"This is the one, Ji Yuan Tianjiao, who has turned seven in the flesh." It should be right. Except for him, I can't think of anyone who has such terror and subdues all the gods. "

"However, this is also a ruthless man, and now that the Protoss is so powerful, he is actually pressing him with force.

"That's right, you don't even look at how terrifying he is. At this time, this guy's combat power has reached this level. I'm afraid that it is not inferior to the ancient demon emperor and **** emperor."-

After the sound of the discussion, all the strong people looked at this - the figure standing in the starry sky in awe.

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Chapter 1226 Demon Emperor

However, just when the atmosphere of the starry sky seemed to freeze, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

"This time we are here to discuss important matters, so why bother with such trivial matters?"

Saying that, an old man with a long white beard and white hair walked out from the corner of the starry sky.

"The secret family-

Whispering, Yu Ziyu also slowly withdrew her coercion.

He was just trying to test the Protoss, but he had no intention of taking action.

However, he did not expect that it would attract the mysterious race of Tianji.

According to legend, this race has calculated the secrets and is able to spy on fate.

Therefore, being cursed by heaven, ~ people are extremely rare.

And the reason for identifying the identity of this race is not the appearance of a human race, but the aura that seems to be - not

In the faint, like the way of heaven, but it is a bit nondescript-different.

However, even so, Yu Ziyu would not underestimate this race.

Just because of this race, there are indeed some means.

In every era, behind the most top-notch powers, there is a shadow of this one race.

Like in the last era, the Heavenly Court that coerced ten thousand clans had members of the Tianji clan,

as a high-level.

"We don't want to make trouble." - Sheng replied, but it was the God King not far away who went down the steps given by this Tianji clan.

"I don't want to

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Yu Ziyu did not brush away the persuasion of this Tianji clan.

However, at the next moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"It's best to take care of that guy, the God of Light, if he dares to attack my allies again, I don't mind declaring war with your God Race.


The sudden anger shouted, but did not wait for the God of Chaos to say anything.

The leader of the God King has waved his hand to block, and then stepped forward and said bluntly:

"When I go back, naturally I will be strictly disciplined."

Having said that, the one-eyed king changed his words and said with a smile:

"It's just, I didn't expect that a mere angel-clan would ask your Excellency to take action."


She laughed lightly, but Yu Ziyu didn't say anything.

Although the angel family is not very powerful now.

But this race, but one of the top ten powerful races, naturally has a terrible place.

And this will become more and more prominent with practice.

The strong family is called the strong family.

It's just because the powerhouses from their clan are far superior to other races.

And now the gods are so disdainful of the angels, I am afraid that they will have to do it in the future.

But Yu Ziyu has no doubts about whether the angel family can surpass the gods. Maybe not in the short term.

After all, the Protoss are inherently powerful.

However, with the passage of time, it is not difficult for the angel family to overwhelm the Protoss.

Just because the people of the Protoss have always been rare.

And the angel family has no less than hundreds of millions of people

Its strong will also be destined to emerge in endlessly.


In terms of potential alone, the Angels are more terrifying than the Protoss.

And now, as the master of the demon court, he has made a move for the angel family. If it reaches the ears of the angel family, I am afraid that he will be reluctant to conquer the angel family.

And this is the real reason why Yu Ziyu took action against the Protoss in front of ten thousand clans.

As for other reasons.

It is nothing more than standing up and killing chickens to warn monkeys.

And this time

Without responding to the words of the **** king, Qian Ziyu also turned his eyes and looked at the white-bearded old man who came not far away.

"I didn't expect that your Tianji-Clan would actually be involved in such things.

"Everything is fixed, I am just looking for the guidance of fate."

Saying this, the old man of the Tianji clan also looked at Yu Ziyu deeply, and there was surprise in the depths of his eyes.

This is the Western Star Region, the demon emperor who has emerged like the sun in the sky?

Really scary and terrifying.

However, for a moment, as if he had noticed something, the expression of the old man of the Tianji clan suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions. "this, this, this"

After three in a row, he looked at Yu Ziyu with too many eyes - Mop couldn't tell the weirdness.

"What's wrong?"

In the sudden voice, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

"It's okay, it's okay"

He waved his hands again and again, but this old man of the Tianji family still couldn't hide the shock on his face.

Just because he couldn't see through Yu Ziyu's fate. Not because of strength, nor because of anything else. It's more like being 'cut off' by someone.

However, how is this possible?

Erase the fate of others, and other means, except the Eternal Venerable, who else can do it.

In today's era, how can there be eternal birth?

ask for flowers 0-

unless, unless"

Taking a deep breath, this old man of the Tianji clan also suppressed the shock in his heart and took the initiative to say hello:

"I am the great elder of the Tianji family, the Crown of the Demon Emperor, you can call me the Tianji old man, and Yu Ziyu nodded slightly. However, after a moment, Yu Ziyu seemed to be a little stunned and hesitated:

"You just called me the 'Demon Emperor?'"

Nodding his head, this old man of Tianji also said truthfully:

"Your Excellency, you are the master of the demon court, and now there is an ancient demon emperor. The prestige of the **** emperor is not called 'demon emperor 039, what is it called?"

After a while of silence, Yu Ziyu was speechless.

However, at this time, if you look at the corner of Yu Ziyu's eyes, you will definitely find that the corner of his eye twitches again and again. Unstoppable twitching.

And the reason for this is also because he has already heard that 'Tianji Clan 039, the most favorite thing to do is to call the strong.

And most of these names are true.

There is a saying that is good.

'Only the wrong name, no wrong nickname'. As for the Tianji family, what they like to do most is to take nicknames.

Of course, it is not easy for them to take nicknames.

Just because they get nicknames, all of them will spread out, and it is easier to be recognized by all ethnic groups.

And this is also the reason why the Tianji clan is famous among the ten thousand clans.

After all, most of the nicknames given by the strong are likely to be taken by the Tianji family.

"Okay." With a faint reply, Yu Ziyu reluctantly accepted the title of 'Demon Emperor 039'.

Now, he can't accept it.

Looking up, what Yu Ziyu saw was the unstoppable blinking eyes of one strong man after another.

"Your Majesty the Demon King"-

With a chuckle, the distant Scarlet Dragon greeted him.

"The Demon King and the Demons"-

Whispering, the colorful phoenix Ni Chang looked at Yu Ziyu with a hint of thought.

This is not a simple title.

It's just because the 'Demon 039's coverage is too wide, too wide, even their Phoenix clan and Dragon clan have-

Classified as a monster.

And 'the emperor of the demon emperor, the emperor of the demon, what does it mean, there is no need to say much.

This title is not so arrogant

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The first thousand two hundred and twenty-seven chapters come from heaven

In today's era, the title symbolizes fate and luck to a certain extent-

Ordinary people, if the title is too terrifying, and it is nothing more than a burden, it is very likely to suffer a catastrophe.

The more powerful the title, the more difficult it is to change.

It's just because, it's not the name that's changed, it's fate and destiny

Therefore, if the name of Qian Ziyu's "Demon Emperor" is recognized by all ethnic groups, then he will bear a lot, a lot of

Even if he proves that the Tao is eternal, it is difficult to get rid of this title.

And now

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor" "His Excellency the Demon Emperor-

One after another, countless strong men took the initiative to greet Yu Ziyu.

This is their recognition of Yu Ziyu's strength.

It's also a respect.

Of course, there must be bad thoughts.

After all, if Yu Ziyu took on this title, the fate of "May 4, 3" would not be enough to bear the consequences, which would be catastrophic.



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