Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 120 Ants also have three points of fire

"That man's name is Gao Ziyong. I was in the same class as him in high school. His current biological level should be ordinary level three."

"That cute girl with twin tails is the daughter of my mother's colleague. Her biological level is only ordinary second level. She should be the weakest one in the genius class."

"Comrades from Evolution Class 8, Gao Ziyong will be left to your class to deal with. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, I guarantee it will be dry!"

"Leave the one with the twin tails to me, I can kill her by myself!"

After deciding to gang up on the freshmen in the gifted class, all the freshmen in the ordinary class began to take action.

Everyone divides work and cooperates, each performing his or her duties.

Anyone who knows a freshman in a gifted class will take the initiative to expose each other's information and tell them how well they scored in the college entrance examination and what their abilities are.

Those who have the attitude of a leader will start to mobilize their troops after hearing this, arranging how many troops to deal with so and so in the genius class.

Lin Zichen looked at the scene in front of him and said to Shen Qinghan on the side:

"This scene looks a bit like a game in which players form a team to fight a big boss. Our ordinary class is the players, and your genius class is the big boss."

Shen Qinghan stood on tiptoes, leaned into his ear and whispered in his ear: "Right now, it's true that the ordinary class will form a team to fight the genius class boss, but after a while, it will probably be the genius class teaming up to fight the boss, beating a super boss like you. "

When saying this, Shen Qinghan's voice sounded a little excited.

She couldn't wait to see Lin Zichen single-handedly destroy the entire genius class. She was eager to see Lin Zichen show his strength in front of others and shock the whole audience.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a little urgent to urinate.

Shen Qinghan said to Lin Zichen: "Xiaochen, I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be back soon."

After saying that, she crossed her legs and trotted toward the bathroom.

In less than three minutes, she trotted back.

When she was about to run to Lin Zichen.

A girl from the ordinary class with a bun in her hair stopped her and said, "You are from the gifted class. Go back to your gifted class camp. You are not allowed to come to our ordinary class camp!"

"I'm neutral."

Shen Qinghan explained weakly.

Although she has become a top genius and has become much more confident, her low self-esteem and introversion over the past many years have made her instinctively act a little timid when facing menacing strangers.

"Who cares whether you are neutral or not? As long as you are in the genius class, you are now against us!"

Girls with round hair are a bit aggressive.

When Lin Zichen saw this scene, he immediately went over to speak for Shen Qinghan and smiled: "She is my childhood sweetheart. Let her come in and I will say a few words to her."

"Ah, oh okay."

Facing the handsome Lin Zichen, the girl with a round head stuttered a bit, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

Lin Zichen's appearance is so destructive to girls of the same age that few girls of the same age can resist him.

Seeing the girl give way, Shen Qinghan quickly walked to Lin Zichen's side.

Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan aside and said to her:

"I think it would be better for you to go back to the gifted class. As a freshman in the gifted class, you must have a sense of class honor, especially at the beginning of school, otherwise you will be easily excluded."

"But I want to be with you..."

"I want to, but it's really not suitable."

"Oh well……"

Shen Qinghan was a little reluctant, but still chose to be obedient.

She thought about it and felt that Lin Zichen was right.

It’s just the beginning of school, so we really need to have a sense of collective honor in the class to avoid being ostracized.

After thinking about this, Shen Qinghan quickly returned to the genius class.

After she returned to her position, all 2,959 freshmen from the regular class and 50 freshmen from the gifted class stood on both sides of the central martial arts stage, with clearly differentiated camps.

Not long after, the announcement in the stadium rang and the countdown started.

"There are still ten seconds until the trial starts!"





Listening to the countdown, all the freshmen fell silent.

The adrenaline keeps pumping.

The heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

Nervous emotions suddenly filled his body.




As the countdown gets closer and closer to the start of the trial, many freshmen with poor mental quality begin to feel weak in their legs and their hands tremble slightly.

Especially the small group of freshmen in the gifted class who have relatively low physical strength and rely entirely on genetic fusion fitness to improve themselves.

Although they are freshmen in the gifted class, their biological level is only ordinary second level, which is the same level as most freshmen in the ordinary class.

And then, on average, they have to face dozens or hundreds of ordinary class freshmen with the same combat power as themselves. It is difficult not to feel weak when they are beaten by these ordinary class freshmen with the same combat power.

