuously activated.

The biological coercion exuded from Ma Xiwei gradually increased from an ordinary fifth-level goalkeeper at the beginning to a relatively high level among ordinary fifth-level players.

"Lin Zichen, don't let her get stronger, attack her quickly!"

There were freshmen from the general class in the audience who were anxious and shouted at Lin Zichen on the stage at the top of their lungs, for fear that he would lose his pretense.

Lin Zichen ignored the shouts from the audience and carefully observed the process of Ma Xiwei activating the Shadow Night Cat gene.

This is a rare observation opportunity to glean the characteristics of a Shadow Cat gene fusion.

Missing it is a loss.

As for Ma Xiwei getting stronger... No matter how strong she becomes, it will only be a matter of time.

In the corridor on the second floor.

When the school leaders saw Ma Xiwei's change on the martial arts platform, one or two of them were surprised.

"Dean Ma, the Shadow Night Cat gene in your daughter's body has actually penetrated to this extent. This gene fusion talent is too high."

"Genius, more genius than imagined!"

"I can only say that he is worthy of being the top pick in the Kyoto College Entrance Examination, and his talent is better than the top picks in other provinces.

Several school leaders were complimenting Ma Zhenhe and trying to curry favor with him by praising his daughter.

Ma Zhenhe did not respond, but frowned slightly.

His daughter Ma Xiwei had just integrated the Shadow Night Cat gene not long ago, and her body had not fully adapted to the Shadow Night Cat gene.

If the Shadow Night Cat gene is activated too much, it will cause a certain degree of backlash damage to the body.

If nothing else happens, I'm afraid I'll have to lie in bed to recuperate in the next half month.

Alas, this child has really not changed at all, he is still as competitive as when he was a child...

Ma Zhenhe sighed inwardly.

At this time, Liu Chuanwu on the side said: "Dean Ma, your daughter is overstretching her body. It would be good if she can win the Newcomer King, but if she can't, it will be more than the gain is worth the loss."

Ma Zhenhe retorted: "Huh, no matter how overstretched your body is, it is still stronger than your pure-blood human. At least when you are in danger, you can use it to temporarily increase your strength to achieve a comeback. Your useless pure-blood human Together, you can’t overdraw even if you want to.”

This is true.

Liu Chuanwu knew that pure-blood humans had no advantage in this regard, so he stopped speaking.

On the martial arts stage.

Ma Xiwei has activated all the shadow night cat genes in his body, and the biological pressure emanating from his body is infinitely close to that of ordinary sixth level.

"Lin Zichen, you are too arrogant."

"You really just watched me activate the Shadow Night Cat gene in my body, and watched me continue to grow stronger."

"Next, you will pay the price for your arrogance just now."

Ma Xiwei looked at Lin Zichen in front with more oppressive eyes and said in a cold voice.

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a "buzz" sound!

Ma Xi's tiny legs suddenly exerted force, and she flashed in front of Lin Zichen, raised her slender right leg and kicked him in the head.

Facing this sharp kick, Lin Zichen remained calm and dodged it as easily as before, showing his ease.

Ma Xi's expression changed slightly. She still couldn't attack him. How could this be possible? !

With this shock, the next second, she immediately attacked Lin Zichen with full firepower, without holding back at all.

Side kicks, whip kicks, leg sweeps...

Punch, uppercut, straight punch...

Knee strikes, elbow strikes, flying kicks...

Ma Xiwei exploded with all his strength and speed, using all the leg and foot skills he had at his disposal to attack Lin Zichen crazily.

However, the result remained the same, they were all avoided by Lin Zichen.

The freshmen in the audience and the school leaders in the corridor on the second floor were all stunned and in disbelief when they saw what happened on the stage.

Ma Xi has become so much stronger, but still can't attack Lin Zichen?

What's going on with Lin Zichen?

Among them, Liu Chuanwu was also surprised by this.

He is confident that Lin Zichen can win the Newcomer King because Lin Zichen has completed a skin tempering and his physical defense has greatly increased. In a duel, he can use his strong resistance to attack to kill his opponent.

But now, the opponent can't touch Lin Zichen at all!

The speed Lin Zichen showed at this moment was already too powerful!

On the other side, Yuan Dongzhi frowned slightly.

She originally thought that Lin Zichen was just an ordinary college entrance examination provincial second place, and she didn't think much of him.

But at this moment, the physical strength displayed by Lin Zichen was not at the level expected of an ordinary provincial second place player.

Is it the gain brought by pure-blooded humans?

Yuan Dongzhi thought of this and immediately looked at Liu Chuanwu who was not far away.

Then, seeing Liu Chuanwu showing surprise like everyone else, she frowned even more.

It is not a gain for pure-blooded humans.

This is Lin Zichen's own strength and has nothing to do with joining Tianren Pavilion.

At this moment, Yuan Dongzhi realized that there must be a secret hidden in Lin Zichen.

Shen Qinghan and Lin Zichen, there is something wrong with these childhood sweethearts.

PS: There is one more chapter, about two o'clock.

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