Who can do it?

This is a ghost court.

In the past there was still an abyss that could be suppressed.

But after the great defeat of the abyss, Yao Ting was finally honored.

However, until now, many forces do not understand that Yaoting does not take the initiative to walk out to defend against the void.

This is the best chance for Yaoting Starry Sky to 'respect'.

"Is it possible that, as the one said, Yaoting has secretly joined forces with Void"?"

Suddenly, the eyes of this dragon ruler became deeper and deeper.

At this time, Void didn't know Wanzu's guess.

Now they are mighty, holding a grand ceremony in the deepest part of the void.

This is the 'Civilization Ceremony'

Two Void Supremes...

king of the four voids,

decagon sequence,

There are also hundreds of Void Masters, all of whom are in the eight directions.

Except for the master who guarded the frontier of the void, the rest of the masters returned.

And these, the masters, together created the void of today.

Forged immortality today.

. . .

Void Supreme, Violet Scythe and Void Concubine, sitting high on the Immortal Throne,

Like a king, looking down on the world.

On the side, the four kings of the void, the king of knights, the king of the god tree, the king of the abyss archmage, and the last fallen angel king Avril... sit quietly.This is the core of the void.

The most powerful, the most terrifying.

Void Sovereign, at least the existence of the fifth layer of Tianmen, is unfathomable, so far few people have forced their true strength.

And the Four Heavenly Kings of the Void are all taboos, the terrifying existence of the Four Heavenly Gates.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying the void is now.

As for the top ten sequences below.

From zero to 9, generation after generation,

But from ancient times to the present, they are all respected by strength.

The weakest ones are all in the late stage of Tianmen Third Layer.

The strongest, even, has set foot on the fourth level of Tianmen.

However, not many people know about this.

Just because the top ten sequences of the void are too mysterious.

Especially the third king of the void, the one who bears jealousy, is even more mysterious.

According to legend, he has a great relationship with the Lord of the Void.

And in the end, it is naturally the Hundred Masters.

Saying it is a hundred is an exaggeration.

Nine + a few are still there.

The rest, mostly guarding the border.

And these, sitting quietly, are all looking up at the supreme and king above the sky.

"I heard that the Lord of the Void is also coming."

"The Lord of the Void? I've been in the Void for so long, I haven't seen it yet?"

"You haven't seen it? What are you kidding? The dragon that surrounds the world is the Lord of the Void. We see the twinkling stars in the night sky every day, all of which are the scales of the Lord of the Void." "What?"

Among the horrified voices, this new master of the void was also stunned.

Are you kidding me?

Is that the Lord of the Void?

Slowly raise your eyes to the sky,

Vaguely, you can see the distant stars, twinkling in the sky.

Is that the scale of the Void Lord?


After a while of silence, the Void Master became more and more horrified.

It's just... this time...


In the sudden roar, the entire void was shaken.

Looking at Xunsheng, there is actually a purple clock hanging high in the sky.

This is the Void Bell.

According to legend, the supreme imperial soldier was built after exhausting the strength of the family.

A bell ringing is enough to shake the ages.

However, what no one knows is that this clock is modeled after the legendary Chaos Clock of Godless Soldiers, and the reason why he has such power is also because of the soul of the Chaos Clock.

Simply put, this is the clone of Chaos Clock.

She sits in the void with her avatar,

It is also a recognition of the void.

After all, Yu Ziyu is the master of Chaos Clock.

And as the master's imperial soldier, it is normal for her to drop a ray of soul and protect the void.


Another bell rang, the void was silent, and the eyes of countless people were focused on the high platform.

It is a high platform that leads directly to the Nine Heavens.

There are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine jade steps.

And above that step, there is a flame, burning.

However, that flame is illusory.

(Nord's) And that is the fire of civilization.

Only when it is really ignited will the fire of civilization come from the illusory to the reality.

At that time, the fate of the entire void will converge here and turn into something that burns with the fire of civilization.so,

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Void."

Suddenly, the Void Heavenly Concubine, the Void Supreme, stepped down first and knelt down on one knee in Changtian.

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Void..."

"Respectfully, the Lord of the Void..."

"Respectfully, the Lord of the Void..."

In the repeated shouts, countless strong men fell to the ground and looked at the sky.Vaguely, they all saw...

I saw... an unimaginable real dragon, neighing in the sky.

That's the 'dragon around the world'.

That's 'The Greatest Dragon

The legendary Lord of the Void.

The creator of the void. .

Lei Ig

Chapter [*] The fire of civilization finally burns!

The Void Purple Dragon has come.

In an unimaginable gesture, it came.

look down on everything,

Overlook everything.

As he stepped out, the void vibrated.

Vaguely, countless people saw it... In the distance, there was a figure stepping on Tianyu.

It was a tall and burly figure.

A long hair that looks like purple but not purple, like black but not black, fluttering in the wind.

The dragon's horns are high, as if to tear the universe apart.

A pair of eyes, deep and cold, as if hiding an endless edge.

This is the body of Yu Ziyu's Void Purple Dragon.

For a long time, soon, he became even stronger.

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