On the contrary, super geniuses such as Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei, whose physical strength far exceeds that of their peers, will be full of fighting spirit, eager to try, and want to experience the feeling of crushing a thousand people with one horse.




"The trial has officially begun!"

At the moment when the last broadcast sounded.

The freshmen in the ordinary class rushed towards the freshmen in the gifted class like waves.

"Everyone, come on! Let's destroy the genius class!"

"A member of the genius class has stepped onto the stage! It's Gao Ziyong, whose biological level is as high as ordinary level 3! All members of Evolution Class 6, come to me! Knock him off the stage!"

"She's from Mechanical Class 2, 3, and 4! Our target is Zhao Chuying! Don't be so merciful just because she's a woman! Beat her up with all your strength!"

Under the shouts full of fighting spirit.

The freshmen from the ordinary class, who had the numerical advantage, all rushed into the camp of the gifted class, chasing the freshmen from the gifted class with clear goals.

At the beginning, the scene was orderly.

But because there were too many people, and many freshmen in the gifted class were running around to avoid the group fight.

Within a moment, the whole scene became chaotic.

"Stop fighting, I surrender, I surrender!"

There was a female freshman who was an ordinary second-level genius class. She was surrounded by more than ten female freshmen from the ordinary class. She was pushed to the ground and beaten, and she repeatedly begged for mercy.

The dozen or so female freshmen in the ordinary class are considered to be relatively moral.

When he saw the target person shouting surrender, he immediately stopped and never beat him more.

"You idiot! You can only bully others when there are more people. What kind of skills do you have? You have the guts to challenge me one on one!"

The male freshman in the genius class named Gao Ziyong, whose biological level was as high as ordinary level three, was surrounded by the entire class of Evolution Class 6 on the martial arts platform and was besieged. He was so anxious that he cursed.

However, no one wanted to challenge him in a one-on-one fight, and they all chose to beat him up in a group.

"Stop, don't run! Does the genius class only know how to run away? You're a coward!"

Shen Qinghan, who has a delicate body, was targeted by more than a dozen female freshmen from the ordinary class and chased all over the gymnasium.

She didn't run very fast, but with her silky footwork, she was able to escape the clutches of these ordinary female freshmen every time, making them curse and curse in anger.

On the other side, Lin Zichen originally wanted to jump on the martial arts platform to guard the boss at the beginning of the trial, and simply win the title of Newcomer King and receive a 100-credit reward.

But seeing that the freshmen in the regular class were so motivated, I chose to let them perform first and not steal their hard-won limelight.

After all, we have to formulate tactics, arrange troops, and do this and that. It is time for others to show off.

When he was bored, Lin Zichen kept looking around and watching the show.

Soon, his eyes fell on Shen Qinghan.

I saw Shen Qinghan being chased and beaten by a group of people.

However, he did not come to rescue, he just watched quietly.

He felt that this was the training that Shen Qinghan should go through as an evolutionary student, and helping her would do more harm than good.

"My footwork is pretty good. I've been training him all these years."

Seeing that Shen Qinghan was being chased for almost ten minutes without being caught by the group of female freshmen from the ordinary class. The whole time, he was slithering around in the crowd like a loach with extremely smooth movements. Lin Zichen couldn't help but approve in his heart. One sentence.

However, less than three seconds after the praise passed, Shen Qinghan was caught.

Fortunately, she had low self-esteem and chose to surrender the moment she was caught to avoid being beaten.

He looked away from Shen Qinghan.

Lin Zichen looked around the entire stadium.

The scenes that came into view were all the freshmen in the gifted class being gang-banged and beaten violently.

The reason why there is such a one-sided situation is because the top combat power in the genius class has not taken action.

A total of 12 people from the top talent class, headed by Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei, were all standing in the corridor on the second floor, looking down at the battlefield below to watch the show.

Before the trial begins.

These 12 people jumped high into the corridor on the second floor, and were at the same height as a group of school leaders in the opposite corridor.

This approach seems to have separated him from the freshmen, and he has to be as superior as the school leaders opposite.

Lin Zichen glanced at the top 12 geniuses in the corridor on the second floor and activated the biological attribute [Danger Perception] to sense the biological levels of these 12 people.

The strongest ones, Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei, both had biological levels as high as ordinary fifth level.

The remaining 10 people all started with ordinary fourth-level biological levels.

Li Moyu's five senses were sharp and he noticed that Lin Zichen below was observing them. He looked at Lin Zichen with a smile and invited: "Lin Zichen, come up and watch the battle together?"

Lin Zichen smiled and declined: "No, I'll be fine down there."

After about twenty minutes passed.

Under the group fight of nearly 3,000 freshmen from the ordinary class, except for the 12 people in the corridor on the second floor, the freshmen from the gifted class below were completely defeated.

The freshmen of the general class who had won a great victory all gathered under the 12 people in the corridor on the second floor and shouted to them:

"Come down!"

"Come down and die!"


The freshmen in the ordinary class who had just won a perfect victory were all extremely swollen at the moment, thinking that the gifted class was nothing more than that.

I can't wait to defeat the top 12 people in the genius class and compete for the ordinary class.

"Oh, relying on the large number of people to bully the small number, and defeating a few weak chickens will swell to the point where there is no point to count. Little do you know that ants are ants, and no matter how many there are, they can't bite the elephant."

In the corridor on the second floor, a big boy with a height of two meters looked down at the freshmen in the ordinary class who were shouting below, his eyes full of disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped down from the corridor on the second floor and hit the ground with a thud, leaving an obvious shoe hole on the wooden board on the ground.

His weight was so heavy that ordinary wooden floors could not withstand his impact.

"Don't you all like to bully the minority?"

"Come on, I'll stand here and you can attack me as you wish."

"So that you can realize your weakness."

The big boy looked at the freshman in the regular class in front of him with a calm expression, his tone was so disdainful that it was irritating.

Seeing that his body was as huge as a mountain, the freshmen in the ordinary class standing at the front suddenly felt fearful and instinctively took a few steps back.

But soon, someone in the crowd shouted to boost morale:

"We are so scared. If we all rush forward and punch him, we can knock him to the ground and beg for mercy!"

"You're right, there are many of us, let's fuck him!"

"Come on, fuck him!"

The freshmen in the ordinary class rekindled their fighting spirit and rushed towards the big boy in a swarm, intending to use their numerical advantage to kill him.

Facing the large number of freshmen from the general class rushing towards them, the big boy didn't panic at all. He directly raised his legs and kicked them over, kicking away the few people rushing at the front.

The boy who hit him flew up to a height of more than three meters, and then hit the ground with a "bang". He curled up on the ground in pain and couldn't get up, his face was full of pain.

"Blood, he vomited blood!"

Someone saw blood oozing from the corner of the boy's mouth. He was a little frightened and his face was full of panic.

He was kicked so hard that he vomited blood. He must have suffered internal injuries!

Soon, medical staff who had been stationed at the scene brought a stretcher and took away the boy who was vomiting blood to treat his injuries.

This scene frightened many freshmen in the regular class into retreating.

He didn't dare to take a step closer to the big boy, for fear that he would be kicked and vomit blood.

Everyone just came to participate in a trial and never thought about getting seriously injured.

At this moment, the situation suddenly reversed.

The freshmen in the ordinary class thought that they could defeat everyone in the gifted class with their numerical advantage.

But from the current point of view, this is a serious underestimate of the strength of the top talent class.

This gap is so big that it cannot be smoothed out simply by numbers.

"We are all classmates, why would you do something so harsh!"

There was a freshman in the regular class who looked at the big boy with a dissatisfied look on his face and scolded him.

The big boy also smiled and said:

"The ant tried its best to bite the elephant, but couldn't bite the elephant. The elephant was annoyed, so it lightly touched the ant, and the ant broke its leg. Then the ant accused the elephant of being cruel. Don't you think this is funny?"

The freshmen in the regular class were all furious when they heard this sarcastic statement.

It's true that they are in ordinary classes, but being admitted to Shanhai University means that they were all the proud students of their own schools when they were in high school.

However, at this moment, he was being looked down upon like this.

This is simply unbearable!

But they couldn't bear it, they still didn't dare to go up.

"Lin Zichen, this guy is so arrogant. He keeps scolding our ordinary class one by one. Go and fuck him!"

Soon, a freshman from the regular class shouted.

It's okay if they can't beat the big boys, as long as Lin Zichen can beat them!

Lin Zichen was ranked second in Nanjiang Province and ranked first in the province in physical test data. He could definitely compete with, or even win, this big boy from the genius class!

PS: There is one more chapter, about two o'clock.

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